/* * OpenVPN-GUI -- A Windows GUI for OpenVPN. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Sundman * 2010 Heiko Hund * 2016 Selva Nair * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "options.h" #include "main.h" #include "openvpn-gui-res.h" #include "localization.h" #include "misc.h" #include "registry.h" #include "save_pass.h" #define streq(x, y) (_tcscmp((x), (y)) == 0) extern options_t o; static version_t MakeVersion(short ma, short mi, short b, short r) { version_t v = { ma, mi, b, r }; return v; } static void ExpandString(WCHAR *str, int max_len) { WCHAR expanded_string[MAX_PATH]; int len = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(str, expanded_string, _countof(expanded_string)); if (len > max_len || len > (int)_countof(expanded_string)) { PrintDebug(L"Failed to expanded env vars in '%ls'. String too long", str); return; } wcsncpy(str, expanded_string, max_len); } void ExpandOptions(void) { ExpandString(o.exe_path, _countof(o.exe_path)); ExpandString(o.config_dir, _countof(o.config_dir)); ExpandString(o.global_config_dir, _countof(o.global_config_dir)); ExpandString(o.config_auto_dir, _countof(o.config_auto_dir)); ExpandString(o.log_dir, _countof(o.log_dir)); ExpandString(o.editor, _countof(o.editor)); ExpandString(o.log_viewer, _countof(o.log_viewer)); ExpandString(o.install_path, _countof(o.install_path)); } static int add_option(options_t *options, int i, TCHAR **p) { if (streq(p[0], _T("help"))) { TCHAR caption[200]; TCHAR msg[USAGE_BUF_SIZE]; /* We only print help and exit: release the semaphore to allow another instance */ CloseSemaphore(o.session_semaphore); /* OK to call even if semaphore is NULL */ o.session_semaphore = NULL; LoadLocalizedStringBuf(caption, _countof(caption), IDS_NFO_USAGECAPTION); LoadLocalizedStringBuf(msg, _countof(msg), IDS_NFO_USAGE); MessageBoxExW(NULL, msg, caption, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MBOX_RTL_FLAGS | MB_ICONINFORMATION, GetGUILanguage()); exit(0); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("connect")) && p[1]) { ++i; if (!options->auto_connect || options->num_auto_connect == options->max_auto_connect) { options->max_auto_connect += 10; void *tmp = realloc(options->auto_connect, sizeof(wchar_t *) * options->max_auto_connect); if (!tmp) { options->max_auto_connect -= 10; ErrorExit(1, L"Out of memory while parsing command line"); } options->auto_connect = tmp; } options->auto_connect[options->num_auto_connect++] = p[1]; /* Treat the first connect option to also mean --command connect profile. * This gets used if we are not the first instance. */ if (options->num_auto_connect == 1) { options->action = WM_OVPN_START; options->action_arg = p[1]; } } else if (streq(p[0], L"import") && p[1]) { ++i; /* This is interpreted directly or as a command depending * on we are the first instance or not. So, set as an action. */ options->action = WM_OVPN_IMPORT; options->action_arg = p[1]; } else if (streq(p[0], _T("exe_path")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->exe_path, p[1], _countof(options->exe_path) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("config_dir")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->config_dir, p[1], _countof(options->config_dir) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("ext_string")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->ext_string, p[1], _countof(options->ext_string) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("log_dir")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->log_dir, p[1], _countof(options->log_dir) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("priority_string")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->priority_string, p[1], _countof(options->priority_string) - 1); } else if ((streq(p[0], _T("append_string")) || streq(p[0], _T("log_append"))) && p[1]) { ++i; options->log_append = _ttoi(p[1]) ? 1 : 0; } else if ((streq(p[0], _T("iservice_admin"))) && p[1]) { ++i; options->iservice_admin = _ttoi(p[1]) ? 1 : 0; } else if (streq(p[0], _T("log_viewer")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->log_viewer, p[1], _countof(options->log_viewer) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("editor")) && p[1]) { ++i; _tcsncpy(options->editor, p[1], _countof(options->editor) - 1); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("allow_edit")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("allow_service")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("allow_password")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("allow_proxy")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("show_balloon")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->show_balloon = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("service_only")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("show_script_window")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->show_script_window = _ttoi(p[1]) ? 1 : 0; } else if (streq(p[0], _T("silent_connection")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->silent_connection = _ttoi(p[1]) ? 1 : 0; } else if (streq(p[0], _T("passphrase_attempts")) && p[1]) { ++i; PrintDebug(L"Deprecated option: '%ls' ignored.", p[0]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("connectscript_timeout")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->connectscript_timeout = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("disconnectscript_timeout")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->disconnectscript_timeout = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("preconnectscript_timeout")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->preconnectscript_timeout = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("config_menu_view")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->config_menu_view = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("command")) && p[1]) { ++i; /* command to be sent to a running instance */ if (streq(p[1], _T("connect")) && p[2]) { /* Treat this as "--connect profile" in case this is the first instance */ add_option(options, i, &p[1]); ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_START; options->action_arg = p[2]; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("disconnect")) && p[2]) { ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_STOP; options->action_arg = p[2]; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("reconnect")) && p[2]) { ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_RESTART; options->action_arg = p[2]; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("status")) && p[2]) { ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_SHOWSTATUS; options->action_arg = p[2]; } else if (streq(p[1], L"import") && p[2]) { ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_IMPORT; options->action_arg = p[2]; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("silent_connection"))) { ++i; options->action = WM_OVPN_SILENT; options->action_arg = p[2] ? p[2] : _T("1"); } else if (streq(p[1], _T("disconnect_all"))) { options->action = WM_OVPN_STOPALL; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("exit"))) { options->action = WM_OVPN_EXIT; } else if (streq(p[1], _T("rescan"))) { options->action = WM_OVPN_RESCAN; } else { ShowLocalizedMsg(IDS_ERR_BAD_OPTION, p[0]); exit(1); } } else if (streq(p[0], _T("popup_mute_interval")) && p[1]) { ++i; options->popup_mute_interval = _ttoi(p[1]); } else if (streq(p[0], _T("disable_popup_messages"))) { options->disable_popup_messages = 1; } else if (streq(p[0], _T("management_port_offset")) && p[1]) { ++i; int tmp = _wtoi(p[1]); if (tmp < 1 || tmp > 61000) { MsgToEventLog( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, L"Specified management port offset is not valid (must be in the range 1 to 61000). Ignored."); } else { options->mgmt_port_offset = tmp; } } else { /* Unrecognized option or missing parameter */ ShowLocalizedMsg(IDS_ERR_BAD_OPTION, p[0]); exit(1); } return i; } static void parse_argv(options_t *options, int argc, TCHAR **argv) { int i, j; /* parse command line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { TCHAR *p[MAX_PARMS]; CLEAR(p); p[0] = argv[i]; if (_tcsncmp(p[0], _T("--"), 2) != 0) { /* Missing -- before option. */ ShowLocalizedMsg(IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER, p[0]); exit(0); } p[0] += 2; for (j = 1; j < MAX_PARMS; ++j) { if (i + j < argc) { TCHAR *arg = argv[i + j]; if (_tcsncmp(arg, _T("--"), 2) == 0) { break; } p[j] = arg; } } i = add_option(options, i, p); } } void InitOptions(options_t *opt) { CLEAR(*opt); opt->netcmd_semaphore = InitSemaphore(NULL); opt->version = MakeVersion(PACKAGE_VERSION_RESOURCE); opt->clr_warning = RGB(0xff, 0, 0); opt->clr_error = RGB(0xff, 0, 0); } void ProcessCommandLine(options_t *options, TCHAR *command_line) { TCHAR **argv; TCHAR *pos = command_line; int argc = 0; /* Count the arguments */ do { while (*pos == _T(' ')) { ++pos; } if (*pos == _T('\0')) { break; } ++argc; while (*pos != _T('\0') && *pos != _T(' ')) { ++pos; } } while (*pos != _T('\0')); if (argc == 0) { return; } /* Tokenize the arguments */ argv = (TCHAR **)malloc(argc * sizeof(TCHAR *)); pos = command_line; argc = 0; do { while (*pos == _T(' ')) { pos++; } if (*pos == _T('\0')) { break; } if (*pos == _T('\"')) { argv[argc++] = ++pos; while (*pos != _T('\0') && *pos != _T('\"')) { ++pos; } } else { argv[argc++] = pos; while (*pos != _T('\0') && *pos != _T(' ')) { ++pos; } } if (*pos == _T('\0')) { break; } *pos++ = _T('\0'); } while (*pos != _T('\0')); parse_argv(options, argc, argv); free(argv); ExpandOptions(); } /* Return num of connections with state = check */ int CountConnState(conn_state_t check) { int count = 0; for (connection_t *c = o.chead; c; c = c->next) { if (c->state == check) { ++count; } } return count; } connection_t * GetConnByManagement(SOCKET sk) { for (connection_t *c = o.chead; c; c = c->next) { if (c->manage.sk == sk) { return c; } } return NULL; } connection_t * GetConnByName(const WCHAR *name) { for (connection_t *c = o.chead; c; c = c->next) { if (wcsicmp(c->config_file, name) == 0 || wcsicmp(c->config_name, name) == 0) { return c; } } return NULL; } static BOOL BrowseFolder(const WCHAR *initial_path, WCHAR *selected_path, size_t selected_path_size) { IFileOpenDialog *pfd; HRESULT initResult, result, dialogResult = E_FAIL; /* Create dialog */ initResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (FAILED(initResult)) { return false; } result = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IFileOpenDialog, (void **)&pfd); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { /* Select folders, not files */ DWORD dwOptions; result = pfd->lpVtbl->GetOptions(pfd, &dwOptions); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { dwOptions |= FOS_PICKFOLDERS; result = pfd->lpVtbl->SetOptions(pfd, dwOptions); } /* Set initial path */ IShellItem *psi; result = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(initial_path, NULL, &IID_IShellItem, (void **)&psi); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { pfd->lpVtbl->SetFolder(pfd, psi); psi->lpVtbl->Release(psi); } /* Show dialog and copy the selected file path if the user didn't cancel */ dialogResult = pfd->lpVtbl->Show(pfd, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(dialogResult)) { IShellItem *psi; LPOLESTR path = NULL; result = pfd->lpVtbl->GetResult(pfd, &psi); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = psi->lpVtbl->GetDisplayName(psi, SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &path); } if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { wcsncpy_s(selected_path, selected_path_size, path, wcslen(path)); CoTaskMemFree(path); psi->lpVtbl->Release(psi); } else { dialogResult = E_FAIL; } } /* Cleanup */ pfd->lpVtbl->Release(pfd); } if (initResult != RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE && SUCCEEDED(initResult)) { CoUninitialize(); /*All successful CoInitializeEx calls must be balanced by a corresponding CoUninitialize */ } return SUCCEEDED(dialogResult); } static BOOL CheckAdvancedDlgParams(HWND hdlg) { WCHAR tmp_path[MAX_PATH]; /* replace empty entries by current values */ if (GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR)) == 0) { SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, o.config_dir); } if (GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hdlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR)) == 0) { SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, o.log_dir); } if (GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_EXT)) == 0) { SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_EXT, o.ext_string); } /* ensure paths are absolute */ GetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path)); ExpandString(tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path)); if (PathIsRelativeW(tmp_path)) { MessageBox( hdlg, L"Specified config directory is not an absolute path", L"Option error", MB_OK); return false; } GetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path)); ExpandString(tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path)); if (PathIsRelativeW(tmp_path)) { MessageBox( hdlg, L"Specified log directory is not an absolute path", L"Option error", MB_OK); return false; } BOOL status; int tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_MGMT_PORT, &status, FALSE); /* Restrict the port offset to sensible range -- port used is this + upto ~4000 as connection * index */ if (!status || (tmp < 1 || tmp > 61000)) { MessageBox(hdlg, L"Specified port is not valid (must be in the range 1 to 61000)", L"Option error", MB_OK); return false; } tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_POPUP_MUTE, &status, FALSE); if (!status || tmp < 0) { MessageBox(hdlg, L"Specified mute interval is not valid (must be a positive integer)", L"Option error", MB_OK); return false; } return true; } static BOOL SaveAdvancedDlgParams(HWND hdlg) { WCHAR tmp_path[MAX_PATH], tmp_path1[MAX_PATH]; UINT tmp; BOOL status; GetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, o.config_dir, _countof(o.config_dir)); GetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path)); wcsncpy(tmp_path1, tmp_path, _countof(tmp_path1)); ExpandString(tmp_path1, _countof(tmp_path1)); if (EnsureDirExists(tmp_path1)) /* this will try to create the path if needed */ { wcsncpy(o.log_dir, tmp_path, _countof(o.log_dir)); /* save unexpanded path */ } else { ShowLocalizedMsg(IDS_ERR_CREATE_PATH, L"Log", tmp_path1); return false; } GetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_EXT, o.ext_string, _countof(o.ext_string)); tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_PRECONNECT_TIMEOUT, &status, FALSE); if (status && tmp > 0) { o.preconnectscript_timeout = tmp; } tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &status, FALSE); if (status) { o.connectscript_timeout = tmp; } tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT, &status, FALSE); if (status && tmp > 0) { o.disconnectscript_timeout = tmp; } tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_MGMT_PORT, &status, FALSE); if (status) { o.mgmt_port_offset = tmp; } tmp = GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_POPUP_MUTE, &status, FALSE); if (status) { o.popup_mute_interval = tmp; } o.ovpn_engine = IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, ID_RB_ENGINE_OVPN3) ? OPENVPN_ENGINE_OVPN3 : OPENVPN_ENGINE_OVPN2; SaveRegistryKeys(); ExpandOptions(); return true; } static void LoadAdvancedDlgParams(HWND hdlg) { SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, o.config_dir); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_EXT, o.ext_string); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, o.log_dir); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_PRECONNECT_TIMEOUT, o.preconnectscript_timeout, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, o.connectscript_timeout, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT, o.disconnectscript_timeout, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_MGMT_PORT, o.mgmt_port_offset, FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, ID_EDT_POPUP_MUTE, o.popup_mute_interval, FALSE); if (o.config_menu_view == 0) { CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_BALLOON0, ID_RB_BALLOON2, ID_RB_BALLOON0); } else if (o.config_menu_view == 1) { CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_BALLOON0, ID_RB_BALLOON2, ID_RB_BALLOON1); } else if (o.config_menu_view == 2) { CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_BALLOON0, ID_RB_BALLOON2, ID_RB_BALLOON2); } /* BALLOON3 sets echo msg display to auto, BALLOON4 to never */ if (o.disable_popup_messages) { CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_BALLOON3, ID_RB_BALLOON4, ID_RB_BALLOON4); } else { CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_BALLOON3, ID_RB_BALLOON4, ID_RB_BALLOON3); } #ifdef ENABLE_OVPN3 CheckRadioButton(hdlg, ID_RB_ENGINE_OVPN2, ID_RB_ENGINE_OVPN3, o.ovpn_engine == OPENVPN_ENGINE_OVPN3 ? ID_RB_ENGINE_OVPN3 : ID_RB_ENGINE_OVPN2); #endif } INT_PTR CALLBACK AdvancedSettingsDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, UNUSED WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPPSHNOTIFY psn; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* Limit extension editbox to 4 chars. */ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_EXT), EM_SETLIMITTEXT, 4, 0); /* Limit management port editbox to 5 chars */ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_MGMT_PORT), EM_SETLIMITTEXT, 5, 0); /* Populate UI */ LoadAdvancedDlgParams(hwndDlg); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; case ID_BTN_CONFIG_DIR: GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, path, _countof(path)); if (BrowseFolder(path, path, _countof(path))) { SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_CONFIG_DIR, path); } break; case ID_BTN_LOG_DIR: GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, path, _countof(path)); if (BrowseFolder(path, path, _countof(path))) { SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, ID_EDT_LOG_DIR, path); } break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: psn = (LPPSHNOTIFY)lParam; if (psn->hdr.code == (UINT)PSN_KILLACTIVE) { SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (CheckAdvancedDlgParams(hwndDlg) ? FALSE : TRUE)); return TRUE; } if (psn->hdr.code == (UINT)PSN_APPLY) { BOOL status = SaveAdvancedDlgParams(hwndDlg); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, status ? PSNRET_NOERROR : PSNRET_INVALID); return TRUE; } if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, ID_RB_BALLOON2)) { o.config_menu_view = 2; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, ID_RB_BALLOON1)) { o.config_menu_view = 1; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, ID_RB_BALLOON0)) { o.config_menu_view = 0; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, ID_RB_BALLOON3)) { o.disable_popup_messages = 0; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, ID_RB_BALLOON4)) { o.disable_popup_messages = 1; } break; } return FALSE; } int CompareStringExpanded(const WCHAR *str1, const WCHAR *str2) { WCHAR str1_cpy[MAX_PATH], str2_cpy[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy(str1_cpy, str1, _countof(str1_cpy)); wcsncpy(str2_cpy, str2, _countof(str2_cpy)); str1_cpy[MAX_PATH - 1] = L'\0'; str2_cpy[MAX_PATH - 1] = L'\0'; ExpandString(str1_cpy, _countof(str1_cpy)); ExpandString(str2_cpy, _countof(str2_cpy)); return wcsicmp(str1_cpy, str2_cpy); } /* Hide the password save options from user */ void DisableSavePasswords(connection_t *c) { DeleteSavedPasswords(c->config_name); c->flags &= ~(FLAG_SAVE_AUTH_PASS | FLAG_SAVE_KEY_PASS); c->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE_SAVE_PASS; } /* Do not show popup messages generated by echo msg directives */ void DisablePopupMessages(connection_t *c) { c->flags |= FLAG_DISABLE_ECHO_MSG; }