@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ /t http://timestamp.digicert.com/ ..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll
signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ /t http://timestamp.digicert.com/ ..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ /t http://timestamp.digicert.com/ ..\bin\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM signtool.exe sign /f %NPP_CERT% /p %NPP_CERT_PWD% /d "Notepad++" /du https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ /t http://timestamp.digicert.com/ ..\bin64\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
@ -131,6 +135,7 @@ mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\doc
rem 32
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release\
@ -154,68 +159,7 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem localizations
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist.7z .\minimalist\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist64.7z .\minimalist64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\npp.bin.zip .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.7z .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi)
rem Notepad++ Unicode package
rmdir /S /Q .\zipped.package.release
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64
rem mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\updater
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\localization
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\themes
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\doc
rem 64
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release64\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release64\
@ -239,6 +183,75 @@ If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ..\bin64\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release64\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM mkdir .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\mimeTools.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\DSpellCheck.dll" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM mkdir .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.aff" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
REM copy /Y "..\bin64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\en_US.dic" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\Config\Hunspell\
REM If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem localizations
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release64\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist.7z .\minimalist\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist64.7z .\minimalist64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\npp.bin.zip .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.7z .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
rem IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi)
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ("%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi) ELSE ("%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\makensis.exe" -DARCH64 nppSetup.nsi)
rem Notepad++ Unicode package
rmdir /S /Q .\zipped.package.release
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\npp.bin64.zip .\zipped.package.release64\*
If ErrorLevel 1 goto End
@ -256,10 +269,11 @@ for %%a in (npp.*.Installer.exe) do (
rem echo a = %%a
set nppInstallerVar=%%a
set nppInstallerVar64=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=Installer.x64.exe!
rem nppInstallerVar should be the version for exemple: 6.9
rem we put npp.6.9. + (bin.zip instead of Installer.exe) into var zipvar
rem nppInstallerVar should be the version for exemple: 6.9
rem we put npp.6.9. + (bin.zip instead of Installer.exe) into var zipvar
set zipvar=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.zip!
set zipvar64=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.x64.zip!
set 7zvar=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.7z!
set 7zvar64=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.x64.7z!