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166 lines
6.6 KiB
166 lines
6.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - implemented 2019 by Neil Hodgson
# Released to the public domain.
Regenerate the Lexilla source files that list all the lexers.
# Should be run whenever a new lexer is added or removed.
# Requires Python 3.6 or later
# Files are regenerated in place with templates stored in comments.
# The format of generation comments is documented in
import os, pathlib, sys, uuid
thisPath = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
sys.path.append(str(thisPath.parent.parent.parent / "scintilla" / "scripts"))
from FileGenerator import Regenerate, UpdateLineInFile, \
ReplaceREInFile, UpdateLineInPlistFile, UpdateFileFromLines
import LexillaData
import LexFacer
sys.path.append(str(thisPath.parent.parent / "src"))
import DepGen
# RegenerateXcodeProject and associated functions are copied from scintilla/scripts/
def uid24():
""" Last 24 digits of UUID, used for item IDs in Xcode. """
return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "").upper()[-24:]
def ciLexerKey(a):
""" Return 3rd element of string lowered to be used when sorting. """
return a.split()[2].lower()
11F35FDB12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */; };
11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = LexA68k.cxx; path = ../../lexers/LexA68k.cxx; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */,
11F35FDB12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx in Sources */,
def RegenerateXcodeProject(path, lexers, lexerReferences):
""" Regenerate project to include any new lexers. """
# Build 4 blocks for insertion:
# Each markers contains a unique section start, an optional wait string, and a section end
markersPBXBuildFile = ["Begin PBXBuildFile section", "", "End PBXBuildFile section"]
sectionPBXBuildFile = []
markersPBXFileReference = ["Begin PBXFileReference section", "", "End PBXFileReference section"]
sectionPBXFileReference = []
markersLexers = ["/* Lexers */ =", "children", ");"]
sectionLexers = []
markersPBXSourcesBuildPhase = ["Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section", "files", ");"]
sectionPBXSourcesBuildPhase = []
for lexer in lexers:
if lexer not in lexerReferences:
uid1 = uid24()
uid2 = uid24()
print("Lexer", lexer, "is not in Xcode project. Use IDs", uid1, uid2)
lexerReferences[lexer] = [uid1, uid2]
linePBXBuildFile = f"\t\t{uid1} /* {lexer}.cxx in Sources */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {uid2} /* {lexer}.cxx */; }};"
linePBXFileReference = f"\t\t{uid2} /* {lexer}.cxx */ = {{isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = {lexer}.cxx; path = ../../lexers/{lexer}.cxx; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }};"
lineLexers = f"\t\t\t\t{uid2} /* {lexer}.cxx */,"
linePBXSourcesBuildPhase = f"\t\t\t\t{uid1} /* {lexer}.cxx in Sources */,"
lines = LexillaData.ReadFileAsList(path)
sli = LexillaData.FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXBuildFile)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXBuildFile
sli = LexillaData.FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXFileReference)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXFileReference
sli = LexillaData.FindSectionInList(lines, markersLexers)
# This section is shown in the project outline so sort it to make it easier to navigate.
allLexers = sorted(lines[sli.start:sli.stop] + sectionLexers, key=ciLexerKey)
lines[sli] = allLexers
sli = LexillaData.FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXSourcesBuildPhase)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXSourcesBuildPhase
UpdateFileFromLines(path, lines, os.linesep)
def RegenerateAll(rootDirectory):
""" Regenerate all the files. """
root = pathlib.Path(rootDirectory)
lexillaBase = root.resolve()
lex = LexillaData.LexillaData(lexillaBase)
lexillaDir = lexillaBase
srcDir = lexillaDir / "src"
docDir = lexillaDir / "doc"
Regenerate(srcDir / "Lexilla.cxx", "//", lex.lexerModules)
Regenerate(srcDir / "lexilla.mak", "#", lex.lexFiles)
# Discover version information
version = (lexillaDir / "version.txt").read_text().strip()
versionDotted = version[0:-2] + '.' + version[-2] + '.' + version[-1]
versionCommad = versionDotted.replace(".", ", ") + ', 0'
rcPath = srcDir / "LexillaVersion.rc"
UpdateLineInFile(rcPath, "#define VERSION_LEXILLA",
"#define VERSION_LEXILLA \"" + versionDotted + "\"")
UpdateLineInFile(rcPath, "#define VERSION_WORDS",
"#define VERSION_WORDS " + versionCommad)
UpdateLineInFile(docDir / "LexillaDownload.html", " Release",
" Release " + versionDotted)
ReplaceREInFile(docDir / "LexillaDownload.html",
r"/\g<1>" + version,
pathMain = lexillaDir / "doc" / "Lexilla.html"
' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3">Release version',
' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3">Release version ' + \
versionDotted + '<br />')
' Site last modified',
' Site last modified ' + lex.mdyModified + '</font>')
' <meta name="Date.Modified"',
' <meta name="Date.Modified" content="' + lex.dateModified + '" />')
UpdateLineInFile(lexillaDir / "doc" / "LexillaHistory.html",
' Released ',
' Released ' + lex.dmyModified + '.')
lexillaXcode = lexillaDir / "src" / "Lexilla"
lexillaXcodeProject = lexillaXcode / "Lexilla.xcodeproj" / "project.pbxproj"
lexerReferences = LexillaData.FindLexersInXcode(lexillaXcodeProject)
UpdateLineInPlistFile(lexillaXcode / "Info.plist",
"CFBundleShortVersionString", versionDotted)
ReplaceREInFile(lexillaXcodeProject, "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = [0-9.]+;",
f'CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = {versionDotted};',
RegenerateXcodeProject(lexillaXcodeProject, lex.lexFiles, lexerReferences)
LexFacer.RegenerateAll(root, False)
currentDirectory = pathlib.Path.cwd()
if __name__=="__main__":