lexer.*.fs=fsharp keywords.*.fs= \ abstract and as assert base begin class default delegate do done downcast \ downto elif else end exception extern false finally fixed for fun function \ global if in inherit inline interface internal lazy let let! match match! \ member module mutable namespace new null of open or override private public \ rec return return! select static struct then to true try type upcast use use! \ val void when while with yield yield! atomic break checked component const \ constraint constructor continue eager event external fixed functor global \ include method mixin object parallel process protected pure sealed tailcall \ trait virtual volatile keywords2.*.fs= \ asr land lor lsl lsr lxor mod sig abs acos add allPairs append asin atan atan2 \ average averageBy base1 base2 blit cache cast ceil choose \ chunkBySize collect compareWith concat contains containsKey copy cos cosh count \ countBy create createBased delay difference distinct distinctBy empty eprintf except \ exists exists2 exactlyOne failwith fill filter find findBack findIndex findIndexBack \ findKey floor fold fold2 foldBack foldBack2 forall forall2 fprintf fst get groupBy head ignore indexed \ init initBased initInfinite intersect intersectMany invalidArg isEmpty isProperSubset \ isProperSuperset isSubset isSuperset item iter iter2 iteri iteri2 last length \ length1 length2 length3 length4 map map2 map3 mapFold mapFoldBack mapi mapi2 \ max maxBy maxElement min minBy minElement nameof not ofArray ofList ofSeq pairwise partition \ permute pick pown printf printfn raise readonly rebase reduce reduceBack remove replicate rev round scan \ scanBack seq set sin sinh singleton skip skipWhile snd sort sortBy sortByDescending sortDescending \ sortInPlace sortInPlaceBy sortInPlaceWith sortWith splitAt splitInto sprintf sqrt sub sum \ sumBy tail take takeWhile tan tanh toArray toList toSeq transpose truncate \ tryExactlyOne tryFind tryFindBack tryFindIndex tryFindIndexBack tryHead \ tryItem tryFindKey tryLast tryPick typeof unfold union unionMany unzip unzip3 where \ windowed zeroCreate zeroCreateBased zip zip3 keywords3.*.fs= \ ArgumentException Array Array2D Array3D Array4D BigInteger Boolean Byte Char Collections Core CultureInfo DateTime Decimal Double \ Environment Expr Float FSharp Globalization Int16 Int32 Int64 IntPtr IO Linq List Map Math Microsoft NumberStyles \ Object Parallel Printf Random ResizeArray SByte Seq Set Single String System UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UIntPtr \ array bigint bool byte byref char comparison decimal double enum equality Error Exception exn float float32 inref int int8 int16 \ int32 int64 list nativeint nativeptr None obj Ok option Option outref ref Result sbyte Some single string unmanaged unativeint \ uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 unit void voidptr voption fold.fsharp.preprocessor=1 fold.comment=1