Add Session Snapshot Periodic Buckup info into Debug Info dialog

To expose this information, we can know if Periodic Buckup feature is related to user data losing due to power outrages issue.


Close #14833
Don Ho 2024-03-06 18:59:02 +01:00
parent fd1f785b89
commit 83f0232d91
1 changed files with 74 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK AboutDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPar
HWND compileDateHandle = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_BUILD_DATETIME);
generic_string buildTime = TEXT("Build time: ");
generic_string buildTime = L"Build time: ";
WcharMbcsConvertor& wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
buildTime += wmc.char2wchar(__DATE__, CP_ACP);
buildTime += TEXT(" - ");
buildTime += L" - ";
buildTime += wmc.char2wchar(__TIME__, CP_ACP);
NppParameters& nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
LPCTSTR bitness = nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ? TEXT("(32-bit)") : (nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ? TEXT("(64-bit)") : TEXT("(ARM 64-bit)"));
LPCTSTR bitness = nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ? L"(32-bit)" : nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ? L"(64-bit)" : L"(ARM 64-bit)";
::SetDlgItemText(_hSelf, IDC_VERSION_BIT, bitness);
::SendMessage(compileDateHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(buildTime.c_str()));
@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK AboutDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPar
::SendMessage(licenceEditHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(LICENCE_TXT));
//_emailLink.init(_hInst, _hSelf);
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT(""));
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT(""));
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT(""));
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), TEXT(""));
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), TEXT(""));
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), TEXT(""));
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), TEXT(""));
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), L"";
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), L"";
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), L"";
//_emailLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_AUTHOR_NAME), L"";
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), L"";
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), L"";
//_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), L"";
_pageLink.init(_hInst, _hSelf);
_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), TEXT(""));
_pageLink.create(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_HOME_ADDR), L"");
@ -149,65 +149,71 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
NppParameters& nppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
NppGUI& nppGui = nppParam.getNppGUI();
// Notepad++ version
_debugInfoStr += nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ? TEXT(" (32-bit)") : (nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ? TEXT(" (64-bit)") : TEXT(" (ARM 64-bit)"));
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ? L" (32-bit)" : nppParam.archType() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ? L" (64-bit)" : L" (ARM 64-bit)";
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Build time
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Build time : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Build time : ";
generic_string buildTime;
WcharMbcsConvertor& wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
buildTime += wmc.char2wchar(__DATE__, CP_ACP);
buildTime += TEXT(" - ");
buildTime += L" - ";
buildTime += wmc.char2wchar(__TIME__, CP_ACP);
_debugInfoStr += buildTime;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
#if defined(__clang__)
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Built with : Clang ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Built with : Clang ";
_debugInfoStr += wmc.char2wchar(__clang_version__, CP_ACP);
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Built with : GCC ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Built with : GCC ";
_debugInfoStr += wmc.char2wchar(__VERSION__, CP_ACP);
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
#elif !defined(_MSC_VER)
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Built with : (unknown)\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"Built with : (unknown)\r\n";
// Binary path
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Path : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Path : ";
TCHAR nppFullPath[MAX_PATH]{};
::GetModuleFileName(NULL, nppFullPath, MAX_PATH);
_debugInfoStr += nppFullPath;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Command line as specified for program launch
// The _cmdLinePlaceHolder will be replaced later by refreshDebugInfo()
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Command Line : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Command Line : ";
_debugInfoStr += _cmdLinePlaceHolder;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Administrator mode
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Admin mode : ");
_debugInfoStr += (_isAdmin ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"Admin mode : ";
_debugInfoStr += _isAdmin ? L"ON" : L"OFF";
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// local conf
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Local Conf mode : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Local Conf mode : ";
bool doLocalConf = (NppParameters::getInstance()).isLocal();
_debugInfoStr += (doLocalConf ? TEXT("ON") : TEXT("OFF"));
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += doLocalConf ? L"ON" : L"OFF";
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Cloud config directory
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Cloud Config : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"Cloud Config : ";
const generic_string& cloudPath = nppParam.getNppGUI()._cloudPath;
_debugInfoStr += cloudPath.empty() ? _T("OFF") : cloudPath;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += cloudPath.empty() ? L"OFF" : cloudPath;
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Periodic Backup
_debugInfoStr += L"Periodic Backup : ";
_debugInfoStr += nppGui.isSnapshotMode() ? L"ON" : L"OFF";
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// OS information
HKEY hKey = nullptr;
@ -220,31 +226,31 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
TCHAR szReleaseId[32] = {'\0'};
DWORD dwUBR = 0;
constexpr size_t bufSizeUBR = 12;
TCHAR szUBR[bufSizeUBR] = TEXT("0");
TCHAR szUBR[bufSizeUBR] = L"0";
// NOTE: RegQueryValueExW is not guaranteed to return null-terminated strings
if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
dataSize = sizeof(szProductName);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, TEXT("ProductName"), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szProductName), &dataSize);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ProductName", NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szProductName), &dataSize);
szProductName[sizeof(szProductName) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = '\0';
dataSize = sizeof(szReleaseId);
if(RegQueryValueExW(hKey, TEXT("DisplayVersion"), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szReleaseId), &dataSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
if(RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"DisplayVersion", NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szReleaseId), &dataSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dataSize = sizeof(szReleaseId);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, TEXT("ReleaseId"), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szReleaseId), &dataSize);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ReleaseId", NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szReleaseId), &dataSize);
szReleaseId[sizeof(szReleaseId) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = '\0';
dataSize = sizeof(szCurrentBuildNumber);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, TEXT("CurrentBuildNumber"), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szCurrentBuildNumber), &dataSize);
RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"CurrentBuildNumber", NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(szCurrentBuildNumber), &dataSize);
szCurrentBuildNumber[sizeof(szCurrentBuildNumber) / sizeof(TCHAR) - 1] = '\0';
dataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, TEXT("UBR"), NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&dwUBR), &dataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"UBR", NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&dwUBR), &dataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
swprintf(szUBR, bufSizeUBR, TEXT("%u"), dwUBR);
swprintf(szUBR, bufSizeUBR, L"%u", dwUBR);
@ -253,18 +259,18 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
// Get alternative OS information
if (szProductName[0] == '\0')
swprintf(szProductName, bufSize, TEXT("%s"), (NppParameters::getInstance()).getWinVersionStr().c_str());
swprintf(szProductName, bufSize, L"%s", (NppParameters::getInstance()).getWinVersionStr().c_str());
else if (NppDarkMode::isWindows11())
generic_string tmpProductName = szProductName;
constexpr size_t strLen = 10U;
const TCHAR strWin10[strLen + 1U] = TEXT("Windows 10");
const TCHAR strWin10[strLen + 1U] = L"Windows 10";
const size_t pos = tmpProductName.find(strWin10);
if (pos < (bufSize - strLen - 1U))
tmpProductName.replace(pos, strLen, TEXT("Windows 11"));
swprintf(szProductName, bufSize, TEXT("%s"), tmpProductName.c_str());
tmpProductName.replace(pos, strLen, L"Windows 11");
swprintf(szProductName, bufSize, L"%s", tmpProductName.c_str());
@ -273,40 +279,40 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion();
if (dwVersion < 0x80000000)
swprintf(szCurrentBuildNumber, bufSizeBuildNumber, TEXT("%u"), HIWORD(dwVersion));
swprintf(szCurrentBuildNumber, bufSizeBuildNumber, L"%u", HIWORD(dwVersion));
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("OS Name : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"OS Name : ";
_debugInfoStr += szProductName;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT(" (");
_debugInfoStr += L" (";
_debugInfoStr += (NppParameters::getInstance()).getWinVerBitStr();
_debugInfoStr += TEXT(")");
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"";
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
if (szReleaseId[0] != '\0')
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("OS Version : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"OS Version : ";
_debugInfoStr += szReleaseId;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
if (szCurrentBuildNumber[0] != '\0')
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("OS Build : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"OS Build : ";
_debugInfoStr += szCurrentBuildNumber;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT(".");
_debugInfoStr += L".";
_debugInfoStr += szUBR;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
constexpr size_t bufSizeACP = 32;
TCHAR szACP[bufSizeACP] = { '\0' };
swprintf(szACP, bufSizeACP, TEXT("%u"), ::GetACP());
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Current ANSI codepage : ");
swprintf(szACP, bufSizeACP, L"%u", ::GetACP());
_debugInfoStr += L"Current ANSI codepage : ";
_debugInfoStr += szACP;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Detect WINE
@ -321,17 +327,17 @@ intptr_t CALLBACK DebugInfoDlg::run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
constexpr size_t bufSizeWineVer = 32;
TCHAR szWINEVersion[bufSizeWineVer] = { '\0' };
swprintf(szWINEVersion, bufSizeWineVer, TEXT("%hs"), pWGV());
swprintf(szWINEVersion, bufSizeWineVer, L"%hs", pWGV());
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("WINE : ");
_debugInfoStr += L"WINE : ";
_debugInfoStr += szWINEVersion;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
// Plugins
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("Plugins : ");
_debugInfoStr += _loadedPlugins.length() == 0 ? TEXT("none") : _loadedPlugins;
_debugInfoStr += TEXT("\r\n");
_debugInfoStr += L"Plugins : ";
_debugInfoStr += _loadedPlugins.length() == 0 ? L"none" : _loadedPlugins;
_debugInfoStr += L"\r\n";
return TRUE;
@ -441,7 +447,7 @@ void DoSaveOrNotBox::doDialog(bool isRTL)
void DoSaveOrNotBox::changeLang()
generic_string msg;
generic_string defaultMessage = TEXT("Save file \"$STR_REPLACE$\" ?");
generic_string defaultMessage = L"Save file \"$STR_REPLACE$\" ?";
NativeLangSpeaker* nativeLangSpeaker = NppParameters::getInstance().getNativeLangSpeaker();
if (nativeLangSpeaker->changeDlgLang(_hSelf, "DoSaveOrNot"))
@ -455,7 +461,7 @@ void DoSaveOrNotBox::changeLang()
if (msg.empty())
msg = defaultMessage;
msg = stringReplace(msg, TEXT("$STR_REPLACE$"), _fn);
msg = stringReplace(msg, L"$STR_REPLACE$", _fn);
::SetDlgItemText(_hSelf, IDC_DOSAVEORNOTTEXT, msg.c_str());
@ -554,7 +560,7 @@ void DoSaveAllBox::doDialog(bool isRTL)
void DoSaveAllBox::changeLang()
generic_string msg;
generic_string defaultMessage = TEXT("Are you sure you want to save all modified documents?\r\rChoose \"Always Yes\" if you don't want to see this dialog again.\rYou can re-activate this dialog in Preferences later.");
generic_string defaultMessage = L"Are you sure you want to save all modified documents?\r\rChoose \"Always Yes\" if you don't want to see this dialog again.\rYou can re-activate this dialog in Preferences later.";
NativeLangSpeaker* nativeLangSpeaker = NppParameters::getInstance().getNativeLangSpeaker();
if (nativeLangSpeaker->changeDlgLang(_hSelf, "DoSaveAll"))