721 lines
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721 lines
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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file ViewStyle.cxx
** Store information on how the document is to be viewed.
// Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include "ScintillaTypes.h"
#include "Debugging.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Position.h"
#include "UniqueString.h"
#include "Indicator.h"
#include "XPM.h"
#include "LineMarker.h"
#include "Style.h"
#include "ViewStyle.h"
using namespace Scintilla;
using namespace Scintilla::Internal;
MarginStyle::MarginStyle(MarginType style_, int width_, int mask_) noexcept :
style(style_), width(width_), mask(mask_), sensitive(false), cursor(CursorShape::ReverseArrow) {
bool MarginStyle::ShowsFolding() const noexcept {
return (mask & MaskFolders) != 0;
void FontRealised::Realise(Surface &surface, int zoomLevel, Technology technology, const FontSpecification &fs, const char *localeName) {
measurements.sizeZoomed = fs.size + zoomLevel * FontSizeMultiplier;
if (measurements.sizeZoomed <= FontSizeMultiplier) // May fail if sizeZoomed < 1
measurements.sizeZoomed = FontSizeMultiplier;
const float deviceHeight = static_cast<float>(surface.DeviceHeightFont(measurements.sizeZoomed));
const FontParameters fp(fs.fontName, deviceHeight / FontSizeMultiplier, fs.weight,
fs.italic, fs.extraFontFlag, technology, fs.characterSet, localeName);
font = Font::Allocate(fp);
// floor here is historical as platform layers have tweaked their values to match.
// ceil would likely be better to ensure (nearly) all of the ink of a character is seen
// but that would require platform layer changes.
measurements.ascent = std::floor(surface.Ascent(font.get()));
measurements.descent = std::floor(surface.Descent(font.get()));
measurements.capitalHeight = surface.Ascent(font.get()) - surface.InternalLeading(font.get());
measurements.aveCharWidth = surface.AverageCharWidth(font.get());
measurements.monospaceCharacterWidth = measurements.aveCharWidth;
measurements.spaceWidth = surface.WidthText(font.get(), " ");
if (fs.checkMonospaced) {
// "Ay" is normally strongly kerned and "fi" may be a ligature
constexpr std::string_view allASCIIGraphic("Ayfi"
// python: ''.join(chr(ch) for ch in range(32, 127))
" !\"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~");
std::array<XYPOSITION, allASCIIGraphic.length()> positions {};
surface.MeasureWidthsUTF8(font.get(), allASCIIGraphic, positions.data());
std::adjacent_difference(positions.begin(), positions.end(), positions.begin());
const XYPOSITION maxWidth = *std::max_element(positions.begin(), positions.end());
const XYPOSITION minWidth = *std::min_element(positions.begin(), positions.end());
const XYPOSITION variance = maxWidth - minWidth;
const XYPOSITION scaledVariance = variance / measurements.aveCharWidth;
constexpr XYPOSITION monospaceWidthEpsilon = 0.000001; // May need tweaking if monospace fonts vary more
measurements.monospaceASCII = scaledVariance < monospaceWidthEpsilon;
measurements.monospaceCharacterWidth = minWidth;
} else {
measurements.monospaceASCII = false;
ViewStyle::ViewStyle(size_t stylesSize_) :
markers(MarkerMax + 1),
indicators(static_cast<size_t>(IndicatorNumbers::Max) + 1) {
nextExtendedStyle = 256;
// There are no image markers by default, so no need for calling CalcLargestMarkerHeight()
largestMarkerHeight = 0;
indicators[0] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::Squiggle, ColourRGBA(0, 0x7f, 0));
indicators[1] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::TT, ColourRGBA(0, 0, 0xff));
indicators[2] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::Plain, ColourRGBA(0xff, 0, 0));
technology = Technology::Default;
indicatorsDynamic = false;
indicatorsSetFore = false;
lineHeight = 1;
lineOverlap = 0;
maxAscent = 1;
maxDescent = 1;
aveCharWidth = 8;
spaceWidth = 8;
tabWidth = spaceWidth * 8;
// Default is for no selection foregrounds
// Shades of grey for selection backgrounds
elementBaseColours[Element::SelectionBack] = ColourRGBA(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xff);
elementBaseColours[Element::SelectionAdditionalBack] = ColourRGBA(0xd7, 0xd7, 0xd7, 0xff);
elementBaseColours[Element::SelectionSecondaryBack] = ColourRGBA(0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xff);
elementBaseColours[Element::SelectionInactiveBack] = ColourRGBA(0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x3f);
controlCharSymbol = 0; /* Draw the control characters */
controlCharWidth = 0;
selbar = Platform::Chrome();
selbarlight = Platform::ChromeHighlight();
styles[StyleLineNumber].fore = ColourRGBA(0, 0, 0);
styles[StyleLineNumber].back = Platform::Chrome();
elementBaseColours[Element::Caret] = ColourRGBA(0, 0, 0);
elementBaseColours[Element::CaretAdditional] = ColourRGBA(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f);
someStylesProtected = false;
someStylesForceCase = false;
hotspotUnderline = true;
leftMarginWidth = 1;
rightMarginWidth = 1;
ms.resize(MaxMargin + 1);
ms[0] = MarginStyle(MarginType::Number);
ms[1] = MarginStyle(MarginType::Symbol, 16, ~MaskFolders);
ms[2] = MarginStyle(MarginType::Symbol);
marginInside = true;
textStart = marginInside ? fixedColumnWidth : leftMarginWidth;
zoomLevel = 0;
viewWhitespace = WhiteSpace::Invisible;
tabDrawMode = TabDrawMode::LongArrow;
whitespaceSize = 1;
viewIndentationGuides = IndentView::None;
viewEOL = false;
extraFontFlag = FontQuality::QualityDefault;
extraAscent = 0;
extraDescent = 0;
marginStyleOffset = 0;
annotationVisible = AnnotationVisible::Hidden;
annotationStyleOffset = 0;
eolAnnotationVisible = EOLAnnotationVisible::Hidden;
eolAnnotationStyleOffset = 0;
braceHighlightIndicatorSet = false;
braceHighlightIndicator = 0;
braceBadLightIndicatorSet = false;
braceBadLightIndicator = 0;
edgeState = EdgeVisualStyle::None;
theEdge = EdgeProperties(0, ColourRGBA(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0));
marginNumberPadding = 3;
ctrlCharPadding = 3; // +3 For a blank on front and rounded edge each side
lastSegItalicsOffset = 2;
localeName = localeNameDefault;
// Copy constructor only called when printing copies the screen ViewStyle so it can be
// modified for printing styles.
ViewStyle::ViewStyle(const ViewStyle &source) : ViewStyle(source.styles.size()) {
styles = source.styles;
for (Style &style : styles) {
// Can't just copy fontName as its lifetime is relative to its owning ViewStyle
style.fontName = fontNames.Save(style.fontName);
nextExtendedStyle = source.nextExtendedStyle;
markers = source.markers;
indicators = source.indicators;
indicatorsDynamic = source.indicatorsDynamic;
indicatorsSetFore = source.indicatorsSetFore;
selection = source.selection;
foldmarginColour = source.foldmarginColour;
foldmarginHighlightColour = source.foldmarginHighlightColour;
hotspotUnderline = source.hotspotUnderline;
controlCharSymbol = source.controlCharSymbol;
controlCharWidth = source.controlCharWidth;
selbar = source.selbar;
selbarlight = source.selbarlight;
caret = source.caret;
caretLine = source.caretLine;
someStylesProtected = false;
someStylesForceCase = false;
leftMarginWidth = source.leftMarginWidth;
rightMarginWidth = source.rightMarginWidth;
ms = source.ms;
maskInLine = source.maskInLine;
maskDrawInText = source.maskDrawInText;
fixedColumnWidth = source.fixedColumnWidth;
marginInside = source.marginInside;
textStart = source.textStart;
zoomLevel = source.zoomLevel;
viewWhitespace = source.viewWhitespace;
tabDrawMode = source.tabDrawMode;
whitespaceSize = source.whitespaceSize;
viewIndentationGuides = source.viewIndentationGuides;
viewEOL = source.viewEOL;
extraFontFlag = source.extraFontFlag;
extraAscent = source.extraAscent;
extraDescent = source.extraDescent;
marginStyleOffset = source.marginStyleOffset;
annotationVisible = source.annotationVisible;
annotationStyleOffset = source.annotationStyleOffset;
eolAnnotationVisible = source.eolAnnotationVisible;
eolAnnotationStyleOffset = source.eolAnnotationStyleOffset;
braceHighlightIndicatorSet = source.braceHighlightIndicatorSet;
braceHighlightIndicator = source.braceHighlightIndicator;
braceBadLightIndicatorSet = source.braceBadLightIndicatorSet;
braceBadLightIndicator = source.braceBadLightIndicator;
edgeState = source.edgeState;
theEdge = source.theEdge;
theMultiEdge = source.theMultiEdge;
marginNumberPadding = source.marginNumberPadding;
ctrlCharPadding = source.ctrlCharPadding;
lastSegItalicsOffset = source.lastSegItalicsOffset;
wrap = source.wrap;
localeName = source.localeName;
ViewStyle::~ViewStyle() = default;
void ViewStyle::CalculateMarginWidthAndMask() noexcept {
fixedColumnWidth = marginInside ? leftMarginWidth : 0;
maskInLine = 0xffffffff;
int maskDefinedMarkers = 0;
for (const MarginStyle &m : ms) {
fixedColumnWidth += m.width;
if (m.width > 0)
maskInLine &= ~m.mask;
maskDefinedMarkers |= m.mask;
maskDrawInText = 0;
for (int markBit = 0; markBit < 32; markBit++) {
const int maskBit = 1U << markBit;
switch (markers[markBit].markType) {
case MarkerSymbol::Empty:
maskInLine &= ~maskBit;
case MarkerSymbol::Background:
case MarkerSymbol::Underline:
maskInLine &= ~maskBit;
maskDrawInText |= maskDefinedMarkers & maskBit;
default: // Other marker types do not affect the masks
void ViewStyle::Refresh(Surface &surface, int tabInChars) {
selbar = Platform::Chrome();
selbarlight = Platform::ChromeHighlight();
// Apply the extra font flag which controls text drawing quality to each style.
for (Style &style : styles) {
style.extraFontFlag = extraFontFlag;
// Create a FontRealised object for each unique font in the styles.
for (const Style &style : styles) {
// Ask platform to allocate each unique font.
for (const std::pair<const FontSpecification, std::unique_ptr<FontRealised>> &font : fonts) {
font.second->Realise(surface, zoomLevel, technology, font.first, localeName.c_str());
// Set the platform font handle and measurements for each style.
for (Style &style : styles) {
const FontRealised *fr = Find(style);
style.Copy(fr->font, fr->measurements);
indicatorsDynamic = std::any_of(indicators.cbegin(), indicators.cend(),
[](const Indicator &indicator) noexcept { return indicator.IsDynamic(); });
indicatorsSetFore = std::any_of(indicators.cbegin(), indicators.cend(),
[](const Indicator &indicator) noexcept { return indicator.OverridesTextFore(); });
maxAscent = 1;
maxDescent = 1;
// Ensure reasonable values: lines less than 1 pixel high will not work
maxAscent = std::max(1.0, maxAscent + extraAscent);
maxDescent = std::max(0.0, maxDescent + extraDescent);
lineHeight = static_cast<int>(std::lround(maxAscent + maxDescent));
lineOverlap = lineHeight / 10;
if (lineOverlap < 2)
lineOverlap = 2;
if (lineOverlap > lineHeight)
lineOverlap = lineHeight;
someStylesProtected = std::any_of(styles.cbegin(), styles.cend(),
[](const Style &style) noexcept { return style.IsProtected(); });
someStylesForceCase = std::any_of(styles.cbegin(), styles.cend(),
[](const Style &style) noexcept { return style.caseForce != Style::CaseForce::mixed; });
aveCharWidth = styles[StyleDefault].aveCharWidth;
spaceWidth = styles[StyleDefault].spaceWidth;
tabWidth = spaceWidth * tabInChars;
controlCharWidth = 0.0;
if (controlCharSymbol >= 32) {
const char cc[2] = { static_cast<char>(controlCharSymbol), '\0' };
controlCharWidth = surface.WidthText(styles[StyleControlChar].font.get(), cc);
textStart = marginInside ? fixedColumnWidth : leftMarginWidth;
void ViewStyle::ReleaseAllExtendedStyles() noexcept {
nextExtendedStyle = 256;
int ViewStyle::AllocateExtendedStyles(int numberStyles) {
const int startRange = nextExtendedStyle;
nextExtendedStyle += numberStyles;
return startRange;
void ViewStyle::EnsureStyle(size_t index) {
if (index >= styles.size()) {
void ViewStyle::ResetDefaultStyle() {
styles[StyleDefault] = Style(fontNames.Save(Platform::DefaultFont()));
void ViewStyle::ClearStyles() {
// Reset all styles to be like the default style
for (size_t i=0; i<styles.size(); i++) {
if (i != StyleDefault) {
styles[i] = styles[StyleDefault];
styles[StyleLineNumber].back = Platform::Chrome();
// Set call tip fore/back to match the values previously set for call tips
styles[StyleCallTip].back = ColourRGBA(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
styles[StyleCallTip].fore = ColourRGBA(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
void ViewStyle::SetStyleFontName(int styleIndex, const char *name) {
styles[styleIndex].fontName = fontNames.Save(name);
void ViewStyle::SetFontLocaleName(const char *name) {
localeName = name;
bool ViewStyle::ProtectionActive() const noexcept {
return someStylesProtected;
int ViewStyle::ExternalMarginWidth() const noexcept {
return marginInside ? 0 : fixedColumnWidth;
int ViewStyle::MarginFromLocation(Point pt) const noexcept {
XYPOSITION x = marginInside ? 0 : -fixedColumnWidth;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ms.size(); i++) {
if ((pt.x >= x) && (pt.x < x + ms[i].width))
return static_cast<int>(i);
x += ms[i].width;
return -1;
bool ViewStyle::ValidStyle(size_t styleIndex) const noexcept {
return styleIndex < styles.size();
void ViewStyle::CalcLargestMarkerHeight() noexcept {
largestMarkerHeight = 0;
for (const LineMarker &marker : markers) {
switch (marker.markType) {
case MarkerSymbol::Pixmap:
if (marker.pxpm && marker.pxpm->GetHeight() > largestMarkerHeight)
largestMarkerHeight = marker.pxpm->GetHeight();
case MarkerSymbol::RgbaImage:
if (marker.image && marker.image->GetHeight() > largestMarkerHeight)
largestMarkerHeight = marker.image->GetHeight();
default: // Only images have their own natural heights
int ViewStyle::GetFrameWidth() const noexcept {
return std::clamp(caretLine.frame, 1, lineHeight / 3);
bool ViewStyle::IsLineFrameOpaque(bool caretActive, bool lineContainsCaret) const {
return caretLine.frame && (caretActive || caretLine.alwaysShow) &&
ElementColour(Element::CaretLineBack) &&
(caretLine.layer == Layer::Base) && lineContainsCaret;
// See if something overrides the line background colour: Either if caret is on the line
// and background colour is set for that, or if a marker is defined that forces its background
// colour onto the line, or if a marker is defined but has no selection margin in which to
// display itself (as long as it's not an MarkerSymbol::Empty marker). These are checked in order
// with the earlier taking precedence. When multiple markers cause background override,
// the colour for the highest numbered one is used.
std::optional<ColourRGBA> ViewStyle::Background(int marksOfLine, bool caretActive, bool lineContainsCaret) const {
std::optional<ColourRGBA> background;
if (!caretLine.frame && (caretActive || caretLine.alwaysShow) &&
(caretLine.layer == Layer::Base) && lineContainsCaret) {
background = ElementColour(Element::CaretLineBack);
if (!background && marksOfLine) {
int marks = marksOfLine;
for (int markBit = 0; (markBit < 32) && marks; markBit++) {
if ((marks & 1) && (markers[markBit].markType == MarkerSymbol::Background) &&
(markers[markBit].layer == Layer::Base)) {
background = markers[markBit].back;
marks >>= 1;
if (!background && maskInLine) {
int marksMasked = marksOfLine & maskInLine;
if (marksMasked) {
for (int markBit = 0; (markBit < 32) && marksMasked; markBit++) {
if ((marksMasked & 1) &&
(markers[markBit].layer == Layer::Base)) {
background = markers[markBit].back;
marksMasked >>= 1;
if (background) {
return background->Opaque();
} else {
return {};
bool ViewStyle::SelectionBackgroundDrawn() const noexcept {
return selection.layer == Layer::Base;
bool ViewStyle::SelectionTextDrawn() const {
ElementIsSet(Element::SelectionText) ||
ElementIsSet(Element::SelectionAdditionalText) ||
ElementIsSet(Element::SelectionSecondaryText) ||
bool ViewStyle::WhitespaceBackgroundDrawn() const {
return (viewWhitespace != WhiteSpace::Invisible) && (ElementIsSet(Element::WhiteSpaceBack));
bool ViewStyle::WhiteSpaceVisible(bool inIndent) const noexcept {
return (!inIndent && viewWhitespace == WhiteSpace::VisibleAfterIndent) ||
(inIndent && viewWhitespace == WhiteSpace::VisibleOnlyInIndent) ||
viewWhitespace == WhiteSpace::VisibleAlways;
ColourRGBA ViewStyle::WrapColour() const {
return ElementColour(Element::WhiteSpace).value_or(styles[StyleDefault].fore);
// Insert new edge in sorted order.
void ViewStyle::AddMultiEdge(int column, ColourRGBA colour) {
std::upper_bound(theMultiEdge.begin(), theMultiEdge.end(), column,
[](const EdgeProperties &a, const EdgeProperties &b) noexcept {
return a.column < b.column;
EdgeProperties(column, colour));
std::optional<ColourRGBA> ViewStyle::ElementColour(Element element) const {
ElementMap::const_iterator search = elementColours.find(element);
if (search != elementColours.end()) {
if (search->second.has_value()) {
return search->second;
ElementMap::const_iterator searchBase = elementBaseColours.find(element);
if (searchBase != elementBaseColours.end()) {
if (searchBase->second.has_value()) {
return searchBase->second;
return {};
bool ViewStyle::ElementAllowsTranslucent(Element element) const {
return elementAllowsTranslucent.count(element) > 0;
bool ViewStyle::ResetElement(Element element) {
ElementMap::const_iterator search = elementColours.find(element);
const bool changed = (search != elementColours.end()) && (search->second.has_value());
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetElementColour(Element element, ColourRGBA colour) {
ElementMap::const_iterator search = elementColours.find(element);
const bool changed =
(search == elementColours.end()) ||
(search->second.has_value() && !(*search->second == colour));
elementColours[element] = colour;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetElementColourOptional(Element element, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
if (wParam) {
return SetElementColour(element, ColourRGBA::FromIpRGB(lParam));
} else {
return ResetElement(element);
void ViewStyle::SetElementRGB(Element element, int rgb) {
const ColourRGBA current = ElementColour(element).value_or(ColourRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0));
elementColours[element] = ColourRGBA(ColourRGBA(rgb), current.GetAlpha());
void ViewStyle::SetElementAlpha(Element element, int alpha) {
const ColourRGBA current = ElementColour(element).value_or(ColourRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0));
elementColours[element] = ColourRGBA(current, std::min(alpha, 0xff));
bool ViewStyle::ElementIsSet(Element element) const {
ElementMap::const_iterator search = elementColours.find(element);
if (search != elementColours.end()) {
return search->second.has_value();
return false;
bool ViewStyle::SetElementBase(Element element, ColourRGBA colour) {
ElementMap::const_iterator search = elementBaseColours.find(element);
const bool changed =
(search == elementBaseColours.end()) ||
(search->second.has_value() && !(*search->second == colour));
elementBaseColours[element] = colour;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetWrapState(Wrap wrapState_) noexcept {
const bool changed = wrap.state != wrapState_;
wrap.state = wrapState_;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetWrapVisualFlags(WrapVisualFlag wrapVisualFlags_) noexcept {
const bool changed = wrap.visualFlags != wrapVisualFlags_;
wrap.visualFlags = wrapVisualFlags_;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(WrapVisualLocation wrapVisualFlagsLocation_) noexcept {
const bool changed = wrap.visualFlagsLocation != wrapVisualFlagsLocation_;
wrap.visualFlagsLocation = wrapVisualFlagsLocation_;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetWrapVisualStartIndent(int wrapVisualStartIndent_) noexcept {
const bool changed = wrap.visualStartIndent != wrapVisualStartIndent_;
wrap.visualStartIndent = wrapVisualStartIndent_;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::SetWrapIndentMode(WrapIndentMode wrapIndentMode_) noexcept {
const bool changed = wrap.indentMode != wrapIndentMode_;
wrap.indentMode = wrapIndentMode_;
return changed;
bool ViewStyle::IsBlockCaretStyle() const noexcept {
return ((caret.style & CaretStyle::InsMask) == CaretStyle::Block) ||
FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::OverstrikeBlock) ||
FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::Curses);
bool ViewStyle::IsCaretVisible(bool isMainSelection) const noexcept {
return caret.width > 0 &&
((caret.style & CaretStyle::InsMask) != CaretStyle::Invisible ||
(FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::Curses) && !isMainSelection)); // only draw additional selections in curses mode
bool ViewStyle::DrawCaretInsideSelection(bool inOverstrike, bool imeCaretBlockOverride) const noexcept {
if (FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::BlockAfter))
return false;
return ((caret.style & CaretStyle::InsMask) == CaretStyle::Block) ||
(inOverstrike && FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::OverstrikeBlock)) ||
imeCaretBlockOverride ||
FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::Curses);
ViewStyle::CaretShape ViewStyle::CaretShapeForMode(bool inOverstrike, bool isMainSelection) const noexcept {
if (inOverstrike) {
return (FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::OverstrikeBlock)) ? CaretShape::block : CaretShape::bar;
if (FlagSet(caret.style, CaretStyle::Curses) && !isMainSelection) {
return CaretShape::block;
const CaretStyle caretStyle = caret.style & CaretStyle::InsMask;
return (caretStyle <= CaretStyle::Block) ? static_cast<CaretShape>(caretStyle) : CaretShape::line;
void ViewStyle::AllocStyles(size_t sizeNew) {
size_t i=styles.size();
if (styles.size() > StyleDefault) {
for (; i<sizeNew; i++) {
if (i != StyleDefault) {
styles[i] = styles[StyleDefault];
void ViewStyle::CreateAndAddFont(const FontSpecification &fs) {
if (fs.fontName) {
FontMap::iterator it = fonts.find(fs);
if (it == fonts.end()) {
fonts[fs] = std::make_unique<FontRealised>();
FontRealised *ViewStyle::Find(const FontSpecification &fs) {
if (!fs.fontName) // Invalid specification so return arbitrary object
return fonts.begin()->second.get();
FontMap::iterator it = fonts.find(fs);
if (it != fonts.end()) {
// Should always reach here since map was just set for all styles
return it->second.get();
return nullptr;
void ViewStyle::FindMaxAscentDescent() noexcept {
for (const auto &font : fonts) {
if (maxAscent < font.second->measurements.ascent)
maxAscent = font.second->measurements.ascent;
if (maxDescent < font.second->measurements.descent)
maxDescent = font.second->measurements.descent;