#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <windows.h> #include <wincrypt.h> #include "main.h" #include "registry.h" #include "save_pass.h" #include "passphrase.h" #define KEY_PASS_DATA L"key-data" #define AUTH_PASS_DATA L"auth-data" #define ENTROPY_DATA L"entropy" #define AUTH_USER_DATA L"username" #define ENTROPY_LEN 16 static DWORD crypt_protect(BYTE *data, int szdata, char *entropy, BYTE **out) { DATA_BLOB data_out; DATA_BLOB data_in; DATA_BLOB e; data_in.pbData = data; data_in.cbData = szdata; e.pbData = (BYTE*) entropy; e.cbData = entropy? strlen(entropy) : 0; if(CryptProtectData(&data_in, NULL, &e, NULL, NULL, 0, &data_out)) { *out = data_out.pbData; return data_out.cbData; } PrintDebug(L"CryptProtectData failed (error = %lu)", GetLastError()); return 0; } static DWORD crypt_unprotect(BYTE *data, int szdata, char *entropy, BYTE **out) { DATA_BLOB data_in; DATA_BLOB data_out = {0,0}; DATA_BLOB e; data_in.pbData = data; data_in.cbData = szdata; e.pbData = (BYTE *) entropy; e.cbData = entropy? strlen(entropy) : 0; if(CryptUnprotectData(&data_in, NULL, &e, NULL, NULL, 0, &data_out)) { *out = data_out.pbData; return data_out.cbData; } else { PrintDebug(L"CryptUnprotectData: decryption failed"); LocalFree (data_out.pbData); return 0; } } /* * If not found in registry and generate is true, a new nul terminated * random string is generated and saved in registry. * Else a zero-length string is returned and registry is not updated. */ static void get_entropy(const WCHAR *config_name, char *e, int sz, BOOL generate) { int len; len = GetConfigRegistryValue(config_name, ENTROPY_DATA, (BYTE *) e, sz); if (len > 0) { e[len-1] = '\0'; PrintDebug(L"Got entropy from registry: %hs (len = %d)", e, len); return; } else if (generate && GetRandomPassword(e, sz)) { e[sz-1] = '\0'; PrintDebug(L"Created new entropy string : %hs", e); if (SetConfigRegistryValueBinary(config_name, ENTROPY_DATA, (BYTE *)e, sz)) return; } if (generate) PrintDebug(L"Failed to generate or save new entropy string -- using null string"); *e = '\0'; return; } /* * Given a nul terminated string password, encrypt it and save in * a config specific registry key with specified name. * Returns 1 on success. */ static int save_encrypted(const WCHAR *config_name, const WCHAR *password, const WCHAR *name) { BYTE *out; DWORD len = (wcslen(password) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); char entropy[ENTROPY_LEN+1]; get_entropy(config_name, entropy, sizeof(entropy), true); len = crypt_protect((BYTE*) password, len, entropy, &out); if(len > 0) { SetConfigRegistryValueBinary(config_name, name, out, len); LocalFree(out); return 1; } else return 0; } /* * Encrypt the nul terminated string password and store it in the * registry with key name KEY_PASS_DATA. Returns 1 on success. */ int SaveKeyPass(const WCHAR *config_name, const WCHAR *password) { return save_encrypted(config_name, password, KEY_PASS_DATA); } /* * Encrypt the nul terminated string password and store it in the * registry with key name AUTH_PASS_DATA. Returns 1 on success. */ int SaveAuthPass(const WCHAR *config_name, const WCHAR *password) { return save_encrypted(config_name, password, AUTH_PASS_DATA); } /* * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. password should have space * for up to capacity wide chars incluing nul termination */ static int recall_encrypted(const WCHAR *config_name, WCHAR *password, DWORD capacity, const WCHAR *name) { BYTE in[2048]; BYTE *out; DWORD len; int retval = 0; char entropy[ENTROPY_LEN+1]; get_entropy(config_name, entropy, sizeof(entropy), false); memset (password, 0, capacity); len = GetConfigRegistryValue(config_name, name, in, sizeof(in)); if(len == 0) return 0; len = crypt_unprotect(in, len, entropy, &out); if(len == 0) return 0; if (len <= capacity * sizeof(*password)) { memcpy(password, out, len); password[capacity-1] = L'\0'; /* in case the data was corrupted */ retval = 1; } else PrintDebug(L"recall_encrypted: saved '%ls' too long (len = %d bytes)", name, len); SecureZeroMemory(out, len); LocalFree(out); return retval; } /* * Reccall saved private key password. The buffer password should be * have space for up to KEY_PASS_LEN WCHARs including nul. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ int RecallKeyPass(const WCHAR *config_name, WCHAR *password) { return recall_encrypted(config_name, password, KEY_PASS_LEN, KEY_PASS_DATA); } /* * Reccall saved auth password. The buffer password should be * have space for up to USER_PASS_LEN WCHARs including nul. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ int RecallAuthPass(const WCHAR *config_name, WCHAR *password) { return recall_encrypted(config_name, password, USER_PASS_LEN, AUTH_PASS_DATA); } int SaveUsername(const WCHAR *config_name, const WCHAR *username) { DWORD len = (wcslen(username) + 1) * sizeof(*username); SetConfigRegistryValueBinary(config_name, AUTH_USER_DATA,(BYTE *) username, len); return 1; } /* * The buffer username should be have space for up to USER_PASS_LEN * WCHARs including nul. */ int RecallUsername(const WCHAR *config_name, WCHAR *username) { DWORD capacity = USER_PASS_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD len; len = GetConfigRegistryValue(config_name, AUTH_USER_DATA, (BYTE *) username, capacity); if (len == 0) return 0; username[USER_PASS_LEN-1] = L'\0'; return 1; } void DeleteSavedKeyPass(const WCHAR *config_name) { DeleteConfigRegistryValue(config_name, KEY_PASS_DATA); } void DeleteSavedAuthPass(const WCHAR *config_name) { DeleteConfigRegistryValue(config_name, AUTH_PASS_DATA); } /* delete saved config-specific auth password and private key passphrase */ void DeleteSavedPasswords(const WCHAR *config_name) { DeleteConfigRegistryValue(config_name, KEY_PASS_DATA); DeleteConfigRegistryValue(config_name, AUTH_PASS_DATA); DeleteConfigRegistryValue(config_name, ENTROPY_DATA); } /* check if auth password is saved */ BOOL IsAuthPassSaved(const WCHAR *config_name) { DWORD len = 0; len = GetConfigRegistryValue(config_name, AUTH_PASS_DATA, NULL, 0); PrintDebug(L"checking auth-pass-data in registry returned len = %d", len); return (len > 0); } /* check if key password is saved */ BOOL IsKeyPassSaved(const WCHAR *config_name) { DWORD len = 0; len = GetConfigRegistryValue(config_name, KEY_PASS_DATA, NULL, 0); PrintDebug(L"checking key-pass-data in registry returned len = %d", len); return (len > 0); }