These logs are written for debugging NUL file-corruption issue (#6133) and session lost issue (#10402) which are still problematic probably.
The writting log info will be triggered only when Windows notifies Notepad++ to end session.
The log file will be in "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\" or in Notepad++ installation folder if doLocalConf.xml is present.
To disable the log, just remove nppLogNulContentCorruptionIssue.xml.
And add log ability for debugging network drive file status detection issue.
To activate log, user should:
1. Add an empty "nppLogNetworkDriveIssue.xml" file beside of notepad++.exe, or if user has no admin previlege, he/she can add this file into %APPDATA%\Notepad++\.
2. Create "C:\temp\" directory, if it doesn't exist yet.
3. Start notepad++.exe, and wait for the file status (timestamp) detection error from the network drive. If the errors occur, there should be some trace in "C:\temp\nppLogNetworkDriveIssue.log".
People who have had the network drive file status detection issue in #10688, #10753, #10757, #10751 & #10787 are welcome to download the binary and provide the generated log in order to fix this issue.
Fix#10751, fix#10688, fix#10753, fix#10757, fix#10751, fix#10787, close#10847
LexerStylerArray contains a MAX_LEXER_STYLE-element array (currently 100) of LexerStyler objects. Every one of them in turn via inheritance from StyleArray contains a SCE_STYLE_ARRAY_SIZE-element array (I tested with 99) of Style objects each at least 56 bytes in size. This in my test case requires over 550k of memory, and if LexerStylerArray is allocated on stack, the stack becomes corrupted. (Ref:
Inline arrays are a part of an object and increase its size while std::vector uses memory from the heap and stores internally only a pointer to a chunk of memory, thus the size of an object with a vector is substantially smaller than the one with an inline array. (Ref:
Fix#10454, fix#10206
Add Markdown UDL of dark mode and the ability to apply it:
After dark mode being swiched in, all files with extension .md will be opened by applying Markdown UDL of dark mode.
When light mode is switched back, the default Markdown UDL (of light mode) will be applied to the new opened .md file.
Please note that all .md files opened before switching to new mode, will remain in the previous mode. User has to close and reopen these files to have the right Markdown UDL applied.
Fix#10196, close#10347
After installing Notepad++ v8.1 under an user account (with admin privilege), then switch to another user account (with or without admin privilege), launch Notepad++ and turn dark mode on. The dark theme on edit zone won't be applied.
Notepad++ installer copies all theme files in installed directory instead of "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\".
When theme is choosen or modified, it'll be saved in "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\", and the saved theme file will override the original theme in installation directory.
New behaviour of theme:
Any theme selected via Style Configurator will be copied from its installation directory (C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes\) into "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\".
If the theme exists in "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes", the original one in s installation directory (C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes) will be ignored.
Fix#10076, close#10077
1. Add default dark theme.
2. Switch to default dark theme when dark mode is enabled considering both situations:
Style Configurator is or ont launched.
Make selected text with syntax highlighting as default behaviour.
To override the default behaviour, user can add an empty xml file named "enableSelectFgColor.xml" (beside of "config.xml") to set the select foreground color in Style Configurator.
Toolbar, status bar, tab bar, menu bar, dark scrollbar, handle switching between light and dark, docking splitters and headers, flicker fixes. Minor tweaks to DarkMode.h. Mostly handles the dark mode request for the main interface for #7692 and also follows the windows system theme settings like #9183.
Fix#9183, fix#7692, close#9587
And use modern CustomFileDialog istead of old FileDialog in Notepad++.
In the file dialog, override window procedure for "OK" button and
file name edit box to check for input.
Transform forward slash file name to a Window path after input.
Fix#9374, close#9403
Save FileBrowser root folders if it is visible.
When loading a session file (from menu or via the command line),
launch a FileBrowser from scratch and add folders from the file to it.
When loading an auto-saved session, ignore saved FileBrowser folders.
Store roots and selected item of FileBrowser in a Session class.
Add "FileBrowser" node to session XML.
It containts "latestSelectedItem" attribute and "root" child nodes.
This structure corresponds to the one from "config.xml".
Current save session behavior for Folder as Workspace (FaW) is like this:
1. FaW isn't opened, checkbox is greyed-out -> FaW info is not saved in session
2. FaW is opened, checkbox isn't checked -> FaW info isn't saved in session
3. FaW is opened, checkbox is checked -> FaW info is saved in session
Load session behavior:
1. FaW isn't open, session without FaW info -> FaW isn't shown after loading
2. FaW isn't open, session with FaW info -> FaW is shown after loading
3. FaW is open, session without FaW info -> FaW is kept as is without changes
4. FaW is open, session with FaW info -> FaW is shown with new directories from session
Fix#9165, close#9286
Currently the settings directory could be:
1. Notepad++ installation dir if doLocalConf.xml is present.
2. %APPDATA%\Notepad++ if doLocalConf.xml is absent.
3. The path defined in \cloud\choice in Notepad++ installation or in %APPDATA%\Notepad++, it depends on the existence of doLocalConf.xml.
In this PR "-settingsDir" argument is added for overriding above settings paths:
4. Overrided by command line argument -settingsDir="E:\my NppSettings\" : All the above configurations will be ignored, Notepad++ will load (and write) config.xml and the other configuration xml files from (into) "E:\my NppSettings\". Note that double quotes is not necessary if there's no white space in the given path.
The priorities are: 1. -settingsDir 2. Cloud 3. %APPDATA%\Notepad++ or Notepad++ installation dir.
If the given path "E:\my NppSettings\" is not a valid directory (it doesn't exist or it's a file), this argument is ignored and the settings dir will fall back to Cloud (or to %APPDATA%\Notepad++ or Notepad++ installation dir, if settings on Cloud is not defined).
Close#4696, close#9287
1. Add an option for displying constant line number width in Preferences dialog.
This option set the line number constant width according the total line number in the document (minimun 4 digits).
It ensures no unexpected visual effect while scrolling content vertically.
If the document content is modified and the total number of lines is increased or decreased, more digits will be added or removed according the number of digits in total number of lines.
So plugins may send NPPM_SETLINENUMBERWIDTHMODE message with LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT to Notepad++ for avoiding some unexpected visual effect (while scrolling).
... by using Scintilla's DirectWrite technology.
It allows ligature support if the font needed (for exemple "Fira Code") is installed.
Fix#2287, close#8326Fix#442, fix#675, fix#813, fix#870, fix#1621, fix#3458, fix#4056, fix#4086, fix#4490, fix#8305