%S --> %hs in wide format strings, %ls otherwise
%s --> %ls in wide format strings, unchanged otherwise
%c --> %lc in wide format strings
Resource files together have about 970 lines affected and
were edited by looping through all with
sed -i 's/%S/%hs/g' $file
sed -i 's/%s/%ls/g' $file
All other files were manually changed (about 85 lines).
Recent versions of mingw-w64 implicitly turns on __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO
if _GNU_SOURCE, _XOPEN_SOURCE etc are defined (which we do usei).
This breaks non-standard spec such as %S. Anyway, we have been
gradually getting rid of those.
MSVC builds should not be affected.
v2: multiple occurrences in same line was missed in v1 (/g missing in
sed expression). Fixed.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Import a config file from command line as
`openvpn-gui.exe --command import <file-path>`
The command is send to a running instance if any.
Otherwise the GUI extecutable is started and
the import processed.
`openvpn-gui --import <file-path>`
is interpreted as the same command.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Also add an edit box for setting the mute interval for
repeated echo messages. To be specified in hours
>=0. A zero value disables muting.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Add an option in the advanced settings menu for
the management port offset. Allows any value in the
range 1 to 61000 which with upto ~4000 added as connection
id keeps it in range.
Default is the currently hard coded value of 25340.
As Windows has no concept of privileged ports and the ephemeral
range used varies from version to version, no attempt is made to
avoid conflicts with ports in use.
- Add an option to choose the config menu view from the
advanced settings with three options:
Auto: Automatically switch to the nested view when
number of configs exceed a limit (currently 25)
Flat: Force the flat view irrespective of the number of
Nested: Force the nested view irrespective of the number
of configs
Issues: 370 and 387
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Suppress messages with exactly same content as previously
displayed within popup_mute_interval (24h by default). This parameter
may be set on command line as "--popup_mute_interval n" where n is
in hours.
- Command line option '--disable_popup_messages' disables all echo
message popups (window and notification).
This patch only handles suppression of repeated messages during
TODO: Persist message history in the registry and use it to mute
repeated messages after disconnects and across restarts of the GUI.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
We didn't use interactive service when gui was running
under admin because of some privilege escalation vulnerability in Vista.
Apparently this issue doesn't exist on Win7 and newer versions so
it is safe to use iservice on those systems.
Introduce "Always use interactive service" option,
which is "on" by default. This should enable users,
who by various reasons run gui as admin, use Wintun.
When gui is running as admin and interactive service
cannot be started or not installed, warn that wintun will not work.
Signed-off-by: Lev Stipakov <lev@openvpn.net>
Add an new command 'rescan' that may be sent to a running
instance of the GUI to force it rescan the config folders.
Use case: with an instance of the is GUI running, one can
manually copy a config file to the config folder and start
it using "openvpn-gui --command rescan" followed by
"openvpn-gui --command connect foo"
v2: The calls to rebuild config file list and recreate
menus is refactored into a function.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
The number of configs is now unlimited. But there is a limit
of 2^16 menu items which permits only about 2^12 configs to be
displayed in the menu. A warning is shown if the number of
configs exceeds this value.
For a responsive menu keep the number of configs under ~1000.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Add a new registry key (DWORD): config_menu_vew
possible values: 0 (auto), 1 (flat), 2 (nested).
Default value is 0 which renders nested menu if the number of
configs is > 50, else displays the current flat view. To force
the flat menu view set it to 1. A value of 2 forces the nested
view even if there are only a few configs.
A new command line option "--config_menu_view n" does the same.
Command line options take precedence over any value set in the
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
When openvpn is run with --help option it pops up a help
message and exits when that window is closed. Such instances
cannot accept any commands and should not be treated as a
running instance.
Fix by
(i) When run with --help, promptly release the semaphore used
to restrict to a single running instance.
(ii) Wait for a short interval (200 msec) before timing out of
locking the semaphore. This helps avoid race conditions.
While at it also make sure the semaphore is released and closed
on exit.
Fixes issue: #237
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- This makes the behaviour more intuitive for those used to the
auto connect option (--connect xxx). Note: this will work only for
the first occurrence of --connect as --command allows only one profile
to be speciifed.
- Also make '--command connect' behave as '--connect' if the GUI is not
already running.
Based on comment by larson0815 here:
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- New option --command <action> <params> to send commands to
a running instance of openvpn-gui.exe
Supported actions are
connect, disconnect, reconnect
each of which takes the name of the config (with or without the
extension .ovpn) as a parameter;
disconnect_all, exit
which take no parameter and
which takes an optional parameter = 0 or 1 (1 is the default)
Examples: with the gui running, start a new instance as
openvpn-gui.exe --command disconnect myvpn : ask running instance
to disconnect myvpn if connected
openvpn-gui.exe --command status myvpn : ask running instance
to show the status window for myvpn if available
openvpn-gui.exe --command disconnect_all : ask running instance
to disconnect all active connections
- The second instance exits after issuing a SendMessage to the
already running instance. If no action is specified, the running
instance is notified to show a balloon to alert the user
- These messages may also be sent from scripts as COPYDATA messages
with the wData element specifying the action to execute and lpData
a pointer to the parameter. The dwData param must be one of
SILENT. See main.h for their values.
v2: Bug fixes based on test reports from larson0815
here: https://github.com/selvanair/openvpn-gui/issues/5
and cron410 here: https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/issues/104
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- "Wrong username or password" message shown in the auth userpass dialog after
an auth failure
- "Wrong password" message shown in the private key password dialog after a
password failure.
These message texts are colored red by default (TODO: make the color customizable)
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- A new registry HKLM\Software\OpenVPN\disable_save_passwords
(32 bit DWORD value) may be set to a non-zero value to
disable password saving by users. Applies to both auth and
private key passwords. Usernames are always saved.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Increase the buffer size used to load the usage string to 2048
chars (defined by USAGE_BUF_SIZE in main.h)
- Make GetGUILanguage() visible outside localization.c
Trac: #833
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Option ediitng dialogs are in two tabs: General and Advanced.
Proxy related options are left in the proxy tab. Options
config_dir, config_ext, log_dir, script timeouts and
service-only flag are in the Advanced tab. All other more commonly
used flags and options are in the General tab.
- As options are editable, save values in registry only when they differ
from the default values. This leaves the registry clean and makes changing
options and their defaults during updates easier.
- Entries for config_dir and log_dir must be absolute paths.
Environemental variables such as %PROFILEDIR% may be used
to construct these.
- Empty config_dir, config_ext and log_dir entries are silently
ignored (i.e., the current values are left unchanged).
- Store all numeric and boolean parameters in registry as DWORD instead of
- On startup, the default parameters are loaded, then the registry is read
and finally command-line parameters parsedi.
- Out of range script timeout values in registry truncated with a
warning instead of fatal error. This allows the user to access the
settings dialog and make corrections.
- Save proxy and language settings under the same
HKCU\Software\OpenVPN-GUI key as other options instead of under Nilings.
- Save the current version of the GUI in regsitry so that updates
can be detected and any needed registry cleanup done.
- If no version info is present in the registry any values in OpenVPN-GUI
key in HKCU are deleted for a clean start as this is the first version
to save registry values in HKCU. Language and proxy data if present
under Nilings is migrated.
Note: new controls in the General tab and newly added Advanced tab dialog
are copied to all language files from the English version. These need to
be translated.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Replace allow_password by a runtime check that enables password
change menu only when the user has write-access to the key file.
- Read exe_path and priority from HKLM and do not duplicate in HKCU.
- Always allow the user to view the config: edit will succeed if user
has write access.
- Always include the proxy settings tab which is the default.
- Remove the unused power event handling and disconnect_on_suspend key.
- Remove password_attempts -- user can stop the password dilaog
by clicking cancel.
- Remove allow_service: implicitly enabled if service_only is used.
- Deprecate removed options in cmd-line parser
- Update README.rst
- Close config file before exit in GetKeyFileName
- Close thread and dialog handles in passphrase.c
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
When a connection is attempted using a config in a location
that would fail, offer an option to add the user to the "OpenVPN
Administrators" group. This is done using shell-execute which will
show a UAC prompt for elevation. If it fails (due to user chooses
NO or the UAC dialog fails) the connection is not started.
v2 Changes
- Rebase to master
- Automaticlaly add the admin group if it doesn't exist
- Allow unicode strings in debug output
- Use domain\username to identify user
- Fix the PrintDebug macro
Minor changes based on user feedback
- Bring the window back to foreground after UAC prompt completion
- Show a message if another connection is tried during authorization
- Do not add user to ovpn_admin_group if it is same as the built-in admin group
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>