1. New "Mark" tab for "Mark all" feature in Find/Replace dialog.
2. Make "Fide what" and "Replace with" fields larger in Find/Replace dialog.
3. Make some message dialogs translatable.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/notepadplus/repository/trunk@733 f5eea248-9336-0410-98b8-ebc06183d4e3
<ContextMenuXmlEditWaringtitle="Editing contextMenu"message="Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."/>
<NppHelpAbsentWaringtitle="File does not exist"message="\rdoesn't exist. Please download it on Notepad++ site."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWaringtitle="Save Current Modification"message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<LoseUndoAbilityWaringtitle="Lose Undo Ability Waning"message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<CannotMoveDoctitle="Move to new Notepad++ Instance"message="Document is modified, save it then try again."/>
<DocReloadWarningtitle="Reload"message="Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
<FileLockedWarningtitle="Save failed"message="Please check whether if this file is opened in another program"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpptitle=""message="The file is already opened in the Notepad++."/>
intanswer=::MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"),TEXT("Save Current Modification"),MB_YESNO);
intanswer=::MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"),TEXT("Save Current Modification"),MB_YESNO);
TCHARwarning[]=TEXT("Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml.");
TEXT("Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."),
if(::MessageBox(_pPublicInterface->getHSelf(),TEXT("Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"),TEXT("Reload"),MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_APPLMODAL)!=IDYES)