/** * AppController.mm * ScintillaTest * * Created by Mike Lischke on 01.04.09. * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * This file is dual licensed under LGPL v2.1 and the Scintilla license (http://www.scintilla.org/License.txt). */ #import "AppController.h" const char major_keywords[] = "accessible add all alter analyze and as asc asensitive " "before between bigint binary blob both by " "call cascade case change char character check collate column condition connection constraint " "continue convert create cross current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor " "database databases day_hour day_microsecond day_minute day_second dec decimal declare default " "delayed delete desc describe deterministic distinct distinctrow div double drop dual " "each else elseif enclosed escaped exists exit explain " "false fetch float float4 float8 for force foreign from fulltext " "goto grant group " "having high_priority hour_microsecond hour_minute hour_second " "if ignore in index infile inner inout insensitive insert int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integer " "interval into is iterate " "join " "key keys kill " "label leading leave left like limit linear lines load localtime localtimestamp lock long " "longblob longtext loop low_priority " "master_ssl_verify_server_cert match mediumblob mediumint mediumtext middleint minute_microsecond " "minute_second mod modifies " "natural not no_write_to_binlog null numeric " "on optimize option optionally or order out outer outfile " "precision primary procedure purge " "range read reads read_only read_write real references regexp release rename repeat replace " "require restrict return revoke right rlike " "schema schemas second_microsecond select sensitive separator set show smallint spatial specific " "sql sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sql_big_result sql_calc_found_rows sql_small_result ssl " "starting straight_join " "table terminated then tinyblob tinyint tinytext to trailing trigger true " "undo union unique unlock unsigned update upgrade usage use using utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp " "values varbinary varchar varcharacter varying " "when where while with write " "xor " "year_month " "zerofill"; const char procedure_keywords[] = // Not reserved words but intrinsic part of procedure definitions. "begin comment end"; const char client_keywords[] = // Definition of keywords only used by clients, not the server itself. "delimiter"; const char user_keywords[] = // Definition of own keywords, not used by MySQL. "edit"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @implementation AppController - (void) awakeFromNib { // Manually set up the scintilla editor. Create an instance and dock it to our edit host. // Leave some free space around the new view to avoid overlapping with the box borders. NSRect newFrame = mEditHost.frame; newFrame.size.width -= 2 * newFrame.origin.x; newFrame.size.height -= 3 * newFrame.origin.y; mEditor = [[[ScintillaView alloc] initWithFrame: newFrame] autorelease]; [mEditHost.contentView addSubview: mEditor]; [mEditor setAutoresizesSubviews: YES]; [mEditor setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; // Let's load some text for the editor, as initial content. NSString *sql = [self exampleText]; [mEditor setString: sql]; [self setupEditor]; sciExtra = nil; } - (NSString *) exampleText { NSError* error = nil; NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"TestData" ofType: @"sql" inDirectory: nil]; NSString *sql = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: path encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: &error]; if (error && [[error domain] isEqual: NSCocoaErrorDomain]) NSLog(@"%@", error); return sql; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize scintilla editor (styles, colors, markers, folding etc.]. */ - (void) setupEditor { // Lexer type is MySQL. void *lexillaDL = dlopen(LEXILLA_LIB LEXILLA_EXTENSION, RTLD_LAZY); if (lexillaDL) { Lexilla::CreateLexerFn createLexer = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(lexillaDL, LEXILLA_CREATELEXER)); if (createLexer) { Scintilla::ILexer5 *pLexer = createLexer("mysql"); [mEditor setReferenceProperty: SCI_SETILEXER parameter: nil value: pLexer]; } } [mEditor suspendDrawing: TRUE]; // Keywords to highlight. Indices are: // 0 - Major keywords (reserved keywords) // 1 - Normal keywords (everything not reserved but integral part of the language) // 2 - Database objects // 3 - Function keywords // 4 - System variable keywords // 5 - Procedure keywords (keywords used in procedures like "begin" and "end") // 6..8 - User keywords 1..3 [mEditor setReferenceProperty: SCI_SETKEYWORDS parameter: 0 value: major_keywords]; [mEditor setReferenceProperty: SCI_SETKEYWORDS parameter: 5 value: procedure_keywords]; [mEditor setReferenceProperty: SCI_SETKEYWORDS parameter: 6 value: client_keywords]; [mEditor setReferenceProperty: SCI_SETKEYWORDS parameter: 7 value: user_keywords]; // Colors and styles for various syntactic elements. First the default style. [mEditor setStringProperty: SCI_STYLESETFONT parameter: STYLE_DEFAULT value: @"Helvetica"]; // [mEditor setStringProperty: SCI_STYLESETFONT parameter: STYLE_DEFAULT value: @"Monospac821 BT"]; // Very pleasing programmer's font. [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLESETSIZE parameter: STYLE_DEFAULT value: 14]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: STYLE_DEFAULT value: [NSColor blackColor]]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLECLEARALL parameter: 0 value: 0]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_DEFAULT value: [NSColor blackColor]]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_COMMENT fromHTML: @"#097BF7"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_COMMENTLINE fromHTML: @"#097BF7"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_HIDDENCOMMAND fromHTML: @"#097BF7"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETBACK parameter: SCE_MYSQL_HIDDENCOMMAND fromHTML: @"#F0F0F0"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_VARIABLE fromHTML: @"378EA5"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_SYSTEMVARIABLE fromHTML: @"378EA5"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_KNOWNSYSTEMVARIABLE fromHTML: @"#3A37A5"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_NUMBER fromHTML: @"#7F7F00"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_SQSTRING fromHTML: @"#FFAA3E"]; // Note: if we were using ANSI quotes we would set the DQSTRING to the same color as the // the back tick string. [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_DQSTRING fromHTML: @"#274A6D"]; // Keyword highlighting. [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_MAJORKEYWORD fromHTML: @"#007F00"]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLESETBOLD parameter: SCE_MYSQL_MAJORKEYWORD value: 1]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_KEYWORD fromHTML: @"#007F00"]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLESETBOLD parameter: SCE_MYSQL_KEYWORD value: 1]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_PROCEDUREKEYWORD fromHTML: @"#56007F"]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLESETBOLD parameter: SCE_MYSQL_PROCEDUREKEYWORD value: 1]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_USER1 fromHTML: @"#808080"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_USER2 fromHTML: @"#808080"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETBACK parameter: SCE_MYSQL_USER2 fromHTML: @"#F0E0E0"]; // The following 3 styles have no impact as we did not set a keyword list for any of them. [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_DATABASEOBJECT value: [NSColor redColor]]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_FUNCTION value: [NSColor redColor]]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_IDENTIFIER value: [NSColor blackColor]]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: SCE_MYSQL_QUOTEDIDENTIFIER fromHTML: @"#274A6D"]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_STYLESETBOLD parameter: SCE_SQL_OPERATOR value: 1]; // Line number style. [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETFORE parameter: STYLE_LINENUMBER fromHTML: @"#F0F0F0"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_STYLESETBACK parameter: STYLE_LINENUMBER fromHTML: @"#808080"]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINTYPEN parameter: 0 value: SC_MARGIN_NUMBER]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN parameter: 0 value: 35]; // Markers. [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN parameter: 1 value: 16]; // Some special lexer properties. [mEditor setLexerProperty: @"fold" value: @"1"]; [mEditor setLexerProperty: @"fold.compact" value: @"0"]; [mEditor setLexerProperty: @"fold.comment" value: @"1"]; [mEditor setLexerProperty: @"fold.preprocessor" value: @"1"]; // Folder setup. [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN parameter: 2 value: 16]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINMASKN parameter: 2 value: SC_MASK_FOLDERS]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETMARGINSENSITIVEN parameter: 2 value: 1]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN value: SC_MARK_BOXMINUS]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER value: SC_MARK_BOXPLUS]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB value: SC_MARK_VLINE]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL value: SC_MARK_LCORNER]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND value: SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID value: SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty : SCI_MARKERDEFINE parameter: SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL value: SC_MARK_TCORNER]; for (int n= 25; n < 32; ++n) // Markers 25..31 are reserved for folding. { [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_MARKERSETFORE parameter: n value: [NSColor whiteColor]]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_MARKERSETBACK parameter: n value: [NSColor blackColor]]; } // Init markers & indicators for highlighting of syntax errors. [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_INDICSETFORE parameter: 0 value: [NSColor redColor]]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_INDICSETUNDER parameter: 0 value: 1]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_INDICSETSTYLE parameter: 0 value: INDIC_SQUIGGLE]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_MARKERSETBACK parameter: 0 fromHTML: @"#B1151C"]; [mEditor setColorProperty: SCI_SETSELBACK parameter: 1 value: [NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor]]; // Uncomment if you wanna see auto wrapping in action. //[mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETWRAPMODE parameter: SC_WRAP_WORD value: 0]; [mEditor suspendDrawing: FALSE]; InfoBar* infoBar = [[[InfoBar alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 400, 0)] autorelease]; [infoBar setDisplay: IBShowAll]; [mEditor setInfoBar: infoBar top: NO]; [mEditor setStatusText: @"Operation complete"]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* XPM */ static const char * box_xpm[] = { "12 12 2 1", " c None", ". c #800000", " .........", " . . ..", " . . . .", "......... .", ". . . .", ". . . ..", ". . .. .", "......... .", ". . . .", ". . . . ", ". . .. ", "......... "}; - (void) showAutocompletion { const char *words = "Babylon-5?1 Battlestar-Galactica Millennium-Falcon?2 Moya?2 Serenity Voyager"; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_AUTOCSETIGNORECASE parameter: 1 value:0]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_REGISTERIMAGE parameter: 1 value:(sptr_t)box_xpm]; const int imSize = 12; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_RGBAIMAGESETWIDTH parameter: imSize value:0]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_RGBAIMAGESETHEIGHT parameter: imSize value:0]; char image[imSize * imSize * 4]; for (size_t y = 0; y < imSize; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < imSize; x++) { char *p = image + (y * imSize + x) * 4; p[0] = 0xFF; p[1] = 0xA0; p[2] = 0; p[3] = x * 23; } } [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_REGISTERRGBAIMAGE parameter: 2 value:(sptr_t)image]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_AUTOCSHOW parameter: 0 value:(sptr_t)words]; } - (IBAction) searchText: (id) sender { NSSearchField* searchField = (NSSearchField*) sender; [mEditor findAndHighlightText: [searchField stringValue] matchCase: NO wholeWord: NO scrollTo: YES wrap: YES]; long matchStart = [mEditor getGeneralProperty: SCI_GETSELECTIONSTART parameter: 0]; long matchEnd = [mEditor getGeneralProperty: SCI_GETSELECTIONEND parameter: 0]; [mEditor setGeneralProperty: SCI_FINDINDICATORFLASH parameter: matchStart value:matchEnd]; if ([[searchField stringValue] isEqualToString: @"XX"]) [self showAutocompletion]; } - (IBAction) addRemoveExtra: (id) sender { if (sciExtra) { [sciExtra removeFromSuperview]; sciExtra = nil; } else { NSRect newFrame = mEditHost.frame; newFrame.origin.x += newFrame.size.width + 5; newFrame.origin.y += 46; newFrame.size.width = 96; newFrame.size.height -= 60; sciExtra = [[[ScintillaView alloc] initWithFrame: newFrame] autorelease]; [[[mEditHost window]contentView] addSubview: sciExtra]; [sciExtra setGeneralProperty: SCI_SETWRAPMODE parameter: SC_WRAP_WORD value: 1]; NSString *sql = [self exampleText]; [sciExtra setString: sql]; } } -(IBAction) setFontQuality: (id) sender { [ScintillaView directCall:mEditor message:SCI_SETFONTQUALITY wParam:[sender tag] lParam:0]; } @end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------