1481 lines
43 KiB
1481 lines
43 KiB
// This file is part of Notepad++ project
// Copyright (C)2003 Don HO <don.h@free.fr>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet
// it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid
// misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a
// "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the
// following:
// 1. Integrates source code from Notepad++.
// 2. Integrates/includes/aggregates Notepad++ into a proprietary executable
// installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.
// 3. Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "precompiledHeaders.h"
#include "Notepad_plus_Window.h"
#include "FileDialog.h"
#include "EncodingMapper.h"
#include "VerticalFileSwitcher.h"
#include "functionListPanel.h"
#include <TCHAR.h>
BufferID Notepad_plus::doOpen(const TCHAR *fileName, bool isRecursive, bool isReadOnly, int encoding, const TCHAR *backupFileName, time_t fileNameTimestamp)
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
TCHAR longFileName[MAX_PATH];
::GetFullPathName(fileName, MAX_PATH, longFileName, NULL);
::GetLongPathName(longFileName, longFileName, MAX_PATH);
bool isSnapshotMode = backupFileName != NULL && PathFileExists(backupFileName);
if (isSnapshotMode && !PathFileExists(longFileName)) // UNTITLED
lstrcpy(longFileName, fileName);
const TCHAR * fileName2Find;
generic_string gs_fileName = fileName;
size_t res = gs_fileName.find_first_of(UNTITLED_STR);
if (res != string::npos && res == 0)
fileName2Find = fileName;
fileName2Find = longFileName;
BufferID test = MainFileManager->getBufferFromName(fileName2Find);
if (test != BUFFER_INVALID && !isSnapshotMode)
//Dont switch, not responsibility of doOpen, but of caller
if (_pTrayIco)
if (_pTrayIco->isInTray())
::ShowWindow(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), SW_SHOW);
if (!_pPublicInterface->isPrelaunch())
::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0);
return test;
if (isFileSession(longFileName) && PathFileExists(longFileName))
bool isWow64Off = false;
if (!PathFileExists(longFileName))
isWow64Off = true;
bool globbing = wcsrchr(longFileName, TCHAR('*')) || wcsrchr(longFileName, TCHAR('?'));
if (!isSnapshotMode) // if not backup mode, or backupfile path is invalid
if (!PathFileExists(longFileName) && !globbing)
TCHAR str2display[MAX_PATH*2];
generic_string longFileDir(longFileName);
bool isCreateFileSuccessful = false;
if (PathFileExists(longFileDir.c_str()))
wsprintf(str2display, TEXT("%s doesn't exist. Create it?"), longFileName);
if (::MessageBox(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), str2display, TEXT("Create new file"), MB_YESNO) == IDYES)
bool res = MainFileManager->createEmptyFile(longFileName);
if (res)
isCreateFileSuccessful = true;
wsprintf(str2display, TEXT("Cannot create the file \"%s\""), longFileName);
::MessageBox(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), str2display, TEXT("Create new file"), MB_OK);
if (!isCreateFileSuccessful)
if (isWow64Off)
isWow64Off = false;
// Notify plugins that current file is about to load
// Plugins can should use this notification to filter SCN_MODIFIED
SCNotification scnN;
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFORELOAD;
scnN.nmhdr.hwndFrom = _pPublicInterface->getHSelf();
scnN.nmhdr.idFrom = NULL;
if (encoding == -1)
encoding = getHtmlXmlEncoding(longFileName);
BufferID buffer;
if (isSnapshotMode)
buffer = MainFileManager->loadFile(longFileName, NULL, encoding, backupFileName, fileNameTimestamp);
buffer = MainFileManager->loadFile(longFileName, NULL, encoding);
if (buffer != BUFFER_INVALID)
_isFileOpening = true;
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(buffer);
// if file is read only, we set the view read only
if (isReadOnly)
// Notify plugins that current file is about to open
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFOREOPEN;
scnN.nmhdr.idFrom = (uptr_t)buffer;
loadBufferIntoView(buffer, currentView());
if (_pTrayIco)
if (_pTrayIco->isInTray())
::ShowWindow(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), SW_SHOW);
if (!_pPublicInterface->isPrelaunch())
::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), WM_SIZE, 0, 0);
_linkTriggered = true;
_isFileOpening = false;
// Notify plugins that current file is just opened
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEOPENED;
if (_pFileSwitcherPanel)
_pFileSwitcherPanel->newItem((int)buf, currentView());
if (globbing || ::PathIsDirectory(fileName))
vector<generic_string> fileNames;
vector<generic_string> patterns;
if (globbing)
const TCHAR * substring = wcsrchr(fileName, TCHAR('\\'));
size_t pos = substring - fileName;
patterns.push_back(substring + 1);
generic_string dir(fileName, pos + 1);
getMatchedFileNames(dir.c_str(), patterns, fileNames, isRecursive, false);
generic_string fileNameStr = fileName;
if (fileName[lstrlen(fileName) - 1] != '\\')
fileNameStr += TEXT("\\");
getMatchedFileNames(fileNameStr.c_str(), patterns, fileNames, true, false);
bool ok2Open = true;
size_t nbFiles2Open = fileNames.size();
if (nbFiles2Open > 200)
ok2Open = IDYES == _nativeLangSpeaker.messageBox("NbFileToOpenImportantWarning",
TEXT("$INT_REPLACE$ files are about to be opened.\rAre you sure to open them?"),
TEXT("Amount of files to open is too large"),
if (ok2Open)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nbFiles2Open ; ++i)
generic_string msg = TEXT("Can not open file \"");
msg += longFileName;
msg += TEXT("\".");
::MessageBox(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), msg.c_str(), TEXT("ERROR"), MB_OK);
_isFileOpening = false;
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILELOADFAILED;
if (isWow64Off)
isWow64Off = false;
return buffer;
bool Notepad_plus::doReload(BufferID id, bool alert)
if (alert)
int answer = _nativeLangSpeaker.messageBox("DocReloadWarning",
TEXT("Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"),
if (answer != IDYES)
return false;
//In order to prevent Scintilla from restyling the entire document,
//an empty Document is inserted during reload if needed.
bool mainVisisble = (_mainEditView.getCurrentBufferID() == id);
bool subVisisble = (_subEditView.getCurrentBufferID() == id);
if (mainVisisble) {
_mainEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, 0);
if (subVisisble) {
_subEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, 0);
if (!mainVisisble && !subVisisble) {
return MainFileManager->reloadBufferDeferred(id);
bool res = MainFileManager->reloadBuffer(id);
Buffer * pBuf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (mainVisisble) {
_mainEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, pBuf->getDocument());
if (subVisisble) {
_subEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, pBuf->getDocument());
return res;
bool Notepad_plus::doSave(BufferID id, const TCHAR * filename, bool isCopy)
SCNotification scnN;
// Notify plugins that current file is about to be saved
if (!isCopy)
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILEBEFORESAVE;
scnN.nmhdr.hwndFrom = _pPublicInterface->getHSelf();
scnN.nmhdr.idFrom = (uptr_t)id;
generic_string error_msg;
bool res = MainFileManager->saveBuffer(id, filename, isCopy, &error_msg);
if (!isCopy)
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILESAVED;
if (!res)
TEXT("Please check if this file is opened in another program."),
TEXT("Save failed"),
::MessageBox(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), error_msg.c_str(), TEXT("Save failed"), MB_OK);
if (_pFuncList && (!_pFuncList->isClosed()) && _pFuncList->isVisible())
return res;
void Notepad_plus::doClose(BufferID id, int whichOne, bool doDeleteBackup)
DocTabView *tabToClose = (whichOne == MAIN_VIEW)?&_mainDocTab:&_subDocTab;
int i = tabToClose->getIndexByBuffer(id);
if (i == -1)
if (doDeleteBackup)
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
// Notify plugins that current file is about to be closed
SCNotification scnN;
scnN.nmhdr.hwndFrom = _pPublicInterface->getHSelf();
scnN.nmhdr.idFrom = (uptr_t)id;
//add to recent files if its an existing file
if (!buf->isUntitled())
// if the file doesn't exist, it could be redirected
// So we turn Wow64 off
bool isWow64Off = false;
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
const TCHAR *fn = buf->getFullPathName();
if (!PathFileExists(fn))
isWow64Off = true;
if (PathFileExists(buf->getFullPathName()))
// We enable Wow64 system, if it was disabled
if (isWow64Off)
isWow64Off = false;
int nrDocs = whichOne==MAIN_VIEW?(_mainDocTab.nbItem()):(_subDocTab.nbItem());
//Do all the works
bool isBufRemoved = removeBufferFromView(id, whichOne);
int hiddenBufferID = -1;
if (nrDocs == 1 && canHideView(whichOne))
{ //close the view if both visible
// if the current activated buffer is in this view,
// then get buffer ID to remove the entry from File Switcher Pannel
hiddenBufferID = ::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NPPM_GETBUFFERIDFROMPOS, 0, whichOne);
// Notify plugins that current file is closed
if (isBufRemoved)
scnN.nmhdr.code = NPPN_FILECLOSED;
// The document could be clonned.
// if the same buffer ID is not found then remove the entry from File Switcher Pannel
if (_pFileSwitcherPanel)
//int posInfo = ::SendMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NPPM_GETPOSFROMBUFFERID, (WPARAM)id ,0);
_pFileSwitcherPanel->closeItem((int)id, whichOne);
if (hiddenBufferID != -1)
_pFileSwitcherPanel->closeItem((int)hiddenBufferID, whichOne);
generic_string Notepad_plus::exts2Filters(generic_string exts) const
const TCHAR *extStr = exts.c_str();
generic_string filters(TEXT(""));
int j = 0;
bool stop = false;
for (size_t i = 0, len = exts.length(); i < len ; ++i)
if (extStr[i] == ' ')
if (!stop)
aExt[j] = '\0';
stop = true;
if (aExt[0])
filters += TEXT("*.");
filters += aExt;
filters += TEXT(";");
j = 0;
aExt[j] = extStr[i];
stop = false;
if (j > 0)
aExt[j] = '\0';
if (aExt[0])
filters += TEXT("*.");
filters += aExt;
filters += TEXT(";");
// remove the last ';'
filters = filters.substr(0, filters.length()-1);
return filters;
int Notepad_plus::setFileOpenSaveDlgFilters(FileDialog & fDlg, int langType)
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
NppGUI & nppGUI = (NppGUI & )pNppParam->getNppGUI();
int i = 0;
Lang *l = NppParameters::getInstance()->getLangFromIndex(i++);
int ltIndex = 0;
bool ltFound = false;
while (l)
LangType lid = l->getLangID();
bool inExcludedList = false;
for (size_t j = 0, len = nppGUI._excludedLangList.size() ; j < len ; ++j)
if (lid == nppGUI._excludedLangList[j]._langType)
inExcludedList = true;
if (!inExcludedList)
const TCHAR *defList = l->getDefaultExtList();
const TCHAR *userList = NULL;
LexerStylerArray &lsa = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getLStylerArray();
const TCHAR *lName = l->getLangName();
LexerStyler *pLS = lsa.getLexerStylerByName(lName);
if (pLS)
userList = pLS->getLexerUserExt();
generic_string list(TEXT(""));
if (defList)
list += defList;
if (userList)
list += TEXT(" ");
list += userList;
generic_string stringFilters = exts2Filters(list);
const TCHAR *filters = stringFilters.c_str();
if (filters[0])
fDlg.setExtsFilter(getLangDesc(lid, false).c_str(), filters);
// Get index of lang type to find
if (langType != -1 && !ltFound)
ltFound = langType == lid;
if (langType != -1 && !ltFound)
l = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getLangFromIndex(i++);
if (!ltFound)
return -1;
return ltIndex;
bool Notepad_plus::fileClose(BufferID id, int curView)
BufferID bufferID = id;
bufferID = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferID);
int res;
//process the fileNamePath into LRF
const TCHAR *fileNamePath = buf->getFullPathName();
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing
else if (buf->isDirty())
res = doSaveOrNot(fileNamePath);
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id)) // the cancel button of savedialog is pressed, aborts closing
return false;
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false; //cancel aborts closing
// else IDNO we continue
int viewToClose = currentView();
if (curView != -1)
viewToClose = curView;
//first check amount of documents, we dont want the view to hide if we closed a secondary doc with primary being empty
//int nrDocs = _pDocTab->nbItem();
bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode();
doClose(bufferID, viewToClose, isSnapshotMode);
return true;
bool Notepad_plus::fileCloseAll(bool doDeleteBackup, bool isSnapshotMode)
//closes all documents, makes the current view the only one visible
//first check if we need to save any file
for(int i = 0; i < _mainDocTab.nbItem(); ++i)
BufferID id = _mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing
else if (buf->isDirty())
if (isSnapshotMode)
activateBuffer(id, MAIN_VIEW);
if(!activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW))
int res = doSaveOrNot(buf->getFullPathName());
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id))
return false; //abort entire procedure
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < _subDocTab.nbItem(); ++i)
BufferID id = _subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing
else if (buf->isDirty())
if (isSnapshotMode)
activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW);
int res = doSaveOrNot(buf->getFullPathName());
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id))
return false; //abort entire procedure
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false;
//otherwise continue (IDNO)
//Then start closing, inactive view first so the active is left open
if (bothActive())
{ //first close all docs in non-current view, which gets closed automatically
//Set active tab to the last one closed.
activateBuffer(_pNonDocTab->getBufferByIndex(0), otherView());
for(int i = _pNonDocTab->nbItem() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //close all from right to left
doClose(_pNonDocTab->getBufferByIndex(i), otherView(), doDeleteBackup);
activateBuffer(_pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(0), currentView());
for(int i = _pDocTab->nbItem() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //close all from right to left
doClose(_pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(i), currentView(), doDeleteBackup);
return true;
bool Notepad_plus::fileCloseAllGiven(const std::vector<int> &krvecBufferIndexes)
// First check if we need to save any file.
std::vector<int>::const_iterator itIndexesEnd = krvecBufferIndexes.end();
for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator itIndex = krvecBufferIndexes.begin(); itIndex != itIndexesEnd; ++itIndex) {
BufferID id = _pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(*itIndex);
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing.
else if (buf->isDirty())
if(_activeView == MAIN_VIEW)
activateBuffer(id, MAIN_VIEW);
if(!activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW))
activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW);
int res = doSaveOrNot(buf->getFullPathName());
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id))
return false; // Abort entire procedure.
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false;
// Now we close.
bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode();
for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator itIndex = krvecBufferIndexes.begin(); itIndex != itIndexesEnd; ++itIndex) {
doClose(_pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(*itIndex), currentView(), isSnapshotMode);
return true;
bool Notepad_plus::fileCloseAllToLeft()
// Indexes must go from high to low to deal with the fact that when one index is closed, any remaining
// indexes (smaller than the one just closed) will point to the wrong tab.
std::vector<int> vecIndexesToClose;
for(int i = _pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return fileCloseAllGiven(vecIndexesToClose);
bool Notepad_plus::fileCloseAllToRight()
// Indexes must go from high to low to deal with the fact that when one index is closed, any remaining
// indexes (smaller than the one just closed) will point to the wrong tab.
const int kiActive = _pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex();
std::vector<int> vecIndexesToClose;
for(int i = _pDocTab->nbItem() - 1; i > kiActive; i--) {
return fileCloseAllGiven(vecIndexesToClose);
bool Notepad_plus::fileCloseAllButCurrent()
BufferID current = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
int active = _pDocTab->getCurrentTabIndex();
//closes all documents, makes the current view the only one visible
//first check if we need to save any file
for(int i = 0; i < _mainDocTab.nbItem(); ++i) {
BufferID id = _mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
if (id == current)
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing
else if (buf->isDirty())
activateBuffer(id, MAIN_VIEW);
if(!activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW))
int res = doSaveOrNot(buf->getFullPathName());
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id))
return false; //abort entire procedure
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < _subDocTab.nbItem(); ++i)
BufferID id = _subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(id);
if (id == current)
if (buf->isUntitled() && buf->docLength() == 0)
// Do nothing
else if (buf->isDirty())
activateBuffer(id, SUB_VIEW);
int res = doSaveOrNot(buf->getFullPathName());
if (res == IDYES)
if (!fileSave(id))
return false; //abort entire procedure
else if (res == IDCANCEL)
return false;
bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode();
//Then start closing, inactive view first so the active is left open
if (bothActive())
{ //first close all docs in non-current view, which gets closed automatically
//Set active tab to the last one closed.
activateBuffer(_pNonDocTab->getBufferByIndex(0), otherView());
for(int i = _pNonDocTab->nbItem() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //close all from right to left
doClose(_pNonDocTab->getBufferByIndex(i), otherView(), isSnapshotMode);
activateBuffer(_pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(0), currentView());
for(int i = _pDocTab->nbItem() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //close all from right to left
if (i == active) { //dont close active index
doClose(_pDocTab->getBufferByIndex(i), currentView(), isSnapshotMode);
return true;
bool Notepad_plus::fileSave(BufferID id)
BufferID bufferID = id;
bufferID = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferID);
if (!buf->getFileReadOnly() && buf->isDirty()) //cannot save if readonly
const TCHAR *fn = buf->getFullPathName();
if (buf->isUntitled())
return fileSaveAs(bufferID);
const NppGUI & nppgui = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getNppGUI();
BackupFeature backup = nppgui._backup;
TCHAR *name = ::PathFindFileName(fn);
if (backup == bak_simple)
//copy fn to fn.backup
generic_string fn_bak(fn);
if ((nppgui._useDir) && (nppgui._backupDir != TEXT("")))
fn_bak = nppgui._backupDir;
fn_bak += TEXT("\\");
fn_bak += name;
fn_bak = fn;
fn_bak += TEXT(".bak");
::CopyFile(fn, fn_bak.c_str(), FALSE);
else if (backup == bak_verbose)
generic_string fn_dateTime_bak(TEXT(""));
if ((nppgui._useDir) && (nppgui._backupDir != TEXT("")))
fn_dateTime_bak = nppgui._backupDir;
fn_dateTime_bak += TEXT("\\");
const TCHAR *bakDir = TEXT("nppBackup");
// std::string path should be a temp throwable variable
generic_string path = fn;
fn_dateTime_bak = path.c_str();
fn_dateTime_bak += TEXT("\\");
fn_dateTime_bak += bakDir;
fn_dateTime_bak += TEXT("\\");
if (!::PathFileExists(fn_dateTime_bak.c_str()))
::CreateDirectory(fn_dateTime_bak.c_str(), NULL);
fn_dateTime_bak += name;
const int temBufLen = 32;
TCHAR tmpbuf[temBufLen];
time_t ltime = time(0);
struct tm *today;
today = localtime(<ime);
generic_strftime(tmpbuf, temBufLen, TEXT("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), today);
fn_dateTime_bak += TEXT(".");
fn_dateTime_bak += tmpbuf;
fn_dateTime_bak += TEXT(".bak");
::CopyFile(fn, fn_dateTime_bak.c_str(), FALSE);
return doSave(bufferID, buf->getFullPathName(), false);
return false;
bool Notepad_plus::fileSaveAll() {
if (viewVisible(MAIN_VIEW)) {
for(int i = 0; i < _mainDocTab.nbItem(); ++i) {
BufferID idToSave = _mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
if (viewVisible(SUB_VIEW)) {
for(int i = 0; i < _subDocTab.nbItem(); ++i) {
BufferID idToSave = _subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(i);
return true;
bool Notepad_plus::fileSaveAs(BufferID id, bool isSaveCopy)
BufferID bufferID = id;
bufferID = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferID);
FileDialog fDlg(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), _pPublicInterface->getHinst());
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("All types"), TEXT(".*"), NULL);
int langTypeIndex = setFileOpenSaveDlgFilters(fDlg, buf->getLangType());
fDlg.setExtIndex(langTypeIndex+1); // +1 for "All types"
// Disable file autodetection before opening save dialog to prevent use-after-delete bug.
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
ChangeDetect cdBefore = ((NppGUI &)(pNppParam->getNppGUI()))._fileAutoDetection;
((NppGUI &)(pNppParam->getNppGUI()))._fileAutoDetection = cdDisabled;
TCHAR *pfn = fDlg.doSaveDlg();
// Enable file autodetection again.
((NppGUI &)(pNppParam->getNppGUI()))._fileAutoDetection = cdBefore;
if (pfn)
BufferID other = _pNonDocTab->findBufferByName(pfn);
if (other == BUFFER_INVALID) //can save, other view doesnt contain buffer
bool res = doSave(bufferID, pfn, isSaveCopy);
//buf->setNeedsLexing(true); //commented to fix wrapping being removed after save as (due to SCI_CLEARSTYLE or something, seems to be Scintilla bug)
//Changing lexer after save seems to work properly
return res;
else //cannot save, other view has buffer already open, activate it
TEXT("The file is already opened in the Notepad++."),
return false;
else // cancel button is pressed
return false;
bool Notepad_plus::fileRename(BufferID id)
BufferID bufferID = id;
bufferID = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferID);
FileDialog fDlg(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), _pPublicInterface->getHinst());
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("All types"), TEXT(".*"), NULL);
TCHAR *pfn = fDlg.doSaveDlg();
if (pfn)
MainFileManager->moveFile(bufferID, pfn);
return false;
bool Notepad_plus::fileDelete(BufferID id)
BufferID bufferID = id;
bufferID = _pEditView->getCurrentBufferID();
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(bufferID);
const TCHAR *fileNamePath = buf->getFullPathName();
winVer winVersion = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getWinVersion();
bool goAhead = true;
if (winVersion >= WV_WIN8 || winVersion == WV_UNKNOWN)
// Windows 8 (and version afer?) has no system alert, so we ask user's confirmation
goAhead = (doDeleteOrNot(fileNamePath) == IDYES);
if (goAhead)
if (!MainFileManager->deleteFile(bufferID))
TEXT("Delete File failed"),
TEXT("Delete File"),
return false;
bool isSnapshotMode = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI().isSnapshotMode();
doClose(bufferID, MAIN_VIEW, isSnapshotMode);
doClose(bufferID, SUB_VIEW, isSnapshotMode);
return true;
return false;
void Notepad_plus::fileOpen()
FileDialog fDlg(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), _pPublicInterface->getHinst());
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("All types"), TEXT(".*"), NULL);
BufferID lastOpened = BUFFER_INVALID;
if (stringVector *pfns = fDlg.doOpenMultiFilesDlg())
size_t sz = pfns->size();
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < sz ; ++i) {
BufferID test = doOpen(pfns->at(i).c_str(), fDlg.isReadOnly());
if (test != BUFFER_INVALID)
lastOpened = test;
if (lastOpened != BUFFER_INVALID) {
void Notepad_plus::fileNew()
BufferID newBufID = MainFileManager->newEmptyDocument();
loadBufferIntoView(newBufID, currentView(), true); //true, because we want multiple new files if possible
activateBuffer(newBufID, currentView());
bool Notepad_plus::isFileSession(const TCHAR * filename) {
// if file2open matches the ext of user defined session file ext, then it'll be opened as a session
const TCHAR *definedSessionExt = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._definedSessionExt.c_str();
if (*definedSessionExt != '\0')
generic_string fncp = filename;
TCHAR *pExt = PathFindExtension(fncp.c_str());
generic_string usrSessionExt = TEXT("");
if (*definedSessionExt != '.')
usrSessionExt += TEXT(".");
usrSessionExt += definedSessionExt;
if (!generic_stricmp(pExt, usrSessionExt.c_str()))
return true;
return false;
void Notepad_plus::loadLastSession()
NppParameters *nppParams = NppParameters::getInstance();
const NppGUI & nppGui = nppParams->getNppGUI();
Session lastSession = nppParams->getSession();
bool isSnapshotMode = nppGui.isSnapshotMode();
loadSession(lastSession, isSnapshotMode);
bool Notepad_plus::loadSession(Session & session, bool isSnapshotMode)
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
bool allSessionFilesLoaded = true;
BufferID lastOpened = BUFFER_INVALID;
//size_t i = 0;
switchEditViewTo(MAIN_VIEW); //open files in main
int mainIndex2Update = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < session.nbMainFiles() ; )
const TCHAR *pFn = session._mainViewFiles[i]._fileName.c_str();
if (isFileSession(pFn))
vector<sessionFileInfo>::iterator posIt = session._mainViewFiles.begin() + i;
continue; //skip session files, not supporting recursive sessions
bool isWow64Off = false;
if (!PathFileExists(pFn))
isWow64Off = true;
if (PathFileExists(pFn))
if (isSnapshotMode && session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath != TEXT(""))
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._mainViewFiles[i]._encoding, session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath.c_str(), session._mainViewFiles[i]._originalFileLastModifTimestamp);
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._mainViewFiles[i]._encoding);
else if (isSnapshotMode && PathFileExists(session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath.c_str()))
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._mainViewFiles[i]._encoding, session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath.c_str(), session._mainViewFiles[i]._originalFileLastModifTimestamp);
lastOpened = BUFFER_INVALID;
if (isWow64Off)
isWow64Off = false;
if (lastOpened != BUFFER_INVALID)
const TCHAR *pLn = session._mainViewFiles[i]._langName.c_str();
int id = getLangFromMenuName(pLn);
LangType typeToSet = L_TEXT;
if (id != 0 && id != IDM_LANG_USER)
typeToSet = menuID2LangType(id);
if (typeToSet == L_EXTERNAL )
typeToSet = (LangType)(id - IDM_LANG_EXTERNAL + L_EXTERNAL);
Buffer *buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(lastOpened);
if (session._mainViewFiles[i]._foldStates.size() > 0)
if (buf == _mainEditView.getCurrentBuffer()) // current document
// Set floding state in the current doccument
mainIndex2Update = i;
// Set fold states in the buffer
buf->setHeaderLineState(session._mainViewFiles[i]._foldStates, &_mainEditView);
buf->setPosition(session._mainViewFiles[i], &_mainEditView);
buf->setLangType(typeToSet, pLn);
if (session._mainViewFiles[i]._encoding != -1)
if (isSnapshotMode && session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath != TEXT("") && PathFileExists(session._mainViewFiles[i]._backupFilePath.c_str()))
//Force in the document so we can add the markers
//Don't use default methods because of performance
Document prevDoc = _mainEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER);
_mainEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buf->getDocument());
for (size_t j = 0, len = session._mainViewFiles[i]._marks.size(); j < len ; ++j)
_mainEditView.execute(SCI_MARKERADD, session._mainViewFiles[i]._marks[j], MARK_BOOKMARK);
_mainEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, prevDoc);
vector<sessionFileInfo>::iterator posIt = session._mainViewFiles.begin() + i;
allSessionFilesLoaded = false;
if (mainIndex2Update != -1)
switchEditViewTo(SUB_VIEW); //open files in sub
int subIndex2Update = -1;
for (size_t k = 0 ; k < session.nbSubFiles() ; )
const TCHAR *pFn = session._subViewFiles[k]._fileName.c_str();
if (isFileSession(pFn)) {
vector<sessionFileInfo>::iterator posIt = session._subViewFiles.begin() + k;
continue; //skip session files, not supporting recursive sessions
bool isWow64Off = false;
if (!PathFileExists(pFn))
isWow64Off = true;
if (PathFileExists(pFn))
if (isSnapshotMode && session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath != TEXT(""))
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._subViewFiles[k]._encoding, session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath.c_str(), session._subViewFiles[k]._originalFileLastModifTimestamp);
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._subViewFiles[k]._encoding);
//check if already open in main. If so, clone
if (_mainDocTab.getIndexByBuffer(lastOpened) != -1) {
loadBufferIntoView(lastOpened, SUB_VIEW);
else if (isSnapshotMode && PathFileExists(session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath.c_str()))
lastOpened = doOpen(pFn, false, false, session._subViewFiles[k]._encoding, session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath.c_str(), session._subViewFiles[k]._originalFileLastModifTimestamp);
lastOpened = BUFFER_INVALID;
if (isWow64Off)
isWow64Off = false;
if (lastOpened != BUFFER_INVALID)
if (canHideView(MAIN_VIEW))
const TCHAR *pLn = session._subViewFiles[k]._langName.c_str();
int id = getLangFromMenuName(pLn);
LangType typeToSet = L_TEXT;
if (id != 0)
typeToSet = menuID2LangType(id);
if (typeToSet == L_EXTERNAL )
typeToSet = (LangType)(id - IDM_LANG_EXTERNAL + L_EXTERNAL);
Buffer * buf = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(lastOpened);
// Set fold states
if (session._subViewFiles[k]._foldStates.size() > 0)
if (buf == _subEditView.getCurrentBuffer()) // current document
// Set floding state in the current doccument
subIndex2Update = k;
// Set fold states in the buffer
buf->setHeaderLineState(session._subViewFiles[k]._foldStates, &_subEditView);
buf->setPosition(session._subViewFiles[k], &_subEditView);
if (typeToSet == L_USER) {
if (!lstrcmp(pLn, TEXT("User Defined"))) {
pLn = TEXT(""); //default user defined
buf->setLangType(typeToSet, pLn);
if (isSnapshotMode && session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath != TEXT("") && PathFileExists(session._subViewFiles[k]._backupFilePath.c_str()))
//Force in the document so we can add the markers
//Don't use default methods because of performance
Document prevDoc = _subEditView.execute(SCI_GETDOCPOINTER);
_subEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, buf->getDocument());
for (size_t j = 0, len = session._subViewFiles[k]._marks.size(); j < len ; ++j)
_subEditView.execute(SCI_MARKERADD, session._subViewFiles[k]._marks[j], MARK_BOOKMARK);
_subEditView.execute(SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, prevDoc);
vector<sessionFileInfo>::iterator posIt = session._subViewFiles.begin() + k;
allSessionFilesLoaded = false;
if (subIndex2Update != -1)
if (session._activeMainIndex < (size_t)_mainDocTab.nbItem())//session.nbMainFiles())
activateBuffer(_mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(session._activeMainIndex), MAIN_VIEW);
if (session._activeSubIndex < (size_t)_subDocTab.nbItem())//session.nbSubFiles())
activateBuffer(_subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(session._activeSubIndex), SUB_VIEW);
if ((session.nbSubFiles() > 0) && (session._activeView == MAIN_VIEW || session._activeView == SUB_VIEW))
if (canHideView(otherView()))
else if (canHideView(currentView()))
return allSessionFilesLoaded;
bool Notepad_plus::fileLoadSession(const TCHAR *fn)
bool result = false;
const TCHAR *sessionFileName = NULL;
if (fn == NULL)
FileDialog fDlg(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), _pPublicInterface->getHinst());
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("All types"), TEXT(".*"), NULL);
const TCHAR *ext = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._definedSessionExt.c_str();
generic_string sessionExt = TEXT("");
if (*ext != '\0')
if (*ext != '.')
sessionExt += TEXT(".");
sessionExt += ext;
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("Session file"), sessionExt.c_str(), NULL);
sessionFileName = fDlg.doOpenSingleFileDlg();
if (PathFileExists(fn))
sessionFileName = fn;
NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
const NppGUI & nppGUI = pNppParam->getNppGUI();
if (sessionFileName)
bool isEmptyNpp = false;
if (_mainDocTab.nbItem() == 1 && _subDocTab.nbItem() == 1)
Buffer * buf1 = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(_mainDocTab.getBufferByIndex(0));
Buffer * buf2 = MainFileManager->getBufferByID(_subDocTab.getBufferByIndex(0));
isEmptyNpp = (!buf1->isDirty() && buf1->isUntitled() && !buf2->isDirty() && buf2->isUntitled());
if (!isEmptyNpp && (nppGUI._multiInstSetting == multiInstOnSession || nppGUI._multiInstSetting == multiInst))
TCHAR nppFullPath[MAX_PATH];
::GetModuleFileName(NULL, nppFullPath, MAX_PATH);
generic_string args = TEXT("-multiInst -nosession -openSession ");
args += TEXT("\"");
args += sessionFileName;
args += TEXT("\"");
::ShellExecute(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), TEXT("open"), nppFullPath, args.c_str(), TEXT("."), SW_SHOW);
bool isAllSuccessful = true;
Session session2Load;
if ((NppParameters::getInstance())->loadSession(session2Load, sessionFileName))
isAllSuccessful = loadSession(session2Load);
result = true;
if (!isAllSuccessful)
(NppParameters::getInstance())->writeSession(session2Load, sessionFileName);
return result;
const TCHAR * Notepad_plus::fileSaveSession(size_t nbFile, TCHAR ** fileNames, const TCHAR *sessionFile2save)
if (sessionFile2save)
Session currentSession;
if ((nbFile) && (fileNames))
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nbFile ; ++i)
if (PathFileExists(fileNames[i]))
(NppParameters::getInstance())->writeSession(currentSession, sessionFile2save);
return sessionFile2save;
return NULL;
const TCHAR * Notepad_plus::fileSaveSession(size_t nbFile, TCHAR ** fileNames)
const TCHAR *sessionFileName = NULL;
FileDialog fDlg(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), _pPublicInterface->getHinst());
const TCHAR *ext = NppParameters::getInstance()->getNppGUI()._definedSessionExt.c_str();
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("All types"), TEXT(".*"), NULL);
generic_string sessionExt = TEXT("");
if (*ext != '\0')
if (*ext != '.')
sessionExt += TEXT(".");
sessionExt += ext;
fDlg.setExtFilter(TEXT("Session file"), sessionExt.c_str(), NULL);
sessionFileName = fDlg.doSaveDlg();
return fileSaveSession(nbFile, fileNames, sessionFileName);
void Notepad_plus::saveSession(const Session & session)
void Notepad_plus::saveCurrentSession()
::PostMessage(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(), NPPM_INTERNAL_SAVECURRENTSESSION, 0, 0);
} |