Change the way echo-msg window is update (thread safety).
When new echo-msg content is available for display, update the window
from the thread owning it by sending a message to it.
A blocking SendMessage (with a timeout) is used, as the window
needs access to the config's echo-msg buffer which is cleared
on return from this this call.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
This adds context to the message in the form:
"From: config-name date/time text" displayed as right-aligned
and in italics.
Also remove the show argument to AddMessageBoxText() and move ShowWindow()
to the caller.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Left clickng on http or https url will open it on the default browser
Several other URL schemes are detected and formatted as clickable
links, but we only support opening of http/https links.
Note on spaces in URLs: We unescape all %xx occurrences in the echo
message text so that %20 will be converted to space in plain text.
This means embedded spaces in URLs will not work even if written
as %20. An option is to use %2520 which will get conveted to %20
after the unescaping.
A better option is to enclose the URL in <>. If the
text inside <> starts with a valid scheme (http, https etc.),
the entire text including spaces is parsed as the URL.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Echo msg history saved to registry on disconnect and loaded on
- Muting of repeated messages now work across GUI restarts.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Suppress messages with exactly same content as previously
displayed within popup_mute_interval (24h by default). This parameter
may be set on command line as "--popup_mute_interval n" where n is
in hours.
- Command line option '--disable_popup_messages' disables all echo
message popups (window and notification).
This patch only handles suppression of repeated messages during
TODO: Persist message history in the registry and use it to mute
repeated messages after disconnects and across restarts of the GUI.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Add a message box that support appending messages with
a title formatted at a larger font and a text
displayed in the default font.
- A global instance of the message box is used to
display messages from all profiles.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
Process four new echo commands to construct messages to be
displayed to the user:
echo msg message-text
echo msg-n message-text
echo msg-window message-title
echo msg-notify message-title
Note: All rules of push and echo processing apply and determine
what is received as echo commands by the GUI. In addition,
'url-encoded' characters (% followed by two hex digits) are
decoded and displayed.
The message is constructed in the GUI by concatenating the text
specified in one or more "echo msg text" or "echo msg-n text"
commands. In case of "echo msg text" text is appended with a new
line. An empty text in this case will
just add a new line.
The message ends and gets displayed when one of the following
are receieved:
echo msg-window title
echo msg-notify title
where "title" becomes the title of the message window. In case of
msg-window, a modeless window shows the message, in the latter case
a notification balloon is shown.
Example: when pushed from the server:
push "echo msg I say let the world go to hell%2C"
push "echo msg I must have my cup of tea."
push "echo msg-window Notes from the underground"
will display a modeless window with title
"Notes from the underground" and a two line body
I say let the world go to hell,
I must have my cup of tea.
Note that the message itself is not quoted in the above examples
and so it relies on the server's option-parser combining
individual words into a space separated string. Number of words
on a line is limited by the maximum number of parameters allowed
in openvpn commands (16). This limitation may be avoided by quoting
the text that follows so that the option parser sees it as one
The comma character is not allowed in pushed strings, so
it has to be sent encoded as %2C as shown above.
Such encoding of arbitrary bytes is suppored. For example,
newlines may be embedded as %0A, though discouraged. Instead
use multiple "echo msg" commands to separate lines by new line.
An example with embedded spaces and multiple lines concatenated
without a new line in between (note use of single quotes):
push "echo msg-n I swear to you gentlemen%2C that to be"
push "echo msg-n ' overly conscious is a sickness%2C ' "
push "echo msg-n a real%2C thorough sickness."
push "echo msg-notify Quote of the Day"
will show up as a notification that displays for an
OS-dependent interval as:
Quote of the Day
I swear to you gentlemen, that to be overly conscious
is a sickness, a real, thorough sickness.
where the location of the line break is automatically determined
by the notification API and is OS version-dependent.
Commands like "echo msg ..." in the config file are also
processed the same way. It gets displayed when the GUI connects
to the management interface and receives all pending echo.
Pushed message(s) get displayed when the client daemon
processes push-reply and passes on echo directives to the
TODO: The actual window that displays the messages is
implemented in the next commit.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>