mirror of https://github.com/ehang-io/nps
472 lines
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472 lines
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package server
import (
var (
Bridge *bridge.Bridge
RunList map[int]interface{} //运行中的任务
serverStatus []map[string]interface{}
func init() {
RunList = make(map[int]interface{})
serverStatus = make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 1500)
go getSeverStatus()
func InitFromCsv() {
//Add a public password
if vkey := beego.AppConfig.String("public_vkey"); vkey != "" {
c := file.NewClient(vkey, true, true)
RunList[c.Id] = nil
//Initialize services in server-side files
file.GetCsvDb().Tasks.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if value.(*file.Tunnel).Status {
return true
func DealBridgeTask() {
for {
select {
case t := <-Bridge.OpenTask:
case t := <-Bridge.CloseTask:
case id := <-Bridge.CloseClient:
case tunnel := <-Bridge.OpenTask:
case s := <-Bridge.SecretChan:
logs.Trace("New secret connection, addr", s.Conn.Conn.RemoteAddr())
if t := file.GetCsvDb().GetTaskByMd5Password(s.Password); t != nil {
if !t.Client.GetConn() {
logs.Info("Connections exceed the current client %d limit", t.Client.Id)
} else if t.Status {
go proxy.NewBaseServer(Bridge, t).DealClient(s.Conn, t.Client, t.Target, nil, common.CONN_TCP, nil)
} else {
logs.Trace("This key %s cannot be processed,status is close", s.Password)
} else {
logs.Trace("This key %s cannot be processed", s.Password)
//start a new server
func StartNewServer(bridgePort int, cnf *file.Tunnel, bridgeType string) {
Bridge = bridge.NewTunnel(bridgePort, bridgeType, common.GetBoolByStr(beego.AppConfig.String("ip_limit")), RunList)
go func() {
if err := Bridge.StartTunnel(); err != nil {
logs.Error("start server bridge error", err)
if p, err := beego.AppConfig.Int("p2p_port"); err == nil {
logs.Info("start p2p server port", p)
go proxy.NewP2PServer(p).Start()
go DealBridgeTask()
go dealClientFlow()
if svr := NewMode(Bridge, cnf); svr != nil {
if err := svr.Start(); err != nil {
RunList[cnf.Id] = svr
} else {
logs.Error("Incorrect startup mode %s", cnf.Mode)
func dealClientFlow() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
//new a server by mode name
func NewMode(Bridge *bridge.Bridge, c *file.Tunnel) proxy.Service {
var service proxy.Service
switch c.Mode {
case "tcp", "file":
service = proxy.NewTunnelModeServer(proxy.ProcessTunnel, Bridge, c)
case "socks5":
service = proxy.NewSock5ModeServer(Bridge, c)
case "httpProxy":
service = proxy.NewTunnelModeServer(proxy.ProcessHttp, Bridge, c)
case "udp":
service = proxy.NewUdpModeServer(Bridge, c)
case "webServer":
t := &file.Tunnel{
Port: 0,
Mode: "httpHostServer",
Target: "",
Status: true,
service = proxy.NewWebServer(Bridge)
case "httpHostServer":
service = proxy.NewHttp(Bridge, c)
return service
//stop server
func StopServer(id int) error {
if v, ok := RunList[id]; ok {
if svr, ok := v.(proxy.Service); ok {
if err := svr.Close(); err != nil {
return err
logs.Info("stop server id %d", id)
} else {
logs.Warn("stop server id %d error", id)
if t, err := file.GetCsvDb().GetTask(id); err != nil {
return err
} else {
t.Status = false
delete(RunList, id)
return nil
return errors.New("task is not running")
//add task
func AddTask(t *file.Tunnel) error {
if t.Mode == "secret" || t.Mode == "p2p" {
logs.Info("secret task %s start ", t.Remark)
RunList[t.Id] = nil
return nil
if b := tool.TestServerPort(t.Port, t.Mode); !b && t.Mode != "httpHostServer" {
logs.Error("taskId %d start error port %d open failed", t.Id, t.Port)
return errors.New("the port open error")
if minute, err := beego.AppConfig.Int("flow_store_interval"); err == nil && minute > 0 {
go flowSession(time.Minute * time.Duration(minute))
if svr := NewMode(Bridge, t); svr != nil {
logs.Info("tunnel task %s start mode:%s port %d", t.Remark, t.Mode, t.Port)
RunList[t.Id] = svr
go func() {
if err := svr.Start(); err != nil {
logs.Error("clientId %d taskId %d start error %s", t.Client.Id, t.Id, err)
delete(RunList, t.Id)
} else {
return errors.New("the mode is not correct")
return nil
//start task
func StartTask(id int) error {
if t, err := file.GetCsvDb().GetTask(id); err != nil {
return err
} else {
t.Status = true
return nil
//delete task
func DelTask(id int) error {
if _, ok := RunList[id]; ok {
if err := StopServer(id); err != nil {
return err
return file.GetCsvDb().DelTask(id)
//get task list by page num
func GetTunnel(start, length int, typeVal string, clientId int, search string) ([]*file.Tunnel, int) {
list := make([]*file.Tunnel, 0)
var cnt int
keys := common.GetMapKeys(file.GetCsvDb().Tasks)
for _, key := range keys {
if value, ok := file.GetCsvDb().Tasks.Load(key); ok {
v := value.(*file.Tunnel)
if (typeVal != "" && v.Mode != typeVal) || (typeVal == "" && clientId != v.Client.Id) {
if search != "" && !(v.Id == common.GetIntNoErrByStr(search) || v.Port == common.GetIntNoErrByStr(search) || strings.Contains(v.Password, search) || strings.Contains(v.Remark, search)) {
if _, ok := Bridge.Client.Load(v.Client.Id); ok {
v.Client.IsConnect = true
} else {
v.Client.IsConnect = false
if start--; start < 0 {
if length--; length > 0 {
if _, ok := RunList[v.Id]; ok {
v.RunStatus = true
} else {
v.RunStatus = false
list = append(list, v)
return list, cnt
func GetClientList(start, length int, search string) (list []*file.Client, cnt int) {
list, cnt = file.GetCsvDb().GetClientList(start, length, search)
func dealClientData() {
file.GetCsvDb().Clients.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
v := value.(*file.Client)
if _, ok := Bridge.Client.Load(v.Id); ok {
v.IsConnect = true
} else {
v.IsConnect = false
v.Flow.InletFlow = 0
v.Flow.ExportFlow = 0
file.GetCsvDb().Hosts.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
h := value.(*file.Host)
if h.Client.Id == v.Id {
v.Flow.InletFlow += h.Flow.InletFlow
v.Flow.ExportFlow += h.Flow.ExportFlow
return true
file.GetCsvDb().Tasks.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
t := value.(*file.Tunnel)
if t.Client.Id == v.Id {
v.Flow.InletFlow += t.Flow.InletFlow
v.Flow.ExportFlow += t.Flow.ExportFlow
return true
return true
func DelTunnelAndHostByClientId(clientId int) {
var ids []int
file.GetCsvDb().Tasks.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
v := value.(*file.Tunnel)
if v.Client.Id == clientId {
ids = append(ids, v.Id)
return true
for _, id := range ids {
ids = ids[:0]
file.GetCsvDb().Hosts.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
v := value.(*file.Host)
if v.Client.Id == clientId {
ids = append(ids, v.Id)
return true
for _, id := range ids {
func DelClientConnect(clientId int) {
func GetDashboardData() map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["hostCount"] = file.GetCsvDb().GetMapLen(file.GetCsvDb().Hosts)
data["clientCount"] = file.GetCsvDb().GetMapLen(file.GetCsvDb().Clients) - 1 //Remove the public key client
c := 0
var in, out int64
file.GetCsvDb().Clients.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
v := value.(*file.Client)
if v.IsConnect {
c += 1
in += v.Flow.InletFlow
out += v.Flow.ExportFlow
return true
data["clientOnlineCount"] = c
data["inletFlowCount"] = int(in)
data["exportFlowCount"] = int(out)
var tcp, udp, secret, socks5, p2p, http int
file.GetCsvDb().Tasks.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
switch value.(*file.Tunnel).Mode {
case "tcp":
tcp += 1
case "socks5":
udp += 1
case "httpProxy":
http += 1
case "udp":
udp += 1
case "p2p":
p2p += 1
case "secret":
secret += 1
return true
data["tcpC"] = tcp
data["udpCount"] = udp
data["socks5Count"] = socks5
data["httpProxyCount"] = http
data["secretCount"] = secret
data["p2pCount"] = p2p
data["bridgeType"] = beego.AppConfig.String("bridge_type")
data["httpProxyPort"] = beego.AppConfig.String("http_proxy_port")
data["httpsProxyPort"] = beego.AppConfig.String("https_proxy_port")
data["ipLimit"] = beego.AppConfig.String("ip_limit")
data["flowStoreInterval"] = beego.AppConfig.String("flow_store_interval")
data["serverIp"] = beego.AppConfig.String("p2p_ip")
data["p2pPort"] = beego.AppConfig.String("p2p_port")
data["logLevel"] = beego.AppConfig.String("log_level")
tcpCount := 0
file.GetCsvDb().Clients.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
tcpCount += value.(*file.Client).NowConn
return true
data["tcpCount"] = tcpCount
cpuPercet, _ := cpu.Percent(0, true)
var cpuAll float64
for _, v := range cpuPercet {
cpuAll += v
loads, _ := load.Avg()
data["load"] = loads.String()
data["cpu"] = math.Round(cpuAll / float64(len(cpuPercet)))
swap, _ := mem.SwapMemory()
data["swap_mem"] = math.Round(swap.UsedPercent)
vir, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
data["virtual_mem"] = math.Round(vir.UsedPercent)
conn, _ := net.ProtoCounters(nil)
io1, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
io2, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
if len(io2) > 0 && len(io1) > 0 {
data["io_send"] = (io2[0].BytesSent - io1[0].BytesSent) * 2
data["io_recv"] = (io2[0].BytesRecv - io1[0].BytesRecv) * 2
for _, v := range conn {
data[v.Protocol] = v.Stats["CurrEstab"]
var fg int
if len(serverStatus) >= 10 {
fg = len(serverStatus) / 10
for i := 0; i <= 9; i++ {
data["sys"+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = serverStatus[i*fg]
return data
func flowSession(m time.Duration) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(m)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
func getSeverStatus() {
for {
if len(serverStatus) < 10 {
} else {
cpuPercet, _ := cpu.Percent(0, true)
var cpuAll float64
for _, v := range cpuPercet {
cpuAll += v
m := make(map[string]interface{})
loads, _ := load.Avg()
m["load1"] = loads.Load1
m["load5"] = loads.Load5
m["load15"] = loads.Load15
m["cpu"] = math.Round(cpuAll / float64(len(cpuPercet)))
swap, _ := mem.SwapMemory()
m["swap_mem"] = math.Round(swap.UsedPercent)
vir, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
m["virtual_mem"] = math.Round(vir.UsedPercent)
conn, _ := net.ProtoCounters(nil)
io1, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
io2, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
if len(io2) > 0 && len(io1) > 0 {
m["io_send"] = (io2[0].BytesSent - io1[0].BytesSent) * 2
m["io_recv"] = (io2[0].BytesRecv - io1[0].BytesRecv) * 2
t := time.Now()
m["time"] = strconv.Itoa(t.Hour()) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.Minute()) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(t.Second())
for _, v := range conn {
m[v.Protocol] = v.Stats["CurrEstab"]
if len(serverStatus) >= 1440 {
serverStatus = serverStatus[1:]
serverStatus = append(serverStatus, m)