package client import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "net" "net/http" "sync" ) var ( LocalServer []*net.TCPListener udpConn net.Conn muxSession *mux.Mux fileServer []*http.Server lock sync.Mutex ) func CloseLocalServer() { for _, v := range LocalServer { v.Close() } for _, v := range fileServer { v.Close() } } func startLocalFileServer(config *config.CommonConfig, t *file.Tunnel, vkey string) { remoteConn, err := NewConn(config.Tp, vkey, config.Server, common.WORK_FILE, config.ProxyUrl) if err != nil { logs.Error("Local connection server failed ", err.Error()) return } srv := &http.Server{ Handler: http.StripPrefix(t.StripPre, http.FileServer(http.Dir(t.LocalPath))), } logs.Info("start local file system, local path %s, strip prefix %s ,remote port %s ", t.LocalPath, t.StripPre, t.Ports) fileServer = append(fileServer, srv) listener := mux.NewMux(remoteConn.Conn, common.CONN_TCP) logs.Error(srv.Serve(listener)) } func StartLocalServer(l *config.LocalServer, config *config.CommonConfig) error { listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{net.ParseIP(""), l.Port, ""}) if err != nil { logs.Error("local listener startup failed port %d, error %s", l.Port, err.Error()) return err } LocalServer = append(LocalServer, listener) logs.Info("successful start-up of local monitoring, port", l.Port) conn.Accept(listener, func(c net.Conn) { if l.Type == "secret" { handleSecret(c, config, l) } else { handleP2PVisitor(c, config, l) } }) return nil } func handleSecret(localTcpConn net.Conn, config *config.CommonConfig, l *config.LocalServer) { remoteConn, err := NewConn(config.Tp, config.VKey, config.Server, common.WORK_SECRET, config.ProxyUrl) if err != nil { logs.Error("Local connection server failed ", err.Error()) return } if _, err := remoteConn.Write([]byte(crypt.Md5(l.Password))); err != nil { logs.Error("Local connection server failed ", err.Error()) return } conn.CopyWaitGroup(remoteConn.Conn, localTcpConn, false, false, nil, nil, false, nil) } func handleP2PVisitor(localTcpConn net.Conn, config *config.CommonConfig, l *config.LocalServer) { restart: lock.Lock() if udpConn == nil { newUdpConn(config, l) if udpConn == nil { lock.Unlock() return } muxSession = mux.NewMux(udpConn, "kcp") } lock.Unlock() logs.Trace("start trying to connect with the server") nowConn, err := muxSession.NewConn() if err != nil { udpConn = nil logs.Error(err, "reconnect......") goto restart return } //TODO just support compress now because there is not tls file in client packages link := conn.NewLink(common.CONN_TCP, l.Target, false, config.Client.Cnf.Compress, localTcpConn.LocalAddr().String(), false) if _, err := conn.NewConn(nowConn).SendInfo(link, ""); err != nil { logs.Error(err) return } conn.CopyWaitGroup(nowConn, localTcpConn, false, config.Client.Cnf.Compress, nil, nil, false, nil) } func newUdpConn(config *config.CommonConfig, l *config.LocalServer) { remoteConn, err := NewConn(config.Tp, config.VKey, config.Server, common.WORK_P2P, config.ProxyUrl) if err != nil { logs.Error("Local connection server failed ", err.Error()) return } if _, err := remoteConn.Write([]byte(crypt.Md5(l.Password))); err != nil { logs.Error("Local connection server failed ", err.Error()) return } var rAddr []byte //读取服务端地址、密钥 继续做处理 if rAddr, err = remoteConn.GetShortLenContent(); err != nil { logs.Error(err) return } var localConn net.PacketConn var remoteAddress string if remoteAddress, localConn, err = handleP2PUdp(string(rAddr), crypt.Md5(l.Password), common.WORK_P2P_VISITOR); err != nil { logs.Error(err) return } udpTunnel, err := kcp.NewConn(remoteAddress, nil, 150, 3, localConn) if err != nil || udpTunnel == nil { logs.Warn(err) return } logs.Trace("successful create a connection with server", remoteAddress) conn.SetUdpSession(udpTunnel) udpConn = udpTunnel }