252 lines
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252 lines
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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file ViewStyle.h
** Store information on how the document is to be viewed.
// Copyright 1998-2001 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
class MarginStyle {
Scintilla::MarginType style;
ColourRGBA back;
int width;
int mask;
bool sensitive;
Scintilla::CursorShape cursor;
MarginStyle(Scintilla::MarginType style_= Scintilla::MarginType::Symbol, int width_=0, int mask_=0) noexcept;
bool ShowsFolding() const noexcept;
class FontRealised {
FontMeasurements measurements;
std::shared_ptr<Font> font;
void Realise(Surface &surface, int zoomLevel, Scintilla::Technology technology, const FontSpecification &fs, const char *localeName);
typedef std::map<FontSpecification, std::unique_ptr<FontRealised>> FontMap;
inline std::optional<ColourRGBA> OptionalColour(Scintilla::uptr_t wParam, Scintilla::sptr_t lParam) {
if (wParam) {
return ColourRGBA::FromIpRGB(lParam);
} else {
return {};
struct SelectionAppearance {
// Whether to draw on base layer or over text
Scintilla::Layer layer = Layer::Base;
// Draw selection past line end characters up to right border
bool eolFilled = false;
struct CaretLineAppearance {
// Whether to draw on base layer or over text
Scintilla::Layer layer = Layer::Base;
// Also show when non-focused
bool alwaysShow = false;
// highlight sub line instead of whole line
bool subLine = false;
// Non-0: draw a rectangle around line instead of filling line. Value is pixel width of frame
int frame = 0;
struct CaretAppearance {
// Line, block, over-strike bar ...
Scintilla::CaretStyle style = CaretStyle::Line;
// Width in pixels
int width = 1;
struct WrapAppearance {
// No wrapping, word, character, whitespace appearance
Scintilla::Wrap state = Wrap::None;
// Show indication of wrap at line end, line start, or in margin
Scintilla::WrapVisualFlag visualFlags = WrapVisualFlag::None;
// Show indication near margin or near text
Scintilla::WrapVisualLocation visualFlagsLocation = WrapVisualLocation::Default;
// How much indentation to show wrapping
int visualStartIndent = 0;
// WrapIndentMode::Fixed, Same, Indent, DeepIndent
Scintilla::WrapIndentMode indentMode = WrapIndentMode::Fixed;
struct EdgeProperties {
int column = 0;
ColourRGBA colour;
constexpr EdgeProperties(int column_ = 0, ColourRGBA colour_ = ColourRGBA::FromRGB(0)) noexcept :
column(column_), colour(colour_) {
// This is an old style enum so that its members can be used directly as indices without casting
enum StyleIndices {
StyleDefault = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::Default),
StyleLineNumber = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::LineNumber),
StyleBraceLight = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::BraceLight),
StyleBraceBad = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::BraceBad),
StyleControlChar = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::ControlChar),
StyleIndentGuide = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::IndentGuide),
StyleCallTip = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::CallTip),
StyleFoldDisplayText = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::StylesCommon::FoldDisplayText),
class ViewStyle {
UniqueStringSet fontNames;
FontMap fonts;
std::vector<Style> styles;
int nextExtendedStyle;
std::vector<LineMarker> markers;
int largestMarkerHeight;
std::vector<Indicator> indicators;
bool indicatorsDynamic;
bool indicatorsSetFore;
Scintilla::Technology technology;
int lineHeight;
int lineOverlap;
XYPOSITION maxDescent;
XYPOSITION aveCharWidth;
XYPOSITION spaceWidth;
SelectionAppearance selection;
int controlCharSymbol;
XYPOSITION controlCharWidth;
ColourRGBA selbar;
ColourRGBA selbarlight;
std::optional<ColourRGBA> foldmarginColour;
std::optional<ColourRGBA> foldmarginHighlightColour;
bool hotspotUnderline;
/// Margins are ordered: Line Numbers, Selection Margin, Spacing Margin
int leftMarginWidth; ///< Spacing margin on left of text
int rightMarginWidth; ///< Spacing margin on right of text
int maskInLine = 0; ///< Mask for markers to be put into text because there is nowhere for them to go in margin
int maskDrawInText = 0; ///< Mask for markers that always draw in text
std::vector<MarginStyle> ms;
int fixedColumnWidth = 0; ///< Total width of margins
bool marginInside; ///< true: margin included in text view, false: separate views
int textStart; ///< Starting x position of text within the view
int zoomLevel;
Scintilla::WhiteSpace viewWhitespace;
Scintilla::TabDrawMode tabDrawMode;
int whitespaceSize;
Scintilla::IndentView viewIndentationGuides;
bool viewEOL;
CaretAppearance caret;
CaretLineAppearance caretLine;
bool someStylesProtected;
bool someStylesForceCase;
Scintilla::FontQuality extraFontFlag;
int extraAscent;
int extraDescent;
int marginStyleOffset;
Scintilla::AnnotationVisible annotationVisible;
int annotationStyleOffset;
Scintilla::EOLAnnotationVisible eolAnnotationVisible;
int eolAnnotationStyleOffset;
bool braceHighlightIndicatorSet;
int braceHighlightIndicator;
bool braceBadLightIndicatorSet;
int braceBadLightIndicator;
Scintilla::EdgeVisualStyle edgeState;
EdgeProperties theEdge;
std::vector<EdgeProperties> theMultiEdge;
int marginNumberPadding; // the right-side padding of the number margin
int ctrlCharPadding; // the padding around control character text blobs
int lastSegItalicsOffset; // the offset so as not to clip italic characters at EOLs
using ElementMap = std::map<Scintilla::Element, std::optional<ColourRGBA>>;
ElementMap elementColours;
ElementMap elementBaseColours;
std::set<Scintilla::Element> elementAllowsTranslucent;
WrapAppearance wrap;
std::string localeName;
ViewStyle(size_t stylesSize_=256);
ViewStyle(const ViewStyle &source);
ViewStyle(ViewStyle &&) = delete;
// Can only be copied through copy constructor which ensures font names initialised correctly
ViewStyle &operator=(const ViewStyle &) = delete;
ViewStyle &operator=(ViewStyle &&) = delete;
void CalculateMarginWidthAndMask() noexcept;
void Refresh(Surface &surface, int tabInChars);
void ReleaseAllExtendedStyles() noexcept;
int AllocateExtendedStyles(int numberStyles);
void EnsureStyle(size_t index);
void ResetDefaultStyle();
void ClearStyles();
void SetStyleFontName(int styleIndex, const char *name);
void SetFontLocaleName(const char *name);
bool ProtectionActive() const noexcept;
int ExternalMarginWidth() const noexcept;
int MarginFromLocation(Point pt) const noexcept;
bool ValidStyle(size_t styleIndex) const noexcept;
void CalcLargestMarkerHeight() noexcept;
int GetFrameWidth() const noexcept;
bool IsLineFrameOpaque(bool caretActive, bool lineContainsCaret) const;
std::optional<ColourRGBA> Background(int marksOfLine, bool caretActive, bool lineContainsCaret) const;
bool SelectionBackgroundDrawn() const noexcept;
bool SelectionTextDrawn() const;
bool WhitespaceBackgroundDrawn() const;
ColourRGBA WrapColour() const;
void AddMultiEdge(int column, ColourRGBA colour);
std::optional<ColourRGBA> ElementColour(Scintilla::Element element) const;
bool ElementAllowsTranslucent(Scintilla::Element element) const;
bool ResetElement(Scintilla::Element element);
bool SetElementColour(Scintilla::Element element, ColourRGBA colour);
bool SetElementColourOptional(Scintilla::Element element, Scintilla::uptr_t wParam, Scintilla::sptr_t lParam);
void SetElementRGB(Scintilla::Element element, int rgb);
void SetElementAlpha(Scintilla::Element element, int alpha);
bool ElementIsSet(Scintilla::Element element) const;
bool SetElementBase(Scintilla::Element element, ColourRGBA colour);
bool SetWrapState(Scintilla::Wrap wrapState_) noexcept;
bool SetWrapVisualFlags(Scintilla::WrapVisualFlag wrapVisualFlags_) noexcept;
bool SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(Scintilla::WrapVisualLocation wrapVisualFlagsLocation_) noexcept;
bool SetWrapVisualStartIndent(int wrapVisualStartIndent_) noexcept;
bool SetWrapIndentMode(Scintilla::WrapIndentMode wrapIndentMode_) noexcept;
bool WhiteSpaceVisible(bool inIndent) const noexcept;
enum class CaretShape { invisible, line, block, bar };
bool IsBlockCaretStyle() const noexcept;
bool IsCaretVisible(bool isMainSelection) const noexcept;
bool DrawCaretInsideSelection(bool inOverstrike, bool imeCaretBlockOverride) const noexcept;
CaretShape CaretShapeForMode(bool inOverstrike, bool isMainSelection) const noexcept;
void AllocStyles(size_t sizeNew);
void CreateAndAddFont(const FontSpecification &fs);
FontRealised *Find(const FontSpecification &fs);
void FindMaxAscentDescent() noexcept;