You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
577 lines
15 KiB
577 lines
15 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# Requires Python 3.6 or later |
from __future__ import with_statement |
from __future__ import unicode_literals |
import os, platform, sys, unittest |
import ctypes |
from ctypes import c_int, c_char_p, c_wchar_p, c_ushort, c_uint |
from ctypes.wintypes import HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, HANDLE, HBRUSH, LPCWSTR |
user32=ctypes.windll.user32 |
gdi32=ctypes.windll.gdi32 |
kernel32=ctypes.windll.kernel32 |
from MessageNumbers import msgs, sgsm |
import ScintillaCallable |
import XiteMenu |
scintillaIncludesLexers = False |
# Lexilla may optionally be tested it is built and can be loaded |
lexillaAvailable = False |
scintillaDirectory = ".." |
scintillaIncludeDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "include") |
scintillaScriptsDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "scripts") |
sys.path.append(scintillaScriptsDirectory) |
import Face |
scintillaBinDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "bin") |
lexillaDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "..", "lexilla") |
lexillaBinDirectory = os.path.join(lexillaDirectory, "bin") |
lexillaIncludeDirectory = os.path.join(lexillaDirectory, "include") |
lexName = "Lexilla.DLL" |
try: |
lexillaDLLPath = os.path.join(lexillaBinDirectory, lexName) |
lexillaLibrary = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lexillaDLLPath) |
createLexer = lexillaLibrary.CreateLexer |
createLexer.restype = ctypes.c_void_p |
lexillaAvailable = True |
print("Found Lexilla") |
except OSError: |
print("Can't find " + lexName) |
print("Python is built for " + " ".join(platform.architecture())) |
WFUNC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, HWND, c_uint, WPARAM, LPARAM) |
WS_CHILD = 0x40000000 |
WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x2000000 |
WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000 |
WS_HSCROLL = 0x100000 |
WS_VSCROLL = 0x200000 |
MF_POPUP = 16 |
MF_SEPARATOR = 0x800 |
IDYES = 6 |
MB_OK = 0 |
SW_SHOW = 5 |
VK_SHIFT = 16 |
VK_MENU = 18 |
class OPENFILENAME(ctypes.Structure): |
_fields_ = (("lStructSize", c_int), |
("hwndOwner", c_int), |
("hInstance", c_int), |
("lpstrFilter", c_wchar_p), |
("lpstrCustomFilter", c_char_p), |
("nMaxCustFilter", c_int), |
("nFilterIndex", c_int), |
("lpstrFile", c_wchar_p), |
("nMaxFile", c_int), |
("lpstrFileTitle", c_wchar_p), |
("nMaxFileTitle", c_int), |
("lpstrInitialDir", c_wchar_p), |
("lpstrTitle", c_wchar_p), |
("flags", c_int), |
("nFileOffset", c_ushort), |
("nFileExtension", c_ushort), |
("lpstrDefExt", c_char_p), |
("lCustData", c_int), |
("lpfnHook", c_char_p), |
("lpTemplateName", c_char_p), |
("pvReserved", c_char_p), |
("dwReserved", c_int), |
("flagsEx", c_int)) |
def __init__(self, win, title): |
ctypes.Structure.__init__(self) |
self.lStructSize = ctypes.sizeof(OPENFILENAME) |
self.nMaxFile = 1024 |
self.hwndOwner = win |
self.lpstrTitle = title |
trace = False |
#~ trace = True |
def WindowSize(w): |
rc = ctypes.wintypes.RECT() |
user32.GetClientRect(w, ctypes.byref(rc)) |
return rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - |
def IsKeyDown(key): |
return (user32.GetKeyState(key) & 0x8000) != 0 |
def KeyTranslate(w): |
tr = { 9: "Tab", 0xD:"Enter", 0x1B: "Esc" } |
if w in tr: |
return tr[w] |
elif ord("A") <= w <= ord("Z"): |
return chr(w) |
elif 0x70 <= w <= 0x7b: |
return "F" + str(w-0x70+1) |
else: |
return "Unknown_" + hex(w) |
class WNDCLASS(ctypes.Structure): |
_fields_= (\ |
('style', c_int), |
('lpfnWndProc', WFUNC), |
('cls_extra', c_int), |
('wnd_extra', c_int), |
('hInst', HANDLE), |
('hIcon', HANDLE), |
('hCursor', HANDLE), |
('hbrBackground', HBRUSH), |
('menu_name', LPCWSTR), |
('lpzClassName', LPCWSTR), |
) |
hinst = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(0) |
def RegisterClass(name, func, background = 0): |
# register a window class for toplevel windows. |
wc = WNDCLASS() |
| = 0 |
wc.lpfnWndProc = func |
wc.cls_extra = 0 |
wc.wnd_extra = 0 |
wc.hInst = hinst |
wc.hIcon = 0 |
wc.hCursor = 0 |
wc.hbrBackground = background |
wc.menu_name = None |
wc.lpzClassName = name |
user32.RegisterClassW(ctypes.byref(wc)) |
class XiteWin(): |
def __init__(self, test=""): |
self.face = Face.Face() |
self.face.ReadFromFile(os.path.join(scintillaIncludeDirectory, "Scintilla.iface")) |
try: |
faceLex = Face.Face() |
faceLex.ReadFromFile(os.path.join(lexillaIncludeDirectory, "LexicalStyles.iface")) |
self.face.features.update(faceLex.features) |
except FileNotFoundError: |
print("Can't find " + "LexicalStyles.iface") |
if scintillaIncludesLexers: |
sciName = "SciLexer.DLL" |
else: |
sciName = "Scintilla.DLL" |
try: |
scintillaDLLPath = os.path.join(scintillaBinDirectory, sciName) |
ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(scintillaDLLPath) |
except OSError: |
print("Can't find " + sciName) |
print("Python is built for " + " ".join(platform.architecture())) |
sys.exit() |
self.titleDirty = True |
self.fullPath = "" |
self.test = test |
self.appName = "xite" |
self.large = "-large" in sys.argv |
self.cmds = {} |
self.windowName = "XiteWindow" |
self.wfunc = WFUNC(self.WndProc) |
RegisterClass(self.windowName, self.wfunc) |
user32.CreateWindowExW(0, self.windowName, self.appName, \ |
0, 0, 500, 700, 0, 0, hinst, 0) |
args = [a for a in sys.argv[1:] if not a.startswith("-")] |
self.SetMenus() |
if args: |
self.GrabFile(args[0]) |
self.FocusOnEditor() |
self.ed.GotoPos(self.ed.Length) |
if self.test: |
print(self.test) |
for k in self.cmds: |
if self.cmds[k] == "Test": |
user32.PostMessageW(, msgs["WM_COMMAND"], k, 0) |
def FocusOnEditor(self): |
user32.SetFocus(self.sciHwnd) |
def OnSize(self): |
width, height = WindowSize( |
user32.SetWindowPos(self.sciHwnd, 0, 0, 0, width, height, 0) |
user32.InvalidateRect(, 0, 0) |
def OnCreate(self, hwnd): |
| = hwnd |
self.sciHwnd = user32.CreateWindowExW(0, |
"Scintilla", "Source", |
0, 0, 100, 100,, 0, hinst, 0) |
user32.ShowWindow(self.sciHwnd, SW_SHOW) |
user32.SendMessageW.restype = WPARAM |
scifn = user32.SendMessageW(self.sciHwnd, |
int(self.face.features["GetDirectFunction"]["Value"], 0), 0,0) |
sciptr = c_char_p(user32.SendMessageW(self.sciHwnd, |
int(self.face.features["GetDirectPointer"]["Value"], 0), 0,0)) |
self.ed = ScintillaCallable.ScintillaCallable(self.face, scifn, sciptr) |
if self.large: |
doc = self.ed.CreateDocument(10, 0x100) |
self.ed.SetDocPointer(0, doc) |
self.FocusOnEditor() |
def ChooseLexer(self, lexer): |
if scintillaIncludesLexers: |
self.ed.LexerLanguage = lexer |
elif lexillaAvailable: |
pLexilla = createLexer(lexer) |
self.ed.SetILexer(0, pLexilla) |
else: # No lexers available |
pass |
def Invalidate(self): |
user32.InvalidateRect(, 0, 0) |
def WndProc(self, h, m, wp, lp): |
user32.DefWindowProcW.argtypes = [HWND, c_uint, WPARAM, LPARAM] |
ms = sgsm.get(m, "XXX") |
if trace: |
print("%s %s %s %s" % (hex(h)[2:],ms,wp,lp)) |
if ms == "WM_CLOSE": |
user32.PostQuitMessage(0) |
elif ms == "WM_CREATE": |
self.OnCreate(h) |
return 0 |
elif ms == "WM_SIZE": |
# Work out size |
if wp != 1: |
self.OnSize() |
return 0 |
elif ms == "WM_COMMAND": |
cmdCode = wp & 0xffff |
if cmdCode in self.cmds: |
self.Command(self.cmds[cmdCode]) |
return 0 |
elif ms == "WM_ACTIVATE": |
if wp != WA_INACTIVE: |
self.FocusOnEditor() |
return 0 |
else: |
return user32.DefWindowProcW(h, m, wp, lp) |
return 0 |
def Command(self, name): |
name = name.replace(" ", "") |
method = "Cmd" + name |
cmd = None |
try: |
cmd = getattr(self, method) |
except AttributeError: |
return |
if cmd: |
cmd() |
def KeyDown(self, w, prefix = ""): |
keyName = prefix |
if IsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL): |
keyName += "<control>" |
if IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT): |
keyName += "<shift>" |
keyName += KeyTranslate(w) |
if trace: |
print("Key:", keyName) |
if keyName in self.keys: |
method = "Cmd" + self.keys[keyName] |
getattr(self, method)() |
return True |
#~ print("UKey:", keyName) |
return False |
def Accelerator(self, msg): |
ms = sgsm.get(msg.message, "XXX") |
if ms == "WM_KEYDOWN": |
return self.KeyDown(msg.wParam) |
elif ms == "WM_SYSKEYDOWN": |
return self.KeyDown(msg.wParam, "<alt>") |
return False |
def AppLoop(self): |
msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG() |
lpmsg = ctypes.byref(msg) |
while user32.GetMessageW(lpmsg, 0, 0, 0): |
if trace and msg.message != msgs["WM_TIMER"]: |
print('mm', hex(msg.hWnd)[2:],sgsm.get(msg.message, "XXX")) |
if not self.Accelerator(msg): |
user32.TranslateMessage(lpmsg) |
user32.DispatchMessageW(lpmsg) |
def DoEvents(self): |
msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG() |
lpmsg = ctypes.byref(msg) |
cont = True |
while cont: |
cont = user32.PeekMessageW(lpmsg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) |
if cont: |
if not self.Accelerator(msg): |
user32.TranslateMessage(lpmsg) |
user32.DispatchMessageW(lpmsg) |
def SetTitle(self, changePath): |
if changePath or self.titleDirty != self.ed.Modify: |
self.titleDirty = self.ed.Modify |
self.title = self.fullPath |
if self.titleDirty: |
self.title += " * " |
else: |
self.title += " - " |
self.title += self.appName |
if |
user32.SetWindowTextW(, self.title) |
def Open(self): |
ofx = OPENFILENAME(, "Open File") |
opath = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) |
ofx.lpstrFile = ctypes.addressof(opath) |
filters = ["Python (.py;.pyw)|*.py;*.pyw|All|*.*"] |
filterText = "\0".join([f.replace("|", "\0") for f in filters])+"\0\0" |
ofx.lpstrFilter = filterText |
if ctypes.windll.comdlg32.GetOpenFileNameW(ctypes.byref(ofx)): |
absPath = opath.value.replace("\0", "") |
self.GrabFile(absPath) |
self.FocusOnEditor() |
self.ed.LexerLanguage = b"python" |
self.ed.Lexer = self.ed.SCLEX_PYTHON |
self.ed.SetKeyWords(0, b"class def else for from if import print return while") |
for style in [k for k in self.ed.k if k.startswith("SCE_P_")]: |
self.ed.StyleSetFont(self.ed.k[style], b"Verdana") |
if "COMMENT" in style: |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 127 * 256) |
self.ed.StyleSetFont(self.ed.k[style], b"Comic Sans MS") |
elif "OPERATOR" in style: |
self.ed.StyleSetBold(self.ed.k[style], 1) |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 127 * 256 * 256) |
elif "WORD" in style: |
self.ed.StyleSetItalic(self.ed.k[style], 255) |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 255 * 256 * 256) |
elif "TRIPLE" in style: |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0xA0A0) |
elif "STRING" in style or "CHARACTER" in style: |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0xA000A0) |
else: |
self.ed.StyleSetFore(self.ed.k[style], 0) |
def SaveAs(self): |
ofx = OPENFILENAME(, "Save File") |
opath = "\0" * 1024 |
ofx.lpstrFile = opath |
if ctypes.windll.comdlg32.GetSaveFileNameW(ctypes.byref(ofx)): |
self.fullPath = opath.replace("\0", "") |
self.Save() |
self.SetTitle(1) |
self.FocusOnEditor() |
def SetMenus(self): |
ui = XiteMenu.MenuStructure |
self.cmds = {} |
self.keys = {} |
cmdId = 0 |
self.menuBar = user32.CreateMenu() |
for name, contents in ui: |
cmdId += 1 |
menu = user32.CreateMenu() |
for item in contents: |
text, key = item |
cmdText = text.replace("&", "") |
cmdText = cmdText.replace("...", "") |
cmdText = cmdText.replace(" ", "") |
cmdId += 1 |
if key: |
keyText = key.replace("<control>", "Ctrl+") |
keyText = keyText.replace("<shift>", "Shift+") |
text += "\t" + keyText |
if text == "-": |
user32.AppendMenuW(menu, MF_SEPARATOR, cmdId, text) |
else: |
user32.AppendMenuW(menu, 0, cmdId, text) |
self.cmds[cmdId] = cmdText |
self.keys[key] = cmdText |
#~ print(cmdId, item) |
user32.AppendMenuW(self.menuBar, MF_POPUP, menu, name) |
user32.SetMenu(, self.menuBar) |
self.CheckMenuItem("Wrap", True) |
user32.ShowWindow(, SW_SHOW) |
def CheckMenuItem(self, name, val): |
#~ print(name, val) |
if self.cmds: |
for k,v in self.cmds.items(): |
if v == name: |
#~ print(name, k) |
user32.CheckMenuItem(user32.GetMenu(, \ |
def Exit(self): |
sys.exit(0) |
def DisplayMessage(self, msg, ask): |
return IDYES == user32.MessageBoxW(, \ |
msg, self.appName, [MB_OK, MB_YESNOCANCEL][ask]) |
def NewDocument(self): |
self.ed.ClearAll() |
self.ed.EmptyUndoBuffer() |
self.ed.SetSavePoint() |
def SaveIfUnsure(self): |
if self.ed.Modify: |
msg = "Save changes to \"" + self.fullPath + "\"?" |
print(msg) |
decision = self.DisplayMessage(msg, True) |
if decision: |
self.CmdSave() |
return decision |
return True |
def New(self): |
if self.SaveIfUnsure(): |
self.fullPath = "" |
self.overrideMode = None |
self.NewDocument() |
self.SetTitle(1) |
self.Invalidate() |
def CheckMenus(self): |
pass |
def MoveSelection(self, caret, anchor=-1): |
if anchor == -1: |
anchor = caret |
self.ed.SetSelectionStart(caret) |
self.ed.SetSelectionEnd(anchor) |
self.ed.ScrollCaret() |
self.Invalidate() |
def GrabFile(self, name): |
self.fullPath = name |
self.overrideMode = None |
self.NewDocument() |
fsr = open(name, "rb") |
data = |
fsr.close() |
self.ed.AddText(len(data), data) |
self.ed.EmptyUndoBuffer() |
self.MoveSelection(0) |
self.SetTitle(1) |
def Save(self): |
fos = open(self.fullPath, "wb") |
blockSize = 1024 |
length = self.ed.Length |
i = 0 |
while i < length: |
grabSize = length - i |
if grabSize > blockSize: |
grabSize = blockSize |
#~ print(i, grabSize, length) |
data = self.ed.ByteRange(i, i + grabSize) |
fos.write(data) |
i += grabSize |
fos.close() |
self.ed.SetSavePoint() |
self.SetTitle(0) |
# Command handlers are called by menu actions |
def CmdNew(self): |
self.New() |
def CmdOpen(self): |
self.Open() |
def CmdSave(self): |
if (self.fullPath is None) or (len(self.fullPath) == 0): |
self.SaveAs() |
else: |
self.Save() |
def CmdSaveAs(self): |
self.SaveAs() |
def CmdTest(self): |
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() |
if self.test: |
tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(self.test) |
else: |
tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName("simpleTests") |
results = |
#~ print(results) |
if self.test: |
user32.PostQuitMessage(0) |
def CmdExercised(self): |
print() |
unused = sorted(self.ed.all.difference(self.ed.used)) |
print("Unused", len(unused)) |
print() |
print("\n".join(unused)) |
print() |
print("Used", len(self.ed.used)) |
print() |
print("\n".join(sorted(self.ed.used))) |
def Uncalled(self): |
print("") |
unused = sorted(self.ed.all.difference(self.ed.used)) |
uu = {} |
for u in unused: |
v = self.ed.getvalue(u) |
if v > 2000: |
uu[v] = u |
#~ for x in sorted(uu.keys())[150:]: |
return uu |
def CmdExit(self): |
self.Exit() |
def CmdUndo(self): |
self.ed.Undo() |
def CmdRedo(self): |
self.ed.Redo() |
def CmdCut(self): |
self.ed.Cut() |
def CmdCopy(self): |
self.ed.Copy() |
def CmdPaste(self): |
self.ed.Paste() |
def CmdDelete(self): |
self.ed.Clear() |
xiteFrame = None |
def main(test): |
global xiteFrame |
xiteFrame = XiteWin(test) |
xiteFrame.AppLoop() |
#~ xiteFrame.CmdExercised() |
return xiteFrame.Uncalled()