/** * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * This file is dual licensed under LGPL v2.1 and the Scintilla license (http://www.scintilla.org/License.txt). * @file PlatCocoa.h */ #ifndef PLATCOCOA_H #define PLATCOCOA_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "QuartzTextLayout.h" NSRect PRectangleToNSRect(const Scintilla::PRectangle &rc); Scintilla::PRectangle NSRectToPRectangle(NSRect &rc); CFStringEncoding EncodingFromCharacterSet(bool unicode, int characterSet); @interface ScintillaContextMenu : NSMenu { Scintilla::ScintillaCocoa *owner; } - (void) handleCommand: (NSMenuItem *) sender; - (void) setOwner: (Scintilla::ScintillaCocoa *) newOwner; @end namespace Scintilla { // A class to do the actual text rendering for us using Quartz 2D. class SurfaceImpl : public Surface { private: bool unicodeMode; float x; float y; CGContextRef gc; /** The text layout instance */ std::unique_ptr textLayout; int codePage; int verticalDeviceResolution; /** If the surface is a bitmap context, contains a reference to the bitmap data. */ std::unique_ptr bitmapData; /** If the surface is a bitmap context, stores the dimensions of the bitmap. */ int bitmapWidth; int bitmapHeight; /** Set the CGContext's fill colour to the specified desired colour. */ void FillColour(const ColourDesired &back); // 24-bit RGB+A bitmap data constants static const int BITS_PER_COMPONENT = 8; static const int BITS_PER_PIXEL = BITS_PER_COMPONENT * 4; static const int BYTES_PER_PIXEL = BITS_PER_PIXEL / 8; void Clear(); public: SurfaceImpl(); ~SurfaceImpl() override; void Init(WindowID wid) override; void Init(SurfaceID sid, WindowID wid) override; void InitPixMap(int width, int height, Surface *surface_, WindowID wid) override; CGContextRef GetContext() { return gc; } void Release() override; bool Initialised() override; void PenColour(ColourDesired fore) override; /** Returns a CGImageRef that represents the surface. Returns NULL if this is not possible. */ CGImageRef CreateImage(); void CopyImageRectangle(Surface &surfaceSource, PRectangle srcRect, PRectangle dstRect); int LogPixelsY() override; int DeviceHeightFont(int points) override; void MoveTo(int x_, int y_) override; void LineTo(int x_, int y_) override; void Polygon(Scintilla::Point *pts, size_t npts, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void RectangleDraw(PRectangle rc, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void FillRectangle(PRectangle rc, ColourDesired back) override; void FillRectangle(PRectangle rc, Surface &surfacePattern) override; void RoundedRectangle(PRectangle rc, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void AlphaRectangle(PRectangle rc, int cornerSize, ColourDesired fill, int alphaFill, ColourDesired outline, int alphaOutline, int flags) override; void GradientRectangle(PRectangle rc, const std::vector &stops, GradientOptions options) override; void DrawRGBAImage(PRectangle rc, int width, int height, const unsigned char *pixelsImage) override; void Ellipse(PRectangle rc, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void Copy(PRectangle rc, Scintilla::Point from, Surface &surfaceSource) override; std::unique_ptr Layout(const IScreenLine *screenLine) override; void DrawTextNoClip(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, XYPOSITION ybase, std::string_view text, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void DrawTextClipped(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, XYPOSITION ybase, std::string_view text, ColourDesired fore, ColourDesired back) override; void DrawTextTransparent(PRectangle rc, Font &font_, XYPOSITION ybase, std::string_view text, ColourDesired fore) override; void MeasureWidths(Font &font_, std::string_view text, XYPOSITION *positions) override; XYPOSITION WidthText(Font &font_, std::string_view text) override; XYPOSITION Ascent(Font &font_) override; XYPOSITION Descent(Font &font_) override; XYPOSITION InternalLeading(Font &font_) override; XYPOSITION Height(Font &font_) override; XYPOSITION AverageCharWidth(Font &font_) override; void SetClip(PRectangle rc) override; void FlushCachedState() override; void SetUnicodeMode(bool unicodeMode_) override; void SetDBCSMode(int codePage_) override; void SetBidiR2L(bool bidiR2L_) override; }; // SurfaceImpl class } // Scintilla namespace #endif