Notepad++ v8.5.4 bug-fixes and new features: 1. Fix macro recording regression on Unicode character. 2. Fix regression of defective detection for file read-only attribute removal via Explorer. 3. Fix opening multi-files on multi-instance mode regression. 4. Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 5. Fix Notepad++ hanging issue running macro to EOF. 6. Fix EOL symbol color/appearence being reset issue while changing encoding. 7. Enable code folding in Assembly source files. 8. Fix document language not remembered through sessions issue. 9. Add SHA-1 hash features. 10. Add "open new blank document in addition on startup" ability. 11. Fix lexer plugin is sorted unconventionally in language menu issue. 12. Add message NPPM_DARKMODESUBCLASSANDTHEME to allow plugin to use generic dark mode. 13. Add the ability to close multiple files without saving in Document list. 14. Several GUI Enhancements. 15. Fix tabContextMenu_example.xml not being deleted while uninstallation. 16. Fix error message on uninstallation. Get more info on Included plugins: 1. NppExport v0.4 2. Converter v4.5 3. Mime Tool v2.9 Updater (Installer only): * WinGup (for Notepad++) v5.2.5