Auto Completion Block Clipboard Column Compilation Document management Documentation Encodings Environment variables File Handling Find and replace Fonts Formatting Icons Installation Integration Languages Lexer Line Line layout Macro Managing Documents Markers Menu Navigation Network Notepad Plugins Printing Processes Regular expressions Scintilla Selection Session Syntax Highlighting Text Replacement Toolbar Unicode Unix User Defined Languages Versions Word wrap Activating * Auto Completion * Bookmarks * Brace Matching * Bug Reports * Built-in Languages * Closing * Column Mode Editing * Command Line * Commands * Commenting * Context Menu * Continued search * Control files * Dockable Windows * Document Switcher * Editing * Encoding * Exiting External Lexers * Feature Requests * File Creation * Folding * Go to dialog * Hiding lines * Incremental search * Indentation * Loading Sessions * Macros * Main website and Forums Marking search results * Menu * MRU * Multi View * Newline format * Normal Search * Opening and Saving * Other editing tools * Overtype * Patches * Plugins * Preferences * Printing * Read-Only * Replacing * RTL * Saving Sessions * Searching in Files * Shell Extension * Shortcut Mapper Smart Highlighting * Standard Operations * Status Bar * Styler Configurator * Tab Bar * Tool Bar * Unprintable characters * User Defined languages * Viewing Modes * Volatile Search * Windows Dialog * Wrapping * Zooming *