// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexCPP.cxx ** Lexer for C++, C, Java, and JavaScript. ** Further folding features and configuration properties added by "Udo Lechner" **/ // Copyright 1998-2005 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ILexer.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #include "StringCopy.h" #include "WordList.h" #include "LexAccessor.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" #include "LexerModule.h" #include "OptionSet.h" #include "SparseState.h" #include "SubStyles.h" using namespace Scintilla; using namespace Lexilla; namespace { // Use an unnamed namespace to protect the functions and classes from name conflicts constexpr bool IsSpaceEquiv(int state) noexcept { return (state <= SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) || // including SCE_C_DEFAULT, SCE_C_COMMENT, SCE_C_COMMENTLINE (state == SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC) || (state == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD) || (state == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR); } // Preconditions: sc.currentPos points to a character after '+' or '-'. // The test for pos reaching 0 should be redundant, // and is in only for safety measures. // Limitation: this code will give the incorrect answer for code like // a = b+++/ptn/... // Putting a space between the '++' post-inc operator and the '+' binary op // fixes this, and is highly recommended for readability anyway. bool FollowsPostfixOperator(const StyleContext &sc, LexAccessor &styler) { Sci_Position pos = sc.currentPos; while (--pos > 0) { const char ch = styler[pos]; if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { return styler[pos - 1] == ch; } } return false; } bool followsReturnKeyword(const StyleContext &sc, LexAccessor &styler) { // Don't look at styles, so no need to flush. Sci_Position pos = sc.currentPos; const Sci_Position currentLine = styler.GetLine(pos); const Sci_Position lineStartPos = styler.LineStart(currentLine); while (--pos > lineStartPos) { const char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos); if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') { break; } } const char *retBack = "nruter"; const char *s = retBack; while (*s && pos >= lineStartPos && styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos) == *s) { s++; pos--; } return !*s; } constexpr bool IsSpaceOrTab(int ch) noexcept { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } constexpr bool IsOperatorOrSpace(int ch) noexcept { return isoperator(ch) || IsASpace(ch); } bool OnlySpaceOrTab(const std::string &s) noexcept { for (const char ch : s) { if (!IsSpaceOrTab(ch)) return false; } return true; } using Tokens = std::vector; Tokens StringSplit(const std::string &text, int separator) { Tokens vs(text.empty() ? 0 : 1); for (const char ch : text) { if (ch == separator) { vs.emplace_back(); } else { vs.back() += ch; } } return vs; } struct BracketPair { Tokens::iterator itBracket; Tokens::iterator itEndBracket; }; BracketPair FindBracketPair(Tokens &tokens) { const Tokens::iterator itBracket = std::find(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), "("); if (itBracket != tokens.end()) { size_t nest = 0; for (Tokens::iterator itTok = itBracket; itTok != tokens.end(); ++itTok) { if (*itTok == "(") { nest++; } else if (*itTok == ")") { nest--; if (nest == 0) { return { itBracket, itTok }; } } } } return { tokens.end(), tokens.end() }; } void highlightTaskMarker(StyleContext &sc, LexAccessor &styler, int activity, const WordList &markerList, bool caseSensitive){ if (IsOperatorOrSpace(sc.chPrev) && !IsOperatorOrSpace(sc.ch) && markerList.Length()) { std::string marker; for (Sci_PositionU currPos = sc.currentPos; true; currPos++) { const char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(currPos); if (IsOperatorOrSpace(ch)) { break; } if (caseSensitive) marker.push_back(ch); else marker.push_back(MakeLowerCase(ch)); } if (markerList.InList(marker)) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_TASKMARKER|activity); } } } class EscapeSequence { const CharacterSet setHexDigits = CharacterSet(CharacterSet::setDigits, "ABCDEFabcdef"); const CharacterSet setOctDigits = CharacterSet("01234567"); const CharacterSet setNoneNumeric; const CharacterSet *escapeSetValid = nullptr; int digitsLeft = 0; public: EscapeSequence() = default; void resetEscapeState(int nextChar) noexcept { digitsLeft = 0; escapeSetValid = &setNoneNumeric; if (nextChar == 'U') { digitsLeft = 9; escapeSetValid = &setHexDigits; } else if (nextChar == 'u') { digitsLeft = 5; escapeSetValid = &setHexDigits; } else if (nextChar == 'x') { digitsLeft = 5; escapeSetValid = &setHexDigits; } else if (setOctDigits.Contains(nextChar)) { digitsLeft = 3; escapeSetValid = &setOctDigits; } } bool atEscapeEnd(int currChar) const noexcept { return (digitsLeft <= 0) || !escapeSetValid->Contains(currChar); } void consumeDigit() noexcept { digitsLeft--; } }; std::string GetRestOfLine(LexAccessor &styler, Sci_Position start, bool allowSpace) { std::string restOfLine; Sci_Position line = styler.GetLine(start); Sci_Position pos = start; Sci_Position endLine = styler.LineEnd(line); char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(start, '\n'); while (pos < endLine) { if (ch == '\\' && ((pos + 1) == endLine)) { // Continuation line line++; pos = styler.LineStart(line); endLine = styler.LineEnd(line); ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos, '\n'); } else { const char chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos + 1, '\n'); if (ch == '/' && (chNext == '/' || chNext == '*')) break; if (allowSpace || (ch != ' ')) { restOfLine += ch; } pos++; ch = chNext; } } return restOfLine; } constexpr bool IsStreamCommentStyle(int style) noexcept { return style == SCE_C_COMMENT || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR; } struct PPDefinition { Sci_Position line; std::string key; std::string value; bool isUndef; std::string arguments; PPDefinition(Sci_Position line_, const std::string &key_, const std::string &value_, bool isUndef_ = false, const std::string &arguments_="") : line(line_), key(key_), value(value_), isUndef(isUndef_), arguments(arguments_) { } }; constexpr int inactiveFlag = 0x40; class LinePPState { // Track the state of preprocessor conditionals to allow showing active and inactive // code in different styles. // Only works up to 31 levels of conditional nesting. // state is a bit mask with 1 bit per level // bit is 1 for level if section inactive, so any bits set = inactive style int state = 0; // ifTaken is a bit mask with 1 bit per level // bit is 1 for level if some branch at this level has been taken int ifTaken = 0; // level is the nesting level of #if constructs int level = -1; static const int maximumNestingLevel = 31; int maskLevel() const noexcept { if (level >= 0) { return 1 << level; } else { return 1; } } public: LinePPState() noexcept = default; bool ValidLevel() const noexcept { return level >= 0 && level < maximumNestingLevel; } bool IsActive() const noexcept { return state == 0; } bool IsInactive() const noexcept { return state != 0; } int ActiveState() const noexcept { return state ? inactiveFlag : 0; } bool CurrentIfTaken() const noexcept { return (ifTaken & maskLevel()) != 0; } void StartSection(bool on) noexcept { level++; if (ValidLevel()) { if (on) { state &= ~maskLevel(); ifTaken |= maskLevel(); } else { state |= maskLevel(); ifTaken &= ~maskLevel(); } } } void EndSection() noexcept { if (ValidLevel()) { state &= ~maskLevel(); ifTaken &= ~maskLevel(); } level--; } void InvertCurrentLevel() noexcept { if (ValidLevel()) { state ^= maskLevel(); ifTaken |= maskLevel(); } } }; // Hold the preprocessor state for each line seen. // Currently one entry per line but could become sparse with just one entry per preprocessor line. class PPStates { std::vector vlls; public: LinePPState ForLine(Sci_Position line) const noexcept { if ((line > 0) && (vlls.size() > static_cast(line))) { return vlls[line]; } return {}; } void Add(Sci_Position line, LinePPState lls) { vlls.resize(line+1); vlls[line] = lls; } }; // An individual named option for use in an OptionSet // Options used for LexerCPP struct OptionsCPP { bool stylingWithinPreprocessor; bool identifiersAllowDollars; bool trackPreprocessor; bool updatePreprocessor; bool verbatimStringsAllowEscapes; bool triplequotedStrings; bool hashquotedStrings; bool backQuotedStrings; bool escapeSequence; bool fold; bool foldSyntaxBased; bool foldComment; bool foldCommentMultiline; bool foldCommentExplicit; std::string foldExplicitStart; std::string foldExplicitEnd; bool foldExplicitAnywhere; bool foldPreprocessor; bool foldPreprocessorAtElse; bool foldCompact; bool foldAtElse; OptionsCPP() { stylingWithinPreprocessor = false; identifiersAllowDollars = true; trackPreprocessor = true; updatePreprocessor = true; verbatimStringsAllowEscapes = false; triplequotedStrings = false; hashquotedStrings = false; backQuotedStrings = false; escapeSequence = false; fold = false; foldSyntaxBased = true; foldComment = false; foldCommentMultiline = true; foldCommentExplicit = true; foldExplicitStart = ""; foldExplicitEnd = ""; foldExplicitAnywhere = false; foldPreprocessor = false; foldPreprocessorAtElse = false; foldCompact = false; foldAtElse = false; } }; const char *const cppWordLists[] = { "Primary keywords and identifiers", "Secondary keywords and identifiers", "Documentation comment keywords", "Global classes and typedefs", "Preprocessor definitions", "Task marker and error marker keywords", nullptr, }; struct OptionSetCPP : public OptionSet { OptionSetCPP() { DefineProperty("styling.within.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::stylingWithinPreprocessor, "For C++ code, determines whether all preprocessor code is styled in the " "preprocessor style (0, the default) or only from the initial # to the end " "of the command word(1)."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.allow.dollars", &OptionsCPP::identifiersAllowDollars, "Set to 0 to disallow the '$' character in identifiers with the cpp lexer."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.track.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::trackPreprocessor, "Set to 1 to interpret #if/#else/#endif to grey out code that is not active."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.update.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::updatePreprocessor, "Set to 1 to update preprocessor definitions when #define found."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.verbatim.strings.allow.escapes", &OptionsCPP::verbatimStringsAllowEscapes, "Set to 1 to allow verbatim strings to contain escape sequences."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.triplequoted.strings", &OptionsCPP::triplequotedStrings, "Set to 1 to enable highlighting of triple-quoted strings."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.hashquoted.strings", &OptionsCPP::hashquotedStrings, "Set to 1 to enable highlighting of hash-quoted strings."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings", &OptionsCPP::backQuotedStrings, "Set to 1 to enable highlighting of back-quoted raw strings ."); DefineProperty("lexer.cpp.escape.sequence", &OptionsCPP::escapeSequence, "Set to 1 to enable highlighting of escape sequences in strings"); DefineProperty("fold", &OptionsCPP::fold); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.syntax.based", &OptionsCPP::foldSyntaxBased, "Set this property to 0 to disable syntax based folding."); DefineProperty("fold.comment", &OptionsCPP::foldComment, "This option enables folding multi-line comments and explicit fold points when using the C++ lexer. " "Explicit fold points allows adding extra folding by placing a //{ comment at the start and a //} " "at the end of a section that should fold."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.comment.multiline", &OptionsCPP::foldCommentMultiline, "Set this property to 0 to disable folding multi-line comments when fold.comment=1."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.comment.explicit", &OptionsCPP::foldCommentExplicit, "Set this property to 0 to disable folding explicit fold points when fold.comment=1."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.start", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitStart, "The string to use for explicit fold start points, replacing the standard //{."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.end", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitEnd, "The string to use for explicit fold end points, replacing the standard //}."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.explicit.anywhere", &OptionsCPP::foldExplicitAnywhere, "Set this property to 1 to enable explicit fold points anywhere, not just in line comments."); DefineProperty("fold.cpp.preprocessor.at.else", &OptionsCPP::foldPreprocessorAtElse, "This option enables folding on a preprocessor #else or #endif line of an #if statement."); DefineProperty("fold.preprocessor", &OptionsCPP::foldPreprocessor, "This option enables folding preprocessor directives when using the C++ lexer. " "Includes C#'s explicit #region and #endregion folding directives."); DefineProperty("fold.compact", &OptionsCPP::foldCompact); DefineProperty("fold.at.else", &OptionsCPP::foldAtElse, "This option enables C++ folding on a \"} else {\" line of an if statement."); DefineWordListSets(cppWordLists); } }; const char styleSubable[] = {SCE_C_IDENTIFIER, SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD, 0}; LexicalClass lexicalClasses[] = { // Lexer Cpp SCLEX_CPP SCE_C_: 0, "SCE_C_DEFAULT", "default", "White space", 1, "SCE_C_COMMENT", "comment", "Comment: /* */.", 2, "SCE_C_COMMENTLINE", "comment line", "Line Comment: //.", 3, "SCE_C_COMMENTDOC", "comment documentation", "Doc comment: block comments beginning with /** or /*!", 4, "SCE_C_NUMBER", "literal numeric", "Number", 5, "SCE_C_WORD", "keyword", "Keyword", 6, "SCE_C_STRING", "literal string", "Double quoted string", 7, "SCE_C_CHARACTER", "literal string character", "Single quoted string", 8, "SCE_C_UUID", "literal uuid", "UUIDs (only in IDL)", 9, "SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR", "preprocessor", "Preprocessor", 10, "SCE_C_OPERATOR", "operator", "Operators", 11, "SCE_C_IDENTIFIER", "identifier", "Identifiers", 12, "SCE_C_STRINGEOL", "error literal string", "End of line where string is not closed", 13, "SCE_C_VERBATIM", "literal string multiline raw", "Verbatim strings for C#", 14, "SCE_C_REGEX", "literal regex", "Regular expressions for JavaScript", 15, "SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC", "comment documentation line", "Doc Comment Line: line comments beginning with /// or //!.", 16, "SCE_C_WORD2", "identifier", "Keywords2", 17, "SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD", "comment documentation keyword", "Comment keyword", 18, "SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR", "error comment documentation keyword", "Comment keyword error", 19, "SCE_C_GLOBALCLASS", "identifier", "Global class", 20, "SCE_C_STRINGRAW", "literal string multiline raw", "Raw strings for C++0x", 21, "SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM", "literal string multiline raw", "Triple-quoted strings for Vala", 22, "SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING", "literal string", "Hash-quoted strings for Pike", 23, "SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT", "comment preprocessor", "Preprocessor stream comment", 24, "SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENTDOC", "comment preprocessor documentation", "Preprocessor stream doc comment", 25, "SCE_C_USERLITERAL", "literal", "User defined literals", 26, "SCE_C_TASKMARKER", "comment taskmarker", "Task Marker", 27, "SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE", "literal string escapesequence", "Escape sequence", }; const int sizeLexicalClasses = static_cast(std::size(lexicalClasses)); } class LexerCPP : public ILexer5 { bool caseSensitive; CharacterSet setWord; CharacterSet setNegationOp; CharacterSet setAddOp; CharacterSet setMultOp; CharacterSet setRelOp; CharacterSet setLogicalOp; CharacterSet setWordStart; PPStates vlls; std::vector ppDefineHistory; WordList keywords; WordList keywords2; WordList keywords3; WordList keywords4; WordList ppDefinitions; WordList markerList; struct SymbolValue { std::string value; std::string arguments; SymbolValue() noexcept = default; SymbolValue(const std::string &value_, const std::string &arguments_) : value(value_), arguments(arguments_) { } SymbolValue &operator = (const std::string &value_) { value = value_; arguments.clear(); return *this; } bool IsMacro() const noexcept { return !arguments.empty(); } }; typedef std::map SymbolTable; SymbolTable preprocessorDefinitionsStart; OptionsCPP options; OptionSetCPP osCPP; EscapeSequence escapeSeq; SparseState rawStringTerminators; enum { ssIdentifier, ssDocKeyword }; SubStyles subStyles; std::string returnBuffer; public: explicit LexerCPP(bool caseSensitive_) : caseSensitive(caseSensitive_), setWord(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "._", true), setNegationOp("!"), setAddOp("+-"), setMultOp("*/%"), setRelOp("=!<>"), setLogicalOp("|&"), subStyles(styleSubable, 0x80, 0x40, inactiveFlag) { } // Deleted so LexerCPP objects can not be copied. LexerCPP(const LexerCPP &) = delete; LexerCPP(LexerCPP &&) = delete; void operator=(const LexerCPP &) = delete; void operator=(LexerCPP &&) = delete; virtual ~LexerCPP() { } void SCI_METHOD Release() noexcept override { delete this; } int SCI_METHOD Version() const noexcept override { return lvRelease5; } const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyNames() override { return osCPP.PropertyNames(); } int SCI_METHOD PropertyType(const char *name) override { return osCPP.PropertyType(name); } const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeProperty(const char *name) override { return osCPP.DescribeProperty(name); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) override; const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeWordListSets() override { return osCPP.DescribeWordListSets(); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) override; void SCI_METHOD Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void SCI_METHOD Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void * SCI_METHOD PrivateCall(int, void *) noexcept override { return nullptr; } int SCI_METHOD LineEndTypesSupported() noexcept override { return SC_LINE_END_TYPE_UNICODE; } int SCI_METHOD AllocateSubStyles(int styleBase, int numberStyles) override { return subStyles.Allocate(styleBase, numberStyles); } int SCI_METHOD SubStylesStart(int styleBase) override { return subStyles.Start(styleBase); } int SCI_METHOD SubStylesLength(int styleBase) override { return subStyles.Length(styleBase); } int SCI_METHOD StyleFromSubStyle(int subStyle) override { const int styleBase = subStyles.BaseStyle(MaskActive(subStyle)); const int inactive = subStyle & inactiveFlag; return styleBase | inactive; } int SCI_METHOD PrimaryStyleFromStyle(int style) noexcept override { return MaskActive(style); } void SCI_METHOD FreeSubStyles() override { subStyles.Free(); } void SCI_METHOD SetIdentifiers(int style, const char *identifiers) override { subStyles.SetIdentifiers(style, identifiers); } int SCI_METHOD DistanceToSecondaryStyles() noexcept override { return inactiveFlag; } const char * SCI_METHOD GetSubStyleBases() noexcept override { return styleSubable; } int SCI_METHOD NamedStyles() override { return std::max(subStyles.LastAllocated() + 1, sizeLexicalClasses) + inactiveFlag; } const char * SCI_METHOD NameOfStyle(int style) override { if (style >= NamedStyles()) return ""; if (style < sizeLexicalClasses) return lexicalClasses[style].name; // TODO: inactive and substyles return ""; } const char * SCI_METHOD TagsOfStyle(int style) override { if (style >= NamedStyles()) return "Excess"; returnBuffer.clear(); const int firstSubStyle = subStyles.FirstAllocated(); if (firstSubStyle >= 0) { const int lastSubStyle = subStyles.LastAllocated(); if (((style >= firstSubStyle) && (style <= (lastSubStyle))) || ((style >= firstSubStyle + inactiveFlag) && (style <= (lastSubStyle + inactiveFlag)))) { int styleActive = style; if (style > lastSubStyle) { returnBuffer = "inactive "; styleActive -= inactiveFlag; } const int styleMain = StyleFromSubStyle(styleActive); returnBuffer += lexicalClasses[styleMain].tags; return returnBuffer.c_str(); } } if (style < sizeLexicalClasses) return lexicalClasses[style].tags; if (style >= inactiveFlag) { returnBuffer = "inactive "; const int styleActive = style - inactiveFlag; if (styleActive < sizeLexicalClasses) returnBuffer += lexicalClasses[styleActive].tags; else returnBuffer.clear(); return returnBuffer.c_str(); } return ""; } const char * SCI_METHOD DescriptionOfStyle(int style) override { if (style >= NamedStyles()) return ""; if (style < sizeLexicalClasses) return lexicalClasses[style].description; // TODO: inactive and substyles return ""; } // ILexer5 methods const char * SCI_METHOD GetName() override { return caseSensitive ? "cpp" : "cppnocase"; } int SCI_METHOD GetIdentifier() override { return caseSensitive ? SCLEX_CPP : SCLEX_CPPNOCASE; } const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyGet(const char *key) override; static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryCPP() { return new LexerCPP(true); } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryCPPInsensitive() { return new LexerCPP(false); } constexpr static int MaskActive(int style) noexcept { return style & ~inactiveFlag; } void EvaluateTokens(Tokens &tokens, const SymbolTable &preprocessorDefinitions); Tokens Tokenize(const std::string &expr) const; bool EvaluateExpression(const std::string &expr, const SymbolTable &preprocessorDefinitions); }; Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) { if (osCPP.PropertySet(&options, key, val)) { if (strcmp(key, "lexer.cpp.allow.dollars") == 0) { setWord = CharacterSet(CharacterSet::setAlphaNum, "._", true); if (options.identifiersAllowDollars) { setWord.Add('$'); } } return 0; } return -1; } const char * SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::PropertyGet(const char *key) { return osCPP.PropertyGet(key); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) { WordList *wordListN = nullptr; switch (n) { case 0: wordListN = &keywords; break; case 1: wordListN = &keywords2; break; case 2: wordListN = &keywords3; break; case 3: wordListN = &keywords4; break; case 4: wordListN = &ppDefinitions; break; case 5: wordListN = &markerList; break; default: break; } Sci_Position firstModification = -1; if (wordListN) { if (wordListN->Set(wl)) { firstModification = 0; if (n == 4) { // Rebuild preprocessorDefinitions preprocessorDefinitionsStart.clear(); for (int nDefinition = 0; nDefinition < ppDefinitions.Length(); nDefinition++) { const char *cpDefinition = ppDefinitions.WordAt(nDefinition); const char *cpEquals = strchr(cpDefinition, '='); if (cpEquals) { std::string name(cpDefinition, cpEquals - cpDefinition); std::string val(cpEquals+1); const size_t bracket = name.find('('); const size_t bracketEnd = name.find(')'); if ((bracket != std::string::npos) && (bracketEnd != std::string::npos)) { // Macro std::string args = name.substr(bracket + 1, bracketEnd - bracket - 1); name = name.substr(0, bracket); preprocessorDefinitionsStart[name] = SymbolValue(val, args); } else { preprocessorDefinitionsStart[name] = val; } } else { std::string name(cpDefinition); std::string val("1"); preprocessorDefinitionsStart[name] = val; } } } } } return firstModification; } void SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) { LexAccessor styler(pAccess); const StyleContext::Transform transform = caseSensitive ? StyleContext::Transform::none : StyleContext::Transform::lower; const CharacterSet setOKBeforeRE("([{=,:;!%^&*|?~+-"); const CharacterSet setCouldBePostOp("+-"); const CharacterSet setDoxygen(CharacterSet::setAlpha, "$@\\&<>#{}[]"); setWordStart = CharacterSet(CharacterSet::setAlpha, "_", true); const CharacterSet setInvalidRawFirst(" )\\\t\v\f\n"); if (options.identifiersAllowDollars) { setWordStart.Add('$'); } int chPrevNonWhite = ' '; int visibleChars = 0; bool lastWordWasUUID = false; int styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_DEFAULT; int styleBeforeTaskMarker = SCE_C_DEFAULT; bool continuationLine = false; bool isIncludePreprocessor = false; bool isStringInPreprocessor = false; bool inRERange = false; bool seenDocKeyBrace = false; Sci_Position lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); if ((MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) || (MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) || (MaskActive(initStyle) == SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC)) { // Set continuationLine if last character of previous line is '\' if (lineCurrent > 0) { const Sci_Position endLinePrevious = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent - 1); if (endLinePrevious > 0) { continuationLine = styler.SafeGetCharAt(endLinePrevious-1) == '\\'; } } } // look back to set chPrevNonWhite properly for better regex colouring if (startPos > 0) { Sci_Position back = startPos; while (--back && IsSpaceEquiv(MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(back)))) ; if (MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(back)) == SCE_C_OPERATOR) { chPrevNonWhite = styler.SafeGetCharAt(back); } } StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); LinePPState preproc = vlls.ForLine(lineCurrent); bool definitionsChanged = false; // Truncate ppDefineHistory before current line if (!options.updatePreprocessor) ppDefineHistory.clear(); const std::vector::iterator itInvalid = std::find_if( ppDefineHistory.begin(), ppDefineHistory.end(), [lineCurrent](const PPDefinition &p) noexcept { return p.line >= lineCurrent; }); if (itInvalid != ppDefineHistory.end()) { ppDefineHistory.erase(itInvalid, ppDefineHistory.end()); definitionsChanged = true; } SymbolTable preprocessorDefinitions = preprocessorDefinitionsStart; for (const PPDefinition &ppDef : ppDefineHistory) { if (ppDef.isUndef) preprocessorDefinitions.erase(ppDef.key); else preprocessorDefinitions[ppDef.key] = SymbolValue(ppDef.value, ppDef.arguments); } std::string rawStringTerminator = rawStringTerminators.ValueAt(lineCurrent-1); SparseState rawSTNew(lineCurrent); std::string currentText; int activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); const WordClassifier &classifierIdentifiers = subStyles.Classifier(SCE_C_IDENTIFIER); const WordClassifier &classifierDocKeyWords = subStyles.Classifier(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD); Sci_PositionU lineEndNext = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent); for (; sc.More();) { if (sc.atLineStart) { // Using MaskActive() is not needed in the following statement. // Inside inactive preprocessor declaration, state will be reset anyway at the end of this block. if ((sc.state == SCE_C_STRING) || (sc.state == SCE_C_CHARACTER)) { // Prevent SCE_C_STRINGEOL from leaking back to previous line which // ends with a line continuation by locking in the state up to this position. sc.SetState(sc.state); } if ((MaskActive(sc.state) == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) && (!continuationLine)) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } // Reset states to beginning of colourise so no surprises // if different sets of lines lexed. visibleChars = 0; lastWordWasUUID = false; isIncludePreprocessor = false; inRERange = false; if (preproc.IsInactive()) { activitySet = inactiveFlag; sc.SetState(sc.state | activitySet); } } if (sc.atLineEnd) { lineCurrent++; lineEndNext = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent); vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc); if (!rawStringTerminator.empty()) { rawSTNew.Set(lineCurrent-1, rawStringTerminator); } } // Handle line continuation generically. if (sc.ch == '\\') { if ((sc.currentPos+1) >= lineEndNext) { lineCurrent++; lineEndNext = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent); vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc); if (!rawStringTerminator.empty()) { rawSTNew.Set(lineCurrent-1, rawStringTerminator); } sc.Forward(); if (sc.ch == '\r' && sc.chNext == '\n') { // Even in UTF-8, \r and \n are separate sc.Forward(); } continuationLine = true; sc.Forward(); continue; } } const bool atLineEndBeforeSwitch = sc.atLineEnd; // Determine if the current state should terminate. switch (MaskActive(sc.state)) { case SCE_C_OPERATOR: sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); break; case SCE_C_NUMBER: // We accept almost anything because of hex. and number suffixes if (sc.ch == '_') { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_USERLITERAL|activitySet); } else if (!(setWord.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '\'') || ((sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E' || sc.chPrev == 'p' || sc.chPrev == 'P')))) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_USERLITERAL: if (!(setWord.Contains(sc.ch))) sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); break; case SCE_C_IDENTIFIER: if (sc.atLineStart || sc.atLineEnd || !setWord.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.')) { sc.GetCurrentString(currentText, transform); if (keywords.InList(currentText)) { lastWordWasUUID = currentText == "uuid"; sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_WORD|activitySet); } else if (keywords2.InList(currentText)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_WORD2|activitySet); } else if (keywords4.InList(currentText)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_GLOBALCLASS|activitySet); } else { const int subStyle = classifierIdentifiers.ValueFor(currentText); if (subStyle >= 0) { sc.ChangeState(subStyle|activitySet); } } const bool literalString = sc.ch == '\"'; if (literalString || sc.ch == '\'') { std::string_view s = currentText; size_t lenS = s.length(); const bool raw = literalString && sc.chPrev == 'R' && !setInvalidRawFirst.Contains(sc.chNext); if (raw) { s.remove_suffix(1); lenS--; } const bool valid = (lenS == 0) || ((lenS == 1) && ((s[0] == 'L') || (s[0] == 'u') || (s[0] == 'U'))) || ((lenS == 2) && literalString && (s[0] == 'u') && (s[1] == '8')); if (valid) { if (literalString) { if (raw) { // Set the style of the string prefix to SCE_C_STRINGRAW but then change to // SCE_C_DEFAULT as that allows the raw string start code to run. sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGRAW|activitySet); sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); } } else { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_CHARACTER|activitySet); } } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT | activitySet); } } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR: if (options.stylingWithinPreprocessor) { if (IsASpace(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '(')) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } else if (isStringInPreprocessor && (sc.Match('>') || sc.Match('\"') || sc.atLineEnd)) { isStringInPreprocessor = false; } else if (!isStringInPreprocessor) { if ((isIncludePreprocessor && sc.Match('<')) || sc.Match('\"')) { isStringInPreprocessor = true; } else if (sc.Match('/', '*')) { if (sc.Match("/**") || sc.Match("/*!")) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENTDOC|activitySet); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT|activitySet); } sc.Forward(); // Eat the * } else if (sc.Match('/', '/')) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENT: case SCE_C_PREPROCESSORCOMMENTDOC: if (sc.Match('*', '/')) { sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet); continue; // Without advancing in case of '\'. } break; case SCE_C_COMMENT: if (sc.Match('*', '/')) { sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else { styleBeforeTaskMarker = SCE_C_COMMENT; highlightTaskMarker(sc, styler, activitySet, markerList, caseSensitive); } break; case SCE_C_COMMENTDOC: if (sc.Match('*', '/')) { sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '@' || sc.ch == '\\') { // JavaDoc and Doxygen support // Verify that we have the conditions to mark a comment-doc-keyword if ((IsASpace(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '*') && (!IsASpace(sc.chNext))) { styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC; sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD|activitySet); } } else if ((sc.ch == '<' && sc.chNext != '/') || (sc.ch == '/' && sc.chPrev == '<')) { // XML comment style styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC; sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD | activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_COMMENTLINE: if (sc.atLineStart && !continuationLine) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else { styleBeforeTaskMarker = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE; highlightTaskMarker(sc, styler, activitySet, markerList, caseSensitive); } break; case SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC: if (sc.atLineStart && !continuationLine) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '@' || sc.ch == '\\') { // JavaDoc and Doxygen support // Verify that we have the conditions to mark a comment-doc-keyword if ((IsASpace(sc.chPrev) || sc.chPrev == '/' || sc.chPrev == '!') && (!IsASpace(sc.chNext))) { styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC; sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD|activitySet); } } else if ((sc.ch == '<' && sc.chNext != '/') || (sc.ch == '/' && sc.chPrev == '<')) { // XML comment style styleBeforeDCKeyword = SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC; sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD | activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD: if ((styleBeforeDCKeyword == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) && sc.Match('*', '/')) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR); sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); seenDocKeyBrace = false; } else if (sc.ch == '[' || sc.ch == '{') { seenDocKeyBrace = true; } else if (!setDoxygen.Contains(sc.ch) && !(seenDocKeyBrace && (sc.ch == ',' || sc.ch == '.'))) { if (!(IsASpace(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == 0))) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR|activitySet); } else { sc.GetCurrentString(currentText, transform); assert(!currentText.empty()); std::string currentSuffix = currentText.substr(1); if (!keywords3.InList(currentSuffix) && !keywords3.InList(currentText)) { const int subStyleCDKW = classifierDocKeyWords.ValueFor(currentSuffix); if (subStyleCDKW >= 0) { sc.ChangeState(subStyleCDKW | activitySet); } else { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR | activitySet); } } } sc.SetState(styleBeforeDCKeyword|activitySet); seenDocKeyBrace = false; } else if (sc.ch == '>') { sc.GetCurrentString(currentText, transform); if (!keywords3.InList(currentText)) { const int subStyleCDKW = classifierDocKeyWords.ValueFor(currentText.substr(1)); if (subStyleCDKW >= 0) { sc.ChangeState(subStyleCDKW | activitySet); } else { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR | activitySet); } } sc.SetState(styleBeforeDCKeyword | activitySet); seenDocKeyBrace = false; } break; case SCE_C_STRING: if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGEOL|activitySet); } else if (isIncludePreprocessor) { if (sc.ch == '>') { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); isIncludePreprocessor = false; } } else if (sc.ch == '\\') { if (options.escapeSequence) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE|activitySet); escapeSeq.resetEscapeState(sc.chNext); } sc.Forward(); // Skip all characters after the backslash } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { if (sc.chNext == '_') { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_USERLITERAL|activitySet); } else { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE: escapeSeq.consumeDigit(); if (!escapeSeq.atEscapeEnd(sc.ch)) { break; } if (sc.ch == '"') { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '\\') { escapeSeq.resetEscapeState(sc.chNext); sc.Forward(); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGEOL|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING: if (sc.ch == '\\') { if (sc.chNext == '\"' || sc.chNext == '\'' || sc.chNext == '\\') { sc.Forward(); } } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_STRINGRAW: if (sc.Match(rawStringTerminator.c_str())) { for (size_t termPos=rawStringTerminator.size(); termPos; termPos--) sc.Forward(); sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); rawStringTerminator.clear(); } break; case SCE_C_CHARACTER: if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_STRINGEOL|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '\\') { if (sc.chNext == '\"' || sc.chNext == '\'' || sc.chNext == '\\') { sc.Forward(); } } else if (sc.ch == '\'') { if (sc.chNext == '_') { sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_USERLITERAL|activitySet); } else { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_REGEX: if (sc.atLineStart) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else if (!inRERange && sc.ch == '/') { sc.Forward(); while (IsLowerCase(sc.ch)) sc.Forward(); // gobble regex flags sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '\\' && ((sc.currentPos+1) < lineEndNext)) { // Gobble up the escaped character sc.Forward(); } else if (sc.ch == '[') { inRERange = true; } else if (sc.ch == ']') { inRERange = false; } break; case SCE_C_STRINGEOL: if (sc.atLineStart) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_VERBATIM: if (options.verbatimStringsAllowEscapes && (sc.ch == '\\')) { sc.Forward(); // Skip all characters after the backslash } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { if (sc.chNext == '\"') { sc.Forward(); } else { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } } break; case SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM: if (sc.Match(R"(""")")) { while (sc.Match('"')) { sc.Forward(); } sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_UUID: if (sc.atLineEnd || sc.ch == ')') { sc.SetState(SCE_C_DEFAULT|activitySet); } break; case SCE_C_TASKMARKER: if (IsOperatorOrSpace(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(styleBeforeTaskMarker|activitySet); styleBeforeTaskMarker = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } if (sc.atLineEnd && !atLineEndBeforeSwitch) { // State exit processing consumed characters up to end of line. lineCurrent++; lineEndNext = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent); vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc); } const bool atLineEndBeforeStateEntry = sc.atLineEnd; // Determine if a new state should be entered. if (MaskActive(sc.state) == SCE_C_DEFAULT) { if (sc.Match('@', '\"')) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_VERBATIM|activitySet); sc.Forward(); } else if (options.triplequotedStrings && sc.Match(R"(""")")) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_TRIPLEVERBATIM|activitySet); sc.Forward(2); } else if (options.hashquotedStrings && sc.Match('#', '\"')) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_HASHQUOTEDSTRING|activitySet); sc.Forward(); } else if (options.backQuotedStrings && sc.Match('`')) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRINGRAW|activitySet); rawStringTerminator = "`"; } else if (IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext))) { if (lastWordWasUUID) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_UUID|activitySet); lastWordWasUUID = false; } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_NUMBER|activitySet); } } else if (!sc.atLineEnd && (setWordStart.Contains(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '@'))) { if (lastWordWasUUID) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_UUID|activitySet); lastWordWasUUID = false; } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_IDENTIFIER|activitySet); } } else if (sc.Match('/', '*')) { if (sc.Match("/**") || sc.Match("/*!")) { // Support of Qt/Doxygen doc. style sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTDOC|activitySet); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENT|activitySet); } sc.Forward(); // Eat the * so it isn't used for the end of the comment } else if (sc.Match('/', '/')) { if ((sc.Match("///") && !sc.Match("////")) || sc.Match("//!")) // Support of Qt/Doxygen doc. style sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC|activitySet); else sc.SetState(SCE_C_COMMENTLINE|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '/' && (setOKBeforeRE.Contains(chPrevNonWhite) || followsReturnKeyword(sc, styler)) && (!setCouldBePostOp.Contains(chPrevNonWhite) || !FollowsPostfixOperator(sc, styler))) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_REGEX|activitySet); // JavaScript's RegEx inRERange = false; } else if (sc.ch == '\"') { if (sc.chPrev == 'R') { styler.Flush(); if (MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(sc.currentPos - 1)) == SCE_C_STRINGRAW) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRINGRAW|activitySet); rawStringTerminator = ")"; for (Sci_Position termPos = sc.currentPos + 1;; termPos++) { const char chTerminator = styler.SafeGetCharAt(termPos, '('); if (chTerminator == '(') break; rawStringTerminator += chTerminator; } rawStringTerminator += '\"'; } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); } } else { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); } isIncludePreprocessor = false; // ensure that '>' won't end the string } else if (isIncludePreprocessor && sc.ch == '<') { sc.SetState(SCE_C_STRING|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '\'') { sc.SetState(SCE_C_CHARACTER|activitySet); } else if (sc.ch == '#' && visibleChars == 0) { // Preprocessor commands are alone on their line sc.SetState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet); // Skip whitespace between # and preprocessor word do { sc.Forward(); } while ((sc.ch == ' ' || sc.ch == '\t') && sc.More()); if (sc.Match("include")) { isIncludePreprocessor = true; } else { if (options.trackPreprocessor && IsAlphaNumeric(sc.ch)) { // If #if is nested too deeply (>31 levels) the active/inactive appearance // will stop reflecting the code. if (sc.Match("ifdef") || sc.Match("ifndef")) { const bool isIfDef = sc.Match("ifdef"); const int startRest = isIfDef ? 5 : 6; const std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + startRest + 1, false); const bool foundDef = preprocessorDefinitions.find(restOfLine) != preprocessorDefinitions.end(); preproc.StartSection(isIfDef == foundDef); } else if (sc.Match("if")) { const std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 2, true); const bool ifGood = EvaluateExpression(restOfLine, preprocessorDefinitions); preproc.StartSection(ifGood); } else if (sc.Match("else")) { // #else is shown as active if either preceding or following section is active // as that means that it contributed to the result. if (preproc.ValidLevel()) { // If #else has no corresponding #if then take no action as invalid if (!preproc.CurrentIfTaken()) { // Inactive, may become active if parent scope active assert(sc.state == (SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR | inactiveFlag)); preproc.InvertCurrentLevel(); activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); // If following is active then show "else" as active if (!activitySet) sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR); } else if (preproc.IsActive()) { // Active -> inactive assert(sc.state == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR); preproc.InvertCurrentLevel(); activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); // Continue to show "else" as active as it ends active section. } } } else if (sc.Match("elif")) { // Ensure only one chosen out of #if .. #elif .. #elif .. #else .. #endif // #elif is shown as active if either preceding or following section is active // as that means that it contributed to the result. if (preproc.ValidLevel()) { if (!preproc.CurrentIfTaken()) { // Inactive, if expression true then may become active if parent scope active assert(sc.state == (SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR | inactiveFlag)); // Similar to #if std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 4, true); const bool ifGood = EvaluateExpression(restOfLine, preprocessorDefinitions); if (ifGood) { preproc.InvertCurrentLevel(); activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); if (!activitySet) sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR); } } else if (preproc.IsActive()) { // Active -> inactive assert(sc.state == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR); preproc.InvertCurrentLevel(); activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); // Continue to show "elif" as active as it ends active section. } } } else if (sc.Match("endif")) { preproc.EndSection(); activitySet = preproc.ActiveState(); sc.ChangeState(SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR|activitySet); } else if (sc.Match("define")) { if (options.updatePreprocessor && preproc.IsActive()) { std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 6, true); size_t startName = 0; while ((startName < restOfLine.length()) && IsSpaceOrTab(restOfLine[startName])) startName++; size_t endName = startName; while ((endName < restOfLine.length()) && setWord.Contains(restOfLine[endName])) endName++; std::string key = restOfLine.substr(startName, endName-startName); if ((endName < restOfLine.length()) && (restOfLine.at(endName) == '(')) { // Macro size_t endArgs = endName; while ((endArgs < restOfLine.length()) && (restOfLine[endArgs] != ')')) endArgs++; std::string args = restOfLine.substr(endName + 1, endArgs - endName - 1); size_t startValue = endArgs+1; while ((startValue < restOfLine.length()) && IsSpaceOrTab(restOfLine[startValue])) startValue++; std::string value; if (startValue < restOfLine.length()) value = restOfLine.substr(startValue); preprocessorDefinitions[key] = SymbolValue(value, args); ppDefineHistory.push_back(PPDefinition(lineCurrent, key, value, false, args)); definitionsChanged = true; } else { // Value size_t startValue = endName; while ((startValue < restOfLine.length()) && IsSpaceOrTab(restOfLine[startValue])) startValue++; std::string value = restOfLine.substr(startValue); if (OnlySpaceOrTab(value)) value = "1"; // No value defaults to 1 preprocessorDefinitions[key] = value; ppDefineHistory.push_back(PPDefinition(lineCurrent, key, value)); definitionsChanged = true; } } } else if (sc.Match("undef")) { if (options.updatePreprocessor && preproc.IsActive()) { const std::string restOfLine = GetRestOfLine(styler, sc.currentPos + 5, false); Tokens tokens = Tokenize(restOfLine); if (!tokens.empty()) { const std::string key = tokens[0]; preprocessorDefinitions.erase(key); ppDefineHistory.push_back(PPDefinition(lineCurrent, key, "", true)); definitionsChanged = true; } } } } } } else if (isoperator(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_C_OPERATOR|activitySet); } } if (sc.atLineEnd && !atLineEndBeforeStateEntry) { // State entry processing consumed characters up to end of line. lineCurrent++; lineEndNext = styler.LineEnd(lineCurrent); vlls.Add(lineCurrent, preproc); } if (!IsASpace(sc.ch) && !IsSpaceEquiv(MaskActive(sc.state))) { chPrevNonWhite = sc.ch; visibleChars++; } continuationLine = false; sc.Forward(); } const bool rawStringsChanged = rawStringTerminators.Merge(rawSTNew, lineCurrent); if (definitionsChanged || rawStringsChanged) styler.ChangeLexerState(startPos, startPos + length); sc.Complete(); } // Store both the current line's fold level and the next lines in the // level store to make it easy to pick up with each increment // and to make it possible to fiddle the current level for "} else {". void SCI_METHOD LexerCPP::Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) { if (!options.fold) return; LexAccessor styler(pAccess); const Sci_PositionU endPos = startPos + length; int visibleChars = 0; bool inLineComment = false; Sci_Position lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); int levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; if (lineCurrent > 0) levelCurrent = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent-1) >> 16; Sci_PositionU lineStartNext = styler.LineStart(lineCurrent+1); int levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent; int levelNext = levelCurrent; char chNext = styler[startPos]; int styleNext = MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(startPos)); int style = MaskActive(initStyle); const bool userDefinedFoldMarkers = !options.foldExplicitStart.empty() && !options.foldExplicitEnd.empty(); for (Sci_PositionU i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { const char ch = chNext; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); const int stylePrev = style; style = styleNext; styleNext = MaskActive(styler.StyleAt(i + 1)); const bool atEOL = i == (lineStartNext-1); if ((style == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) || (style == SCE_C_COMMENTLINEDOC)) inLineComment = true; if (options.foldComment && options.foldCommentMultiline && IsStreamCommentStyle(style) && !inLineComment) { if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(stylePrev)) { levelNext++; } else if (!IsStreamCommentStyle(styleNext) && !atEOL) { // Comments don't end at end of line and the next character may be unstyled. levelNext--; } } if (options.foldComment && options.foldCommentExplicit && ((style == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) || options.foldExplicitAnywhere)) { if (userDefinedFoldMarkers) { if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitStart.c_str())) { levelNext++; } else if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitEnd.c_str())) { levelNext--; } } else { if ((ch == '/') && (chNext == '/')) { const char chNext2 = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2); if (chNext2 == '{') { levelNext++; } else if (chNext2 == '}') { levelNext--; } } } } if (options.foldPreprocessor && (style == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR)) { if (ch == '#') { Sci_PositionU j = i + 1; while ((j < endPos) && IsASpaceOrTab(styler.SafeGetCharAt(j))) { j++; } if (styler.Match(j, "region") || styler.Match(j, "if")) { levelNext++; } else if (styler.Match(j, "end")) { levelNext--; } if (options.foldPreprocessorAtElse && (styler.Match(j, "else") || styler.Match(j, "elif"))) { levelMinCurrent--; } } } if (options.foldSyntaxBased && (style == SCE_C_OPERATOR)) { if (ch == '{' || ch == '[' || ch == '(') { // Measure the minimum before a '{' to allow // folding on "} else {" if (options.foldAtElse && levelMinCurrent > levelNext) { levelMinCurrent = levelNext; } levelNext++; } else if (ch == '}' || ch == ']' || ch == ')') { levelNext--; } } if (!IsASpace(ch)) visibleChars++; if (atEOL || (i == endPos-1)) { int levelUse = levelCurrent; if ((options.foldSyntaxBased && options.foldAtElse) || (options.foldPreprocessor && options.foldPreprocessorAtElse) ) { levelUse = levelMinCurrent; } int lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16; if (visibleChars == 0 && options.foldCompact) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; if (levelUse < levelNext) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) { styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); } lineCurrent++; lineStartNext = styler.LineStart(lineCurrent+1); levelCurrent = levelNext; levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent; if (atEOL && (i == static_cast(styler.Length()-1))) { // There is an empty line at end of file so give it same level and empty styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, (levelCurrent | levelCurrent << 16) | SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG); } visibleChars = 0; inLineComment = false; } } } void LexerCPP::EvaluateTokens(Tokens &tokens, const SymbolTable &preprocessorDefinitions) { // Remove whitespace tokens tokens.erase(std::remove_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), OnlySpaceOrTab), tokens.end()); // Evaluate defined statements to either 0 or 1 for (size_t i=0; (i+1)) const SymbolTable::const_iterator it = preprocessorDefinitions.find(tokens[i+2]); if (it != preprocessorDefinitions.end()) { val = "1"; } tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i + 1, tokens.begin() + i + 4); } else { // Spurious '(' so erase as more likely to result in false tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i + 1, tokens.begin() + i + 2); } } else { // defined const SymbolTable::const_iterator it = preprocessorDefinitions.find(tokens[i+1]); if (it != preprocessorDefinitions.end()) { val = "1"; } tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i + 1, tokens.begin() + i + 2); } tokens[i] = val; } else { i++; } } // Evaluate identifiers constexpr size_t maxIterations = 100; size_t iterations = 0; // Limit number of iterations in case there is a recursive macro. for (size_t i = 0; (isecond.value); if (it->second.IsMacro()) { if ((i + 1 < tokens.size()) && (tokens.at(i + 1) == "(")) { // Create map of argument name to value const Tokens argumentNames = StringSplit(it->second.arguments, ','); std::map arguments; size_t arg = 0; size_t tok = i+2; while ((tok < tokens.size()) && (arg < argumentNames.size()) && (tokens.at(tok) != ")")) { if (tokens.at(tok) != ",") { arguments[argumentNames.at(arg)] = tokens.at(tok); arg++; } tok++; } // Remove invocation tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i, tokens.begin() + tok + 1); // Substitute values into macro macroTokens.erase(std::remove_if(macroTokens.begin(), macroTokens.end(), OnlySpaceOrTab), macroTokens.end()); for (size_t iMacro = 0; iMacro < macroTokens.size();) { if (setWordStart.Contains(macroTokens[iMacro][0])) { const std::map::const_iterator itFind = arguments.find(macroTokens[iMacro]); if (itFind != arguments.end()) { // TODO: Possible that value will be expression so should insert tokenized form macroTokens[iMacro] = itFind->second; } } iMacro++; } // Insert results back into tokens tokens.insert(tokens.begin() + i, macroTokens.begin(), macroTokens.end()); } else { i++; } } else { // Remove invocation tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + i); // Insert results back into tokens tokens.insert(tokens.begin() + i, macroTokens.begin(), macroTokens.end()); } } else { // Identifier not found and value defaults to zero tokens[i] = "0"; } } else { i++; } } // Find bracketed subexpressions and recurse on them BracketPair bracketPair = FindBracketPair(tokens); while (bracketPair.itBracket != tokens.end()) { Tokens inBracket(bracketPair.itBracket + 1, bracketPair.itEndBracket); EvaluateTokens(inBracket, preprocessorDefinitions); // The insertion is done before the removal because there were failures with the opposite approach tokens.insert(bracketPair.itBracket, inBracket.begin(), inBracket.end()); bracketPair = FindBracketPair(tokens); tokens.erase(bracketPair.itBracket, bracketPair.itEndBracket + 1); bracketPair = FindBracketPair(tokens); } // Evaluate logical negations for (size_t j=0; (j+1)") result = valA > valB; else if (tokens[k+1] == ">=") result = valA >= valB; else if (tokens[k+1] == "==") result = valA == valB; else if (tokens[k+1] == "!=") result = valA != valB; else if (tokens[k+1] == "||") result = valA || valB; else if (tokens[k+1] == "&&") result = valA && valB; const Tokens::iterator itInsert = tokens.erase(tokens.begin() + k, tokens.begin() + k + 3); tokens.insert(itInsert, std::to_string(result)); } else { k++; } } } } Tokens LexerCPP::Tokenize(const std::string &expr) const { // Break into tokens Tokens tokens; const char *cp = expr.c_str(); while (*cp) { std::string word; if (setWord.Contains(*cp)) { // Identifiers and numbers while (setWord.Contains(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; } } else if (IsSpaceOrTab(*cp)) { while (IsSpaceOrTab(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; } } else if (setRelOp.Contains(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; if (setRelOp.Contains(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; } } else if (setLogicalOp.Contains(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; if (setLogicalOp.Contains(*cp)) { word += *cp; cp++; } } else { // Should handle strings, characters, and comments here word += *cp; cp++; } tokens.push_back(word); } return tokens; } bool LexerCPP::EvaluateExpression(const std::string &expr, const SymbolTable &preprocessorDefinitions) { Tokens tokens = Tokenize(expr); EvaluateTokens(tokens, preprocessorDefinitions); // "0" or "" -> false else true const bool isFalse = tokens.empty() || ((tokens.size() == 1) && (tokens[0].empty() || tokens[0] == "0")); return !isFalse; } LexerModule lmCPP(SCLEX_CPP, LexerCPP::LexerFactoryCPP, "cpp", cppWordLists); LexerModule lmCPPNoCase(SCLEX_CPPNOCASE, LexerCPP::LexerFactoryCPPInsensitive, "cppnocase", cppWordLists);