* New module structure (not backwards compatible).
* Added user login system with 2 user levels (administrator and regular user).
* Added warning threshold option (set number of failed checks before server goes offline).
* Added SMTP support.
* Adding Bulgarian language file.
* Added history tracking of server uptime.
* Added history graphs of server uptime and latency.
* Added user profile page.
* Status page is now default homepage.
* Updated translations.
* Date and time formats are taken from language file and localized per language.
* When checking a website, the updater will now follow 302 Location headers.
* String/pattern search on websites did not work for websites with compression turned on.
* The monitor now uses a custom user agent so it can be identified in access logs (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/version; +http://www.phpservermonitor.org)).
* Improved mobile compatibility.
* Template directory restructured to correspond with module structure.
* Switched from mysql_* to PDO.
* Updated PHPMailer package to v5.2.6.
* Fixed several XSS vulnerabilities.
* Project website updated to <http://www.phpservermonitor.org>