/* * OpenVPN-GUI -- A Windows GUI for OpenVPN. * * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Sundman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Icons */ #define APP_ICON 90 #define APP_ICON_CONNECTED 91 #define APP_ICON_CONNECTING 92 #define APP_ICON_DISCONNECTED 93 /* About Dialog */ #define IDD_ABOUTDIALOG 100 #define ID_TEXT_OPENVPNGUI 101 #define TEXT_ABOUT_OPENVPNGUI 102 /* Ask for Passphrase Dialog */ #define IDD_PASSPHRASE 150 #define EDIT_PASSPHRASE 151 /* Status Dialog */ #define IDD_STATUS 160 #define TEXT_STATUS 161 #define EDIT_LOG 162 #define ID_DISCONNECT 163 #define ID_RESTART 164 #define ID_HIDE 165 /* A hidden textbox used to pass the config nr so dialog knows * which connection to cancel. If anyone knows of another way * to pass a variable to dialog, please let me know. */ #define TEXT_CONFIG 166 /* Change Passphrase Dialog */ #define IDD_CHANGEPSW 170 #define EDIT_PSW_CURRENT 174 #define EDIT_PSW_NEW 175 #define EDIT_PSW_NEW2 176 #define TEXT_KEYFILE 177 #define TEXT_KEYFORMAT 178 /* Auth Username/Password Dialog */ #define IDD_AUTH_PASSWORD 180 #define EDIT_AUTH_USERNAME 181 #define EDIT_AUTH_PASSWORD 182 /* Settings Dialog*/ #define IDS_SETTINGS_CAPTION 190 /* Proxy Settings Dialog */ #define IDD_PROXY 200 #define RB_PROXY_USE_OPENVPN 210 #define RB_PROXY_USE_IE 211 #define RB_PROXY_USE_MANUAL 212 #define RB_PROXY_HTTP 213 #define RB_PROXY_SOCKS 219 #define EDIT_PROXY_ADDRESS 214 #define EDIT_PROXY_PORT 215 #define TEXT_PROXY_ADDRESS 216 #define TEXT_PROXY_PORT 217 #define CHECKB_PROXY_AUTH 218 /* Proxy Auth Dialog */ #define IDD_PROXY_AUTH 250 #define EDIT_PROXY_USERNAME 251 #define EDIT_PROXY_PASSWORD 252 /* Tray - Resources */ #define MSG_TIP 1001 #define MSG_TIP_CONNECTED 1002 #define MSG_TIP_CONNECTING 1003 #define MSG_TIP_CONNECTED_SINCE 1004 #define MSG_TIP_ASSIGNED_IP 1005 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICE 1006 #define IDM_TEXT_SETTINGS 1007 #define IDM_TEXT_ABOUT 1008 #define IDM_TEXT_CLOSE 1009 #define IDM_TEXT_CONNECT 1010 #define IDM_TEXT_DISCONNECT 1011 #define IDM_TEXT_STATUS 1012 #define IDM_TEXT_VIEWLOG 1013 #define IDM_TEXT_EDITCONFIG 1014 #define IDM_TEXT_PASSPHRASE 1015 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICE_START 1016 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICE_STOP 1017 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICE_RESTART 1018 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICEONLY_START 1019 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICEONLY_STOP 1020 #define IDM_TEXT_SERVICEONLY_RESTART 1021 #define IDM_TEXT_ASK_STOP_SERVICE 1022 /* LogViewer */ #define ERR_START_LOG_VIEWER 1101 #define ERR_START_CONF_EDITOR 1102 /* OpenVpn */ #define ERR_TO_MANY_CONFIGS 1201 #define ERR_CANNOT_CONSTRUCT_LOG 1202 #define ERR_ONLY_ONE_CONN_OLD_VERSION 1203 #define ERR_STOP_SERV_ON_OLD_VERSION 1204 #define ERR_CREATE_EVENT 1205 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY 1206 #define ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL 1207 #define ERR_GET_IE_PROXY_SETTINGS 1208 #define ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC 1209 #define ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL 1210 #define ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT 1211 #define ERR_DUP_HANDLE_ERR_WRITE 1212 #define ERR_CREATE_PIPE_INPUT 1213 #define ERR_DUP_HANDLE_OUTPUT_READ 1214 #define ERR_DUP_HANDLE_INPUT_WRITE 1215 #define ERR_CLOSE_HANDLE_TMP 1216 #define ERR_CREATE_PROCESS 1217 #define ERR_CLOSE_HANDLE 1218 #define ERR_CREATE_THREAD_STATUS 1219 #define INFO_STATE_WAIT_TERM 1220 #define ERR_OPEN_LOG_WRITE 1221 #define INFO_STATE_CONNECTED 1222 #define INFO_NOW_CONNECTED 1223 #define INFO_ASSIG_IP 1224 #define ERR_CERT_EXPIRED 1225 #define ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID 1226 #define INFO_STATE_RECONNECTING 1227 #define INFO_STATE_DISCONNECTED 1228 #define INFO_CONN_TERMINATED 1229 #define INFO_STATE_FAILED 1230 #define INFO_CONN_FAILED 1231 #define INFO_STATE_FAILED_RECONN 1232 #define INFO_RECONN_FAILED 1233 #define INFO_STATE_SUSPENDED 1234 #define ERR_READ_STDOUT_PIPE 1235 #define ERR_CREATE_RICHED_LOGWINDOW 1236 #define ERR_SET_SIZE 1237 #define ERR_AUTOSTART_CONF_NOT_FOUND 1238 #define ERR_VERSION_CREATE_EVENT 1239 #define ERR_CREATE_PIPE_INPUT_READ 1240 #define INFO_STATE_CONNECTING 1241 #define INFO_CONNECTION_XXX 1242 #define ERR_CREATE_THREAD_READ_STDOUT 1243 #define INFO_STATE_CONN_SCRIPT 1244 #define INFO_STATE_DISCONN_SCRIPT 1245 #define ERR_RUN_CONN_SCRIPT 1246 #define ERR_GET_EXIT_CODE 1247 #define ERR_CONN_SCRIPT_FAILED 1248 #define ERR_RUN_CONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT 1249 #define ERR_OPTION_LOG_IN_CONFIG 1250 #define ERR_CONFIG_ALREADY_EXIST 1251 /* main */ #define ERR_OPEN_DEBUG_FILE 1301 #define ERR_LOAD_RICHED20 1302 #define ERR_SHELL_DLL_VERSION 1303 #define ERR_GUI_ALREADY_RUNNING 1304 #define INFO_SERVICE_STARTED 1305 #define INFO_SERVICE_STOPPED 1306 #define INFO_ACTIVE_CONN_EXIT 1307 #define INFO_SERVICE_ACTIVE_EXIT 1308 /* options */ #define INFO_USAGE 1401 #define INFO_USAGECAPTION 1402 #define ERR_BAD_PARAMETER 1403 #define ERR_BAD_OPTION 1404 /* passphrase */ #define ERR_CREATE_PASS_THREAD 1501 #define INFO_CHANGE_PWD 1502 #define ERR_PWD_DONT_MATCH 1503 #define ERR_PWD_TO_SHORT 1504 #define INFO_EMPTY_PWD 1505 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_KEYFILE_FORMAT 1506 #define ERR_OPEN_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE 1507 #define ERR_OLD_PWD_INCORRECT 1508 #define ERR_OPEN_WRITE_KEY 1509 #define ERR_WRITE_NEW_KEY 1510 #define INFO_PWD_CHANGED 1511 #define ERR_READ_PKCS12 1512 #define ERR_CREATE_PKCS12 1513 #define ERR_OPEN_CONFIG 1514 #define ERR_ONLY_ONE_KEY_OPTION 1515 #define ERR_ONLY_KEY_OR_PKCS12 1516 #define ERR_ONLY_ONE_PKCS12_OPTION 1517 #define ERR_MUST_HAVE_KEY_OR_PKCS12 1518 #define ERR_KEY_FILENAME_TO_LONG 1519 #define ERR_PASSPHRASE2STDIN 1520 #define ERR_CR2STDIN 1521 #define ERR_AUTH_USERNAME2STDIN 1522 #define ERR_AUTH_PASSWORD2STDIN 1523 #define ERR_INVALID_CHARS_IN_PSW 1524 /* proxy */ #define ERR_HTTP_PROXY_ADDRESS 1601 #define ERR_HTTP_PROXY_PORT 1602 #define ERR_HTTP_PROXY_PORT_RANGE 1603 #define ERR_SOCKS_PROXY_ADDRESS 1604 #define ERR_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT 1605 #define ERR_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT_RANGE 1606 #define ERR_CREATE_REG_HKCU_KEY 1607 #define ERR_GET_TEMP_PATH 1608 #define ERR_CREATE_AUTH_FILE 1609 /* service */ #define ERR_OPEN_SCMGR_ADMIN 1701 #define ERR_OPEN_VPN_SERVICE 1702 #define ERR_START_SERVICE 1703 #define ERR_QUERY_SERVICE 1704 #define ERR_SERVICE_START_FAILED 1705 #define ERR_OPEN_SCMGR 1706 #define ERR_STOP_SERVICE 1707 #define INFO_RESTARTED 1708 /* registry */ #define ERR_GET_WINDOWS_DIR 1801 #define ERR_GET_PROGRAM_DIR 1802 #define ERR_OPEN_REGISTRY 1803 #define ERR_READING_REGISTRY 1804 #define ERR_PASSPHRASE_ATTEMPTS 1805 #define ERR_CONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT 1806 #define ERR_DISCONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT 1807 #define ERR_PRECONN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT 1808 #define ERR_CREATE_REG_KEY 1809 #define ERR_OPEN_WRITE_REG 1810 #define ERR_READ_SET_KEY 1811 #define ERR_WRITE_REGVALUE 1812