Function LaunchNpp Exec '"$INSTDIR\notepad++.exe" "$INSTDIR\change.log" ' FunctionEnd ; Check if Notepad++ is running ; Created by Motaz Alnuweiri ; URL: ; ; Create CheckIfRunning shared function. !macro CheckIfRunning un Function ${un}CheckIfRunning Check: System::Call 'kernel32::OpenMutex(i 0x100000, b 0, t "nppInstance") i .R0' IntCmp $R0 0 NotRunning System::Call 'kernel32::CloseHandle(i $R0)' MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_DEFBUTTON1|MB_ICONSTOP "Cannot continue the installation: Notepad++ is running.\ $\n$\n\ Please close Notepad++, then click ''Retry''." IDRETRY Retry IDCANCEL Cancel Retry: Goto Check Cancel: Quit NotRunning: FunctionEnd !macroend ;Installer Functions Var Dialog Var NoUserDataCheckboxHandle Var OldIconCheckboxHandle Var ShortcutCheckboxHandle Var PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckboxHandle Var WinVer Function ExtraOptions nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 0 100% 30u "Don't use %APPDATA%$\nEnable this option to make Notepad++ load/write the configuration files from/to its install directory. Check it if you use Notepad++ in an USB device." Pop $NoUserDataCheckboxHandle ${NSD_OnClick} $NoUserDataCheckboxHandle OnChange_NoUserDataCheckBox ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 50 100% 30u "Allow plugins to be loaded from %APPDATA%\notepad++\plugins$\nIt could cause a security issue. Turn it on if you know what you are doing." Pop $PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckboxHandle ${NSD_OnClick} $PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckboxHandle OnChange_PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckBox ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 110 100% 30u "Create Shortcut on Desktop" Pop $ShortcutCheckboxHandle StrCmp $WinVer "8" 0 +2 ${NSD_Check} $ShortcutCheckboxHandle ${NSD_OnClick} $ShortcutCheckboxHandle OnChange_ShortcutCheckBox ${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 170 100% 30u "Use the old, obsolete and monstrous icon$\nI won't blame you if you want to get the old icon back :)" Pop $OldIconCheckboxHandle ${NSD_OnClick} $OldIconCheckboxHandle OnChange_OldIconCheckBox nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function preventInstallInWin9x ;Test if window9x ${GetWindowsVersion} $WinVer StrCmp $WinVer "95" 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "This version of Notepad++ does not support your OS.$\nPlease download zipped package of version 5.9 and use ANSI version. You can find v5.9 here:$\n" Abort StrCmp $WinVer "98" 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "This version of Notepad++ does not support your OS.$\nPlease download zipped package of version 5.9 and use ANSI version. You can find v5.9 here:$\n" Abort StrCmp $WinVer "ME" 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK "This version of Notepad++ does not support your OS.$\nPlease download zipped package of version 5.9 and use ANSI version. You can find v5.9 here:$\n" Abort FunctionEnd Var noUserDataChecked Var allowPluginLoadFromUserDataChecked Var createShortcutChecked Var isOldIconChecked ; TODO for optional arg ;Var params ; The definition of "OnChange" event for checkbox Function OnChange_NoUserDataCheckBox ${NSD_GetState} $NoUserDataCheckboxHandle $noUserDataChecked FunctionEnd Function OnChange_PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckBox ${NSD_GetState} $PluginLoadFromUserDataCheckboxHandle $allowPluginLoadFromUserDataChecked FunctionEnd Function OnChange_ShortcutCheckBox ${NSD_GetState} $ShortcutCheckboxHandle $createShortcutChecked FunctionEnd Function OnChange_OldIconCheckBox ${NSD_GetState} $OldIconCheckboxHandle $isOldIconChecked FunctionEnd Function writeInstallInfoInRegistry WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\notepad++.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\notepad++.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${APPNAME}" "" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "DisplayName" "${APPNAME}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "Publisher" "Notepad++ Team" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "VersionMajor" "${VERSION_MAJOR}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "VersionMinor" "${VERSION_MINOR}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "MajorVersion" "${VERSION_MAJOR}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "MinorVersion" "${VERSION_MINOR}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\notepad++.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${APPVERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "${APPWEBSITE}" WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" FunctionEnd