Fix some the results of "Find all in..." commands of long lines not being displayed, when the long lines are cut (its length > 2048).
All the results displayed in the cut long lines will be kept as the current behaviour. Additionally, each result beyond the cut long line (2048) will be displayed as default mode (ie. each entry will be displayed, so user can double click on the entry line for reaching the result).
Related: #12014Fix#12023, close#14520
constchar*text2AddUtf8=wmc.wchar2char(headerStr.c_str(),SC_CP_UTF8,&miLine._segmentPostions[0].first,&miLine._segmentPostions[0].second);// certainly utf8 here
if(isRepeatedLine)// if current line is the repeated line of previous one, and settings make per found line show once in the result even there are several found occurences in the same line
// if current line is the repeated line of previous one, and settings make per found line show ONCE in the result even there are several found occurences in the same line, for:
((text2AddUtf8Len<SC_SEARCHRESULT_LINEBUFFERMAXLENGTH)||// 1. All displayed whole lines, in which it contains all the occurrences.
((text2AddUtf8Len>=SC_SEARCHRESULT_LINEBUFFERMAXLENGTH&&miLine._segmentPostions[0].second<SC_SEARCHRESULT_LINEBUFFERMAXLENGTH)))))// 2. or the cut lines but the segments are displayed. For the segments displayed beyond displayed (non-cut part), go to default mode.
// Add start and end markers into the previous line's info for colourizing
CONTROL "Find dialog remains open after search that outputs to results window", IDC_CHECK_FINDDLG_ALWAYS_VISIBLE, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 37, 89, 350, 10
CONTROL "Confirm Replace All in All Opened Documents", IDC_CHECK_CONFIRMREPLOPENDOCS, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 37, 104, 350, 10
CONTROL "Replace: Don't move to the following occurrence", IDC_CHECK_REPLACEANDSTOP, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 37, 119, 350, 10
CONTROL "Search Result window: show only one entry per found line", IDC_CHECK_SHOWONCEPERFOUNDLINE, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 37, 134, 350, 10
CONTROL "Search Result window: show only one entry per found line if possible", IDC_CHECK_SHOWONCEPERFOUNDLINE, "Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 37, 134, 350, 10