// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file StyleContext.cxx ** Lexer infrastructure. **/ // Copyright 1998-2004 by Neil Hodgson // This file is in the public domain. #include #include #include #include #include #include "ILexer.h" #include "LexAccessor.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" using namespace Lexilla; StyleContext::StyleContext(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_PositionU length, int initStyle, LexAccessor &styler_, char chMask) : styler(styler_), multiByteAccess((styler.Encoding() == EncodingType::eightBit) ? nullptr : styler.MultiByteAccess()), lengthDocument(static_cast(styler.Length())), endPos(((startPos + length) < lengthDocument) ? (startPos + length) : (lengthDocument+1)), lineDocEnd(styler.GetLine(lengthDocument)), currentPosLastRelative(SIZE_MAX), currentPos(startPos), currentLine(styler.GetLine(startPos)), lineEnd(styler.LineEnd(currentLine)), lineStartNext(styler.LineStart(currentLine + 1)), atLineStart(static_cast(styler.LineStart(currentLine)) == startPos), // Mask off all bits which aren't in the chMask. state(initStyle &chMask) { styler.StartAt(startPos /*, chMask*/); styler.StartSegment(startPos); // Variable width is now 0 so GetNextChar gets the char at currentPos into chNext/widthNext GetNextChar(); ch = chNext; width = widthNext; GetNextChar(); } bool StyleContext::MatchIgnoreCase(const char *s) { if (MakeLowerCase(ch) != static_cast(*s)) return false; s++; if (MakeLowerCase(chNext) != static_cast(*s)) return false; s++; for (int n = 2; *s; n++) { if (*s != MakeLowerCase(styler.SafeGetCharAt(currentPos + n, 0))) return false; s++; } return true; } bool StyleContext::MatchIgnoreCase2(const char *s) { if (MakeLowerCase(ch) != MakeLowerCase(static_cast(*s))) return false; s++; if (!*s) return true; if (MakeLowerCase(chNext) != MakeLowerCase(static_cast(*s))) return false; s++; for (int n = 2; *s; n++) { if (MakeLowerCase(static_cast(*s)) != MakeLowerCase(static_cast(styler.SafeGetCharAt(currentPos + n)))) return false; s++; } return true; } void StyleContext::GetCurrent(char *s, Sci_PositionU len) { styler.GetRange(styler.GetStartSegment(), currentPos, s, len); } void StyleContext::GetCurrentLowered(char *s, Sci_PositionU len) { styler.GetRangeLowered(styler.GetStartSegment(), currentPos, s, len); }