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115 lines
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![]() |
@echo off
rem Inno Setup
rem Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Jordan Russell
rem Portions by Martijn Laan
rem For conditions of distribution and use, see LICENSE.TXT.
rem Batch file to compile all projects with Unicode support
if exist compilesettings.bat goto compilesettingsfound
echo compilesettings.bat is missing or incomplete. It needs to be created
echo with either of the following lines, adjusted for your system:
echo set DELPHI2009ROOT=C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0 [Path to Delphi 2009 (or 2010)]
echo or
echo set DELPHIXEROOT=C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0 [Path to Delphi XE (or later)]
goto failed2
call .\compilesettings.bat
if "%DELPHI2009ROOT%"=="" if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" goto compilesettingserror
if not "%DELPHI2009ROOT%"=="" if not "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" goto compilesettingserror
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Compile each project separately because it seems Delphi
rem carries some settings (e.g. $APPTYPE) between projects
rem if multiple projects are specified on the command line.
rem Note:
rem Command line parameter "--peflags:1" below equals the
rem {$SetPEFlags IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED} directive.
rem This causes the Delphi compiler to not just set the flag
rem but also it actually strips relocations. Used instead of
rem calling StripReloc like compile.bat does.
cd Projects
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - ISPP.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib" -E..\..\Files ISPP.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config -NSsystem;system.win;winapi -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release" -E..\..\Files ISPP.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
cd ..
echo - Compil32.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS Compil32.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 -NSsystem;system.win;winapi;vcl -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS Compil32.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - ISCC.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS ISCC.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 -NSsystem;system.win;winapi -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS ISCC.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - ISCmplr.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS ISCmplr.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config -NSsystem;system.win;winapi -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS ISCmplr.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - SetupLdr.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib;..\Components" -E..\Files SetupLdr.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 -NSsystem;system.win;winapi -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release;..\Components" -E..\Files SetupLdr.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - Setup.dpr
if "%DELPHIXEROOT%"=="" (
"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 --string-checks:off -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHI2009ROOT%\lib;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS Setup.dpr
) else (
"%DELPHIXEROOT%\bin\dcc32.exe" --no-config --peflags:1 -NSsystem;system.win;winapi;vcl -Q -B -H -W %1 -U"%DELPHIXEROOT%\lib\win32\release;..\Components;..\Components\UniPs\Source" -E..\Files -DPS_MINIVCL;PS_NOGRAPHCONST;PS_PANSICHAR;PS_NOINTERFACEGUIDBRACKETS Setup.dpr
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo - Renaming files
cd ..\Files
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
move SetupLdr.exe SetupLdr.e32
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
move Setup.exe Setup.e32
if errorlevel 1 goto failed
echo Success!
cd ..
goto exit
echo *** FAILED ***
cd ..
exit /b 1