/* * OpenVPN-GUI -- A Windows GUI for OpenVPN. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Sundman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include "main.h" #include "options.h" #include "openvpn-gui-res.h" #include "registry.h" #include "localization.h" extern struct options o; int GetRegistryKeys() { char windows_dir[MAX_PATH]; char temp_path[MAX_PATH]; char openvpn_path[MAX_PATH]; HKEY regkey; if (!GetWindowsDirectory(windows_dir, sizeof(windows_dir))) { /* can't get windows dir */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_GET_WINDOWS_DIR); return(false); } /* Get path to OpenVPN installation. */ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\OpenVPN", 0, KEY_READ, ®key) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* registry key not found */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_OPEN_REGISTRY); return(false); } if (!GetRegistryValue(regkey, "", openvpn_path, sizeof(openvpn_path))) { /* error reading registry value */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_READING_REGISTRY); return(false); } if(openvpn_path[strlen(openvpn_path) - 1] != '\\') strcat(openvpn_path, "\\"); mysnprintf(temp_path, "%sconfig", openvpn_path); if (!GetRegKey("config_dir", o.config_dir, temp_path, sizeof(o.config_dir))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("config_ext", o.ext_string, "ovpn", sizeof(o.ext_string))) return(false); mysnprintf(temp_path, "%sbin\\openvpn.exe", openvpn_path); if (!GetRegKey("exe_path", o.exe_path, temp_path, sizeof(o.exe_path))) return(false); mysnprintf(temp_path, "%slog", openvpn_path); if (!GetRegKey("log_dir", o.log_dir, temp_path, sizeof(o.log_dir))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("log_append", o.append_string, "0", sizeof(o.append_string))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("priority", o.priority_string, "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS", sizeof(o.priority_string))) return(false); mysnprintf(temp_path, "%s\\notepad.exe", windows_dir); if (!GetRegKey("log_viewer", o.log_viewer, temp_path, sizeof(o.log_viewer))) return(false); mysnprintf(temp_path, "%s\\notepad.exe", windows_dir); if (!GetRegKey("editor", o.editor, temp_path, sizeof(o.editor))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("allow_edit", o.allow_edit, "1", sizeof(o.allow_edit))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("allow_service", o.allow_service, "0", sizeof(o.allow_service))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("allow_password", o.allow_password, "1", sizeof(o.allow_password))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("allow_proxy", o.allow_proxy, "1", sizeof(o.allow_proxy))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("service_only", o.service_only, "0", sizeof(o.service_only))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("show_balloon", o.show_balloon, "1", sizeof(o.show_balloon))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("silent_connection", o.silent_connection, "0", sizeof(o.silent_connection))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("show_script_window", o.show_script_window, "1", sizeof(o.show_script_window))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("disconnect_on_suspend", o.disconnect_on_suspend, "1", sizeof(o.disconnect_on_suspend))) return(false); if (!GetRegKey("passphrase_attempts", o.psw_attempts_string, "3", sizeof(o.psw_attempts_string))) return(false); o.psw_attempts = atoi(o.psw_attempts_string); if ((o.psw_attempts < 1) || (o.psw_attempts > 9)) { /* 0 <= passphrase_attempts <= 9 */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_PASSPHRASE_ATTEMPTS); return(false); } if (!GetRegKey("connectscript_timeout", o.connectscript_timeout_string, "15", sizeof(o.connectscript_timeout_string))) return(false); o.connectscript_timeout = atoi(o.connectscript_timeout_string); if ((o.connectscript_timeout < 0) || (o.connectscript_timeout > 99)) { /* 0 <= connectscript_timeout <= 99 */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_CONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT); return(false); } if (!GetRegKey("disconnectscript_timeout", o.disconnectscript_timeout_string, "10", sizeof(o.disconnectscript_timeout_string))) return(false); o.disconnectscript_timeout = atoi(o.disconnectscript_timeout_string); if ((o.disconnectscript_timeout <= 0) || (o.disconnectscript_timeout > 99)) { /* 0 < disconnectscript_timeout <= 99 */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_DISCONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT); return(false); } if (!GetRegKey("preconnectscript_timeout", o.preconnectscript_timeout_string, "10", sizeof(o.preconnectscript_timeout_string))) return(false); o.preconnectscript_timeout = atoi(o.preconnectscript_timeout_string); if ((o.preconnectscript_timeout <= 0) || (o.preconnectscript_timeout > 99)) { /* 0 < disconnectscript_timeout <= 99 */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_PRECONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT); return(false); } return(true); } int GetRegKey(const char name[], char *data, const char default_data[], DWORD len) { LONG status; DWORD type; HKEY openvpn_key; HKEY openvpn_key_write; DWORD dwDispos; char expanded_string[MAX_PATH]; DWORD max_len; /* Save maximum string length */ max_len=len; /* If option is already set via cmd-line, return */ if (data[0] != 0) { // Expand environment variables inside the string. ExpandEnvironmentStrings(data, expanded_string, sizeof(expanded_string)); strncpy(data, expanded_string, max_len); return(true); } status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\OpenVPN-GUI", 0, KEY_READ, &openvpn_key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\OpenVPN-GUI", 0, (LPTSTR) "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &openvpn_key, &dwDispos) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* error creating registry key */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_CREATE_REG_KEY); return(false); } } /* get a registry string */ status = RegQueryValueEx(openvpn_key, name, NULL, &type, (byte *) data, &len); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_SZ) { /* key did not exist - set default value */ status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\OpenVPN-GUI", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &openvpn_key_write); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* can't open registry for writing */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_OPEN_WRITE_REG); return(false); } if(RegSetValueEx(openvpn_key_write, name, 0, REG_SZ, (const PBYTE) default_data, strlen(default_data)+1)) { /* cant read / set reg-key */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_READ_SET_KEY, name); return(false); } strncpy(data, default_data, max_len); RegCloseKey(openvpn_key_write); } RegCloseKey(openvpn_key); // Expand environment variables inside the string. ExpandEnvironmentStrings(data, expanded_string, sizeof(expanded_string)); strncpy(data, expanded_string, max_len); return(true); } LONG GetRegistryValue(HKEY regkey, const char *name, char *data, DWORD len) { LONG status; DWORD type; DWORD data_len; data_len = len; /* get a registry string */ status = RegQueryValueEx(regkey, name, NULL, &type, (byte *) data, &data_len); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_SZ) return(0); return(data_len); } int SetRegistryValue(HKEY regkey, const char *name, char *data) { /* set a registry string */ if(RegSetValueEx(regkey, name, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) data, strlen(data)+1) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Error writing registry value */ ShowLocalizedMsg(GUI_NAME, ERR_WRITE_REGVALUE, GUI_REGKEY_HKCU, name); return(0); } return(1); }