[NEW] (Author : Christian Cuvier) Add "\u" in find extened mode to find Unicode encoding character(ex. "\u00e9" find 'é').

[BUG_FIXED] (Author : Fabrizio Gennari) Fix finding "\0" or "\x00" issue in find extened mode.
[NEW] (Author : Hayes Roberts) Add Notepad++ mascot images.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/notepadplus/repository/trunk@602 f5eea248-9336-0410-98b8-ebc06183d4e3
Don Ho 2010-01-24 21:59:33 +00:00
parent 9c03f48263
commit 3f6f0e9b2e
13 changed files with 1262 additions and 260 deletions

View File

@ -26,16 +26,33 @@
<Item posX = "1" posY = "12" name = "Řádkové operace"/>
<Item posX = "1" posY = "13" name = "Zakomentovat/Odkomentovat"/>
<Item posX = "1" posY = "14" name = "Automatické dokončování"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "11" name = "Označit vše"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "12" name = "Odznačit vše"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "13" name = "Skočit nahoru"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "14" name = "Skočit dolů"/>
<Item posX = "1" posY = "15" name = "Konverze konců řádků (EOL)"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "14" name = "Označit vše"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "15" name = "Odznačit vše"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "16" name = "Skočit nahoru"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "17" name = "Skočit dolů"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "4" name = "Ukázat symboly"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "5" name = "Lupa"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "6" name = "Přesunout/duplikovat aktuální dokument"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "16" name = "Sbalit úroveň"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "17" name = "Rozbalit úroveň"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "9" name = "Výběr znakové sady"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" name = "Výběr znakové sady"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "0" name = "arabština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "1" name = "baltské jazyky"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "2" name = "keltština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "3" name = "azbuka"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "4" name = "středoevropské jazyky (CE)"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "5" name = "čínština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "6" name = "východoevropské jazyky (EE)"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "7" name = "řečtina"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "8" name = "hebrejština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "9" name = "japonština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "10" name = "korejština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "11" name = "severoevropské jazyky (NE)"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "12" name = "thajština"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "13" name = "turečtina"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "14" name = "západoevropské jazyky (WE)"/>
<Item posX = "4" posY = "5" posZ = "15" name = "vietnamština"/>
<Item posX = "6" posY = "4" name = "Import"/>
@ -136,6 +153,9 @@
<Item id = "43042" name = "4. styl"/>
<Item id = "43043" name = "5. styl"/>
<Item id = "43044" name = "Najít styl"/>
<Item id = "43045" name = "Okno s výsledky vyhledávání"/>
<Item id = "43046" name = "Další vyhledaný výsledek"/>
<Item id = "43047" name = "Předchozí vyhledaný výsledek"/>
<Item id = "44009" name = "Zobrazit pouze okno dokumentu"/>
<Item id = "44010" name = "Sbalit vše"/>
<Item id = "44011" name = "Panel Uživatelsky definované syntaxe"/>
@ -165,11 +185,11 @@
<Item id = "45006" name = "Změnit kódování na UCS-2 Big Endian"/>
<Item id = "45007" name = "Změnit kódování na UCS-2 Little Endian"/>
<Item id = "45008" name = "Změnit kódování na UTF-8 (bez BOM)"/>
<Item id = "45009" name = "Konvertovat do ANSI"/>
<Item id = "45010" name = "Konvertovat do UTF-8 (bez BOM)"/>
<Item id = "45011" name = "Konvertovat do UTF-8"/>
<Item id = "45012" name = "Konvertovat do UCS-2 Big Endian"/>
<Item id = "45013" name = "Konvertovat do UCS-2 Little Endian"/>
<Item id = "45009" name = "Konvertovat do ANSI"/>
<Item id = "45010" name = "Konvertovat do UTF-8 (bez BOM)"/>
<Item id = "45011" name = "Konvertovat do UTF-8"/>
<Item id = "45012" name = "Konvertovat do UCS-2 Big Endian"/>
<Item id = "45013" name = "Konvertovat do UCS-2 Little Endian"/>
<Item id = "10001" name = "Přepnout náhled"/>
<Item id = "10002" name = "Vytvořit kopii v samostatném náhledu"/>

View File

@ -14,44 +14,44 @@
<Item id="6" name="&amp;Paramétrage"/>
<Item id="7" name="&amp;Macro"/>
<Item id="8" name="E&amp;xécution"/>
<Item idName="Plugins" name="Plugins"/>
<Item idName="Window" name="Document"/>
<Item idName="Plugins" name="&amp;Compléments"/>
<Item idName="Window" name="&amp;Documents"/>
<!-- Sub Menu Entries -->
<Item posX="1" posY="9" name="Copier dans le presse-papiers"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="10" name="Tabulation"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="10" name="Indentation"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="11" name="MAJUSCULE/miniscule"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="12" name="Ligne"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="13" name="Commentaire"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="14" name="Auto-complétion"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="15" name="Conversion de fin de ligne"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="14" name="Autocomplétion"/>
<Item posX="1" posY="15" name="Convertir les sauts de ligne"/>
<Item posX="2" posY="14" name="Marquer tout"/>
<Item posX="2" posY="15" name="Enlever tous les marques"/>
<Item posX="2" posY="15" name="Enlever toutes les marques"/>
<Item posX="2" posY="16" name="Aller vers le haut"/>
<Item posX="2" posY="17" name="Aller vers le bas"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="4" name="Symbole spéciaux"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="5" name="Zoom"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="6" name="Déplacer/Cloner le document courant"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="6" name="Déplacer/Cloner le document actuel"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="16" name="Replier le niveau"/>
<Item posX="3" posY="17" name="Déplier le niveau"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" name="Codage de caractères"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="0" name="Arabe"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="1" name="Baltes"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="2" name="Celtiques"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="1" name="Langues baltes"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="2" name="Langues celtiques"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="3" name="Cyrillique"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="4" name="Langues d'europe central"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="4" name="Langues dEurope centrale"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="5" name="Chinois"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="6" name="Langues d'europe de l'est"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="7" name="Grecque"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="6" name="Langues dEurope orientale"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="7" name="Grec"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="8" name="Hébreu"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="9" name="Japonais"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="10" name="Coréen"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="11" name="Langues d'europe du nord"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="11" name="Langues dEurope du Nord"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="12" name="Thaï"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="13" name="Turc"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="14" name="Langues d'europe occidental"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="14" name="Langues dEurope occidentale"/>
<Item posX="4" posY="5" posZ="15" name="Vietnamien"/>
<Item posX="6" posY="4" name="Importer"/>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<Item id="41002" name="&amp;Ouvrir..."/>
<Item id="41003" name="Fermer"/>
<Item id="41004" name="Fermer tout"/>
<Item id="41005" name="Fermer tout sauf le doc courant"/>
<Item id="41005" name="Fermer tout sauf le document actuel"/>
<Item id="41006" name="&amp;Enregistrer"/>
<Item id="41007" name="En&amp;registrer tout"/>
<Item id="41008" name="Enregistrer &amp;sous..."/>
@ -82,50 +82,50 @@
<Item id="42004" name="&amp;Rétablir"/>
<Item id="42005" name="&amp;Coller"/>
<Item id="42006" name="&amp;Supprimer"/>
<Item id="42007" name="Sélectionner T&amp;out"/>
<Item id="42008" name="Insérer une tabulation"/>
<Item id="42009" name="Supprimer une tabulation"/>
<Item id="42010" name="Dupliquer la ligne courante"/>
<Item id="42007" name="Sélectionner t&amp;out"/>
<Item id="42008" name="Augmenter lindentation"/>
<Item id="42009" name="Réduire lindentation"/>
<Item id="42010" name="Dupliquer la ligne actuelle"/>
<Item id="42012" name="Séparer en plusieurs lignes"/>
<Item id="42013" name="Joindre plusieurs lignes en une"/>
<Item id="42014" name="Déplacer la ligne courante vers le haut"/>
<Item id="42015" name="Déplacer la ligne courante vers le bas"/>
<Item id="42013" name="Joindre plusieurs lignes"/>
<Item id="42014" name="Déplacer la ligne actuelle vers le haut"/>
<Item id="42015" name="Déplacer la ligne actuelle vers le bas"/>
<Item id="42016" name="EN MAJUSCULE"/>
<Item id="42017" name="en minuscule"/>
<Item id="42018" name="Enregistrer"/>
<Item id="42019" name="Arrêter"/>
<Item id="42021" name="Playback"/>
<Item id="42018" name="Démarrer lenregistrement"/>
<Item id="42019" name="Arrêter lenregistrement"/>
<Item id="42021" name="Rejouer la macro"/>
<Item id="42022" name="Commenter/Décommenter (mode ligne)"/>
<Item id="42023" name="Commenter le bloc séléctionné"/>
<Item id="42024" name="Enlever les espaces/tabulations à la fin de ligne"/>
<Item id="42023" name="Commenter le bloc sélectionné"/>
<Item id="42024" name="Enlever les blancs en fin de ligne"/>
<Item id="42025" name="Enregistrer la macro"/>
<Item id="42026" name="Texte de droite à gauche"/>
<Item id="42027" name="Texte de gauche à droite"/>
<Item id="42028" name="Lecture seule pour le document courant"/>
<Item id="42029" name="Copier le chemin complet du fichier courant"/>
<Item id="42030" name="Copier le nom du fichier courant"/>
<Item id="42031" name="Copier le chemin de répertoire courant"/>
<Item id="42028" name="Lecture seule pour le document actuel"/>
<Item id="42029" name="Copier le chemin complet du document actuel"/>
<Item id="42030" name="Copier le nom du document actuel"/>
<Item id="42031" name="Copier le dossier du document actuel"/>
<Item id="42032" name="Exécuter une macro en boucle..."/>
<Item id="42033" name="Enlever l'attribut de lecture seule du fichier"/>
<Item id="42035" name="Commenter (mode ligne)"/>
<Item id="42036" name="Décommenter (mode ligne)"/>
<Item id="43001" name="&amp;Recherche..."/>
<Item id="43001" name="&amp;Rechercher..."/>
<Item id="43002" name="Recherche &amp;suivante"/>
<Item id="43003" name="Remplacer..."/>
<Item id="43004" name="Atteindre..."/>
<Item id="43005" name="Mettre/Enlever un signet"/>
<Item id="43006" name="Signet Suivant"/>
<Item id="43007" name="Signet Précédent"/>
<Item id="43008" name="Enlever Tous les Signets"/>
<Item id="43006" name="Signet suivant"/>
<Item id="43007" name="Signet précédent"/>
<Item id="43008" name="Enlever tous les signets"/>
<Item id="43009" name="Aller au délimiteur symétrique"/>
<Item id="43010" name="Recherche précédente"/>
<Item id="43011" name="Recherche &amp;Incrémentielle..."/>
<Item id="43013" name="Rechercher dans les répertoires"/>
<Item id="43013" name="Rechercher dans les sous-dossiers"/>
<Item id="43014" name="Recherche volatile suivante"/>
<Item id="43015" name="Recherche volatile précédente"/>
<Item id="43016" name="Colorer toutes les occurrences"/>
<Item id="43017" name="Restaurer les couleurs de toutes les occurrences"/>
<Item id="43016" name="Marquer toutes les occurences"/>
<Item id="43017" name="Démarquer toutes les occurences"/>
<Item id="43018" name="Couper les lignes marquées"/>
<Item id="43019" name="Copier les lignes marquées"/>
<Item id="43020" name="Coller pour remplacer les lignes marquées"/>
@ -153,70 +153,70 @@
<Item id="43042" name="Style 4"/>
<Item id="43043" name="Style 5"/>
<Item id="43044" name="Style de recherche"/>
<Item id="43045" name="Fenêtre de résultat de recherche"/>
<Item id="43045" name="Fenêtre de résultats de recherche"/>
<Item id="43046" name="Résultat de recherche suivant"/>
<Item id="43047" name="Résultat de recherche précédent"/>
<Item id="44009" name="Post-it"/>
<Item id="44010" name="Replier tous les blocs"/>
<Item id="44011" name="Panneau de langage défini par l'utilisateur"/>
<Item id="44019" name="Afficher tous les caractères"/>
<Item id="44020" name="Afficher guide d'Indentation"/>
<Item id="44020" name="Afficher le guide d'indentation"/>
<Item id="44022" name="Retour automatique à la ligne"/>
<Item id="44023" name="Zoom &amp;avant Zoom &amp;avant Ctrl+Molette vers le haut"/>
<Item id="44023" name="Zoom &amp;avant Ctrl+Molette vers le haut"/>
<Item id="44024" name="Zoom &amp;arrière Ctrl+Molette vers le bas"/>
<Item id="44025" name="Afficher les blancs et les tabulations"/>
<Item id="44026" name="Afficher les symboles de fin de ligne"/>
<Item id="44029" name="Déplier tous les blocs"/>
<Item id="44030" name="Replier le bloc de la ligne courante"/>
<Item id="44031" name="Déplier le bloc de la ligne courante"/>
<Item id="44030" name="Replier le bloc de la ligne actuelle"/>
<Item id="44031" name="Déplier le bloc de la ligne actuelle"/>
<Item id="44032" name="Activer/Désactiver le mode plein écran"/>
<Item id="44033" name="Restaurer zoom Ctrl+/(keypad)"/>
<Item id="44034" name="Toujours devant"/>
<Item id="44035" name="Synchronisation du scroll vertical"/>
<Item id="44036" name="Synchronisation du scroll horizontal"/>
<Item id="44041" name="Afficher le symbole de la coupure de ligne"/>
<Item id="44035" name="Défilement vertical synchrone"/>
<Item id="44036" name="Défilement horizontal synchrone"/>
<Item id="44041" name="Afficher les marques de coupures de ligne"/>
<Item id="44072" name="Basculer à l'autre vue"/>
<Item id="45001" name="Convertir en Format Windows"/>
<Item id="45002" name="Convertir en Format UNIX"/>
<Item id="45003" name="Convertir en Format Mac"/>
<Item id="45001" name="Convertir en Format Windows (CR+LF)"/>
<Item id="45002" name="Convertir en Format UNIX (LF)"/>
<Item id="45003" name="Convertir en Format Mac (CR)"/>
<Item id="45004" name="Encoder en ANSI"/>
<Item id="45005" name="Encoder en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45006" name="Encoder en UCS-2 Big Endian"/>
<Item id="45007" name="Encoder en UCS-2 Little Endian"/>
<Item id="45006" name="Encoder en UTF-16BE"/>
<Item id="45007" name="Encoder en UTF-16LE"/>
<Item id="45008" name="Encoder en UTF-8 (sans BOM)"/>
<Item id="45009" name="Convertir en ANSI"/>
<Item id="45010" name="Convertir en UTF-8 (sans BOM)"/>
<Item id="45011" name="Convertir en UTF-8"/>
<Item id="45012" name="Convertir en UCS-2 Big Endian"/>
<Item id="45013" name="Convertir en UCS-2 Little Endian"/>
<Item id="45012" name="Convertir en UTF-16BE"/>
<Item id="45013" name="Convertir en UTF-16LE"/>
<Item id="10001" name="Déplacer dans une autre vue"/>
<Item id="10002" name="Cloner dans une autre vue"/>
<Item id="10003" name="Déplacer dans une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
<Item id="10001" name="Déplacer vers l'autre vue"/>
<Item id="10002" name="Cloner dans l'autre vue"/>
<Item id="10003" name="Déplacer vers une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
<Item id="10004" name="Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
<Item id="46001" name="Configurateur de coloration syntaxique..."/>
<Item id="46080" name="Langage utilisateur"/>
<Item id="47000" name="A propos de Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47001" name="Notepad++ Home"/>
<Item id="47002" name="Notepad++ chez SourceForge"/>
<Item id="47000" name="À propos de Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47001" name="Site officiel Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47002" name="Projet de développement de Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47003" name="Aide en ligne"/>
<Item id="47004" name="Forum"/>
<Item id="47005" name="Plus de plugins"/>
<Item id="47006" name="Mise à jour"/>
<Item id="47008" name="Tutorial"/>
<Item id="48005" name="Importer Plugin(s) ..."/>
<Item id="48006" name="Importer Theme(s) ..."/>
<Item id="48009" name="Gestionnaire de raccourci..."/>
<Item id="47005" name="Obtenir d'autres compléments"/>
<Item id="47006" name="Mettre à jour Notepad++"/>
<Item id="47008" name="Aide"/>
<Item id="48005" name="Importer un complément..."/>
<Item id="48006" name="Importer un thème..."/>
<Item id="48009" name="Raccourcis clavier..."/>
<Item id="48011" name="Préférences..."/>
<Item id="49000" name="&amp;Exécuter..."/>
<Item id="50000" name="Complétion de fonction"/>
<Item id="50001" name="Complétion de mot"/>
<Item id="50002" name="Info-bulle des Paramètres de fonction"/>
<Item id="42034" name="Edition en mode colonne..."/>
<Item id="50002" name="Infobulle des paramètres de fonctions"/>
<Item id="42034" name="Édition en mode colonnes..."/>
<Item id="44042" name="Cacher les lignes"/>
<Item id="42040" name="Ouvrir tous les fichiers de l'historique"/>
<Item id="42041" name="Vider la liste historique"/>
<Item id="42040" name="Ouvrir tous les fichiers récents"/>
<Item id="42041" name="Vider la liste des fichiers récents"/>
@ -224,20 +224,20 @@
<Item order="0" name="Fermer"/>
<Item order="1" name="Fermer tout sauf moi"/>
<Item order="2" name="Sauvegarder"/>
<Item order="3" name="Sauvegarder sous..."/>
<Item order="1" name="Fermer tout sauf ce fichier"/>
<Item order="2" name="Enregistrer"/>
<Item order="3" name="Enregistrer sous..."/>
<Item order="4" name="Imprimer"/>
<Item order="5" name="Déplacer dans une autre vue"/>
<Item order="6" name="Cloner dans une autre vue"/>
<Item order="7" name="Copier le chemin complet du fichier courant"/>
<Item order="8" name="Copier le nom du fichier courant"/>
<Item order="9" name="Copier le répertoire du fichier courant"/>
<Item order="10" name="Renommer le fichier courant"/>
<Item order="11" name="Supprimer le fichier courant"/>
<Item order="12" name="Lecture seule pour le document courant"/>
<Item order="13" name="Enlever l'attribut de lecture seule du fichier"/>
<Item order="14" name="Déplacer dans une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
<Item order="5" name="Déplacer vers l'autre vue"/>
<Item order="6" name="Cloner dans l'autre vue"/>
<Item order="7" name="Copier le chemin complet du document actuel"/>
<Item order="8" name="Copier le nom du fichier actuel"/>
<Item order="9" name="Copier le dossier du fichier actuel"/>
<Item order="10" name="Renommer le fichier actuel"/>
<Item order="11" name="Supprimer le fichier actuel"/>
<Item order="12" name="Lecture seule pour le document actuel"/>
<Item order="13" name="Enlever lattribut de lecture seule du fichier"/>
<Item order="14" name="Déplacer vers une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
<Item order="15" name="Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre"/>
@ -249,53 +249,53 @@
<Item id="1620" name="Recherche :"/>
<Item id="1603" name="Mot entier &amp;uniquement"/>
<Item id="1604" name="Respecter la &amp;casse"/>
<Item id="1605" name="&amp;Expression Régulière"/>
<Item id="1605" name="&amp;Expression régulière"/>
<Item id="1606" name="&amp;Boucler"/>
<Item id="1612" name="&amp;Haut"/>
<Item id="1613" name="&amp;Bas"/>
<Item id="1614" name="Compter"/>
<Item id="1615" name="Rechercher Tout"/>
<Item id="1615" name="Rechercher tout"/>
<Item id="1616" name="Marquer les lignes"/>
<Item id="1617" name="Colorer les mots trouvés"/>
<Item id="1618" name="Purger à chaque fois"/>
<Item id="1621" name="Direction"/>
<Item id="1611" name="Rem&amp;placer par :"/>
<Item id="1608" name="&amp;Remplacer"/>
<Item id="1609" name="Remplacer &amp;Tout"/>
<Item id="1609" name="Remplacer &amp;tout"/>
<Item id="1623" name="Transparence"/>
<Item id="1687" name="La perte du focus"/>
<Item id="1688" name="Persistant"/>
<Item id="1632" name="Dans selection"/>
<Item id="1687" name="à la perte du focus"/>
<Item id="1688" name="persistante"/>
<Item id="1632" name="Dans sélection"/>
<Item id="1633" name="Purger"/>
<Item id="1635" name="Remplacer tout dans les documents ouverts"/>
<Item id="1636" name="Rechercher dans les documents ouverts"/>
<Item id="1635" name="Remplacer dans tous les documents ouverts"/>
<Item id="1636" name="Rechercher dans tous les documents ouverts"/>
<Item id="1637" name="Rechercher dans..."/>
<Item id="1654" name="Filtres :"/>
<Item id="1655" name="Répertoire :"/>
<Item id="1656" name="Trouvez-les"/>
<Item id="1658" name="Récursive"/>
<Item id="1659" name="Dans dossiers cachés"/>
<Item id="1655" name="Dossier :"/>
<Item id="1656" name="Trouver tout"/>
<Item id="1658" name="Sous-dossiers"/>
<Item id="1659" name="Dossiers cachés"/>
<Item id="1624" name="Mode de recherche"/>
<Item id="1625" name="Mode normal"/>
<Item id="1626" name="Mode étendu (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...)"/>
<Item id="1660" name="Remplacer-les"/>
<Item id="1661" name="Suivre le doc courant"/>
<Item id="1641" name="Rechercher dans le document courant"/>
<Item id="1660" name="Remplacer tout"/>
<Item id="1661" name="Suivre le doc. actuel"/>
<Item id="1641" name="Rechercher dans le document actuel"/>
<Item id="1686" name="Transparence"/>
<GoToLine title="Allez à la Ligne #">
<GoToLine title="Aller à...">
<Item id="1" name="&amp;Zyva !"/>
<Item id="2" name="Je vais nulle part"/>
<Item id="2004" name="Vous êtes ici :"/>
<Item id="2005" name="Vous allez à :"/>
<Item id="2006" name="Pas plus loin que :"/>
<Item id="2007" name="Ligne"/>
<Item id="2008" name="Offset"/>
<Item id="2008" name="Position"/>
<Run title="Exécuter...">
<Item id="1903" name="Programme à exécuter"/>
<Item id="1" name="Exécuter !"/>
<Item id="1" name="Exécuter"/>
<Item id="2" name="Annuler"/>
<Item id="1904" name="Enregistrer..."/>
@ -312,24 +312,24 @@
<Item id="2206" name="Premier plan"/>
<Item id="2207" name="Arrière-plan"/>
<Item id="2208" name="Nom :"/>
<Item id="2208" name="Famille :"/>
<Item id="2209" name="Taille :"/>
<Item id="2211" name="Description :"/>
<Item id="2212" name="Couleur"/>
<Item id="2212" name="Couleurs"/>
<Item id="2213" name="Police"/>
<Item id="2214" name="Ext par défaut :"/>
<Item id="2216" name="Ext ajouté :"/>
<Item id="2214" name="Ext. par défaut :"/>
<Item id="2216" name="Ext. utilisateur :"/>
<Item id="2218" name="Souligné"/>
<Item id="2219" name="Les mots clés par défaut"/>
<Item id="2221" name="Les mots clés supplémentaires"/>
<Item id="2219" name="Mots-clés prédéfinis"/>
<Item id="2221" name="Mots-clés utilisateur"/>
<Item id="2225" name="Langage :"/>
<Item id="2226" name="Appliquer le premier plan aux textes"/>
<Item id="2227" name="Appliquer l'arrière-plan aux textes"/>
<Item id="2228" name="Activer la police globale"/>
<Item id="2229" name="Appliquer la taille de police"/>
<Item id="2230" name="Appliquer la Police globale en gras"/>
<Item id="2231" name="Appliquer la Police globale en italique"/>
<Item id="2232" name="Appliquer la Police globale soulignée"/>
<Item id="2226" name="Appliquer le premier plan global"/>
<Item id="2227" name="Appliquer larrière-plan global"/>
<Item id="2228" name="Appliquer la police globale"/>
<Item id="2229" name="Appliquer la taille globale"/>
<Item id="2230" name="Appliquer le style gras global"/>
<Item id="2231" name="Appliquer le style italique global"/>
<Item id="2232" name="Appliquer le style souligné global"/>
@ -337,104 +337,107 @@
<Item id="20002" name="Renommer"/>
<Item id="20003" name="Nouveau..."/>
<Item id="20004" name="Supprimer"/>
<Item id="20005" name="Enregistrer sous"/>
<Item id="20005" name="Enregistrer sous..."/>
<Item id="20007" name="Langage : "/>
<Item id="20009" name="Ext :"/>
<Item id="20009" name="Ext. :"/>
<Item id="20012" name="Ignorer la casse"/>
<Item id="20011" name="Transparence"/>
<Item id="0" name="Couleur"/>
<Item id="0" name="Couleurs"/>
<Item id="1" name="Premier plan"/>
<Item id="2" name="Arrière-plan"/>
<Item id="3" name="Police"/>
<Item id="4" name="Nom :"/>
<Item id="4" name="Famille :"/>
<Item id="5" name="Taille :"/>
<Item id="6" name="Gras"/>
<Item id="7" name="Italique"/>
<Item id="8" name="Souligné"/>
<Folder title="Bloc &amp;&amp; Défaut">
<Folder title="Bloc &amp;&amp; défaut">
<Item id="21101" name="Style par défaut"/>
<Item id="21201" name="Définition de Bloc Ouvrant"/>
<Item id="21301" name="Définition de Bloc Fermant"/>
<Item id="21201" name="Définition de bloc ouvrant"/>
<Item id="21301" name="Définition de bloc fermant"/>
<Keywords title="Mots clés">
<Keywords title="Mots-clés">
<Item id="22101" name="1er Groupe"/>
<Item id="22201" name="2ème Groupe"/>
<Item id="22301" name="3ème Groupe"/>
<Item id="22401" name="4ème Groupe"/>
<Item id="22201" name="2è Groupe"/>
<Item id="22301" name="3è Groupe"/>
<Item id="22401" name="4è Groupe"/>
<Item id="22113" name="Mode préfixe"/>
<Item id="22213" name="Mode préfixe"/>
<Item id="22313" name="Mode préfixe"/>
<Item id="22413" name="Mode préfixe"/>
<Comment title="Commentaire &amp;&amp; Nombre">
<Item id="23301" name="Commentaire sur une Ligne"/>
<Item id="23101" name="Commentaire sur plusieur Lignes"/>
<Item id="23113" name="Commentaire Ouvrant :"/>
<Item id="23115" name="Commentaire Fermant :"/>
<Item id="23301" name="Commentaire sur une ligne"/>
<Item id="23101" name="Commentaire sur plusieurs lignes"/>
<Item id="23113" name="Commentaire ouvrant :"/>
<Item id="23115" name="Commentaire fermant :"/>
<Item id="23116" name="Traiter comme un symbole"/>
<Item id="23117" name="Traiter comme des symboles"/>
<Item id="23201" name="Nombre"/>
<Operator title="Opérateurs">
<Item id="24107" name="Opérateur"/>
<Item id="24103" name="Symboles Disponibles"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Opérateurs Activés"/>
<Item id="24103" name="Symboles disponibles"/>
<Item id="24101" name="Opérateurs activés"/>
<Item id="24201" name="Délimiteur 1"/>
<Item id="24211" name="Borne Ouvrante :"/>
<Item id="24214" name="Borne Fermante :"/>
<Item id="24211" name="Borne ouvrante :"/>
<Item id="24214" name="Borne fermante :"/>
<Item id="24301" name="Délimiteur 2"/>
<Item id="24311" name="Borne Ouvrante :"/>
<Item id="24314" name="Borne Fermante :"/>
<Item id="24311" name="Borne ouvrante :"/>
<Item id="24314" name="Borne fermante :"/>
<Item id="24001" name="Active le caractère déchappement :"/>
<Preference title="Préférences">
<Item id="6001" name="Fermer"/>
<Global title="Général">
<Item id="6101" name="Barre d'outil"/>
<Item id="6101" name="Barre doutils"/>
<Item id="6102" name="Cacher"/>
<Item id="6103" name="Petites icônes"/>
<Item id="6104" name="Grandes icônes"/>
<Item id="6105" name="Icônes standard"/>
<Item id="6106" name="Onglets"/>
<Item id="6105" name="Icônes standards"/>
<Item id="6106" name="Barre donglets"/>
<Item id="6107" name="Réduire la taille"/>
<Item id="6108" name="Verrouiller (Pas de Drag 'N' Drop)"/>
<Item id="6108" name="Verrouiller (pas de glisser-poser)"/>
<Item id="6109" name="Colorer les onglets inactifs"/>
<Item id="6110" name="Rendre l'onglet activé plus visible"/>
<Item id="6110" name="Barre colorée sur longlet actif"/>
<Item id="6111" name="Afficher la barre d'état"/>
<Item id="6112" name="Afficher le bouton de fermeture"/>
<Item id="6113" name="Fermer l'onglet par double clique"/>
<Item id="6112" name="Bouton de fermeture sur chaque onglet"/>
<Item id="6113" name="Fermer l'onglet par double clic"/>
<Item id="6118" name="Cacher"/>
<Item id="6119" name="Multi-ligne"/>
<Item id="6120" name="Vertical"/>
<Item id="6119" name="Multiligne"/>
<Item id="6120" name="Verticale"/>
<Item id="6121" name="Barre de menu"/>
<Item id="6122" name="Cacher (Alt ou F10 pour afficher)"/>
<Item id="6122" name="Cachée (Alt ou F10 pour afficher)"/>
<Item id="6123" name="Langue"/>
<Scintillas title="Zones d'édition">
<Item id="6216" name="Curseur"/>
<Item id="6217" name="Largeur :"/>
<Item id="6219" name="Clignotement :"/>
<Item id="6221" name="R"/>
<Item id="6222" name="L"/>
<Item id="6224" name="Multi-Edition"/>
<Item id="6225" name="Activer (Ctrl+Mouse clique/selection)"/>
<Item id="6201" name="Contrôle de relief syntaxique"/>
<Item id="6221" name="R"/><!-- Rapide -->
<Item id="6222" name="L"/><!-- Lent -->
<Item id="6224" name="Multiédition"/>
<Item id="6225" name="Activer (Ctrl+Clic/sélection)"/>
<Item id="6201" name="Contrôle de repli de bloc"/>
<Item id="6202" name="Simple"/>
<Item id="6203" name="Flèche"/>
<Item id="6204" name="Cercle"/>
<Item id="6205" name="Carré"/>
<Item id="6206" name="Afficher la numérotation de ligne"/>
<Item id="6206" name="Afficher la numérotation des lignes"/>
<Item id="6207" name="Afficher la marge de signet"/>
<Item id="6208" name="Afficher la ligne verticale du bord"/>
<Item id="6209" name="Nombre de colonne :"/>
<Item id="6211" name="Ligne verticale du bord"/>
<Item id="6212" name="Mode de ligne"/>
<Item id="6213" name="Mode de couleur de fond"/>
<Item id="6214" name="Colorer la ligne courante"/>
<Item id="6208" name="Afficher la marge droite"/>
<Item id="6209" name="Nombre de colonnes :"/>
<Item id="6211" name="Largeur des lignes"/>
<Item id="6212" name="Afficher un filet vertical"/>
<Item id="6213" name="Colorer larrière-plan"/>
<Item id="6214" name="Surligner la ligne actuelle"/>
<NewDoc title="Nouveau document/Répertoire">
<Item id="6401" name="Format"/>
<NewDoc title="Nouveau document/Dossier">
<Item id="6401" name="Format des sauts de ligne"/>
<Item id="6402" name="Windows"/>
<Item id="6403" name="Unix"/>
<Item id="6404" name="Mac"/>
@ -442,37 +445,37 @@
<Item id="6406" name="ANSI"/>
<Item id="6407" name="UTF-8 sans BOM"/>
<Item id="6408" name="UTF-8"/>
<Item id="6409" name="UCS2 big endian"/>
<Item id="6410" name="UCS2 little endian"/>
<Item id="6409" name="UTF-16BE (grand boutiste)"/>
<Item id="6410" name="UTF-16LE (petit boutiste)"/>
<Item id="6411" name="Langage par défaut :"/>
<Item id="6413" name="Répertoire d'ouverture/sauvegarder de fichier"/>
<Item id="6414" name="Suivre le fichier courant"/>
<Item id="6415" name="Se souvenir du dernier répertoire utilisé"/>
<Item id="6413" name="Dossier par défaut (ouvrir/enregistrer)"/>
<Item id="6414" name="Utiliser celui du document actuel"/>
<Item id="6415" name="Mémoriser le dernier dossier utilisé"/>
<Item id="6419" name="Nouveau document"/>
<Item id="6420" name="Appliquer pour les fichiers ANSI"/>
<Item id="6420" name="Appliquer aux fichiers ANSI ouverts"/>
<FileAssoc title="Extension de fichier">
<FileAssoc title="Extensions de fichier">
<Item id="4009" name="Extensions :"/>
<Item id="4010" name="Extensions associées :"/>
<LangMenu title="Menu langage/Option de TAB">
<LangMenu title="Menu langage/Tabulations">
<Item id="6301" name="Tabulations"/>
<Item id="6302" name="Remplacer des espaces"/>
<Item id="6302" name="Insérer des espaces"/>
<Item id="6303" name="Taille : "/>
<Item id="6505" name="Langages disponibles"/>
<Item id="6506" name="Langages cachés"/>
<Item id="6507" name="Compacter le menu langage"/>
<Item id="6508" name="Menu de Langage"/>
<Item id="6507" name="Compacter le menu Langage"/>
<Item id="6508" name="Menu Langage"/>
<Item id="6510" name="Valeur par défaut"/>
<Print title="Impression">
<Item id="6601" name="Imprimer la numérotation de ligne"/>
<Item id="6601" name="Imprimer les numéros de lignes"/>
<Item id="6602" name="Couleur"/>
<Item id="6603" name="Impression tel qu'à l'écran"/>
<Item id="6603" name="Impression telle qu'à l'écran"/>
<Item id="6604" name="Inverser"/>
<Item id="6605" name="Noir et blanc"/>
<Item id="6606" name="Pas de couleur de fond"/>
<Item id="6607" name="Marge (Unité:mm)"/>
<Item id="6605" name="Noir sur blanc"/>
<Item id="6606" name="Sans couleur de fond"/>
<Item id="6607" name="Marge (en mm)"/>
<Item id="6612" name="Gauche"/>
<Item id="6613" name="Haut"/>
<Item id="6614" name="Droit"/>
@ -480,27 +483,27 @@
<Item id="6706" name="Gras"/>
<Item id="6707" name="Italique"/>
<Item id="6708" name="Entête"/>
<Item id="6709" name="Partie gauche"/>
<Item id="6710" name="Partie centre"/>
<Item id="6711" name="Partie droite"/>
<Item id="6709" name= gauche"/>
<Item id="6710" name="centré"/>
<Item id="6711" name= droite"/>
<Item id="6717" name="Gras"/>
<Item id="6718" name="Italique"/>
<Item id="6719" name="Pied de page"/>
<Item id="6720" name="Partie gauche"/>
<Item id="6721" name="Partie centre"/>
<Item id="6722" name="Partie droite"/>
<Item id="6720" name= gauche"/>
<Item id="6721" name="centré"/>
<Item id="6722" name= droite"/>
<Item id="6723" name="Ajouter"/>
<Item id="6725" name="Variable :"/>
<Item id="6728" name="Entête et pied de page"/>
<MISC title="Divers">
<Item id="6304" name="Historique"/>
<Item id="6304" name="Historique des fichiers récents"/>
<Item id="6305" name="Ne pas vérifier au lancement"/>
<Item id="6306" name="Nombre de fichiers récents (max) :"/>
<Item id="6306" name="Nombre maxi. de fichiers récents :"/>
<Item id="6307" name="Détection automatique"/>
<Item id="6308" name="Réduire dans system tray"/>
<Item id="6309" name="Se souvenir de la session courante"/>
<Item id="6312" name="Status de Fichier"/>
<Item id="6308" name="Réduire dans la barre de notifications"/>
<Item id="6309" name="Mémoriser de la session actuelle"/>
<Item id="6312" name="Autodétection de létat des fichiers"/>
<Item id="6313" name="Mise à jour sans alerte"/>
<Item id="6314" name="Backup"/>
<Item id="6315" name="Non"/>
@ -520,24 +523,24 @@
<Item id="6330" name="Dans la zone commentaire/php/asp"/>
<Item id="6331" name="Afficher le nom du fichier seulement sur la barre de titre"/>
<Item id="6114" name="Activer"/>
<Item id="6115" name="Indentation Auto"/>
<Item id="6115" name="Indentation automatique"/>
<Item id="6117" name="Activer la liste de MRU"/>
<Backup title="Sauvegarde/Auto-complétion">
<Backup title="Sauvegarde/Autocomplétion">
<Item id="6801" name="Sauvegarde"/>
<Item id="6315" name="Aucune"/>
<Item id="6316" name="Simple"/>
<Item id="6317" name="Détaillée"/>
<Item id="6804" name="Répertoire specifique"/>
<Item id="6803" name="Répertoire :"/>
<Item id="6807" name="Auto-complétion"/>
<Item id="6808" name="Activer Auto-complétion automatique"/>
<Item id="6804" name="Dossier spécifique"/>
<Item id="6803" name="Dossier :"/>
<Item id="6807" name="Autocomplétion"/>
<Item id="6808" name="Activer la complétion automatique"/>
<Item id="6809" name="Complétion de fonction"/>
<Item id="6810" name="Complétion de mot"/>
<Item id="6811" name="A partir de"/>
<Item id="6813" name=me caractères"/>
<Item id="6814" name="Valeur valable : 1 - 9"/>
<Item id="6815" name="Afficher paramètres pendant la saisie"/>
<Item id="6811" name="À partir du"/>
<Item id="6813" name= caractère"/>
<Item id="6814" name="Valeur possible : de 1 à 9"/>
<Item id="6815" name="Paramètres affichés durant la saisie"/>
<MultiMacro title="Exécuter une macro en boucle">
@ -548,24 +551,27 @@
<Item id="8005" name="fois"/>
<Item id="8002" name="Jusqu'à la fin du fichier"/>
<Window title="Document">
<Window title="Documents">
<Item id="1" name="Activer"/>
<Item id="2" name="Quitter"/>
<Item id="7002" name="Enregistrer"/>
<Item id="7003" name="Fermer"/>
<Item id="7004" name="Trier"/>
<Item id="7003" name="Fermer fenêtres"/>
<Item id="7004" name="Trier les onglets"/>
<Item id="Name" name="Nom"/>
<Item id="Path" name="Chemin"/>
<Item id="Type" name="Type"/>
<ColumnEditor title="Editeur de Colonne">
<ColumnEditor title="Édition en colonnes">
<Item id="2023" name="Texte à insérer"/>
<Item id="2033" name="Nombre à insérer"/>
<Item id="2030" name="Nombre initial :"/>
<Item id="2031" name="Augmenter de :"/>
<Item id="2035" name="Nombre de zéros"/>
<Item id="2032" name="Format"/>
<Item id="2024" name="Dec"/>
<Item id="2025" name="Oct"/>
<Item id="2026" name="Hex"/>
<Item id="2027" name="Bin"/>
<Item id="2024" name="Déc."/>
<Item id="2025" name="Oct."/>
<Item id="2026" name="Hex."/>
<Item id="2027" name="Bin."/>
<Item id="1" name="OK"/>
<Item id="2" name="Annuler"/>

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<Item posX = "1" posY = "14" name = "Auto-completamento"/>
<Item posX = "1" posY = "15" name = "Converti carattere di fine linea"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "14" name = "Segna tutti"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "15" name = "Rimuvi marcatura"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "15" name = "Rimuovi marcatura"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "16" name = "Salta su"/>
<Item posX = "2" posY = "17" name = "Salta giů"/>
<Item posX = "3" posY = "4" name = "Mostra simboli"/>

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
; Define the application name
!define APPNAME "Notepad++"
!define APPVERSION "5.6.4"
!define APPNAMEANDVERSION "Notepad++ v5.6.4"
!define APPVERSION "5.6.5"
!define APPNAMEANDVERSION "Notepad++ v5.6.5"
!define VERSION_MINOR 64
!define VERSION_MINOR 65
!define APPWEBSITE "http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/"
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Notepad++"
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\${APPNAME}" ""
OutFile ".\build\npp.5.6.4.Installer.exe"
OutFile ".\build\npp.5.6.5.Installer.exe"
; GetWindowsVersion
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ SubSection "Plugins" Plugins
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
File "..\bin\plugins\SpellChecker.dll"
Section "NppExec" NppExec
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\NppExec.dll"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ SubSection "Plugins" Plugins
File "..\bin\plugins\doc\NppExec_Manual.chm"
File "..\bin\plugins\doc\NppExec_TechInfo.txt"
Section "MIME Tools" MIMETools
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\NppTools.dll"
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\mimeTools.dll"
@ -689,13 +689,6 @@ SubSection "Plugins" Plugins
File "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll"
Section "ComparePlugin" ComparePlugin
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\ComparePlugin.dll"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
File "..\bin\plugins\ComparePlugin.dll"
Section "Change Markers" ChangeMarkers
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\NppPlugin_ChangeMarker.dll"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
@ -715,12 +708,13 @@ SubSection "Plugins" Plugins
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\updater"
File "..\bin\updater\gpup.exe"
Section "Light Explorer" LightExplorer
Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\LightExplorer.dll"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins"
File "..\bin\plugins\LightExplorer.dll"

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Style Name: Zenburn
Description: Zenburn-like style for Notepad++.
Inspired by the original Zenburn colorscheme for Vim by Jani Nurminen.
Official Vim Zenburn home page: http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/
Supported languages: All the languages supported by release 5.4.5
Supported languages: All the languages supported by release 5.6.4
Created by: Jani Kesänen (jani dot kesanen gmail com)
Released: 17.08.2009
Released: 12.01.2010
License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This style is available under the terms of the GNU Free License.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="DCDCCC" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="FUNCTION" styleID="20" fgColor="EFEF8F" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" keywordClass="type2" />
<WordsStyle name="PREPROCESSOR" styleID="9" fgColor="FFCFAF" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="INSTRUCTION WORD" styleID="5" fgColor="DFC47D" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" keywordClass="instre1" />
<WordsStyle name="INSTRUCTION WORD" styleID="5" fgColor="DFC47D" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" keywordClass="instre1">toto titi</WordsStyle>
<WordsStyle name="TYPE WORD" styleID="16" fgColor="CEDF99" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" keywordClass="type1" />
<WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="8CD0D3" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
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@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
<LexerType name="cmake" desc="CMakeFile" ext="cmake">
<WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="0" fgColor="DCDCCC" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="7F9F7F" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="3" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="STRING D" styleID="2" fgColor="C89191" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="STRING D" styleID="2" fgColor="C89191" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="">the_ID the_post have_posts wp_link_pages the_content</WordsStyle>
<WordsStyle name="STRING L" styleID="3" fgColor="DCA3A3" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="2" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="STRING R" styleID="4" fgColor="DCA3A3" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" />
<WordsStyle name="COMMAND" styleID="5" fgColor="EFEF8F" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" keywordClass="instre1" />
<WordsStyle name="PARAMETER" styleID="6" fgColor="E3CEAB" bgColor="3F3F3F" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" />
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@ -168,12 +168,29 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -182,7 +199,7 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -190,8 +207,8 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -219,7 +236,29 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -245,6 +284,18 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -400,10 +451,10 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -509,6 +560,18 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -532,6 +595,18 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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@ -739,11 +814,11 @@ License: Feel free to modify this style and re-release it. This styl
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143.13 45.02 147.31 48.52 149.98 52.36 curveto
153.47 51.57 157.26 50.47 160.65 52.22 curveto
168.01 55.34 176.11 55.34 183.71 57.50 curveto
183.71 58.04 183.71 59.12 183.71 59.66 curveto
177.61 63.76 170.08 62.63 163.25 64.34 curveto
158.04 65.23 152.75 64.41 147.52 64.48 curveto
145.20 66.07 142.91 67.90 139.98 68.09 curveto
138.34 67.37 136.66 66.78 135.05 65.98 curveto
133.79 68.76 132.69 71.61 131.80 74.53 curveto
133.53 74.11 135.20 73.49 136.95 73.14 curveto
144.86 74.38 153.34 75.91 159.53 81.43 curveto
160.84 82.77 163.18 83.91 162.79 86.12 curveto
162.41 89.31 160.10 91.78 158.95 94.71 curveto
160.74 95.39 162.53 96.05 164.27 96.86 curveto
170.44 102.90 173.54 111.55 174.21 120.04 curveto
173.59 124.57 172.31 129.55 168.81 132.73 curveto
162.42 135.95 154.88 134.91 148.39 132.56 curveto
145.45 131.39 143.29 129.02 140.85 127.10 curveto
138.86 127.54 137.64 129.85 136.33 131.35 curveto
133.81 135.65 130.34 139.65 125.60 141.50 curveto
121.65 141.65 117.11 142.72 113.70 140.18 curveto
109.07 108.88 moveto
109.69 107.22 111.41 107.04 112.88 106.60 curveto
114.23 104.98 113.21 102.64 113.21 100.74 curveto
110.13 102.18 109.60 105.90 109.07 108.88 curveto
112.43 71.52 moveto
112.59 71.52 lineto
112.55 71.52 112.47 71.52 112.43 71.52 curveto
36.67 63.62 moveto
37.55 63.66 38.44 63.72 39.33 63.80 curveto
37.93 61.36 36.22 58.35 38.39 55.79 curveto
38.10 55.66 37.50 55.40 37.21 55.27 curveto
36.19 56.67 35.36 58.18 34.78 59.81 curveto
35.47 61.05 36.09 62.33 36.67 63.62 curveto
42.48 62.43 moveto
42.56 62.63 42.73 63.02 42.81 63.22 curveto
43.03 62.68 lineto
42.48 62.43 lineto
41.53 61.35 moveto
41.62 61.46 41.80 61.68 41.90 61.79 curveto
41.80 61.68 41.62 61.46 41.53 61.35 curveto
40.31 56.98 moveto
40.59 57.54 41.16 58.65 41.44 59.21 curveto
43.01 59.12 43.44 54.08 41.17 55.47 curveto
40.95 55.84 40.52 56.60 40.31 56.98 curveto
1.000 1.000 1.000 setrgbcolor
113.70 140.18 moveto
117.11 142.72 121.65 141.65 125.60 141.50 curveto
130.34 139.65 133.81 135.65 136.33 131.35 curveto
137.64 129.85 138.86 127.54 140.85 127.10 curveto
143.29 129.02 145.45 131.39 148.39 132.56 curveto
154.88 134.91 162.42 135.95 168.81 132.73 curveto
172.31 129.55 173.59 124.57 174.21 120.04 curveto
173.54 111.55 170.44 102.90 164.27 96.86 curveto
162.53 96.05 160.74 95.39 158.95 94.71 curveto
160.10 91.78 162.41 89.31 162.79 86.12 curveto
163.18 83.91 160.84 82.77 159.53 81.43 curveto
153.34 75.91 144.86 74.38 136.95 73.14 curveto
135.20 73.49 133.53 74.11 131.80 74.53 curveto
132.69 71.61 133.79 68.76 135.05 65.98 curveto
136.66 66.78 138.34 67.37 139.98 68.09 curveto
142.91 67.90 145.20 66.07 147.52 64.48 curveto
152.75 64.41 158.04 65.23 163.25 64.34 curveto
170.08 62.63 177.61 63.76 183.71 59.66 curveto
183.71 59.12 183.71 58.04 183.71 57.50 curveto
176.11 55.34 168.01 55.34 160.65 52.22 curveto
157.26 50.47 153.47 51.57 149.98 52.36 curveto
147.31 48.52 143.13 45.02 138.19 45.20 curveto
134.13 45.67 131.29 49.22 129.39 52.54 curveto
125.39 52.79 121.35 52.71 117.34 52.56 curveto
115.53 51.53 114.19 49.07 111.79 49.87 curveto
109.71 49.74 108.74 51.94 106.94 52.43 curveto
101.96 52.72 96.96 52.49 91.98 52.22 curveto
85.65 52.16 79.20 53.17 73.00 51.48 curveto
70.11 50.35 67.72 52.66 65.05 53.29 curveto
62.26 53.57 59.45 53.35 56.65 53.32 curveto
55.79 44.97 60.70 37.51 64.69 30.55 curveto
67.34 25.51 71.33 20.15 77.34 19.23 curveto
81.94 18.15 87.87 17.64 91.16 21.76 curveto
94.00 28.23 90.31 35.25 86.82 40.69 curveto
83.39 39.32 78.40 39.43 77.54 34.95 curveto
78.95 34.02 80.35 33.09 81.74 32.13 curveto
81.57 33.80 81.39 35.46 81.26 37.12 curveto
83.96 36.52 87.97 34.89 87.45 31.49 curveto
86.28 28.69 82.70 28.09 80.02 27.78 curveto
75.77 27.56 73.68 31.82 71.99 35.00 curveto
70.02 38.03 72.53 41.39 75.14 42.97 curveto
77.50 44.50 79.36 47.02 82.29 47.46 curveto
87.29 47.68 93.15 46.69 95.86 41.94 curveto
100.12 35.02 103.71 25.60 99.02 18.00 curveto
98.48 16.17 96.37 15.97 94.94 15.12 curveto
92.60 14.17 90.78 12.11 88.18 11.82 curveto
81.33 10.64 73.72 10.79 67.75 14.78 curveto
61.47 19.65 57.44 26.64 53.32 33.28 curveto
49.83 39.13 48.56 45.92 47.27 52.51 curveto
40.12 52.64 32.94 52.66 25.78 52.65 curveto
21.59 53.99 22.13 58.79 22.71 62.22 curveto
25.14 63.35 27.76 64.01 30.18 65.17 curveto
32.49 65.91 34.71 64.75 37.00 64.70 curveto
40.18 65.26 43.56 65.13 46.40 66.90 curveto
46.70 67.08 47.32 67.44 47.62 67.61 curveto
47.99 70.15 48.19 72.71 48.69 75.22 curveto
48.42 72.95 48.61 70.67 48.84 68.41 curveto
48.86 67.98 48.90 67.13 48.92 66.70 curveto
50.30 66.70 51.67 66.66 53.05 66.61 curveto
55.89 71.55 57.74 77.28 62.45 80.87 curveto
63.57 82.01 64.55 83.28 65.71 84.37 curveto
67.19 85.19 68.13 83.53 68.92 82.57 curveto
64.82 78.01 66.20 70.98 69.37 66.28 curveto
67.22 64.69 65.13 63.01 63.44 60.92 curveto
64.63 57.11 68.48 55.28 71.95 54.00 curveto
69.54 56.49 65.85 58.83 66.76 62.87 curveto
68.27 64.97 71.34 64.46 73.59 65.12 curveto
72.06 67.08 70.01 68.88 69.37 71.34 curveto
69.18 75.06 70.95 78.52 72.22 81.93 curveto
73.16 81.74 74.10 81.56 75.05 81.38 curveto
75.19 80.05 75.31 78.72 75.42 77.38 curveto
78.66 75.61 82.42 75.52 85.88 74.39 curveto
90.64 72.81 95.80 73.37 100.60 74.47 curveto
100.52 75.59 100.44 76.71 100.44 77.84 curveto
100.95 79.88 102.04 83.04 104.79 81.85 curveto
104.56 79.23 104.23 76.62 104.12 73.99 curveto
104.17 71.58 105.41 69.56 106.86 67.73 curveto
111.14 63.16 107.82 55.38 113.38 51.75 curveto
112.64 54.25 111.70 56.72 111.32 59.31 curveto
111.39 59.66 lineto
112.20 62.60 115.23 63.48 117.67 64.65 curveto
116.17 68.24 112.57 65.21 110.96 63.35 curveto
109.45 64.67 108.07 66.13 106.86 67.73 curveto
106.80 69.12 106.72 70.50 106.62 71.89 curveto
106.20 75.56 106.30 79.43 108.39 82.63 curveto
109.01 82.67 110.25 82.76 110.87 82.81 curveto
110.35 80.27 109.69 77.75 109.12 75.22 curveto
110.35 75.05 111.59 74.89 112.83 74.74 curveto
117.82 74.18 122.85 75.44 127.24 77.78 curveto
128.49 78.45 129.72 79.17 130.96 79.85 curveto
133.36 78.45 136.04 76.94 138.93 77.80 curveto
145.91 79.43 153.65 80.81 158.94 86.07 curveto
158.41 87.39 157.91 88.73 157.31 90.03 curveto
155.57 92.92 154.14 96.28 151.18 98.15 curveto
148.33 99.83 145.05 100.52 142.09 101.97 curveto
138.94 99.35 137.48 95.30 134.45 92.58 curveto
130.96 90.24 126.48 89.78 122.42 90.54 curveto
117.81 91.60 114.04 94.63 110.37 97.44 curveto
108.16 99.17 107.04 101.83 106.19 104.41 curveto
105.67 106.14 105.18 107.87 104.74 109.62 curveto
104.17 111.86 104.34 114.86 101.79 115.89 curveto
95.99 118.62 89.55 120.60 83.08 120.23 curveto
77.48 118.48 71.28 117.31 66.96 113.03 curveto
60.21 107.08 56.47 98.59 53.43 90.31 curveto
53.29 89.82 53.01 88.82 52.86 88.33 curveto
52.77 88.00 52.60 87.36 52.51 87.03 curveto
51.19 88.74 49.88 87.07 48.65 86.25 curveto
49.43 90.47 50.80 94.54 52.71 98.38 curveto
55.89 107.14 61.25 115.79 69.73 120.21 curveto
73.86 122.11 78.26 123.39 82.71 124.27 curveto
90.08 124.54 97.29 122.51 104.07 119.73 curveto
104.51 125.50 106.13 131.18 108.85 136.29 curveto
110.04 138.03 111.98 139.05 113.70 140.18 curveto
119.29 137.93 moveto
114.11 137.20 110.45 132.64 109.03 127.86 curveto
107.10 121.76 106.44 114.88 109.07 108.88 curveto
109.60 105.90 110.13 102.18 113.21 100.74 curveto
113.13 100.11 lineto
117.48 95.74 123.97 93.05 130.09 94.84 curveto
132.41 96.12 134.77 97.66 135.89 100.18 curveto
139.71 108.05 140.35 117.33 137.76 125.68 curveto
135.41 127.35 133.21 129.27 131.80 131.84 curveto
129.03 135.70 124.39 139.75 119.29 137.93 curveto
142.31 122.59 moveto
142.43 117.13 143.25 111.62 142.17 106.19 curveto
147.98 104.72 154.25 102.20 157.11 96.52 curveto
159.43 99.03 162.29 100.92 164.76 103.24 curveto
169.04 109.49 172.62 117.77 169.38 125.25 curveto
168.24 130.22 162.47 131.95 157.96 131.37 curveto
152.00 130.36 145.46 128.21 142.31 122.59 curveto
61.75 77.35 moveto
59.71 73.76 56.96 70.04 57.57 65.68 curveto
60.46 65.67 63.39 65.74 66.02 67.10 curveto
63.93 70.40 63.23 74.27 64.51 78.01 curveto
63.60 77.77 62.67 77.55 61.75 77.35 curveto
72.66 74.35 moveto
72.02 71.15 72.73 67.96 74.57 65.29 curveto
75.98 66.40 77.39 67.53 78.96 68.41 curveto
79.16 69.60 79.45 70.78 79.73 71.95 curveto
77.86 73.75 75.03 73.67 72.66 74.35 curveto
125.74 72.93 moveto
126.87 69.25 130.81 67.50 132.42 64.09 curveto
131.71 62.56 129.93 60.96 131.15 59.24 curveto
131.60 62.56 134.33 64.20 137.21 65.26 curveto
135.74 65.38 134.28 65.47 132.82 65.56 curveto
131.68 68.10 130.68 70.76 128.97 72.98 curveto
128.06 74.07 126.58 74.14 125.74 72.93 curveto
109.52 71.52 moveto
109.35 69.84 109.35 68.16 109.35 66.47 curveto
110.02 66.11 111.37 65.38 112.04 65.01 curveto
112.99 66.77 114.82 67.51 116.64 68.01 curveto
119.37 63.54 124.77 64.10 129.28 64.22 curveto
127.40 65.99 125.14 67.38 123.56 69.44 curveto
122.63 70.30 122.28 72.02 120.86 72.17 curveto
118.11 71.83 115.37 71.39 112.59 71.52 curveto
112.43 71.52 lineto
111.71 71.52 110.25 71.52 109.52 71.52 curveto
84.31 70.74 moveto
83.58 68.12 81.96 66.34 79.78 64.89 curveto
81.40 64.60 83.05 64.47 84.70 64.33 curveto
86.38 66.28 85.32 68.92 85.18 71.18 curveto
84.31 70.74 lineto
88.80 70.19 moveto
88.25 68.13 87.54 66.11 87.11 64.02 curveto
93.39 63.46 99.73 63.67 106.03 63.76 curveto
105.05 66.13 104.17 68.78 102.05 70.39 curveto
97.63 70.18 93.21 70.33 88.80 70.19 curveto
137.22 66.97 moveto
137.22 66.54 137.21 65.69 137.21 65.26 curveto
139.35 64.44 141.69 64.54 143.95 64.40 curveto
142.15 66.16 139.63 66.70 137.22 66.97 curveto
29.71 64.73 moveto
28.67 62.95 27.38 61.35 25.57 60.31 curveto
23.75 59.17 24.53 56.61 24.84 54.89 curveto
28.11 54.28 31.45 54.46 34.75 54.31 curveto
33.94 56.17 32.84 57.94 32.38 59.94 curveto
32.05 62.00 34.74 62.85 34.88 64.83 curveto
33.16 64.50 31.43 64.46 29.71 64.73 curveto
36.67 63.62 moveto
36.09 62.33 35.47 61.05 34.78 59.81 curveto
35.36 58.18 36.19 56.67 37.21 55.27 curveto
37.50 55.40 38.10 55.66 38.39 55.79 curveto
36.22 58.35 37.93 61.36 39.33 63.80 curveto
38.44 63.72 37.55 63.66 36.67 63.62 curveto
42.48 62.43 moveto
41.90 61.79 lineto
41.80 61.68 41.62 61.46 41.53 61.35 curveto
40.23 60.22 40.47 58.51 40.31 56.98 curveto
40.52 56.60 40.95 55.84 41.17 55.47 curveto
43.44 54.08 43.01 59.12 41.44 59.21 curveto
42.39 60.36 43.49 61.47 43.76 63.00 curveto
43.03 62.68 lineto
42.81 63.22 lineto
42.73 63.02 42.56 62.63 42.48 62.43 curveto
69.32 62.72 moveto
69.66 61.65 69.98 60.56 70.28 59.47 curveto
72.17 59.43 74.07 59.37 75.96 59.35 curveto
77.14 58.10 78.65 59.51 79.99 59.63 curveto
83.06 60.55 85.94 58.52 88.98 58.50 curveto
94.81 58.35 100.66 58.36 106.50 58.58 curveto
106.45 59.25 106.35 60.60 106.31 61.27 curveto
98.55 61.27 90.52 62.44 82.97 60.23 curveto
80.84 60.28 78.88 61.27 76.79 61.61 curveto
75.35 63.54 71.65 62.17 69.32 62.72 curveto
44.85 59.72 moveto
49.83 59.57 54.82 59.52 59.79 59.28 curveto
59.99 59.73 60.40 60.64 60.60 61.09 curveto
58.70 63.25 55.52 62.27 53.00 62.61 curveto
50.24 62.44 45.87 63.05 44.85 59.72 curveto
115.68 59.69 moveto
119.15 59.49 122.63 59.47 126.11 59.57 curveto
127.51 59.52 128.13 60.23 127.98 61.71 curveto
125.05 61.71 122.13 61.85 119.21 61.67 curveto
117.97 61.36 115.34 61.75 115.68 59.69 curveto
134.57 61.43 moveto
134.36 61.05 133.94 60.30 133.74 59.93 curveto
136.74 59.01 139.93 59.57 143.00 59.15 curveto
146.97 58.61 151.20 58.16 154.91 60.01 curveto
153.62 60.82 152.49 62.04 150.95 62.34 curveto
145.46 62.63 140.01 61.90 134.57 61.43 curveto
159.71 62.50 moveto
159.58 61.28 159.45 60.06 159.33 58.85 curveto
158.84 58.53 157.88 57.91 157.40 57.59 curveto
157.38 56.45 157.32 55.31 157.24 54.18 curveto
161.45 54.28 165.33 56.08 169.42 56.86 curveto
170.09 58.17 169.68 59.66 169.66 61.05 curveto
166.31 61.38 163.09 62.65 159.71 62.50 curveto
46.03 57.02 moveto
46.20 56.67 46.54 55.97 46.72 55.62 curveto
52.13 55.06 57.60 55.48 63.03 55.47 curveto
62.82 55.71 62.40 56.19 62.19 56.43 curveto
56.81 56.62 51.41 57.90 46.03 57.02 curveto
73.11 56.52 moveto
73.56 55.90 74.01 55.26 74.46 54.63 curveto
76.30 54.57 78.15 54.51 79.99 54.44 curveto
88.76 54.41 97.52 54.25 106.29 54.54 curveto
106.45 54.83 106.77 55.39 106.94 55.67 curveto
97.97 56.27 88.99 56.40 80.00 56.51 curveto
77.70 56.47 75.40 56.50 73.11 56.52 curveto
114.82 57.17 moveto
114.86 56.65 114.93 55.63 114.96 55.12 curveto
120.31 55.45 125.72 54.93 131.01 56.04 curveto
135.63 55.02 140.34 55.44 145.01 55.73 curveto
147.38 55.98 149.56 54.51 151.91 54.79 curveto
152.41 58.06 148.08 57.12 146.02 57.28 curveto
141.04 56.41 135.99 57.03 130.99 56.38 curveto
125.66 57.43 120.23 57.62 114.82 57.17 curveto
131.23 53.90 moveto
133.12 52.07 134.66 49.72 137.09 48.57 curveto
140.24 47.87 143.35 49.94 145.56 51.99 curveto
144.14 54.76 141.74 50.95 140.00 50.25 curveto
136.99 51.26 134.12 52.61 131.23 53.90 curveto
50.64 53.42 moveto
50.99 48.79 51.91 44.14 53.49 39.77 curveto
56.53 34.43 59.06 28.74 62.96 23.95 curveto
67.01 19.96 71.03 14.92 77.20 14.62 curveto
81.72 14.62 86.74 13.59 90.78 16.20 curveto
96.03 18.66 99.01 25.20 96.98 30.72 curveto
95.23 35.31 94.00 40.74 89.60 43.56 curveto
83.43 47.25 74.14 41.12 75.40 33.84 curveto
75.08 41.14 86.22 46.24 90.48 39.54 curveto
92.97 33.88 96.54 27.32 93.67 21.12 curveto
89.12 14.17 78.60 13.45 72.18 18.17 curveto
69.19 20.44 65.99 22.68 64.06 25.99 curveto
62.21 29.16 60.63 32.48 58.72 35.62 curveto
55.40 40.93 55.29 47.44 52.85 53.10 curveto
52.29 53.18 51.19 53.34 50.64 53.42 curveto
83.53 34.84 moveto
83.53 33.64 83.57 32.45 83.63 31.26 curveto
80.57 29.39 77.85 32.37 75.40 33.84 curveto
76.43 32.73 77.48 31.64 78.50 30.51 curveto
81.02 30.16 83.81 30.06 85.53 32.27 curveto
84.82 33.09 84.26 34.03 83.53 34.84 curveto
161.39 119.66 moveto
162.58 119.93 163.76 120.24 164.92 120.59 curveto
166.24 118.55 166.19 115.66 165.46 113.44 curveto
163.12 111.17 159.78 113.50 158.83 116.00 curveto
159.70 117.22 160.55 118.44 161.39 119.66 curveto
114.19 112.93 moveto
113.51 117.78 120.10 117.60 122.92 115.74 curveto
124.03 112.43 122.22 107.85 118.17 107.83 curveto
116.36 109.09 113.82 110.28 114.19 112.93 curveto
0.004 0.004 0.004 setrgbcolor
119.29 137.93 moveto
124.39 139.75 129.03 135.70 131.80 131.84 curveto
133.21 129.27 135.41 127.35 137.76 125.68 curveto
140.35 117.33 139.71 108.05 135.89 100.18 curveto
134.77 97.66 132.41 96.12 130.09 94.84 curveto
123.97 93.05 117.48 95.74 113.13 100.11 curveto
113.21 100.74 lineto
113.21 102.64 114.23 104.98 112.88 106.60 curveto
111.41 107.04 109.69 107.22 109.07 108.88 curveto
106.44 114.88 107.10 121.76 109.03 127.86 curveto
110.45 132.64 114.11 137.20 119.29 137.93 curveto
114.19 112.93 moveto
113.82 110.28 116.36 109.09 118.17 107.83 curveto
122.22 107.85 124.03 112.43 122.92 115.74 curveto
120.10 117.60 113.51 117.78 114.19 112.93 curveto
142.31 122.59 moveto
145.46 128.21 152.00 130.36 157.96 131.37 curveto
162.47 131.95 168.24 130.22 169.38 125.25 curveto
172.62 117.77 169.04 109.49 164.76 103.24 curveto
162.29 100.92 159.43 99.03 157.11 96.52 curveto
154.25 102.20 147.98 104.72 142.17 106.19 curveto
143.25 111.62 142.43 117.13 142.31 122.59 curveto
161.39 119.66 moveto
160.55 118.44 159.70 117.22 158.83 116.00 curveto
159.78 113.50 163.12 111.17 165.46 113.44 curveto
166.19 115.66 166.24 118.55 164.92 120.59 curveto
163.76 120.24 162.58 119.93 161.39 119.66 curveto
0.984 0.992 0.988 setrgbcolor
66.96 113.03 moveto
71.28 117.31 77.48 118.48 83.08 120.23 curveto
89.55 120.60 95.99 118.62 101.79 115.89 curveto
104.34 114.86 104.17 111.86 104.74 109.62 curveto
102.91 109.21 101.07 108.84 99.24 108.40 curveto
100.03 109.65 100.83 110.88 101.55 112.17 curveto
101.50 113.37 100.07 113.84 99.39 114.69 curveto
98.43 114.03 97.47 113.37 96.51 112.70 curveto
95.86 113.27 95.20 113.84 94.55 114.40 curveto
92.75 114.15 90.84 113.89 89.18 114.85 curveto
86.36 116.13 83.29 117.06 80.16 116.78 curveto
78.73 116.19 77.64 115.03 76.44 114.08 curveto
76.45 114.59 76.47 115.62 76.47 116.13 curveto
75.81 115.36 75.15 114.60 74.52 113.81 curveto
70.16 113.35 68.12 108.86 69.09 104.93 curveto
68.16 104.21 67.23 103.48 66.31 102.73 curveto
67.31 104.72 68.19 106.90 67.01 109.03 curveto
63.77 108.05 63.50 104.50 62.05 101.97 curveto
60.53 99.18 57.96 97.06 56.73 94.11 curveto
56.62 92.50 56.87 90.89 57.06 89.29 curveto
55.85 89.63 54.64 89.97 53.43 90.31 curveto
56.47 98.59 60.21 107.08 66.96 113.03 curveto
0.565 0.898 0.604 setrgbcolor
76.44 114.08 moveto
77.64 115.03 78.73 116.19 80.16 116.78 curveto
83.29 117.06 86.36 116.13 89.18 114.85 curveto
88.77 113.06 88.18 111.34 87.33 109.74 curveto
84.89 111.02 82.48 112.37 80.15 113.83 curveto
80.61 112.91 81.07 112.00 81.54 111.08 curveto
81.01 110.39 80.49 109.70 79.97 109.00 curveto
78.96 110.33 77.95 111.65 76.99 113.02 curveto
76.64 111.06 75.15 109.56 73.15 110.70 curveto
73.59 111.75 74.05 112.78 74.52 113.81 curveto
75.15 114.60 75.81 115.36 76.47 116.13 curveto
76.47 115.62 76.45 114.59 76.44 114.08 curveto
0.361 0.808 0.455 setrgbcolor
89.18 114.85 moveto
90.84 113.89 92.75 114.15 94.55 114.40 curveto
95.20 113.84 95.86 113.27 96.51 112.70 curveto
97.47 113.37 98.43 114.03 99.39 114.69 curveto
100.07 113.84 101.50 113.37 101.55 112.17 curveto
100.83 110.88 100.03 109.65 99.24 108.40 curveto
98.79 108.29 97.89 108.07 97.44 107.96 curveto
98.36 106.86 99.27 105.75 100.18 104.64 curveto
96.34 104.46 93.54 107.07 90.57 109.03 curveto
87.86 108.60 85.95 105.71 83.14 105.41 curveto
81.77 106.03 80.51 106.85 79.22 107.64 curveto
78.76 106.19 78.46 104.64 77.61 103.35 curveto
76.32 102.51 74.71 102.47 73.25 102.10 curveto
73.32 101.42 73.39 100.74 73.46 100.06 curveto
71.87 101.59 69.96 103.00 67.70 101.97 curveto
69.34 100.28 66.88 99.66 65.76 98.85 curveto
63.58 97.65 61.16 96.06 60.88 93.34 curveto
60.26 91.77 60.95 89.31 59.17 88.47 curveto
57.11 87.93 54.96 88.25 52.86 88.33 curveto
53.01 88.82 53.29 89.82 53.43 90.31 curveto
54.64 89.97 55.85 89.63 57.06 89.29 curveto
56.87 90.89 56.62 92.50 56.73 94.11 curveto
57.96 97.06 60.53 99.18 62.05 101.97 curveto
63.50 104.50 63.77 108.05 67.01 109.03 curveto
68.19 106.90 67.31 104.72 66.31 102.73 curveto
67.23 103.48 68.16 104.21 69.09 104.93 curveto
68.12 108.86 70.16 113.35 74.52 113.81 curveto
74.05 112.78 73.59 111.75 73.15 110.70 curveto
75.15 109.56 76.64 111.06 76.99 113.02 curveto
77.95 111.65 78.96 110.33 79.97 109.00 curveto
80.49 109.70 81.01 110.39 81.54 111.08 curveto
81.07 112.00 80.61 112.91 80.15 113.83 curveto
82.48 112.37 84.89 111.02 87.33 109.74 curveto
88.18 111.34 88.77 113.06 89.18 114.85 curveto
68.92 82.57 moveto
70.02 82.36 71.12 82.14 72.22 81.93 curveto
70.95 78.52 69.18 75.06 69.37 71.34 curveto
70.01 68.88 72.06 67.08 73.59 65.12 curveto
71.34 64.46 68.27 64.97 66.76 62.87 curveto
65.85 58.83 69.54 56.49 71.95 54.00 curveto
68.48 55.28 64.63 57.11 63.44 60.92 curveto
65.13 63.01 67.22 64.69 69.37 66.28 curveto
66.20 70.98 64.82 78.01 68.92 82.57 curveto
104.12 73.99 moveto
104.95 73.29 105.78 72.59 106.62 71.89 curveto
106.72 70.50 106.80 69.12 106.86 67.73 curveto
105.41 69.56 104.17 71.58 104.12 73.99 curveto
125.74 72.93 moveto
126.58 74.14 128.06 74.07 128.97 72.98 curveto
130.68 70.76 131.68 68.10 132.82 65.56 curveto
134.28 65.47 135.74 65.38 137.21 65.26 curveto
134.33 64.20 131.60 62.56 131.15 59.24 curveto
129.93 60.96 131.71 62.56 132.42 64.09 curveto
130.81 67.50 126.87 69.25 125.74 72.93 curveto
84.31 70.74 moveto
85.18 71.18 lineto
85.32 68.92 86.38 66.28 84.70 64.33 curveto
83.05 64.47 81.40 64.60 79.78 64.89 curveto
81.96 66.34 83.58 68.12 84.31 70.74 curveto
106.86 67.73 moveto
108.07 66.13 109.45 64.67 110.96 63.35 curveto
112.57 65.21 116.17 68.24 117.67 64.65 curveto
115.23 63.48 112.20 62.60 111.39 59.66 curveto
111.37 59.58 111.34 59.40 111.32 59.31 curveto
111.70 56.72 112.64 54.25 113.38 51.75 curveto
107.82 55.38 111.14 63.16 106.86 67.73 curveto
137.22 66.97 moveto
139.63 66.70 142.15 66.16 143.95 64.40 curveto
141.69 64.54 139.35 64.44 137.21 65.26 curveto
137.21 65.69 137.22 66.54 137.22 66.97 curveto
131.23 53.90 moveto
134.12 52.61 136.99 51.26 140.00 50.25 curveto
141.74 50.95 144.14 54.76 145.56 51.99 curveto
143.35 49.94 140.24 47.87 137.09 48.57 curveto
134.66 49.72 133.12 52.07 131.23 53.90 curveto
50.64 53.42 moveto
51.19 53.34 52.29 53.18 52.85 53.10 curveto
55.29 47.44 55.40 40.93 58.72 35.62 curveto
60.63 32.48 62.21 29.16 64.06 25.99 curveto
65.99 22.68 69.19 20.44 72.18 18.17 curveto
78.60 13.45 89.12 14.17 93.67 21.12 curveto
96.54 27.32 92.97 33.88 90.48 39.54 curveto
86.22 46.24 75.08 41.14 75.40 33.84 curveto
74.14 41.12 83.43 47.25 89.60 43.56 curveto
94.00 40.74 95.23 35.31 96.98 30.72 curveto
99.01 25.20 96.03 18.66 90.78 16.20 curveto
86.74 13.59 81.72 14.62 77.20 14.62 curveto
71.03 14.92 67.01 19.96 62.96 23.95 curveto
59.06 28.74 56.53 34.43 53.49 39.77 curveto
51.91 44.14 50.99 48.79 50.64 53.42 curveto
83.53 34.84 moveto
84.26 34.03 84.82 33.09 85.53 32.27 curveto
83.81 30.06 81.02 30.16 78.50 30.51 curveto
77.48 31.64 76.43 32.73 75.40 33.84 curveto
77.85 32.37 80.57 29.39 83.63 31.26 curveto
83.57 32.45 83.53 33.64 83.53 34.84 curveto
0.459 0.839 0.435 setrgbcolor
83.14 105.41 moveto
85.95 105.71 87.86 108.60 90.57 109.03 curveto
93.54 107.07 96.34 104.46 100.18 104.64 curveto
99.27 105.75 98.36 106.86 97.44 107.96 curveto
97.89 108.07 98.79 108.29 99.24 108.40 curveto
101.07 108.84 102.91 109.21 104.74 109.62 curveto
105.18 107.87 105.67 106.14 106.19 104.41 curveto
105.32 103.53 104.44 102.65 103.57 101.77 curveto
105.44 99.16 107.18 96.46 109.03 93.84 curveto
112.94 94.91 115.43 91.13 117.13 88.22 curveto
113.63 88.41 109.67 88.46 106.94 91.00 curveto
105.27 92.53 103.62 94.10 101.88 95.56 curveto
100.81 95.26 99.75 94.97 98.68 94.67 curveto
97.83 96.76 97.30 99.51 94.68 99.98 curveto
94.89 98.93 95.12 97.89 95.35 96.84 curveto
93.78 95.95 92.04 95.53 90.26 96.02 curveto
90.99 97.48 91.74 98.93 92.48 100.38 curveto
90.30 100.57 89.05 98.72 87.80 97.24 curveto
87.56 98.00 87.31 98.76 87.07 99.53 curveto
86.27 99.61 85.50 99.83 84.70 99.86 curveto
83.52 99.62 83.10 97.93 81.83 97.90 curveto
79.74 98.12 77.76 98.98 75.65 99.08 curveto
73.09 98.70 70.70 97.62 68.23 96.88 curveto
67.41 97.53 66.58 98.19 65.76 98.85 curveto
66.88 99.66 69.34 100.28 67.70 101.97 curveto
69.96 103.00 71.87 101.59 73.46 100.06 curveto
73.39 100.74 73.32 101.42 73.25 102.10 curveto
74.71 102.47 76.32 102.51 77.61 103.35 curveto
78.46 104.64 78.76 106.19 79.22 107.64 curveto
80.51 106.85 81.77 106.03 83.14 105.41 curveto
0.561 0.906 0.447 setrgbcolor
103.57 101.77 moveto
104.44 102.65 105.32 103.53 106.19 104.41 curveto
107.04 101.83 108.16 99.17 110.37 97.44 curveto
114.04 94.63 117.81 91.60 122.42 90.54 curveto
126.48 89.78 130.96 90.24 134.45 92.58 curveto
137.48 95.30 138.94 99.35 142.09 101.97 curveto
145.05 100.52 148.33 99.83 151.18 98.15 curveto
154.14 96.28 155.57 92.92 157.31 90.03 curveto
155.39 89.65 153.48 89.26 151.56 88.87 curveto
152.29 87.64 153.03 86.40 153.77 85.16 curveto
153.26 84.40 152.77 83.62 152.29 82.84 curveto
151.34 84.35 150.39 85.87 149.48 87.40 curveto
147.41 86.89 145.44 86.06 143.62 84.95 curveto
143.82 83.99 144.02 83.03 144.21 82.07 curveto
139.73 84.35 134.95 82.05 130.96 79.85 curveto
129.72 79.17 128.49 78.45 127.24 77.78 curveto
124.72 79.16 122.22 80.58 119.53 81.63 curveto
118.44 79.89 117.22 78.23 115.93 76.62 curveto
115.46 77.95 114.99 79.27 114.54 80.61 curveto
114.09 80.55 113.18 80.43 112.73 80.38 curveto
112.54 78.50 112.57 76.61 112.83 74.74 curveto
111.59 74.89 110.35 75.05 109.12 75.22 curveto
109.69 77.75 110.35 80.27 110.87 82.81 curveto
110.25 82.76 109.01 82.67 108.39 82.63 curveto
106.30 79.43 106.20 75.56 106.62 71.89 curveto
105.78 72.59 104.95 73.29 104.12 73.99 curveto
104.23 76.62 104.56 79.23 104.79 81.85 curveto
102.04 83.04 100.95 79.88 100.44 77.84 curveto
98.92 78.34 97.41 78.82 95.91 79.36 curveto
92.51 80.42 90.27 83.43 87.00 84.72 curveto
85.26 85.42 83.98 86.84 82.66 88.10 curveto
82.51 87.59 82.22 86.59 82.08 86.09 curveto
83.42 83.84 83.40 80.96 80.83 79.60 curveto
80.01 79.71 78.37 79.93 77.55 80.04 curveto
80.31 77.25 84.29 76.73 87.91 75.80 curveto
87.40 75.44 86.39 74.74 85.88 74.39 curveto
82.42 75.52 78.66 75.61 75.42 77.38 curveto
75.31 78.72 75.19 80.05 75.05 81.38 curveto
74.10 81.56 73.16 81.74 72.22 81.93 curveto
71.12 82.14 70.02 82.36 68.92 82.57 curveto
68.13 83.53 67.19 85.19 65.71 84.37 curveto
64.55 83.28 63.57 82.01 62.45 80.87 curveto
61.77 81.78 61.09 82.69 60.40 83.60 curveto
55.44 83.01 55.84 77.01 52.63 74.32 curveto
50.61 72.83 50.68 70.04 48.84 68.41 curveto
48.61 70.67 48.42 72.95 48.69 75.22 curveto
49.72 79.23 51.50 83.01 52.51 87.03 curveto
52.60 87.36 52.77 88.00 52.86 88.33 curveto
54.96 88.25 57.11 87.93 59.17 88.47 curveto
60.95 89.31 60.26 91.77 60.88 93.34 curveto
61.16 96.06 63.58 97.65 65.76 98.85 curveto
66.58 98.19 67.41 97.53 68.23 96.88 curveto
70.70 97.62 73.09 98.70 75.65 99.08 curveto
77.76 98.98 79.74 98.12 81.83 97.90 curveto
83.10 97.93 83.52 99.62 84.70 99.86 curveto
85.50 99.83 86.27 99.61 87.07 99.53 curveto
87.31 98.76 87.56 98.00 87.80 97.24 curveto
89.05 98.72 90.30 100.57 92.48 100.38 curveto
91.74 98.93 90.99 97.48 90.26 96.02 curveto
92.04 95.53 93.78 95.95 95.35 96.84 curveto
95.12 97.89 94.89 98.93 94.68 99.98 curveto
97.30 99.51 97.83 96.76 98.68 94.67 curveto
99.75 94.97 100.81 95.26 101.88 95.56 curveto
103.62 94.10 105.27 92.53 106.94 91.00 curveto
109.67 88.46 113.63 88.41 117.13 88.22 curveto
115.43 91.13 112.94 94.91 109.03 93.84 curveto
107.18 96.46 105.44 99.16 103.57 101.77 curveto
0.663 0.953 0.494 setrgbcolor
151.56 88.87 moveto
153.48 89.26 155.39 89.65 157.31 90.03 curveto
157.91 88.73 158.41 87.39 158.94 86.07 curveto
153.65 80.81 145.91 79.43 138.93 77.80 curveto
136.04 76.94 133.36 78.45 130.96 79.85 curveto
134.95 82.05 139.73 84.35 144.21 82.07 curveto
144.02 83.03 143.82 83.99 143.62 84.95 curveto
145.44 86.06 147.41 86.89 149.48 87.40 curveto
150.39 85.87 151.34 84.35 152.29 82.84 curveto
152.77 83.62 153.26 84.40 153.77 85.16 curveto
153.03 86.40 152.29 87.64 151.56 88.87 curveto
0.529 0.871 0.443 setrgbcolor
48.65 86.25 moveto
49.88 87.07 51.19 88.74 52.51 87.03 curveto
51.50 83.01 49.72 79.23 48.69 75.22 curveto
48.19 72.71 47.99 70.15 47.62 67.61 curveto
47.32 67.44 46.70 67.08 46.40 66.90 curveto
46.44 69.55 46.24 72.19 46.25 74.84 curveto
46.49 78.74 47.93 82.43 48.65 86.25 curveto
0.012 0.078 0.008 setrgbcolor
82.66 88.10 moveto
83.98 86.84 85.26 85.42 87.00 84.72 curveto
90.27 83.43 92.51 80.42 95.91 79.36 curveto
95.60 78.83 95.30 78.31 95.00 77.78 curveto
90.39 79.25 85.46 78.13 80.83 79.60 curveto
83.40 80.96 83.42 83.84 82.08 86.09 curveto
82.22 86.59 82.51 87.59 82.66 88.10 curveto
0.592 0.922 0.455 setrgbcolor
52.63 74.32 moveto
55.84 77.01 55.44 83.01 60.40 83.60 curveto
61.09 82.69 61.77 81.78 62.45 80.87 curveto
57.74 77.28 55.89 71.55 53.05 66.61 curveto
51.67 66.66 50.30 66.70 48.92 66.70 curveto
48.90 67.13 48.86 67.98 48.84 68.41 curveto
50.68 70.04 50.61 72.83 52.63 74.32 curveto
0.518 0.796 0.443 setrgbcolor
119.53 81.63 moveto
122.22 80.58 124.72 79.16 127.24 77.78 curveto
122.85 75.44 117.82 74.18 112.83 74.74 curveto
112.57 76.61 112.54 78.50 112.73 80.38 curveto
113.18 80.43 114.09 80.55 114.54 80.61 curveto
114.99 79.27 115.46 77.95 115.93 76.62 curveto
117.22 78.23 118.44 79.89 119.53 81.63 curveto
0.424 0.725 0.376 setrgbcolor
77.55 80.04 moveto
78.37 79.93 80.01 79.71 80.83 79.60 curveto
85.46 78.13 90.39 79.25 95.00 77.78 curveto
95.30 78.31 95.60 78.83 95.91 79.36 curveto
97.41 78.82 98.92 78.34 100.44 77.84 curveto
100.44 76.71 100.52 75.59 100.60 74.47 curveto
95.80 73.37 90.64 72.81 85.88 74.39 curveto
86.39 74.74 87.40 75.44 87.91 75.80 curveto
84.29 76.73 80.31 77.25 77.55 80.04 curveto
0.467 0.776 0.424 setrgbcolor
61.75 77.35 moveto
62.67 77.55 63.60 77.77 64.51 78.01 curveto
63.23 74.27 63.93 70.40 66.02 67.10 curveto
63.39 65.74 60.46 65.67 57.57 65.68 curveto
56.96 70.04 59.71 73.76 61.75 77.35 curveto
0.992 0.996 0.988 setrgbcolor
72.66 74.35 moveto
75.03 73.67 77.86 73.75 79.73 71.95 curveto
79.45 70.78 79.16 69.60 78.96 68.41 curveto
77.39 67.53 75.98 66.40 74.57 65.29 curveto
72.73 67.96 72.02 71.15 72.66 74.35 curveto
1.000 1.000 0.992 setrgbcolor
109.52 71.52 moveto
110.25 71.52 111.71 71.52 112.43 71.52 curveto
112.47 71.52 112.55 71.52 112.59 71.52 curveto
115.37 71.39 118.11 71.83 120.86 72.17 curveto
122.28 72.02 122.63 70.30 123.56 69.44 curveto
125.14 67.38 127.40 65.99 129.28 64.22 curveto
124.77 64.10 119.37 63.54 116.64 68.01 curveto
114.82 67.51 112.99 66.77 112.04 65.01 curveto
111.37 65.38 110.02 66.11 109.35 66.47 curveto
109.35 68.16 109.35 69.84 109.52 71.52 curveto
0.973 0.988 0.973 setrgbcolor
88.80 70.19 moveto
93.21 70.33 97.63 70.18 102.05 70.39 curveto
104.17 68.78 105.05 66.13 106.03 63.76 curveto
99.73 63.67 93.39 63.46 87.11 64.02 curveto
87.54 66.11 88.25 68.13 88.80 70.19 curveto
0.988 0.996 0.973 setrgbcolor
29.71 64.73 moveto
31.43 64.46 33.16 64.50 34.88 64.83 curveto
34.74 62.85 32.05 62.00 32.38 59.94 curveto
32.84 57.94 33.94 56.17 34.75 54.31 curveto
31.45 54.46 28.11 54.28 24.84 54.89 curveto
24.53 56.61 23.75 59.17 25.57 60.31 curveto
27.38 61.35 28.67 62.95 29.71 64.73 curveto
0.816 0.482 0.518 setrgbcolor
42.48 62.43 moveto
43.03 62.68 lineto
43.76 63.00 lineto
43.49 61.47 42.39 60.36 41.44 59.21 curveto
41.16 58.65 40.59 57.54 40.31 56.98 curveto
40.47 58.51 40.23 60.22 41.53 61.35 curveto
41.62 61.46 41.80 61.68 41.90 61.79 curveto
42.48 62.43 lineto
159.71 62.50 moveto
163.09 62.65 166.31 61.38 169.66 61.05 curveto
169.68 59.66 170.09 58.17 169.42 56.86 curveto
165.33 56.08 161.45 54.28 157.24 54.18 curveto
157.32 55.31 157.38 56.45 157.40 57.59 curveto
157.88 57.91 158.84 58.53 159.33 58.85 curveto
159.45 60.06 159.58 61.28 159.71 62.50 curveto
0.996 0.996 0.996 setrgbcolor
69.32 62.72 moveto
71.65 62.17 75.35 63.54 76.79 61.61 curveto
76.39 61.67 75.57 61.78 75.16 61.83 curveto
75.41 61.00 75.68 60.17 75.96 59.35 curveto
74.07 59.37 72.17 59.43 70.28 59.47 curveto
69.98 60.56 69.66 61.65 69.32 62.72 curveto
46.03 57.02 moveto
51.41 57.90 56.81 56.62 62.19 56.43 curveto
62.40 56.19 62.82 55.71 63.03 55.47 curveto
57.60 55.48 52.13 55.06 46.72 55.62 curveto
46.54 55.97 46.20 56.67 46.03 57.02 curveto
0.882 0.796 0.525 setrgbcolor
44.85 59.72 moveto
45.87 63.05 50.24 62.44 53.00 62.61 curveto
55.52 62.27 58.70 63.25 60.60 61.09 curveto
60.40 60.64 59.99 59.73 59.79 59.28 curveto
54.82 59.52 49.83 59.57 44.85 59.72 curveto
80.00 56.51 moveto
88.99 56.40 97.97 56.27 106.94 55.67 curveto
106.77 55.39 106.45 54.83 106.29 54.54 curveto
97.52 54.25 88.76 54.41 79.99 54.44 curveto
79.99 54.96 80.00 55.99 80.00 56.51 curveto
0.867 0.765 0.467 setrgbcolor
75.16 61.83 moveto
75.57 61.78 76.39 61.67 76.79 61.61 curveto
78.88 61.27 80.84 60.28 82.97 60.23 curveto
90.52 62.44 98.55 61.27 106.31 61.27 curveto
106.35 60.60 106.45 59.25 106.50 58.58 curveto
100.66 58.36 94.81 58.35 88.98 58.50 curveto
85.94 58.52 83.06 60.55 79.99 59.63 curveto
78.65 59.51 77.14 58.10 75.96 59.35 curveto
75.68 60.17 75.41 61.00 75.16 61.83 curveto
73.11 56.52 moveto
75.40 56.50 77.70 56.47 80.00 56.51 curveto
80.00 55.99 79.99 54.96 79.99 54.44 curveto
78.15 54.51 76.30 54.57 74.46 54.63 curveto
74.01 55.26 73.56 55.90 73.11 56.52 curveto
0.863 0.773 0.463 setrgbcolor
115.68 59.69 moveto
115.34 61.75 117.97 61.36 119.21 61.67 curveto
122.13 61.85 125.05 61.71 127.98 61.71 curveto
128.13 60.23 127.51 59.52 126.11 59.57 curveto
122.63 59.47 119.15 59.49 115.68 59.69 curveto
134.57 61.43 moveto
140.01 61.90 145.46 62.63 150.95 62.34 curveto
152.49 62.04 153.62 60.82 154.91 60.01 curveto
151.20 58.16 146.97 58.61 143.00 59.15 curveto
139.93 59.57 136.74 59.01 133.74 59.93 curveto
133.94 60.30 134.36 61.05 134.57 61.43 curveto
114.82 57.17 moveto
120.23 57.62 125.66 57.43 130.99 56.38 curveto
135.99 57.03 141.04 56.41 146.02 57.28 curveto
148.08 57.12 152.41 58.06 151.91 54.79 curveto
149.56 54.51 147.38 55.98 145.01 55.73 curveto
140.34 55.44 135.63 55.02 131.01 56.04 curveto
125.72 54.93 120.31 55.45 114.96 55.12 curveto
114.93 55.63 114.86 56.65 114.82 57.17 curveto
0.961 0.843 0.463 setrgbcolor
111.32 59.31 moveto
111.34 59.40 111.37 59.58 111.39 59.66 curveto
111.32 59.31 lineto
0.584 0.616 0.392 setrgbcolor
77.54 34.95 moveto
78.40 39.43 83.39 39.32 86.82 40.69 curveto
90.31 35.25 94.00 28.23 91.16 21.76 curveto
87.87 17.64 81.94 18.15 77.34 19.23 curveto
71.33 20.15 67.34 25.51 64.69 30.55 curveto
65.89 31.12 67.08 31.69 68.27 32.27 curveto
67.81 34.47 68.45 36.53 70.14 38.04 curveto
70.73 37.01 71.30 35.97 71.99 35.00 curveto
73.68 31.82 75.77 27.56 80.02 27.78 curveto
82.70 28.09 86.28 28.69 87.45 31.49 curveto
87.97 34.89 83.96 36.52 81.26 37.12 curveto
81.39 35.46 81.57 33.80 81.74 32.13 curveto
80.35 33.09 78.95 34.02 77.54 34.95 curveto
0.965 0.984 0.929 setrgbcolor

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ bool AutoCompletion::showWordComplete(bool autoInsert)
_pEditView->execute(SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, flags);
vector<generic_string> wordArray;
int posFind = _pEditView->searchInTarget(expr.c_str(), 0, docLength);
int posFind = _pEditView->searchInTarget(expr.c_str(), expr.length(), 0, docLength);
while (posFind != -1)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ bool AutoCompletion::showWordComplete(bool autoInsert)
if (!isInList(w, wordArray))
posFind = _pEditView->searchInTarget(expr.c_str(), wordEnd, docLength);
posFind = _pEditView->searchInTarget(expr.c_str(), expr.length(), wordEnd, docLength);
if (wordArray.size() == 0) return false;

View File

@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ int Searching::convertExtendedToString(const TCHAR * query, TCHAR * result, int
case 'b':
case 'd':
case 'o':
case 'x': {
case 'x':
case 'u': {
int size = 0, base = 0;
if (current == 'b') { //11111111
size = 8, base = 2;
@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ int Searching::convertExtendedToString(const TCHAR * query, TCHAR * result, int
size = 3, base = 10;
} else if (current == 'x') { //0xFF
size = 2, base = 16;
} else if (current == 'u') { //0xCDCD
size = 4, base = 16;
if (charLeft >= size) {
int res = 0;
@ -98,6 +101,14 @@ bool Searching::readBase(const TCHAR * str, int * value, int base, int size) {
TCHAR current;
while(i < size) {
current = str[i];
if (current >= 'A')
current &= 0xdf;
current -= ('A' - '0' - 10);
else if (current > '9')
return false;
if (current >= '0' && current <= max) {
temp *= base;
temp += (current - '0');
@ -1175,7 +1186,7 @@ bool FindReplaceDlg::processFindNext(const TCHAR *txt2find, FindOption *options,
(*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, flags);
//::SendMessageA(_hParent, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pText);
int posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pText, startPosition, endPosition);
int posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pText, stringSizeFind, startPosition, endPosition);
if (posFind == -1) //no match found in target, check if a new target should be used
if (pOptions->_isWrapAround)
@ -1197,7 +1208,7 @@ bool FindReplaceDlg::processFindNext(const TCHAR *txt2find, FindOption *options,
//new target, search again
posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pText, startPosition, endPosition);
posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pText, stringSizeFind, startPosition, endPosition);
if (posFind == -1)
@ -1207,7 +1218,7 @@ bool FindReplaceDlg::processFindNext(const TCHAR *txt2find, FindOption *options,
if (NotIncremental==pOptions->_incrementalType) //incremental search doesnt trigger messages
generic_string msg = TEXT("Can't find the text:\r\n\"");
msg += pText;
msg += txt2find;
msg += TEXT("\"");
::MessageBox(_hSelf, msg.c_str(), TEXT("Find"), MB_OK);
// if the dialog is not shown, pass the focus to his parent(ie. Notepad++)
@ -1266,7 +1277,7 @@ bool FindReplaceDlg::processReplace(const TCHAR *txt2find, const TCHAR *txt2repl
CharacterRange cr = (*_ppEditView)->getSelection();
(*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, flags);
int posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, cr.cpMin, cr.cpMax);
int posFind = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, stringSizeFind, cr.cpMin, cr.cpMax);
if (posFind != -1)
if (isRegExp)
@ -1462,7 +1473,7 @@ int FindReplaceDlg::processRange(ProcessOperation op, const TCHAR *txt2find, con
//Initial range for searching
(*_ppEditView)->execute(SCI_SETSEARCHFLAGS, flags);
targetStart = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, startRange, endRange);
targetStart = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, stringSizeFind, startRange, endRange);
if ((targetStart != -1) && (op == ProcessFindAll)) //add new filetitle if this file results in hits
@ -1602,7 +1613,7 @@ int FindReplaceDlg::processRange(ProcessOperation op, const TCHAR *txt2find, con
//::SendMessageA(_hParent, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pTextFind);
targetStart = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, startRange, endRange);
targetStart = (*_ppEditView)->searchInTarget(pTextFind, stringSizeFind, startRange, endRange);
delete [] pTextFind;
delete [] pTextReplace;

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ LanguageName ScintillaEditView::langNames[L_EXTERNAL+1] = {
{TEXT("d"), TEXT("D"), TEXT("D programming language"), L_D, SCLEX_D},
{TEXT("powershell"), TEXT("PowerShell"), TEXT("Windows PowerShell"), L_POWERSHELL, SCLEX_POWERSHELL},
{TEXT("r"), TEXT("R"), TEXT("R programming language"), L_R, SCLEX_R},
{TEXT("jsp"), TEXT("JSP"), TEXT("Java Server Pages script file"), L_JSP, SCLEX_HTML},
{TEXT("jsp"), TEXT("JSP"), TEXT("JavaServer Pages script file"), L_JSP, SCLEX_HTML},
{TEXT("ext"), TEXT("External"), TEXT("External"), L_EXTERNAL, SCLEX_NULL}
@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ TCHAR * ScintillaEditView::getGenericSelectedText(TCHAR * txt, int size, bool ex
int ScintillaEditView::searchInTarget(const TCHAR * text2Find, int fromPos, int toPos) const
int ScintillaEditView::searchInTarget(const TCHAR * text2Find, int lenOfText2Find, int fromPos, int toPos) const
execute(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, fromPos);
execute(SCI_SETTARGETEND, toPos);
@ -1742,10 +1742,10 @@ int ScintillaEditView::searchInTarget(const TCHAR * text2Find, int fromPos, int
WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
unsigned int cp = execute(SCI_GETCODEPAGE);
const char *text2FindA = wmc->wchar2char(text2Find, cp);
int targetFound = execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, (WPARAM)strlen(text2FindA), (LPARAM)text2FindA);
int targetFound = execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, (WPARAM)lenOfText2Find, (LPARAM)text2FindA);
return targetFound;
return execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, (WPARAM)strlen(text2Find), (LPARAM)text2Find);
return execute(SCI_SEARCHINTARGET, (WPARAM)lenOfText2Find, (LPARAM)text2Find);

View File

@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public:
char * getWordOnCaretPos(char * txt, int size);
TCHAR * getGenericWordOnCaretPos(TCHAR * txt, int size);
TCHAR * getGenericSelectedText(TCHAR * txt, int size, bool expand = true);
int searchInTarget(const TCHAR * Text2Find, int fromPos, int toPos) const;
int searchInTarget(const TCHAR * Text2Find, int lenOfText2Find, int fromPos, int toPos) const;
void appandGenericText(const TCHAR * text2Append) const;
void addGenericText(const TCHAR * text2Append) const;
void addGenericText(const TCHAR * text2Append, long *mstart, long *mend) const;

View File

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
#ifndef RESOURCE_H
#define RESOURCE_H
#define NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION TEXT("Notepad++ v5.6.4")
#define NOTEPAD_PLUS_VERSION TEXT("Notepad++ v5.6.5")
// should be X.Y : ie. if VERSION_DIGITALVALUE == 4, 7, 1, 0 , then X = 4, Y = 71
// ex : #define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.63\0")
#define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.64\0")
#define VERSION_DIGITALVALUE 5, 6, 4, 0
#define VERSION_VALUE TEXT("5.65\0")
#define VERSION_DIGITALVALUE 5, 6, 5, 0
#ifdef UNICODE