#!/usr/bin/env python2 import distutils.sysconfig import getopt import glob import os import platform import shutil import subprocess import stat import sys # ScintillaEditPy can only be built against Python 2.x so fail if Python 3.x assert sys.version_info < (3,0), "sepbuild.py requires Python 2.x" sys.path.append(os.path.join("..", "ScintillaEdit")) import WidgetGen scintillaDirectory = "../.." scintillaScriptsDirectory = os.path.join(scintillaDirectory, "scripts") sys.path.append(scintillaScriptsDirectory) from FileGenerator import GenerateFile # Decide up front which platform, treat anything other than Windows or OS X as Linux PLAT_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows" PLAT_DARWIN = platform.system() == "Darwin" PLAT_LINUX = not (PLAT_DARWIN or PLAT_WINDOWS) def IsFileNewer(name1, name2): """ Returns whether file with name1 is newer than file with name2. Returns 1 if name2 doesn't exist. """ if not os.path.exists(name1): return 0 if not os.path.exists(name2): return 1 mod_time1 = os.stat(name1)[stat.ST_MTIME] mod_time2 = os.stat(name2)[stat.ST_MTIME] return (mod_time1 > mod_time2) def textFromRun(args): proc = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=isinstance(args, str), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: print("Warning - failed to run '" + " ".join(args) + "'") raise OSError(proc.returncode) return stdoutdata def runProgram(args, exitOnFailure): print(" ".join(args)) retcode = subprocess.call(" ".join(args), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if retcode: print("Failed in " + " ".join(args) + " return code = " + str(retcode)) if exitOnFailure: sys.exit() def usage(): print("sepbuild.py [-h|--help][-c|--clean][-u|--underscore-names]") print("") print("Generate PySide wappers and build them.") print("") print("options:") print("") print("-c --clean remove all object and generated files") print("-b --pyside-base Location of the PySide+Qt4 sandbox to use") print("-h --help display this text") print("-d --debug=yes|no force debug build (or non-debug build)") print("-u --underscore-names use method_names consistent with GTK+ standards") modifyFunctionElement = """ %s """ injectCode = """ %s """ injectCheckN = """ if (!cppArg%d) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Null string argument"); return 0; }""" def methodSignature(name, v, options): argTypes = "" p1Type = WidgetGen.cppAlias(v["Param1Type"]) if p1Type == "int": p1Type = "sptr_t" if p1Type: argTypes = argTypes + p1Type p2Type = WidgetGen.cppAlias(v["Param2Type"]) if p2Type == "int": p2Type = "sptr_t" if p2Type and v["Param2Type"] != "stringresult": if p1Type: argTypes = argTypes + ", " argTypes = argTypes + p2Type methodName = WidgetGen.normalisedName(name, options, v["FeatureType"]) constDeclarator = " const" if v["FeatureType"] == "get" else "" return methodName + "(" + argTypes + ")" + constDeclarator def printTypeSystemFile(f, options): out = [] for name in f.order: v = f.features[name] if v["Category"] != "Deprecated": feat = v["FeatureType"] if feat in ["fun", "get", "set"]: checks = "" if v["Param1Type"] == "string": checks = checks + (injectCheckN % 0) if v["Param2Type"] == "string": if v["Param1Type"] == "": # Only arg 2 -> treat as first checks = checks + (injectCheckN % 0) else: checks = checks + (injectCheckN % 1) if checks: inject = injectCode % checks out.append(modifyFunctionElement % (methodSignature(name, v, options), inject)) #if v["Param1Type"] == "string": # out.append("" + name + "\n") return out def doubleBackSlashes(s): # Quote backslashes so qmake does not produce warnings return s.replace("\\", "\\\\") class SepBuilder: def __init__(self): # Discover configuration parameters self.ScintillaEditIncludes = [".", "../ScintillaEdit", "../ScintillaEditBase", "../../include"] if PLAT_WINDOWS: self.MakeCommand = "nmake" self.MakeTarget = "release" else: self.MakeCommand = "make" self.MakeTarget = "" if PLAT_DARWIN: self.QMakeOptions = "-spec macx-g++" else: self.QMakeOptions = "" # Default to debug build if running in a debug build interpreter self.DebugBuild = hasattr(sys, 'getobjects') # Python self.PyVersion = "%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2] self.PyVersionSuffix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("VERSION") self.PyIncludes = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc() self.PyPrefix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix") self.PyLibDir = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var( ("LIBDEST" if sys.platform == 'win32' else "LIBDIR")) # Scintilla with open("../../version.txt") as f: version = f.read() self.ScintillaVersion = version[0] + '.' + version[1] + '.' + version[2] # Find out what qmake is called self.QMakeCommand = "qmake" if not PLAT_WINDOWS: # On Unix qmake may not be present but qmake-qt4 may be so check pathToQMake = textFromRun("which qmake-qt4 || which qmake").rstrip() self.QMakeCommand = os.path.basename(pathToQMake) # Qt default location from qmake self._SetQtIncludeBase(textFromRun(self.QMakeCommand + " -query QT_INSTALL_HEADERS").rstrip()) # PySide default location # No standard for installing PySide development headers and libs on Windows so # choose /usr to be like Linux self._setPySideBase('\\usr' if PLAT_WINDOWS else '/usr') self.ProInclude = "sepbuild.pri" self.qtStyleInterface = True def _setPySideBase(self, base): self.PySideBase = base def _try_pkgconfig(var, package, *relpath): try: return textFromRun(["pkg-config", "--variable=" + var, package]).rstrip() except OSError: return os.path.join(self.PySideBase, *relpath) self.PySideTypeSystem = _try_pkgconfig("typesystemdir", "pyside", "share", "PySide", "typesystems") self.PySideIncludeBase = _try_pkgconfig("includedir", "pyside", "include", "PySide") self.ShibokenIncludeBase = _try_pkgconfig("includedir", "shiboken", "include", "shiboken") self.PySideIncludes = [ self.ShibokenIncludeBase, self.PySideIncludeBase, os.path.join(self.PySideIncludeBase, "QtCore"), os.path.join(self.PySideIncludeBase, "QtGui")] self.PySideLibDir = _try_pkgconfig("libdir", "pyside", "lib") self.ShibokenLibDir = _try_pkgconfig("libdir", "shiboken", "lib") self.AllIncludes = os.pathsep.join(self.QtIncludes + self.ScintillaEditIncludes + self.PySideIncludes) self.ShibokenGenerator = "shiboken" # Is this still needed? It doesn't work with latest shiboken sources #if PLAT_DARWIN: # # On OS X, can not automatically find Shiboken dylib so provide a full path # self.ShibokenGenerator = os.path.join(self.PySideLibDir, "generatorrunner", "shiboken") def generateAPI(self, args): os.chdir(os.path.join("..", "ScintillaEdit")) if not self.qtStyleInterface: args.insert(0, '--underscore-names') WidgetGen.main(args) f = WidgetGen.readInterface(False) os.chdir(os.path.join("..", "ScintillaEditPy")) options = {"qtStyle": self.qtStyleInterface} GenerateFile("typesystem_ScintillaEdit.xml.template", "typesystem_ScintillaEdit.xml", "