Update help message

Describe recently added command line options:
 - iservice_admin
 - disable_popup_messages
 - popup_mute_interval
 - management_port_offset
Added the default English text to all langauage files.

Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Selva Nair 2021-03-01 23:11:20 -05:00
parent 4ef560c649
commit 6b1372d886
20 changed files with 141 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -386,7 +386,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Anzahl der erlaubten Passphrase-Versuche.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Wartezeit, bis Verbindungsskript beendet wird.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Wartezeit, bis das Trennungsskript beendet wird.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Wartezeit, bis das Verbindungsskript beendet wird.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Es wurde versucht, ""%s"" als einen Parameter zu parsen, es " \

View File

@ -383,7 +383,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Antal forbindelses-forsøg.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Max tilladt forbind-script tid.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Max tilladt afbryd-script tid.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Max tilladt før-forbind-script tid.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Forsøger at tolke ""%s"" som en --option parameter " \

View File

@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ BEGIN
" reconnect cnn \t: reconnect the config named ""cnn""\n"\
" disconnect_all \t: disconnect all connected configs\n"\
" exit \t\t: terminate the running GUI instance (may ask for confirmation)\n"\
" status cnn \t\t: show the status window of config ""cnn"" if connected\n"\
" status cnn \t: show the status window of config ""cnn"" if connected\n"\
" silent_connection [0|1]\t: set the silent_connection flag on (1) or off (0)\n"\
"\t\t\tExample: openvpn-gui.exe --command disconnect myconfig\n"\
"\n" \
@ -395,12 +395,17 @@ BEGIN
"--allow_proxy\t\t: 1=Show Proxy Settings menu.\n" \
"--show_balloon\t\t: 0=Never, 1=At initial connect, 2=At every reconnect.\n" \
"--service_only\t\t: 1=Enable Service Only mode.\n" \
"--silent_connection\t\t: 1=Do not show the status dialog while connecting or non-critical warnings at startup.\n" \
"--silent_connection\t: 1=Do not show the status dialog while connecting or non-critical warnings at startup.\n" \
"--show_script_window\t: 0=Hide Script execution window, 1=Show it.\n" \
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Number of passphrase attempts to allow.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for connect script to finish.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for disconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "I'm trying to parse ""%s"" as an --option parameter " \

View File

@ -380,7 +380,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Número de intentos permitidos para la passphrase.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Tiempo permitido para que finalice el script de conexión.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Tiempo permitido para que finalice el script de desconexión.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Tiempo permitido para que finalice el script de preconexión.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Intento parsear ""%s"" como un parámetro de --option " \

View File

@ -387,7 +387,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Number of passphrase attempts to allow.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for connect script to finish.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for disconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "I'm trying to parse ""%s"" as an --option parameter " \

View File

@ -383,7 +383,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Salasanan syöttökertojen maksimimäärä\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Yhteydenmuodostamiskomentosarjan aikakatkaisun raja.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Yhteydenkatkaisemiskomentosarjan aikakatkaisun raja.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Ennen yhdistämistä ajettavan komentosarjan aikakatkaisun raja.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"

View File

@ -383,7 +383,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Nombre de tentatives de Mot de passe permises.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Temps d'attente de terminaison du script.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Temps d'attente de terminaison du script de déconnexion.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Temps d'attente de terminaison du script de pré-connexion.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "J'essaie de décoder ""%s"" comme un --option parameter " \

View File

@ -383,7 +383,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Numero di tentativi permessi per la frase di sicurezza.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Tempo massimo per l'esecuzione dello script di connessione.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Tempo massimo per l'esecuzione dello script di disconnessione.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_NFO_USAGECAPTION "Utilizzo dell'interfaccia di OpenVPN"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Sto tentando di analizzare ""%s"" come un parametro --option " \

View File

@ -382,7 +382,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: パスフレーズの入力可能回数。\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: 接続スクリプトの終了を待つ時間。\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: 切断スクリプトの終了を待つ時間。\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: 接続前スクリプトの終了を待つ時間。\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "I'm trying to parse ""%s"" as an --option parameter " \

View File

@ -381,7 +381,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: 암호 입력 시도 회수\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: 연결 스크립트 종료 대기 시간\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: 연결 해제 스크립트 종료 대기 시간\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: 연결 전 스크립트 종료 대기 시간\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "I'm trying to parse ""%s"" as an --option parameter " \

View File

@ -385,7 +385,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Aantal wachtwoordpogingen.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Timeout voor uitvoer van Connect Script.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Timeout voor uitvoer van Disconnect Script.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Timeout voor uitvoer Preconnect Script.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Ik probeer ""%s"" te interpreteren als een --option parameter " \

View File

@ -377,7 +377,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Antall tilkoblingsforsøk.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Tidsavbrudd for skript etter tilkobling.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Tidsavbrudd for skript etter frakobling.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Tidsavbrudd for skript før tilkobling.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Forsøkte å tolke ""%s"" som et --option parameter, " \

View File

@ -382,7 +382,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Dopuszczalna ilość prób podania hasła.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Czas oczekiwania na zakończenie skryptu łączenia.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Czas oczekiwania na zakończenie skryptu rozłączenia.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Czas oczekiwania na zakończenie skryptu przedpołączeniowego.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Próbuję traktować ""%s"" jako opcję " \

View File

@ -382,7 +382,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Número de tentativas de digitação de senha.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Tempo de espera para o connect script terminar.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Tempo de espera para o script de desconexão terminar.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Tempo de espera para o script de pré-conexão terminar.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Tentando analisar ""%s"" como um parâmetro --option " \

View File

@ -383,7 +383,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Количество разрешённых попыток ввода пароля.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Время ожидания завершения скрипта подключения.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Время ожидания завершения скрипта отключения.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Время ожидания завершения скрипта перед подключением.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Не удалось обработать строку ""%s"", которая была интерпретирована как опция вида ""--опция параметр"". " \

View File

@ -379,7 +379,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Antal lösenordsförsök.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Tid att vänta på att connect skriptet är klart.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Tid att vänta på att dis-connect skriptet är klart.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Tid att vänta på att pre-connect skriptet är klart.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Försöker tolka ""%s"" som en --option parameter " \

View File

@ -382,7 +382,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Kaç defa şifre giriş denemesi yapılabilir.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Bağlantı betiğinin çalışma süresi.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Bağlantı kesme betiğinin çalışma süresi.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Bağlantı hazırlık betiğinin çalışma süresi.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER " ""%s"" ifadesini --seçenek parametre olarak ayırmaya çalışıyorum " \

View File

@ -382,7 +382,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: Кількість спроб вводу паролю.\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: Час очікування завершення скрипта підключення.\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: Час очікування завершення скрипта відключення.\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Час очікування завершення скрипта до підключення.\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "Спроба запуску з ""%s"" як --опція параметр, " \

View File

@ -385,7 +385,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: 允许尝试输入密码次数。\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: 等待连接脚本执行的时间。\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: 等待断开连接脚本执行的时间。\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: 等待连接前脚本执行的时间。\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "尝试将「%s」解析成 --option 的参数," \

View File

@ -385,7 +385,13 @@ BEGIN
"--passphrase_attempts\t: 允許嘗試輸入密碼次數。\n" \
"--connectscript_timeout\t: 等待連線指令碼執行的時限。\n" \
"--disconnectscript_timeout\t: 等待斷線指令碼執行的時限。\n" \
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: 等待連線前指令碼執行的時限。\n"
"--preconnectscript_timeout\t: Time to wait for preconnect script to finish.\n" \
"--iservice_admin\t\t: 0=Do not use interactive service when started as admin (default is 1 for Windows 7 and newer)\n" \
"--disable_popup_messages\t: Do not popup (i.e., show) the echo message window. Default is to show.\n" \
"--popup_mute_interval\t: Time in hours for which a previously shown echo message is not re-displayed. Default=24 hours.\n" \
"--management_port_offset\t: Offset value added to config index to determine the management port for a connection.\n" \
"\t\t\t Must be in the range 1 to 61000. Maximum number of configs is limited by 65536 minus this value. Default=25340.\n"
IDS_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER "嘗試將「%s」剖析成 --option 的參數," \