{TEXT("Anonymous #202"),QuoteParams::slow,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("The plural of regex is regrets.\n\n")},
{TEXT("Anonymous #203"),QuoteParams::rapid,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("My gynecologist follows me on Instagram, I really do not know what else he want to see.\n\n")},
{TEXT("Anonymous #204"),QuoteParams::slow,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("The greatest security vulnerability in any computer system is located between the keyboard and the chair.\n\n")},
{TEXT("Anonymous #205"),QuoteParams::slow,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway.\nStupidity is the same.\nAnd that's why life is hard.\n\n")},
{TEXT("xkcd"),QuoteParams::rapid,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("Never have I felt so close to another soul\nAnd yet so helplessly alone\nAs when I Google an error\nAnd there's one result\nA thread by someone with the same problem\nAnd no answer\nLast posted to in 2003\n\n\"Who were you, DenverCoder9?\"\n\"What did you see?!\"\n\n(ref: https://xkcd.com/979/)")},
{TEXT("Elon Musk"),QuoteParams::rapid,false,SC_CP_UTF8,L_TEXT,TEXT("Don't set your password as your child's name.\nName your child after your password.")},