; Script Name : logoff.au3 ; Author : Craig Richards ; Created : 6th February 2012 ; Last Modified : ; Version : 1.0 ; Modifications : ; Description : This is a simple splash screen to wrap around my logoff.bat incase someone presses my logoff button by mistake (New Microsoft Keyboard) #Include ; Include the GuiConstants Header File #Include ; Include the StaticConstants Header File Opt('GuiOnEventMode', 1) ; Set the Option, and enable GuiOnEventMode GUICreate ("Logoff Warning", 750, 750) ; Create a simple window ;GUISetIcon("icon.ico") ; Give it an icon GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'GUIExit') ; Close the Window if the program is quit GUICtrlCreatePic("1280.jpg",0,0,750,680) ; Put a picture in the background of the splash screen GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Choose an Option Below:", 220, 680, 300, 15, $SS_CENTER) ; A simple label on the screen GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xFF0000); ; Text of the label will be Red GUICtrlCreateButton("Logoff", 170, 700, 200, 30) ; Create a simple button to run the logoff script GUICTrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'logoff') ; If pressed run the logoff function GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 375, 700, 200, 30) ; Create a simple button to quit the program GUICTrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'cancel') ; If pressed run the cancel function Func logoff() ; Start of the logoff function GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ; Hide the Window Run("u:\logoff.bat") ; Run the logoff batch file Exit ; Quit the program EndFunc ; End of the logoff Function #CS Func logoff() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) Run("u:\logoff.bat") Exit EndFunc #CE Func cancel() ; Start of the cancel function GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ; Hide the Window Exit ; Quit the program EndFunc ; End of the cancel Function GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Show the application Windows While 1 ; A simple while loop Sleep(500) ; Sleep to keep the window running WEnd ; End of the While loop Func GUIExit() ; Start of the GUIExit function Exit ; Quit the program EndFunc