[BUGFIX] - Issue 2797248/2799322 - Altered points used for checking tab dragging.

- The windows function checking for dragging was expecting screen coordinates and was getting
    client coordinates.  This caused incorrect checks for when a new instance needed to be created.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/notepadplus/repository/trunk@489 f5eea248-9336-0410-98b8-ebc06183d4e3
Thell Fowler 2009-06-02 05:16:37 +00:00
parent 9e1a05c0e2
commit 15f2fccbbb
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -309,10 +309,11 @@ LRESULT TabBarPlus::runProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPara
if (_doDragNDrop)
_nSrcTab = _nTabDragged = currentTabOn;
POINT point;
point.x = LOWORD(lParam);
point.y = HIWORD(lParam);
::ClientToScreen(hwnd, &point);
if(::DragDetect(hwnd, point))
// Yes, we're beginning to drag, so capture the mouse...