def dbg_args(a, b=1, c:, d: 6, &block) = puts("Args passed: #{[a, b, c, d,]}") dbg_args(0, c: 5) { 7 } class A def attr = @attr def attr=(value) @attr = value end def attr? = !!@attr def attr! = @attr = true # unary operator def -@ = 1 def +@ = 1 def ! = 1 def !@ = 1 # binary operator def +(value) = 1 + value def -(value) = 1 - value def *(value) = 1 * value def **(value) = 1 ** value def /(value) = 1 / value def %(value) = 1 % value def &(value) = 1 & value def ^(value) = 1 ^ value def >>(value) = 1 >> value def <<(value) = 1 << value def ==(other) = true def !=(other) = true def ===(other) = true def =~(other) = true def <=>(other) = true def <(other) = true def <=(other) = true def >(other) = true def >=(other) = true # element reference and assignment def [](a, b) = puts(a + b) def []=(a, b, c) puts a + b + c end # array decomposition def dec(((a, b), c)) = puts(a + b + c) # class method def self.say(*s) = puts(s) # test short method name def a = 1 def ab = 1 end # class method def String.hello "Hello, world!" end # singleton method greeting = "Hello" def greeting.broaden self + ", world!" end # one line definition def a(b, c) b; c end # parentheses omitted def ab c puts c end # Test folding of multi-line SCE_RB_STRING_QW puts %W( a b c )