
253 lines
7.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - regenerate the ScintillaEdit.cpp and ScintillaEdit.h files
# Check that API includes all gtkscintilla2 functions
import sys
import os
import getopt
scintillaDirectory = "../.."
scintillaScriptsDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "scripts")
import Face
from FileGenerator import GenerateFile
def underscoreName(s):
# Name conversion fixes to match gtkscintilla2
irregular = ['WS', 'EOL', 'AutoC', 'KeyWords', 'BackSpace', 'UnIndents', 'RE', 'RGBA']
for word in irregular:
replacement = word[0] + word[1:].lower()
s = s.replace(word, replacement)
out = ""
for c in s:
if c.isupper():
if out:
out += "_"
out += c.lower()
out += c
return out
def normalisedName(s, options, role=None):
if options["qtStyle"]:
if role == "get":
s = s.replace("Get", "")
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
return underscoreName(s)
typeAliases = {
"position": "int",
"line": "int",
"pointer": "int",
"colour": "int",
"colouralpha": "int",
"keymod": "int",
"string": "const char *",
"stringresult": "const char *",
"cells": "const char *",
def cppAlias(s):
if s in typeAliases:
return typeAliases[s]
elif Face.IsEnumeration(s):
return "int"
return s
understoodTypes = ["", "void", "int", "bool", "position", "line", "pointer",
"colour", "colouralpha", "keymod", "string", "stringresult", "cells"]
def understoodType(t):
return t in understoodTypes or Face.IsEnumeration(t)
def checkTypes(name, v):
understandAllTypes = True
if not understoodType(v["ReturnType"]):
#~ print("Do not understand", v["ReturnType"], "for", name)
understandAllTypes = False
if not understoodType(v["Param1Type"]):
#~ print("Do not understand", v["Param1Type"], "for", name)
understandAllTypes = False
if not understoodType(v["Param2Type"]):
#~ print("Do not understand", v["Param2Type"], "for", name)
understandAllTypes = False
return understandAllTypes
def arguments(v, stringResult, options):
ret = ""
p1Type = cppAlias(v["Param1Type"])
if p1Type == "int":
p1Type = "sptr_t"
if p1Type:
ret = ret + p1Type + " " + normalisedName(v["Param1Name"], options)
p2Type = cppAlias(v["Param2Type"])
if p2Type == "int":
p2Type = "sptr_t"
if p2Type and not stringResult:
if p1Type:
ret = ret + ", "
ret = ret + p2Type + " " + normalisedName(v["Param2Name"], options)
return ret
def printHFile(f, options):
out = []
for name in f.order:
v = f.features[name]
if v["Category"] != "Deprecated":
feat = v["FeatureType"]
if feat in ["fun", "get", "set"]:
if checkTypes(name, v):
constDeclarator = " const" if feat == "get" else ""
returnType = cppAlias(v["ReturnType"])
if returnType == "int":
returnType = "sptr_t"
stringResult = v["Param2Type"] == "stringresult"
if stringResult:
returnType = "QByteArray"
out.append("\t" + returnType + " " + normalisedName(name, options, feat) + "(" +
arguments(v, stringResult, options)+
")" + constDeclarator + ";")
return out
def methodNames(f, options):
for name in f.order:
v = f.features[name]
if v["Category"] != "Deprecated":
feat = v["FeatureType"]
if feat in ["fun", "get", "set"]:
if checkTypes(name, v):
yield normalisedName(name, options)
def printCPPFile(f, options):
out = []
for name in f.order:
v = f.features[name]
if v["Category"] != "Deprecated":
feat = v["FeatureType"]
if feat in ["fun", "get", "set"]:
if checkTypes(name, v):
constDeclarator = " const" if feat == "get" else ""
featureDefineName = "SCI_" + name.upper()
returnType = cppAlias(v["ReturnType"])
if returnType == "int":
returnType = "sptr_t"
stringResult = v["Param2Type"] == "stringresult"
if stringResult:
returnType = "QByteArray"
returnStatement = ""
if returnType != "void":
returnStatement = "return "
out.append(returnType + " ScintillaEdit::" + normalisedName(name, options, feat) + "(" +
arguments(v, stringResult, options) +
")" + constDeclarator + " {")
returns = ""
if stringResult:
returns += " " + returnStatement + "TextReturner(" + featureDefineName + ", "
if "*" in cppAlias(v["Param1Type"]):
returns += "(sptr_t)"
if v["Param1Name"]:
returns += normalisedName(v["Param1Name"], options)
returns += "0"
returns += ");"
returns += " " + returnStatement + "send(" + featureDefineName + ", "
if "*" in cppAlias(v["Param1Type"]):
returns += "(sptr_t)"
if v["Param1Name"]:
returns += normalisedName(v["Param1Name"], options)
returns += "0"
returns += ", "
if "*" in cppAlias(v["Param2Type"]):
returns += "(sptr_t)"
if v["Param2Name"]:
returns += normalisedName(v["Param2Name"], options)
returns += "0"
returns += ");"
return out
def gtkNames():
# The full path on my machine: should be altered for anyone else
p = "C:/Users/Neil/Downloads/wingide-source-4.0.1-1/wingide-source-4.0.1-1/external/gtkscintilla2/gtkscintilla.c"
with open(p) as f:
for l in f.readlines():
if "gtk_scintilla_" in l:
name = l.split()[1][14:]
if '(' in name:
name = name.split('(')[0]
yield name
def usage():
print(" [-c|--clean][-h|--help][-u|--underscore-names]")
print("Generate full APIs for ScintillaEdit class.")
print("-c --clean remove all generated code from files")
print("-h --help display this text")
print("-u --underscore-names use method_names consistent with GTK+ standards")
def readInterface(cleanGenerated):
f = Face.Face()
if not cleanGenerated:
return f
def main(argv):
# Using local path for gtkscintilla2 so don't default to checking
checkGTK = False
cleanGenerated = False
qtStyleInterface = True
# The --gtk-check option checks for full coverage of the gtkscintilla2 API but
# depends on a particular directory so is not mentioned in --help.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hcgu", ["help", "clean", "gtk-check", "underscore-names"])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-c", "--clean"):
cleanGenerated = True
elif opt in ("-g", "--gtk-check"):
checkGTK = True
elif opt in ("-u", "--underscore-names"):
qtStyleInterface = False
options = {"qtStyle": qtStyleInterface}
f = readInterface(cleanGenerated)
GenerateFile("ScintillaEdit.cpp.template", "ScintillaEdit.cpp",
"/* ", True, printCPPFile(f, options))
GenerateFile("ScintillaEdit.h.template", "ScintillaEdit.h",
"/* ", True, printHFile(f, options))
if checkGTK:
names = set(methodNames(f))
#~ print("\n".join(names))
namesGtk = set(gtkNames())
for name in namesGtk:
if name not in names:
print(name, "not found in Qt version")
for name in names:
if name not in namesGtk:
print(name, "not found in GTK+ version")
if cleanGenerated:
for file in ["ScintillaEdit.cpp", "ScintillaEdit.h"]:
except OSError:
if __name__ == "__main__":