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// Scintilla source code edit control
/** @file ScintillaWin.cxx
** Windows specific subclass of ScintillaBase.
// Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson <>
// The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include <climits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <new>
#include <string>
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
// Want to use std::min and std::max so don't want Windows.h version of min and max
#if !defined(NOMINMAX)
#define NOMINMAX
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0A00
#undef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0A00
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <richedit.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <zmouse.h>
#include <ole2.h>
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#if !defined(DISABLE_D2D)
#define USE_D2D 1
#if defined(USE_D2D)
#include <d2d1.h>
#include <dwrite.h>
#include "ScintillaTypes.h"
#include "ScintillaMessages.h"
#include "ScintillaStructures.h"
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include "ILoader.h"
#include "ILexer.h"
#include "Debugging.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "CharacterCategoryMap.h"
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include "Position.h"
#include "UniqueString.h"
#include "SplitVector.h"
#include "Partitioning.h"
#include "RunStyles.h"
#include "ContractionState.h"
#include "CellBuffer.h"
#include "CallTip.h"
#include "KeyMap.h"
#include "Indicator.h"
#include "LineMarker.h"
#include "Style.h"
#include "ViewStyle.h"
#include "CharClassify.h"
#include "Decoration.h"
#include "CaseFolder.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "CaseConvert.h"
#include "UniConversion.h"
#include "Selection.h"
#include "PositionCache.h"
#include "EditModel.h"
#include "MarginView.h"
#include "EditView.h"
#include "Editor.h"
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include "ElapsedPeriod.h"
#include "AutoComplete.h"
#include "ScintillaBase.h"
#include "WinTypes.h"
#include "PlatWin.h"
#include "HanjaDic.h"
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#include "ScintillaWin.h"
#include "BoostRegexSearch.h"
//needed for gcc builds
#ifndef WM_UNICHAR
#define WM_UNICHAR 0x0109
#define WM_DPICHANGED 0x02E0
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#ifndef MK_ALT
#define MK_ALT 32
namespace {
// Two idle messages SC_WIN_IDLE and SC_WORK_IDLE.
// SC_WIN_IDLE is low priority so should occur after the next WM_PAINT
// It is for lengthy actions like wrapping and background styling
constexpr UINT SC_WIN_IDLE = 5001;
// SC_WORK_IDLE is high priority and should occur before the next WM_PAINT
// It is for shorter actions like restyling the text just inserted
// and delivering SCN_UPDATEUI
constexpr UINT SC_WORK_IDLE = 5002;
constexpr int IndicatorInput = static_cast<int>(Scintilla::IndicatorNumbers::Ime);
constexpr int IndicatorTarget = IndicatorInput + 1;
constexpr int IndicatorConverted = IndicatorInput + 2;
constexpr int IndicatorUnknown = IndicatorInput + 3;
typedef UINT_PTR (WINAPI *SetCoalescableTimerSig)(HWND hwnd, UINT_PTR nIDEvent,
UINT uElapse, TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc, ULONG uToleranceDelay);
// GCC has trouble with the standard COM ABI so do it the old C way with explicit vtables.
using namespace Scintilla;
using namespace Scintilla::Internal;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
const TCHAR callClassName[] = TEXT("CallTip");
void SetWindowID(HWND hWnd, int identifier) noexcept {
::SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_ID, identifier);
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
constexpr POINT POINTFromLParam(sptr_t lParam) noexcept {
return { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
constexpr Point PointFromLParam(sptr_t lpoint) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return Point::FromInts(GET_X_LPARAM(lpoint), GET_Y_LPARAM(lpoint));
bool KeyboardIsKeyDown(int key) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return (::GetKeyState(key) & 0x80000000) != 0;
// Bit 24 is the extended keyboard flag and the numeric keypad is non-extended
constexpr sptr_t extendedKeyboard = 1 << 24;
constexpr bool KeyboardIsNumericKeypadFunction(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
if ((lParam & extendedKeyboard) != 0) {
// Not from the numeric keypad
return false;
switch (wParam) {
case VK_INSERT: // 0
case VK_END: // 1
case VK_DOWN: // 2
case VK_NEXT: // 3
case VK_LEFT: // 4
case VK_CLEAR: // 5
case VK_RIGHT: // 6
case VK_HOME: // 7
case VK_UP: // 8
case VK_PRIOR: // 9
return true;
return false;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
class FormatEnumerator final : public IEnumFORMATETC {
ULONG ref;
ULONG pos;
std::vector<CLIPFORMAT> formats;
FormatEnumerator(ULONG pos_, const CLIPFORMAT formats_[], size_t formatsLen_);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)AddRef() override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)Release() override;
STDMETHODIMP Next(ULONG celt, FORMATETC *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched) override;
STDMETHODIMP Skip(ULONG celt) override;
STDMETHODIMP Reset() override;
STDMETHODIMP Clone(IEnumFORMATETC **ppenum) override;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
class DropSource final : public IDropSource {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
ScintillaWin *sci = nullptr;
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)AddRef() override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)Release() override;
// IDropSource
STDMETHODIMP QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEsc, DWORD grfKeyState) override;
STDMETHODIMP GiveFeedback(DWORD) override;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
class DataObject final : public IDataObject {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
ScintillaWin *sci = nullptr;
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)AddRef() override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)Release() override;
// IDataObject
STDMETHODIMP GetCanonicalFormatEtc(FORMATETC *, FORMATETC *pFEOut) override;
STDMETHODIMP EnumFormatEtc(DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppEnum) override;
STDMETHODIMP DUnadvise(DWORD) override;
STDMETHODIMP EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA **) override;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
class DropTarget final : public IDropTarget {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
ScintillaWin *sci = nullptr;
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)AddRef() override;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)Release() override;
// IDropTarget
STDMETHODIMP DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) override;
STDMETHODIMP DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) override;
STDMETHODIMP DragLeave() override;
STDMETHODIMP Drop(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) override;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
class IMContext {
HWND hwnd;
IMContext(HWND hwnd_) noexcept :
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
hwnd(hwnd_), hIMC(::ImmGetContext(hwnd_)) {
// Deleted so IMContext objects can not be copied.
IMContext(const IMContext &) = delete;
IMContext(IMContext &&) = delete;
IMContext &operator=(const IMContext &) = delete;
IMContext &operator=(IMContext &&) = delete;
~IMContext() {
if (hIMC)
::ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, hIMC);
unsigned int GetImeCaretPos() const noexcept {
return ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, GCS_CURSORPOS, nullptr, 0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::vector<BYTE> GetImeAttributes() {
const int attrLen = ::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, GCS_COMPATTR, nullptr, 0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::vector<BYTE> attr(attrLen, 0);
::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, GCS_COMPATTR, &attr[0], static_cast<DWORD>(attr.size()));
return attr;
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
LONG GetCompositionStringLength(DWORD dwIndex) const noexcept {
const LONG byteLen = ::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, dwIndex, nullptr, 0);
return byteLen / sizeof(wchar_t);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::wstring GetCompositionString(DWORD dwIndex) {
const LONG byteLen = ::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, dwIndex, nullptr, 0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::wstring wcs(byteLen / 2, 0);
::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC, dwIndex, &wcs[0], byteLen);
return wcs;
class GlobalMemory;
class ReverseArrowCursor {
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
UINT cursorBaseSize = defaultCursorBaseSize;
HCURSOR cursor {};
ReverseArrowCursor() noexcept {}
// Deleted so ReverseArrowCursor objects can not be copied.
ReverseArrowCursor(const ReverseArrowCursor &) = delete;
ReverseArrowCursor(ReverseArrowCursor &&) = delete;
ReverseArrowCursor &operator=(const ReverseArrowCursor &) = delete;
ReverseArrowCursor &operator=(ReverseArrowCursor &&) = delete;
~ReverseArrowCursor() {
if (cursor) {
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
HCURSOR Load(UINT dpi_, UINT cursorBaseSize_) noexcept {
if (cursor) {
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
if (dpi == dpi_ && cursorBaseSize == cursorBaseSize_) {
return cursor;
dpi = dpi_;
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
cursorBaseSize = cursorBaseSize_;
cursor = LoadReverseArrowCursor(dpi_, cursorBaseSize_);
return cursor ? cursor : ::LoadCursor({}, IDC_ARROW);
struct HorizontalScrollRange {
int pageWidth;
int documentWidth;
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
CLIPFORMAT RegisterClipboardType(LPCWSTR lpszFormat) noexcept {
// Registered clipboard format values are 0xC000 through 0xFFFF.
// RegisterClipboardFormatW returns 32-bit unsigned and CLIPFORMAT is 16-bit
// unsigned so choose the low 16-bits with &.
return ::RegisterClipboardFormatW(lpszFormat) & 0xFFFF;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
class ScintillaWin :
public ScintillaBase {
bool lastKeyDownConsumed;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
wchar_t lastHighSurrogateChar;
bool capturedMouse;
bool trackedMouseLeave;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
BOOL typingWithoutCursor;
bool cursorIsHidden;
SetCoalescableTimerSig SetCoalescableTimerFn;
unsigned int linesPerScroll; ///< Intellimouse support
unsigned int charsPerScroll; ///< Intellimouse support
MouseWheelDelta verticalWheelDelta;
MouseWheelDelta horizontalWheelDelta;
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
UINT cursorBaseSize = defaultCursorBaseSize;
ReverseArrowCursor reverseArrowCursor;
PRectangle rectangleClient;
HRGN hRgnUpdate;
bool hasOKText;
CLIPFORMAT cfColumnSelect;
CLIPFORMAT cfBorlandIDEBlockType;
CLIPFORMAT cfLineSelect;
DropSource ds;
DataObject dob;
DropTarget dt;
static HINSTANCE hInstance;
static ATOM scintillaClassAtom;
static ATOM callClassAtom;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
float deviceScaleFactor = 1.f;
int GetFirstIntegralMultipleDeviceScaleFactor() const noexcept {
return static_cast<int>(std::ceil(deviceScaleFactor));
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
#if defined(USE_D2D)
ID2D1RenderTarget *pRenderTarget;
bool renderTargetValid;
// rendering parameters for current monitor
HMONITOR hCurrentMonitor;
std::shared_ptr<RenderingParams> renderingParams;
explicit ScintillaWin(HWND hwnd);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Deleted so ScintillaWin objects can not be copied.
ScintillaWin(const ScintillaWin &) = delete;
ScintillaWin(ScintillaWin &&) = delete;
ScintillaWin &operator=(const ScintillaWin &) = delete;
ScintillaWin &operator=(ScintillaWin &&) = delete;
// ~ScintillaWin() in public section
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void Finalise() override;
#if defined(USE_D2D)
bool UpdateRenderingParams(bool force) noexcept;
void EnsureRenderTarget(HDC hdc);
void DropRenderTarget() noexcept;
HWND MainHWND() const noexcept;
static sptr_t DirectFunction(
sptr_t ptr, UINT iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
static sptr_t DirectStatusFunction(
sptr_t ptr, UINT iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam, int *pStatus);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
HWND hWnd, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HWND hWnd, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
enum : UINT_PTR { invalidTimerID, standardTimerID, idleTimerID, fineTimerStart };
void DisplayCursor(Window::Cursor c) override;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool DragThreshold(Point ptStart, Point ptNow) override;
void StartDrag() override;
static KeyMod MouseModifiers(uptr_t wParam) noexcept;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
Sci::Position TargetAsUTF8(char *text) const;
Sci::Position EncodedFromUTF8(const char *utf8, char *encoded) const;
void SetRenderingParams(Surface *psurf) const;
bool PaintDC(HDC hdc);
sptr_t WndPaint();
void ImeStartComposition();
void ImeEndComposition();
LRESULT ImeOnReconvert(LPARAM lParam);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
LRESULT ImeOnDocumentFeed(LPARAM lParam) const;
sptr_t HandleCompositionWindowed(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t HandleCompositionInline(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
static bool KoreanIME() noexcept;
void MoveImeCarets(Sci::Position offset) noexcept;
void DrawImeIndicator(int indicator, Sci::Position len);
void SetCandidateWindowPos();
void SelectionToHangul();
void EscapeHanja();
void ToggleHanja();
void AddWString(std::wstring_view wsv, CharacterSource charSource);
UINT CodePageOfDocument() const noexcept;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool ValidCodePage(int codePage) const override;
std::string UTF8FromEncoded(std::string_view encoded) const override;
std::string EncodedFromUTF8(std::string_view utf8) const override;
std::string EncodeWString(std::wstring_view wsv);
sptr_t DefWndProc(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) override;
void IdleWork() override;
void QueueIdleWork(WorkItems items, Sci::Position upTo) override;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool SetIdle(bool on) override;
UINT_PTR timers[static_cast<int>(TickReason::dwell)+1] {};
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool FineTickerRunning(TickReason reason) override;
void FineTickerStart(TickReason reason, int millis, int tolerance) override;
void FineTickerCancel(TickReason reason) override;
void SetMouseCapture(bool on) override;
bool HaveMouseCapture() override;
void SetTrackMouseLeaveEvent(bool on) noexcept;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
void HideCursorIfPreferred() noexcept;
void UpdateBaseElements() override;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool PaintContains(PRectangle rc) override;
void ScrollText(Sci::Line linesToMove) override;
void NotifyCaretMove() override;
void UpdateSystemCaret() override;
void SetVerticalScrollPos() override;
void SetHorizontalScrollPos() override;
void HorizontalScrollToClamped(int xPos);
HorizontalScrollRange GetHorizontalScrollRange() const;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool ModifyScrollBars(Sci::Line nMax, Sci::Line nPage) override;
void NotifyChange() override;
void NotifyFocus(bool focus) override;
void SetCtrlID(int identifier) override;
int GetCtrlID() override;
void NotifyParent(NotificationData scn) override;
void NotifyDoubleClick(Point pt, KeyMod modifiers) override;
std::unique_ptr<CaseFolder> CaseFolderForEncoding() override;
std::string CaseMapString(const std::string &s, CaseMapping caseMapping) override;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void Copy() override;
bool CanPaste() override;
void Paste() override;
void CreateCallTipWindow(PRectangle rc) override;
void AddToPopUp(const char *label, int cmd = 0, bool enabled = true) override;
void ClaimSelection() override;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
void GetMouseParameters() noexcept;
void CopyToGlobal(GlobalMemory &gmUnicode, const SelectionText &selectedText);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void CopyToClipboard(const SelectionText &selectedText) override;
void ScrollMessage(WPARAM wParam);
void HorizontalScrollMessage(WPARAM wParam);
void FullPaint();
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void FullPaintDC(HDC hdc);
bool IsCompatibleDC(HDC hOtherDC) noexcept;
DWORD EffectFromState(DWORD grfKeyState) const noexcept;
bool IsVisible() const noexcept;
int SetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL bRedraw) noexcept;
bool GetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) noexcept;
bool ChangeScrollRange(int nBar, int nMin, int nMax, UINT nPage) noexcept;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ChangeScrollPos(int barType, Sci::Position pos);
sptr_t GetTextLength();
sptr_t GetText(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
Window::Cursor ContextCursor(Point pt);
sptr_t ShowContextMenu(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
PRectangle GetClientRectangle() const override;
void SizeWindow();
sptr_t MouseMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t KeyMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t FocusMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t IMEMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t EditMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t IdleMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
sptr_t SciMessage(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam);
~ScintillaWin() override;
// Public for benefit of Scintilla_DirectFunction
sptr_t WndProc(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) override;
/// Implement IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv);
/// Implement IDropTarget
POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect);
STDMETHODIMP DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect);
POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect);
/// Implement important part of IDataObject
static void Prepare() noexcept;
static bool Register(HINSTANCE hInstance_) noexcept;
static bool Unregister() noexcept;
bool DragIsRectangularOK(CLIPFORMAT fmt) const noexcept {
return drag.rectangular && (fmt == cfColumnSelect);
// For use in creating a system caret
bool HasCaretSizeChanged() const noexcept;
BOOL CreateSystemCaret();
BOOL DestroySystemCaret() noexcept;
HBITMAP sysCaretBitmap;
int sysCaretWidth;
int sysCaretHeight;
bool styleIdleInQueue;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
HINSTANCE ScintillaWin::hInstance {};
ATOM ScintillaWin::scintillaClassAtom = 0;
ATOM ScintillaWin::callClassAtom = 0;
ScintillaWin::ScintillaWin(HWND hwnd) {
lastKeyDownConsumed = false;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
lastHighSurrogateChar = 0;
capturedMouse = false;
trackedMouseLeave = false;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
typingWithoutCursor = false;
cursorIsHidden = false;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
SetCoalescableTimerFn = nullptr;
linesPerScroll = 0;
charsPerScroll = 0;
dpi = DpiForWindow(hwnd);
hRgnUpdate = {};
hasOKText = false;
// There does not seem to be a real standard for indicating that the clipboard
// contains a rectangular selection, so copy Developer Studio and Borland Delphi.
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
cfColumnSelect = RegisterClipboardType(L"MSDEVColumnSelect");
cfBorlandIDEBlockType = RegisterClipboardType(L"Borland IDE Block Type");
// Likewise for line-copy (copies a full line when no text is selected)
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
cfLineSelect = RegisterClipboardType(L"MSDEVLineSelect");
cfVSLineTag = RegisterClipboardType(L"VisualStudioEditorOperationsLineCutCopyClipboardTag");
hrOle = E_FAIL;
wMain = hwnd;
dob.sci = this;
ds.sci = this;
dt.sci = this;
sysCaretBitmap = {};
sysCaretWidth = 0;
sysCaretHeight = 0;
styleIdleInQueue = false;
#if defined(USE_D2D)
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
pRenderTarget = nullptr;
renderTargetValid = true;
hCurrentMonitor = {};
caret.period = ::GetCaretBlinkTime();
if (caret.period < 0)
caret.period = 0;
// Initialize COM. If the app has already done this it will have
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// no effect. If the app hasn't, we really shouldn't ask them to call
// it just so this internal feature works.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
hrOle = ::OleInitialize(nullptr);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Find SetCoalescableTimer which is only available from Windows 8+
HMODULE user32 = ::GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll");
SetCoalescableTimerFn = DLLFunction<SetCoalescableTimerSig>(user32, "SetCoalescableTimer");
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
vs.indicators[IndicatorUnknown] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::Hidden, colourIME);
vs.indicators[IndicatorInput] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::Dots, colourIME);
vs.indicators[IndicatorConverted] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::CompositionThick, colourIME);
vs.indicators[IndicatorTarget] = Indicator(IndicatorStyle::StraightBox, colourIME);
ScintillaWin::~ScintillaWin() {
if (sysCaretBitmap) {
sysCaretBitmap = {};
void ScintillaWin::Finalise() {
for (TickReason tr = TickReason::caret; tr <= TickReason::dwell;
tr = static_cast<TickReason>(static_cast<int>(tr) + 1)) {
if (SUCCEEDED(hrOle)) {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
bool ScintillaWin::UpdateRenderingParams(bool force) noexcept {
if (!renderingParams) {
try {
renderingParams = std::make_shared<RenderingParams>();
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
return false;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
const HWND hRootWnd = ::GetAncestor(MainHWND(), GA_ROOT);
const HMONITOR monitor = Internal::MonitorFromWindowHandleScaling(hRootWnd);
if (!force && monitor == hCurrentMonitor && renderingParams->defaultRenderingParams) {
return false;
IDWriteRenderingParams *monitorRenderingParams = nullptr;
IDWriteRenderingParams *customClearTypeRenderingParams = nullptr;
const HRESULT hr = pIDWriteFactory->CreateMonitorRenderingParams(monitor, &monitorRenderingParams);
UINT clearTypeContrast = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST, 0, &clearTypeContrast, 0) != 0) {
if (clearTypeContrast >= 1000 && clearTypeContrast <= 2200) {
const FLOAT gamma = static_cast<FLOAT>(clearTypeContrast) / 1000.0f;
hCurrentMonitor = monitor;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
deviceScaleFactor = Internal::GetDeviceScaleFactorWhenGdiScalingActive(hRootWnd);
return true;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
namespace {
D2D1_SIZE_U GetSizeUFromRect(const RECT &rc, const int scaleFactor) noexcept {
const long width = rc.right - rc.left;
const long height = rc.bottom -;
const UINT32 scaledWidth = width * scaleFactor;
const UINT32 scaledHeight = height * scaleFactor;
return D2D1::SizeU(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
void ScintillaWin::EnsureRenderTarget(HDC hdc) {
if (!renderTargetValid) {
renderTargetValid = true;
if (!pRenderTarget) {
HWND hw = MainHWND();
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
RECT rc;
::GetClientRect(hw, &rc);
// Create a Direct2D render target.
if (technology == Technology::DirectWriteDC) {
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
drtp.dpiX = 96.f;
drtp.dpiY = 96.f;
// Explicit pixel format needed.
drtp.pixelFormat = D2D1::PixelFormat(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ID2D1DCRenderTarget *pDCRT = nullptr;
const HRESULT hr = pD2DFactory->CreateDCRenderTarget(&drtp, &pDCRT);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pRenderTarget = pDCRT;
} else {
Platform::DebugPrintf("Failed CreateDCRenderTarget 0x%lx\n", hr);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
pRenderTarget = nullptr;
} else {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
const int integralDeviceScaleFactor = GetFirstIntegralMultipleDeviceScaleFactor();
drtp.dpiX = 96.f * integralDeviceScaleFactor;
drtp.dpiY = 96.f * integralDeviceScaleFactor;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
drtp.pixelFormat = D2D1::PixelFormat(DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN,
dhrtp.hwnd = hw;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
dhrtp.pixelSize = ::GetSizeUFromRect(rc, integralDeviceScaleFactor);
dhrtp.presentOptions = (technology == Technology::DirectWriteRetain) ?
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget *pHwndRenderTarget = nullptr;
const HRESULT hr = pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(drtp, dhrtp, &pHwndRenderTarget);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pRenderTarget = pHwndRenderTarget;
} else {
Platform::DebugPrintf("Failed CreateHwndRenderTarget 0x%lx\n", hr);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
pRenderTarget = nullptr;
// Pixmaps were created to be compatible with previous render target so
// need to be recreated.
if ((technology == Technology::DirectWriteDC) && pRenderTarget) {
RECT rcWindow;
::GetClientRect(MainHWND(), &rcWindow);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const HRESULT hr = static_cast<ID2D1DCRenderTarget*>(pRenderTarget)->BindDC(hdc, &rcWindow);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Platform::DebugPrintf("BindDC failed 0x%lx\n", hr);
void ScintillaWin::DropRenderTarget() noexcept {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
HWND ScintillaWin::MainHWND() const noexcept {
return HwndFromWindow(wMain);
void ScintillaWin::DisplayCursor(Window::Cursor c) {
if (cursorMode != CursorShape::Normal) {
c = static_cast<Window::Cursor>(cursorMode);
if (c == Window::Cursor::reverseArrow) {
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
::SetCursor(reverseArrowCursor.Load(static_cast<UINT>(dpi * deviceScaleFactor), cursorBaseSize));
} else {
bool ScintillaWin::DragThreshold(Point ptStart, Point ptNow) {
const Point ptDifference = ptStart - ptNow;
const XYPOSITION xMove = std::trunc(std::abs(ptDifference.x));
const XYPOSITION yMove = std::trunc(std::abs(ptDifference.y));
return (xMove > SystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXDRAG, dpi)) ||
(yMove > SystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CYDRAG, dpi));
void ScintillaWin::StartDrag() {
inDragDrop = DragDrop::dragging;
DWORD dwEffect = 0;
dropWentOutside = true;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
IDataObject *pDataObject = &dob;
IDropSource *pDropSource = &ds;
//Platform::DebugPrintf("About to DoDragDrop %x %x\n", pDataObject, pDropSource);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const HRESULT hr = ::DoDragDrop(
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DoDragDrop = %x\n", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
if ((hr == DRAGDROP_S_DROP) && (dwEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE) && dropWentOutside) {
// Remove dragged out text
inDragDrop = DragDrop::none;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
KeyMod ScintillaWin::MouseModifiers(uptr_t wParam) noexcept {
return ModifierFlags(
(wParam & MK_SHIFT) != 0,
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
(wParam & MK_CONTROL) != 0,
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
int InputCodePage() noexcept {
HKL inputLocale = ::GetKeyboardLayout(0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const LANGID inputLang = LOWORD(inputLocale);
char sCodePage[10];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int res = ::GetLocaleInfoA(MAKELCID(inputLang, SORT_DEFAULT),
if (!res)
return 0;
return atoi(sCodePage);
/** Map the key codes to their equivalent Keys:: form. */
Keys KeyTranslate(uptr_t keyIn) noexcept {
switch (keyIn) {
case VK_DOWN: return Keys::Down;
case VK_UP: return Keys::Up;
case VK_LEFT: return Keys::Left;
case VK_RIGHT: return Keys::Right;
case VK_HOME: return Keys::Home;
case VK_END: return Keys::End;
case VK_PRIOR: return Keys::Prior;
case VK_NEXT: return Keys::Next;
case VK_DELETE: return Keys::Delete;
case VK_INSERT: return Keys::Insert;
case VK_ESCAPE: return Keys::Escape;
case VK_BACK: return Keys::Back;
case VK_TAB: return Keys::Tab;
case VK_RETURN: return Keys::Return;
case VK_ADD: return Keys::Add;
case VK_SUBTRACT: return Keys::Subtract;
case VK_DIVIDE: return Keys::Divide;
case VK_LWIN: return Keys::Win;
case VK_RWIN: return Keys::RWin;
case VK_APPS: return Keys::Menu;
case VK_OEM_2: return static_cast<Keys>('/');
case VK_OEM_3: return static_cast<Keys>('`');
case VK_OEM_4: return static_cast<Keys>('[');
case VK_OEM_5: return static_cast<Keys>('\\');
case VK_OEM_6: return static_cast<Keys>(']');
default: return static_cast<Keys>(keyIn);
bool BoundsContains(PRectangle rcBounds, HRGN hRgnBounds, PRectangle rcCheck) noexcept {
bool contains = true;
if (!rcCheck.Empty()) {
if (!rcBounds.Contains(rcCheck)) {
contains = false;
} else if (hRgnBounds) {
// In bounding rectangle so check more accurately using region
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const RECT rcw = RectFromPRectangle(rcCheck);
HRGN hRgnCheck = ::CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcw);
if (hRgnCheck) {
HRGN hRgnDifference = ::CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (hRgnDifference) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int combination = ::CombineRgn(hRgnDifference, hRgnCheck, hRgnBounds, RGN_DIFF);
if (combination != NULLREGION) {
contains = false;
return contains;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Simplify calling WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar by providing default parameters and using string view.
int MultiByteFromWideChar(UINT codePage, std::wstring_view wsv, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, ptrdiff_t cbMultiByte) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return ::WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0,, static_cast<int>(wsv.length()), lpMultiByteStr, static_cast<int>(cbMultiByte), nullptr, nullptr);
int MultiByteLenFromWideChar(UINT codePage, std::wstring_view wsv) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return MultiByteFromWideChar(codePage, wsv, nullptr, 0);
int WideCharFromMultiByte(UINT codePage, std::string_view sv, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, ptrdiff_t cchWideChar) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return ::MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0,, static_cast<int>(sv.length()), lpWideCharStr, static_cast<int>(cchWideChar));
int WideCharLenFromMultiByte(UINT codePage, std::string_view sv) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return WideCharFromMultiByte(codePage, sv, nullptr, 0);
std::string StringEncode(std::wstring_view wsv, int codePage) {
const int cchMulti = wsv.length() ? MultiByteLenFromWideChar(codePage, wsv) : 0;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::string sMulti(cchMulti, 0);
if (cchMulti) {
MultiByteFromWideChar(codePage, wsv,, cchMulti);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return sMulti;
std::wstring StringDecode(std::string_view sv, int codePage) {
const int cchWide = sv.length() ? WideCharLenFromMultiByte(codePage, sv) : 0;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::wstring sWide(cchWide, 0);
if (cchWide) {
WideCharFromMultiByte(codePage, sv,, cchWide);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return sWide;
std::wstring StringMapCase(std::wstring_view wsv, DWORD mapFlags) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int charsConverted = ::LCMapStringW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, mapFlags,, static_cast<int>(wsv.length()), nullptr, 0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::wstring wsConverted(charsConverted, 0);
if (charsConverted) {
::LCMapStringW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, mapFlags,, static_cast<int>(wsv.length()),, charsConverted);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return wsConverted;
// Returns the target converted to UTF8.
// Return the length in bytes.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
Sci::Position ScintillaWin::TargetAsUTF8(char *text) const {
const Sci::Position targetLength = targetRange.Length();
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
if (text) {
pdoc->GetCharRange(text, targetRange.start.Position(), targetLength);
} else {
// Need to convert
const std::string s = RangeText(targetRange.start.Position(), targetRange.end.Position());
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const std::wstring characters = StringDecode(s, CodePageOfDocument());
const int utf8Len = MultiByteLenFromWideChar(CpUtf8, characters);
if (text) {
MultiByteFromWideChar(CpUtf8, characters, text, utf8Len);
text[utf8Len] = '\0';
return utf8Len;
return targetLength;
// Translates a nul terminated UTF8 string into the document encoding.
// Return the length of the result in bytes.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
Sci::Position ScintillaWin::EncodedFromUTF8(const char *utf8, char *encoded) const {
const Sci::Position inputLength = (lengthForEncode >= 0) ? lengthForEncode : strlen(utf8);
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
if (encoded) {
memcpy(encoded, utf8, inputLength);
return inputLength;
} else {
// Need to convert
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const std::string_view utf8Input(utf8, inputLength);
const int charsLen = WideCharLenFromMultiByte(CpUtf8, utf8Input);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::wstring characters(charsLen, L'\0');
WideCharFromMultiByte(CpUtf8, utf8Input, &characters[0], charsLen);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int encodedLen = MultiByteLenFromWideChar(CodePageOfDocument(), characters);
if (encoded) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
MultiByteFromWideChar(CodePageOfDocument(), characters, encoded, encodedLen);
encoded[encodedLen] = '\0';
return encodedLen;
void ScintillaWin::SetRenderingParams([[maybe_unused]] Surface *psurf) const {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (psurf) {
ISetRenderingParams *setDrawingParams = dynamic_cast<ISetRenderingParams *>(psurf);
if (setDrawingParams) {
bool ScintillaWin::PaintDC(HDC hdc) {
if (technology == Technology::Default) {
AutoSurface surfaceWindow(hdc, this);
if (surfaceWindow) {
Paint(surfaceWindow, rcPaint);
} else {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (pRenderTarget) {
AutoSurface surfaceWindow(pRenderTarget, this);
if (surfaceWindow) {
Paint(surfaceWindow, rcPaint);
const HRESULT hr = pRenderTarget->EndDraw();
if (hr == static_cast<HRESULT>(D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET)) {
return false;
return true;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::WndPaint() {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
//ElapsedPeriod ep;
// Redirect assertions to debug output and save current state
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const bool assertsPopup = Platform::ShowAssertionPopUps(false);
paintState = PaintState::painting;
// Removed since this interferes with reporting other assertions as it occurs repeatedly
hRgnUpdate = ::CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
::GetUpdateRgn(MainHWND(), hRgnUpdate, FALSE);
::BeginPaint(MainHWND(), &ps);
rcPaint = PRectangle::FromInts(ps.rcPaint.left,, ps.rcPaint.right, ps.rcPaint.bottom);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const PRectangle rcClient = GetClientRectangle();
paintingAllText = BoundsContains(rcPaint, hRgnUpdate, rcClient);
if (!PaintDC(ps.hdc)) {
paintState = PaintState::abandoned;
if (hRgnUpdate) {
hRgnUpdate = {};
::EndPaint(MainHWND(), &ps);
if (paintState == PaintState::abandoned) {
// Painting area was insufficient to cover new styling or brace highlight positions
::ValidateRect(MainHWND(), nullptr);
paintState = PaintState::notPainting;
// Restore debug output state
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Paint took %g\n", ep.Duration());
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::HandleCompositionWindowed(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
if (lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (imc.hIMC) {
AddWString(imc.GetCompositionString(GCS_RESULTSTR), CharacterSource::ImeResult);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Set new position after converted
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Point pos = PointMainCaret();
CompForm.dwStyle = CFS_POINT;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
CompForm.ptCurrentPos = POINTFromPoint(pos);
::ImmSetCompositionWindow(imc.hIMC, &CompForm);
return 0;
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), WM_IME_COMPOSITION, wParam, lParam);
bool ScintillaWin::KoreanIME() noexcept {
const int codePage = InputCodePage();
return codePage == 949 || codePage == 1361;
void ScintillaWin::MoveImeCarets(Sci::Position offset) noexcept {
// Move carets relatively by bytes.
for (size_t r=0; r<sel.Count(); r++) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Position positionInsert = sel.Range(r).Start().Position();
sel.Range(r).caret.SetPosition(positionInsert + offset);
sel.Range(r).anchor.SetPosition(positionInsert + offset);
void ScintillaWin::DrawImeIndicator(int indicator, Sci::Position len) {
// Emulate the visual style of IME characters with indicators.
// Draw an indicator on the character before caret by the character bytes of len
// so it should be called after InsertCharacter().
// It does not affect caret positions.
if (indicator < 8 || indicator > IndicatorMax) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
for (size_t r=0; r<sel.Count(); r++) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Position positionInsert = sel.Range(r).Start().Position();
pdoc->DecorationFillRange(positionInsert - len, 1, len);
void ScintillaWin::SetCandidateWindowPos() {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (imc.hIMC) {
const Point pos = PointMainCaret();
const PRectangle rcClient = GetTextRectangle();
CandForm.dwIndex = 0;
CandForm.dwStyle = CFS_EXCLUDE;
CandForm.ptCurrentPos.x = static_cast<int>(pos.x);
CandForm.ptCurrentPos.y = static_cast<int>(pos.y + std::max(4, vs.lineHeight/4));
// Exclude the area of the whole caret line = static_cast<int>(pos.y);
CandForm.rcArea.bottom = static_cast<int>(pos.y + vs.lineHeight);
CandForm.rcArea.left = static_cast<int>(rcClient.left);
CandForm.rcArea.right = static_cast<int>(rcClient.right);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
::ImmSetCandidateWindow(imc.hIMC, &CandForm);
void ScintillaWin::SelectionToHangul() {
// Convert every hanja to hangul within the main range.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Position selStart = sel.RangeMain().Start().Position();
const Sci::Position documentStrLen = sel.RangeMain().Length();
const Sci::Position selEnd = selStart + documentStrLen;
const Sci::Position utf16Len = pdoc->CountUTF16(selStart, selEnd);
if (utf16Len > 0) {
std::string documentStr(documentStrLen, '\0');
pdoc->GetCharRange(&documentStr[0], selStart, documentStrLen);
std::wstring uniStr = StringDecode(documentStr, CodePageOfDocument());
const bool converted = HanjaDict::GetHangulOfHanja(uniStr);
if (converted) {
documentStr = StringEncode(uniStr, CodePageOfDocument());
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
InsertPaste(&documentStr[0], documentStr.size());
void ScintillaWin::EscapeHanja() {
// The candidate box pops up to user to select a hanja.
// The existing hangul or hanja is replaced with it.
if (sel.Count() > 1) {
return; // Do not allow multi carets.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Position currentPos = CurrentPosition();
const int oneCharLen = pdoc->LenChar(currentPos);
if (oneCharLen < 2) {
return; // No need to handle SBCS.
// ImmEscapeW() may overwrite uniChar[] with a null terminated string.
// So enlarge it enough to Maximum 4 as in UTF-8.
constexpr size_t safeLength = UTF8MaxBytes + 1;
std::string oneChar(safeLength, '\0');
pdoc->GetCharRange(&oneChar[0], currentPos, oneCharLen);
std::wstring uniChar = StringDecode(oneChar, CodePageOfDocument());
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (imc.hIMC) {
// Set the candidate box position since IME may show it.
// IME_ESC_HANJA_MODE appears to receive the first character only.
if (::ImmEscapeW(GetKeyboardLayout(0), imc.hIMC, IME_ESC_HANJA_MODE, &uniChar[0])) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
SetSelection(currentPos, currentPos + oneCharLen);
void ScintillaWin::ToggleHanja() {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// If selection, convert every hanja to hangul within the main range.
// If no selection, commit to IME.
if (sel.Count() > 1) {
return; // Do not allow multi carets.
if (sel.Empty()) {
} else {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
std::vector<int> MapImeIndicators(std::vector<BYTE> inputStyle) {
std::vector<int> imeIndicator(inputStyle.size(), IndicatorUnknown);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputStyle.size(); i++) {
switch (static_cast<int>( {
imeIndicator[i] = IndicatorInput;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
imeIndicator[i] = IndicatorTarget;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
imeIndicator[i] = IndicatorConverted;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
imeIndicator[i] = IndicatorUnknown;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return imeIndicator;
void ScintillaWin::AddWString(std::wstring_view wsv, CharacterSource charSource) {
if (wsv.empty())
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int codePage = CodePageOfDocument();
for (size_t i = 0; i < wsv.size(); ) {
const size_t ucWidth = UTF16CharLength(wsv[i]);
const std::string docChar = StringEncode(wsv.substr(i, ucWidth), codePage);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
InsertCharacter(docChar, charSource);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
i += ucWidth;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::HandleCompositionInline(uptr_t, sptr_t lParam) {
// Copy & paste by johnsonj with a lot of helps of Neil.
// Great thanks for my foreruners, jiniya and BLUEnLIVE.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (!imc.hIMC)
return 0;
if (pdoc->IsReadOnly() || SelectionContainsProtected()) {
return 0;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool initialCompose = false;
if (pdoc->TentativeActive()) {
} else {
// No tentative undo means start of this composition so
// fill in any virtual spaces.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
initialCompose = true;
view.imeCaretBlockOverride = false;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
if (lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) {
AddWString(imc.GetCompositionString(GCS_RESULTSTR), CharacterSource::ImeResult);
if (lParam & GCS_COMPSTR) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const std::wstring wcs = imc.GetCompositionString(GCS_COMPSTR);
if (wcs.empty()) {
return 0;
if (initialCompose) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Set candidate window left aligned to beginning of preedit string.
pdoc->TentativeStart(); // TentativeActive from now on.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::vector<int> imeIndicator = MapImeIndicators(imc.GetImeAttributes());
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int codePage = CodePageOfDocument();
const std::wstring_view wsv = wcs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wsv.size(); ) {
const size_t ucWidth = UTF16CharLength(wsv[i]);
const std::string docChar = StringEncode(wsv.substr(i, ucWidth), codePage);
InsertCharacter(docChar, CharacterSource::TentativeInput);
DrawImeIndicator(imeIndicator[i], docChar.size());
i += ucWidth;
// Japanese IME after pressing Tab replaces input string with first candidate item (target string);
// when selecting other candidate item, previous item will be replaced with current one.
// After candidate item been added, it's looks like been full selected, it's better to keep caret
// at end of "selection" (end of input) instead of jump to beginning of input ("selection").
const bool onlyTarget = std::all_of(imeIndicator.begin(), imeIndicator.end(), [](int i) noexcept {
return i == IndicatorTarget;
if (!onlyTarget) {
// CS_NOMOVECARET: keep caret at beginning of composition string which already moved in InsertCharacter().
// GCS_CURSORPOS: current caret position is provided by IME.
Sci::Position imeEndToImeCaretU16 = -static_cast<Sci::Position>(wcs.size());
if (!(lParam & CS_NOMOVECARET) && (lParam & GCS_CURSORPOS)) {
imeEndToImeCaretU16 += imc.GetImeCaretPos();
if (imeEndToImeCaretU16 != 0) {
// Move back IME caret from current last position to imeCaretPos.
const Sci::Position currentPos = CurrentPosition();
const Sci::Position imeCaretPosDoc = pdoc->GetRelativePositionUTF16(currentPos, imeEndToImeCaretU16);
MoveImeCarets(-currentPos + imeCaretPosDoc);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (KoreanIME()) {
view.imeCaretBlockOverride = true;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return 0;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
// Translate message IDs from WM_* and EM_* to Message::* so can partly emulate Windows Edit control
Message SciMessageFromEM(unsigned int iMessage) noexcept {
switch (iMessage) {
case EM_CANPASTE: return Message::CanPaste;
case EM_CANUNDO: return Message::CanUndo;
case EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER: return Message::EmptyUndoBuffer;
case EM_FINDTEXTEX: return Message::FindText;
case EM_FORMATRANGE: return Message::FormatRange;
case EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE: return Message::GetFirstVisibleLine;
case EM_GETLINECOUNT: return Message::GetLineCount;
case EM_GETSELTEXT: return Message::GetSelText;
case EM_GETTEXTRANGE: return Message::GetTextRange;
case EM_HIDESELECTION: return Message::HideSelection;
case EM_LINEINDEX: return Message::PositionFromLine;
case EM_LINESCROLL: return Message::LineScroll;
case EM_REPLACESEL: return Message::ReplaceSel;
case EM_SCROLLCARET: return Message::ScrollCaret;
case EM_SETREADONLY: return Message::SetReadOnly;
case WM_CLEAR: return Message::Clear;
case WM_COPY: return Message::Copy;
case WM_CUT: return Message::Cut;
case WM_SETTEXT: return Message::SetText;
case WM_PASTE: return Message::Paste;
case WM_UNDO: return Message::Undo;
return static_cast<Message>(iMessage);
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
UINT CodePageFromCharSet(CharacterSet characterSet, UINT documentCodePage) noexcept {
if (documentCodePage == CpUtf8) {
return CpUtf8;
switch (characterSet) {
case CharacterSet::Ansi: return 1252;
// Cyrillic / Turkish or other languages cannot be shown in ANSI mode.
// This fixes such problem. For more information about this fix, check:
// case CharacterSet::Default: return documentCodePage ? documentCodePage : 1252;
case CharacterSet::Default: return documentCodePage;
case CharacterSet::Baltic: return 1257;
case CharacterSet::ChineseBig5: return 950;
case CharacterSet::EastEurope: return 1250;
case CharacterSet::GB2312: return 936;
case CharacterSet::Greek: return 1253;
case CharacterSet::Hangul: return 949;
case CharacterSet::Mac: return 10000;
case CharacterSet::Oem: return 437;
case CharacterSet::Russian: return 1251;
case CharacterSet::ShiftJis: return 932;
case CharacterSet::Turkish: return 1254;
case CharacterSet::Johab: return 1361;
case CharacterSet::Hebrew: return 1255;
case CharacterSet::Arabic: return 1256;
case CharacterSet::Vietnamese: return 1258;
case CharacterSet::Thai: return 874;
case CharacterSet::Iso8859_15: return 28605;
// Not supported
case CharacterSet::Cyrillic: return documentCodePage;
case CharacterSet::Symbol: return documentCodePage;
default: break;
return documentCodePage;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
UINT ScintillaWin::CodePageOfDocument() const noexcept {
return CodePageFromCharSet(vs.styles[StyleDefault].characterSet, pdoc->dbcsCodePage);
std::string ScintillaWin::EncodeWString(std::wstring_view wsv) {
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
const size_t len = UTF8Length(wsv);
std::string putf(len, 0);
UTF8FromUTF16(wsv,, len);
return putf;
} else {
// Not in Unicode mode so convert from Unicode to current Scintilla code page
return StringEncode(wsv, CodePageOfDocument());
sptr_t ScintillaWin::GetTextLength() {
if (pdoc->dbcsCodePage == 0 || pdoc->dbcsCodePage == CpUtf8) {
return pdoc->CountUTF16(0, pdoc->Length());
} else {
// Count the number of UTF-16 code units line by line
const UINT cpSrc = CodePageOfDocument();
const Sci::Line lines = pdoc->LinesTotal();
Sci::Position codeUnits = 0;
std::string lineBytes;
for (Sci::Line line = 0; line < lines; line++) {
const Sci::Position start = pdoc->LineStart(line);
const Sci::Position width = pdoc->LineStart(line+1) - start;
pdoc->GetCharRange(, start, width);
codeUnits += WideCharLenFromMultiByte(cpSrc, lineBytes);
return codeUnits;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::GetText(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
if (lParam == 0) {
return GetTextLength();
if (wParam == 0) {
return 0;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
wchar_t *ptr = static_cast<wchar_t *>(PtrFromSPtr(lParam));
if (pdoc->Length() == 0) {
*ptr = L'\0';
return 0;
const Sci::Position lengthWanted = wParam - 1;
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
Sci::Position sizeRequestedRange = pdoc->GetRelativePositionUTF16(0, lengthWanted);
if (sizeRequestedRange < 0) {
// Requested more text than there is in the document.
sizeRequestedRange = pdoc->Length();
std::string docBytes(sizeRequestedRange, '\0');
pdoc->GetCharRange(&docBytes[0], 0, sizeRequestedRange);
const size_t uLen = UTF16FromUTF8(docBytes, ptr, lengthWanted);
ptr[uLen] = L'\0';
return uLen;
} else {
// Not Unicode mode
// Convert to Unicode using the current Scintilla code page
// Retrieve as UTF-16 line by line
const UINT cpSrc = CodePageOfDocument();
const Sci::Line lines = pdoc->LinesTotal();
Sci::Position codeUnits = 0;
std::string lineBytes;
std::wstring lineAsUTF16;
for (Sci::Line line = 0; line < lines && codeUnits < lengthWanted; line++) {
const Sci::Position start = pdoc->LineStart(line);
const Sci::Position width = pdoc->LineStart(line + 1) - start;
pdoc->GetCharRange(, start, width);
const Sci::Position codeUnitsLine = WideCharLenFromMultiByte(cpSrc, lineBytes);
const Sci::Position lengthLeft = lengthWanted - codeUnits;
WideCharFromMultiByte(cpSrc, lineBytes,, lineAsUTF16.length());
const Sci::Position lengthToCopy = std::min(lengthLeft, codeUnitsLine);
lineAsUTF16.copy(ptr + codeUnits, lengthToCopy);
codeUnits += lengthToCopy;
ptr[codeUnits] = L'\0';
return codeUnits;
Window::Cursor ScintillaWin::ContextCursor(Point pt) {
if (inDragDrop == DragDrop::dragging) {
return Window::Cursor::up;
} else {
// Display regular (drag) cursor over selection
if (PointInSelMargin(pt)) {
return GetMarginCursor(pt);
} else if (!SelectionEmpty() && PointInSelection(pt)) {
return Window::Cursor::arrow;
} else if (PointIsHotspot(pt)) {
return Window::Cursor::hand;
} else if (hoverIndicatorPos != Sci::invalidPosition) {
const Sci::Position pos = PositionFromLocation(pt, true, true);
if (pos != Sci::invalidPosition) {
return Window::Cursor::hand;
return Window::Cursor::text;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::ShowContextMenu(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
Point ptScreen = PointFromLParam(lParam);
Point ptClient;
POINT point = POINTFromLParam(lParam);
if ((point.x == -1) && (point.y == -1)) {
// Caused by keyboard so display menu near caret
ptClient = PointMainCaret();
point = POINTFromPoint(ptClient);
::ClientToScreen(MainHWND(), &point);
ptScreen = PointFromPOINT(point);
} else {
::ScreenToClient(MainHWND(), &point);
ptClient = PointFromPOINT(point);
if (ShouldDisplayPopup(ptClient)) {
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
return 0;
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
PRectangle ScintillaWin::GetClientRectangle() const {
return rectangleClient;
void ScintillaWin::SizeWindow() {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (paintState == PaintState::notPainting) {
} else {
renderTargetValid = false;
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Scintilla WM_SIZE %d %d\n", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
rectangleClient = wMain.GetClientPosition();
sptr_t ScintillaWin::MouseMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
// For IME, set the composition string as the result string.
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (imc.hIMC) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Buttdown %d %x %x %x %x %x\n",iMessage, wParam, lParam,
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT),
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL),
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_MENU));
ButtonDownWithModifiers(PointFromLParam(lParam), ::GetMessageTime(),
::GetMessageTime(), MouseModifiers(wParam));
const Point pt = PointFromLParam(lParam);
if (!PointInSelection(pt)) {
RightButtonDownWithModifiers(pt, ::GetMessageTime(), MouseModifiers(wParam));
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
cursorIsHidden = false; // to be shown by ButtonMoveWithModifiers
const Point pt = PointFromLParam(lParam);
// Windows might send WM_MOUSEMOVE even though the mouse has not been moved:
if (ptMouseLast != pt) {
ButtonMoveWithModifiers(pt, ::GetMessageTime(), MouseModifiers(wParam));
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
if (!mouseWheelCaptures) {
// if the mouse wheel is not captured, test if the mouse
// pointer is over the editor window and if not, don't
// handle the message but pass it on.
RECT rc;
GetWindowRect(MainHWND(), &rc);
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
const POINT pt = POINTFromLParam(lParam);
if (!PtInRect(&rc, pt))
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
// if autocomplete list active then send mousewheel message to it
if (ac.Active()) {
HWND hWnd = HwndFromWindow(*(;
::SendMessage(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
// Treat Shift+WM_MOUSEWHEEL as horizontal scrolling, not data-zoom.
if (iMessage == WM_MOUSEHWHEEL || (wParam & MK_SHIFT)) {
if (vs.wrap.state != Wrap::None || charsPerScroll == 0) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
MouseWheelDelta &wheelDelta = (iMessage == WM_MOUSEHWHEEL) ? horizontalWheelDelta : verticalWheelDelta;
if (wheelDelta.Accumulate(wParam)) {
const int charsToScroll = charsPerScroll * wheelDelta.Actions();
const int widthToScroll = static_cast<int>(std::lround(charsToScroll * vs.aveCharWidth));
HorizontalScrollToClamped(xOffset + widthToScroll);
return 0;
// Either SCROLL vertically or ZOOM. We handle the wheel steppings calculation
if (linesPerScroll != 0 && verticalWheelDelta.Accumulate(wParam)) {
Sci::Line linesToScroll = linesPerScroll;
if (linesPerScroll == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL)
linesToScroll = LinesOnScreen() - 1;
if (linesToScroll == 0) {
linesToScroll = 1;
linesToScroll *= verticalWheelDelta.Actions();
if (wParam & MK_CONTROL) {
// Zoom! We play with the font sizes in the styles.
// Number of steps/line is ignored, we just care if sizing up or down
if (linesToScroll < 0) {
} else {
} else {
// Scroll
ScrollTo(topLine + linesToScroll);
return 0;
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::KeyMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
case WM_KEYDOWN: {
// Platform::DebugPrintf("Keydown %c %c%c%c%c %x %x\n",
// iMessage == WM_KEYDOWN ? 'K' : 'S',
// (lParam & (1 << 24)) ? 'E' : '-',
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT) ? 'S' : '-',
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL) ? 'C' : '-',
// KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_MENU) ? 'A' : '-',
// wParam, lParam);
lastKeyDownConsumed = false;
const bool altDown = KeyboardIsKeyDown(VK_MENU);
if (altDown && KeyboardIsNumericKeypadFunction(wParam, lParam)) {
// Don't interpret these as they may be characters entered by number.
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int ret = KeyDownWithModifiers(
if (!ret && !lastKeyDownConsumed) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
case WM_KEYUP:
//Platform::DebugPrintf("S keyup %d %x %x\n",iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
case WM_CHAR:
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
if (((wParam >= 128) || !iscntrl(static_cast<int>(wParam))) || !lastKeyDownConsumed) {
wchar_t wcs[3] = { static_cast<wchar_t>(wParam), 0 };
unsigned int wclen = 1;
if (IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(wcs[0])) {
// If this is a high surrogate character, we need a second one
lastHighSurrogateChar = wcs[0];
return 0;
} else if (IS_LOW_SURROGATE(wcs[0])) {
wcs[1] = wcs[0];
wcs[0] = lastHighSurrogateChar;
lastHighSurrogateChar = 0;
wclen = 2;
AddWString(std::wstring_view(wcs, wclen), CharacterSource::DirectInput);
return 0;
if (wParam == UNICODE_NOCHAR) {
return TRUE;
} else if (lastKeyDownConsumed) {
return 1;
} else {
wchar_t wcs[3] = { 0 };
const size_t wclen = UTF16FromUTF32Character(static_cast<unsigned int>(wParam), wcs);
AddWString(std::wstring_view(wcs, wclen), CharacterSource::DirectInput);
return FALSE;
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::FocusMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t) {
switch (iMessage) {
HWND wOther = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wParam);
HWND wThis = MainHWND();
const HWND wCT = HwndFromWindow(ct.wCallTip);
if (!wParam ||
!(::IsChild(wThis, wOther) || (wOther == wCT))) {
// Explicitly complete any IME composition
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (imc.hIMC) {
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::IMEMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
if (wParam == VK_HANJA) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ImeOnReconvert(lParam);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
if (wParam == IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) {
return ImeOnDocumentFeed(lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
if (KoreanIME() || imeInteraction == IMEInteraction::Inline) {
return 0;
} else {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
if (KoreanIME() || imeInteraction == IMEInteraction::Inline) {
return HandleCompositionInline(wParam, lParam);
} else {
return HandleCompositionWindowed(wParam, lParam);
if (KoreanIME() || imeInteraction == IMEInteraction::Inline) {
if (wParam) {
LPARAM NoImeWin = lParam;
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, NoImeWin);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::EditMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
if (PositionFromUPtr(wParam) < 0) {
wParam = SelectionStart().Position();
return pdoc->LineFromPosition(wParam);
return pdoc->LineFromPosition(lParam);
if (wParam) {
*reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(wParam) = static_cast<DWORD>(SelectionStart().Position());
if (lParam) {
*reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(lParam) = static_cast<DWORD>(SelectionEnd().Position());
return MAKELRESULT(SelectionStart().Position(), SelectionEnd().Position());
if (lParam == 0) {
return 0;
CHARRANGE *pCR = reinterpret_cast<CHARRANGE *>(lParam);
pCR->cpMin = static_cast<LONG>(SelectionStart().Position());
pCR->cpMax = static_cast<LONG>(SelectionEnd().Position());
case EM_SETSEL: {
Sci::Position nStart = wParam;
Sci::Position nEnd = lParam;
if (nStart == 0 && nEnd == -1) {
nEnd = pdoc->Length();
if (nStart == -1) {
nStart = nEnd; // Remove selection
SetSelection(nEnd, nStart);
if (lParam == 0) {
return 0;
const CHARRANGE *pCR = reinterpret_cast<const CHARRANGE *>(lParam);
sel.selType = Selection::SelTypes::stream;
if (pCR->cpMin == 0 && pCR->cpMax == -1) {
SetSelection(pCR->cpMin, pdoc->Length());
} else {
SetSelection(pCR->cpMin, pCR->cpMax);
return pdoc->LineFromPosition(SelectionStart().Position());
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::IdleMessage(unsigned int iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
// wParam=dwTickCountInitial, or 0 to initialize. lParam=bSkipUserInputTest
if (idler.state) {
if (lParam || (WAIT_TIMEOUT == MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, nullptr, 0, 0, QS_INPUT | QS_HOTKEY))) {
if (Idle()) {
// User input was given priority above, but all events do get a turn. Other
// messages, notifications, etc. will get interleaved with the idle messages.
// However, some things like WM_PAINT are a lower priority, and will not fire
// when there's a message posted. So, several times a second, we stop and let
// the low priority events have a turn (after which the timer will fire again).
// Suppress a warning from Code Analysis that the GetTickCount function
// wraps after 49 days. The WM_TIMER will kick off another SC_WIN_IDLE
// after the wrap.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(suppress: 28159)
const DWORD dwCurrent = GetTickCount();
const DWORD dwStart = wParam ? static_cast<DWORD>(wParam) : dwCurrent;
constexpr DWORD maxWorkTime = 50;
if (dwCurrent >= dwStart && dwCurrent > maxWorkTime &&dwCurrent - maxWorkTime < dwStart)
PostMessage(MainHWND(), SC_WIN_IDLE, dwStart, 0);
} else {
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::SciMessage(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
switch (iMessage) {
case Message::GetDirectFunction:
return reinterpret_cast<sptr_t>(DirectFunction);
case Message::GetDirectStatusFunction:
return reinterpret_cast<sptr_t>(DirectStatusFunction);
case Message::GetDirectPointer:
return reinterpret_cast<sptr_t>(this);
case Message::GetBoostRegexErrmsg:
// copies behavior of SCI_GETTEXT
if (lParam == 0)
return g_exceptionMessage.length() + 1;
if (wParam == 0)
return 0;
char *ptr = CharPtrFromSPtr(lParam);
const Sci_Position len = std::min<Sci_Position>(wParam - 1, g_exceptionMessage.length());
strncpy (ptr, g_exceptionMessage.c_str(), len);
ptr [len] = '\0';
return len;
case Message::GrabFocus:
return true;
case Message::SetTechnology:
if (const Technology technologyNew = static_cast<Technology>(wParam);
(technologyNew == Technology::Default) ||
(technologyNew == Technology::DirectWriteRetain) ||
(technologyNew == Technology::DirectWriteDC) ||
(technologyNew == Technology::DirectWrite)) {
if (technology != technologyNew) {
if (technologyNew > Technology::Default) {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (!LoadD2D()) {
// Failed to load Direct2D or DirectWrite so no effect
return 0;
return 0;
} else {
bidirectional = Bidirectional::Disabled;
technology = technologyNew;
view.bufferedDraw = technologyNew == Technology::Default;
// Invalidate all cached information including layout.
case Message::SetBidirectional:
if (technology == Technology::Default) {
bidirectional = Bidirectional::Disabled;
} else if (static_cast<Bidirectional>(wParam) <= Bidirectional::R2L) {
bidirectional = static_cast<Bidirectional>(wParam);
// Invalidate all cached information including layout.
case Message::TargetAsUTF8:
return TargetAsUTF8(CharPtrFromSPtr(lParam));
case Message::EncodedFromUTF8:
return EncodedFromUTF8(ConstCharPtrFromUPtr(wParam),
return 0;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::WndProc(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
try {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("S M:%x WP:%x L:%x\n", iMessage, wParam, lParam);
const unsigned int msg = static_cast<unsigned int>(iMessage);
switch (msg) {
ctrlID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(HwndFromWindow(wMain));
// Get Intellimouse scroll line parameters
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
::RegisterDragDrop(MainHWND(), &dt);
case WM_PAINT:
return WndPaint();
HDC hdc = reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam);
if (!IsCompatibleDC(hdc)) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
case WM_SIZE:
case WM_TIMER:
if (wParam == idleTimerID && idler.state) {
SendMessage(MainHWND(), SC_WIN_IDLE, 0, 1);
} else {
TickFor(static_cast<TickReason>(wParam - fineTimerStart));
return IdleMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
return MouseMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
if (!cursorIsHidden) {
if (::GetCursorPos(&pt)) {
::ScreenToClient(MainHWND(), &pt);
return TRUE;
} else {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
case WM_KEYUP:
case WM_CHAR:
return KeyMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Setting Changed\n");
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (technology != Technology::Default) {
// Get Intellimouse scroll line parameters
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
return FocusMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Setting Changed\n");
dpi = HIWORD(wParam);
const UINT dpiNow = DpiForWindow(wMain.GetID());
if (dpi != dpiNow) {
dpi = dpiNow;
return ShowContextMenu(msg, wParam, lParam);
return 1; // Avoid any background erasure as whole window painted.
::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
if (wParam) {
return 0;
capturedMouse = false;
return 0;
// These are not handled in Scintilla and its faster to dispatch them here.
// Also moves time out to here so profile doesn't count lots of empty message calls.
case WM_MOVE:
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
#if defined(USE_D2D)
if (technology != Technology::Default) {
if (UpdateRenderingParams(false)) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), msg, wParam, lParam);
return GetTextLength();
return GetText(wParam, lParam);
return IMEMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
return EditMessage(msg, wParam, lParam);
iMessage = SciMessageFromEM(msg);
switch (iMessage) {
case Message::GetDirectFunction:
case Message::GetDirectStatusFunction:
case Message::GetDirectPointer:
case Message::GetBoostRegexErrmsg:
case Message::GrabFocus:
case Message::SetTechnology:
case Message::SetBidirectional:
case Message::TargetAsUTF8:
case Message::EncodedFromUTF8:
return SciMessage(iMessage, wParam, lParam);
return ScintillaBase::WndProc(iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} catch (std::bad_alloc &) {
errorStatus = Status::BadAlloc;
} catch (...) {
errorStatus = Status::Failure;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return 0;
bool ScintillaWin::ValidCodePage(int codePage) const {
return codePage == 0 || codePage == CpUtf8 ||
codePage == 932 || codePage == 936 || codePage == 949 ||
codePage == 950 || codePage == 1361;
std::string ScintillaWin::UTF8FromEncoded(std::string_view encoded) const {
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
return std::string(encoded);
} else {
// Pivot through wide string
std::wstring ws = StringDecode(encoded, CodePageOfDocument());
return StringEncode(ws, CpUtf8);
std::string ScintillaWin::EncodedFromUTF8(std::string_view utf8) const {
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
return std::string(utf8);
} else {
// Pivot through wide string
std::wstring ws = StringDecode(utf8, CpUtf8);
return StringEncode(ws, CodePageOfDocument());
sptr_t ScintillaWin::DefWndProc(Message iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
return ::DefWindowProc(MainHWND(), static_cast<unsigned int>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
bool ScintillaWin::FineTickerRunning(TickReason reason) {
return timers[static_cast<size_t>(reason)] != 0;
void ScintillaWin::FineTickerStart(TickReason reason, int millis, int tolerance) {
const UINT_PTR reasonIndex = static_cast<UINT_PTR>(reason);
const UINT_PTR eventID = static_cast<UINT_PTR>(fineTimerStart) + reasonIndex;
if (SetCoalescableTimerFn && tolerance) {
timers[reasonIndex] = SetCoalescableTimerFn(MainHWND(), eventID, millis, nullptr, tolerance);
} else {
timers[reasonIndex] = ::SetTimer(MainHWND(), eventID, millis, nullptr);
void ScintillaWin::FineTickerCancel(TickReason reason) {
const UINT_PTR reasonIndex = static_cast<UINT_PTR>(reason);
if (timers[reasonIndex]) {
::KillTimer(MainHWND(), timers[reasonIndex]);
timers[reasonIndex] = 0;
bool ScintillaWin::SetIdle(bool on) {
// On Win32 the Idler is implemented as a Timer on the Scintilla window. This
// takes advantage of the fact that WM_TIMER messages are very low priority,
// and are only posted when the message queue is empty, i.e. during idle time.
if (idler.state != on) {
if (on) {
idler.idlerID = ::SetTimer(MainHWND(), idleTimerID, 10, nullptr)
? reinterpret_cast<IdlerID>(idleTimerID) : 0;
} else {
::KillTimer(MainHWND(), reinterpret_cast<uptr_t>(idler.idlerID));
idler.idlerID = 0;
idler.state = idler.idlerID != 0;
return idler.state;
void ScintillaWin::IdleWork() {
styleIdleInQueue = false;
void ScintillaWin::QueueIdleWork(WorkItems items, Sci::Position upTo) {
Editor::QueueIdleWork(items, upTo);
if (!styleIdleInQueue) {
if (PostMessage(MainHWND(), SC_WORK_IDLE, 0, 0)) {
styleIdleInQueue = true;
void ScintillaWin::SetMouseCapture(bool on) {
if (mouseDownCaptures) {
if (on) {
} else {
capturedMouse = on;
bool ScintillaWin::HaveMouseCapture() {
// Cannot just see if GetCapture is this window as the scroll bar also sets capture for the window
return capturedMouse;
//return capturedMouse && (::GetCapture() == MainHWND());
void ScintillaWin::SetTrackMouseLeaveEvent(bool on) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (on && !trackedMouseLeave) {
tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme);
tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
tme.hwndTrack = MainHWND();
tme.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; // Unused but triggers Dr. Memory if not initialized
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
trackedMouseLeave = on;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::HideCursorIfPreferred() noexcept {
if (typingWithoutCursor && !cursorIsHidden) {
cursorIsHidden = true;
void ScintillaWin::UpdateBaseElements() {
struct ElementToIndex { Element element; int nIndex; };
const ElementToIndex eti[] = {
{ Element::List, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT },
{ Element::ListBack, COLOR_WINDOW },
{ Element::ListSelected, COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT },
{ Element::ListSelectedBack, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT },
bool changed = false;
for (const ElementToIndex &ei : eti) {
changed = vs.SetElementBase(ei.element, ColourRGBA::FromRGB(static_cast<int>(::GetSysColor(ei.nIndex)))) || changed;
if (changed) {
bool ScintillaWin::PaintContains(PRectangle rc) {
if (paintState == PaintState::painting) {
return BoundsContains(rcPaint, hRgnUpdate, rc);
return true;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::ScrollText(Sci::Line /* linesToMove */) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("ScintillaWin::ScrollText %d\n", linesToMove);
//::ScrollWindow(MainHWND(), 0,
// vs.lineHeight * linesToMove, 0, 0);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::NotifyCaretMove() {
void ScintillaWin::UpdateSystemCaret() {
if (hasFocus) {
if (pdoc->TentativeActive()) {
// ongoing inline mode IME composition, don't inform IME of system caret position.
// fix candidate window for Google Japanese IME moved on typing on Win7.
if (HasCaretSizeChanged()) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Point pos = PointMainCaret();
::SetCaretPos(static_cast<int>(pos.x), static_cast<int>(pos.y));
bool ScintillaWin::IsVisible() const noexcept {
return GetWindowStyle(MainHWND()) & WS_VISIBLE;
int ScintillaWin::SetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL bRedraw) noexcept {
return ::SetScrollInfo(MainHWND(), nBar, lpsi, bRedraw);
bool ScintillaWin::GetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) noexcept {
return ::GetScrollInfo(MainHWND(), nBar, lpsi) ? true : false;
// Change the scroll position but avoid repaint if changing to same value
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::ChangeScrollPos(int barType, Sci::Position pos) {
if (!IsVisible()) {
sizeof(sci), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
sci.fMask = SIF_POS;
GetScrollInfo(barType, &sci);
if (sci.nPos != pos) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
sci.nPos = static_cast<int>(pos);
SetScrollInfo(barType, &sci, TRUE);
void ScintillaWin::SetVerticalScrollPos() {
ChangeScrollPos(SB_VERT, topLine);
void ScintillaWin::SetHorizontalScrollPos() {
ChangeScrollPos(SB_HORZ, xOffset);
bool ScintillaWin::ChangeScrollRange(int nBar, int nMin, int nMax, UINT nPage) noexcept {
SCROLLINFO sci = { sizeof(sci), SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
GetScrollInfo(nBar, &sci);
if ((sci.nMin != nMin) || (sci.nMax != nMax) || (sci.nPage != nPage)) {
sci.nMin = nMin;
sci.nMax = nMax;
sci.nPage = nPage;
SetScrollInfo(nBar, &sci, TRUE);
return true;
return false;
void ScintillaWin::HorizontalScrollToClamped(int xPos) {
const HorizontalScrollRange range = GetHorizontalScrollRange();
HorizontalScrollTo(std::clamp(xPos, 0, range.documentWidth - range.pageWidth + 1));
HorizontalScrollRange ScintillaWin::GetHorizontalScrollRange() const {
const PRectangle rcText = GetTextRectangle();
int pageWidth = static_cast<int>(rcText.Width());
const int horizEndPreferred = std::max({ scrollWidth, pageWidth - 1, 0 });
if (!horizontalScrollBarVisible || Wrapping())
pageWidth = horizEndPreferred + 1;
return { pageWidth, horizEndPreferred };
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool ScintillaWin::ModifyScrollBars(Sci::Line nMax, Sci::Line nPage) {
if (!IsVisible()) {
return false;
bool modified = false;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Line vertEndPreferred = nMax;
if (!verticalScrollBarVisible)
nPage = vertEndPreferred + 1;
if (ChangeScrollRange(SB_VERT, 0, static_cast<int>(vertEndPreferred), static_cast<unsigned int>(nPage))) {
modified = true;
const HorizontalScrollRange range = GetHorizontalScrollRange();
if (ChangeScrollRange(SB_HORZ, 0, range.documentWidth, range.pageWidth)) {
modified = true;
if (scrollWidth < range.pageWidth) {
return modified;
void ScintillaWin::NotifyChange() {
::SendMessage(::GetParent(MainHWND()), WM_COMMAND,
MAKEWPARAM(GetCtrlID(), FocusChange::Change),
void ScintillaWin::NotifyFocus(bool focus) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (commandEvents) {
::SendMessage(::GetParent(MainHWND()), WM_COMMAND,
MAKEWPARAM(GetCtrlID(), focus ? FocusChange::Setfocus : FocusChange::Killfocus),
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::SetCtrlID(int identifier) {
::SetWindowID(HwndFromWindow(wMain), identifier);
int ScintillaWin::GetCtrlID() {
return ::GetDlgCtrlID(HwndFromWindow(wMain));
void ScintillaWin::NotifyParent(NotificationData scn) {
scn.nmhdr.hwndFrom = MainHWND();
scn.nmhdr.idFrom = GetCtrlID();
::SendMessage(::GetParent(MainHWND()), WM_NOTIFY,
GetCtrlID(), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&scn));
void ScintillaWin::NotifyDoubleClick(Point pt, KeyMod modifiers) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("ScintillaWin Double click 0\n");
ScintillaBase::NotifyDoubleClick(pt, modifiers);
// Send myself a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, so the container can handle it too.
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
const POINT point = POINTFromPoint(pt);
FlagSet(modifiers, KeyMod::Shift) ? MK_SHIFT : 0,
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y));
namespace {
class CaseFolderDBCS : public CaseFolderTable {
// Allocate the expandable storage here so that it does not need to be reallocated
// for each call to Fold.
std::vector<wchar_t> utf16Mixed;
std::vector<wchar_t> utf16Folded;
UINT cp;
explicit CaseFolderDBCS(UINT cp_) : cp(cp_) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
size_t Fold(char *folded, size_t sizeFolded, const char *mixed, size_t lenMixed) override {
if ((lenMixed == 1) && (sizeFolded > 0)) {
folded[0] = mapping[static_cast<unsigned char>(mixed[0])];
return 1;
} else {
if (lenMixed > utf16Mixed.size()) {
utf16Mixed.resize(lenMixed + 8);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const size_t nUtf16Mixed = WideCharFromMultiByte(cp,
std::string_view(mixed, lenMixed),
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (nUtf16Mixed == 0) {
// Failed to convert -> bad input
folded[0] = '\0';
return 1;
size_t lenFlat = 0;
for (size_t mixIndex=0; mixIndex < nUtf16Mixed; mixIndex++) {
if ((lenFlat + 20) > utf16Folded.size())
utf16Folded.resize(lenFlat + 60);
const char *foldedUTF8 = CaseConvert(utf16Mixed[mixIndex], CaseConversion::fold);
if (foldedUTF8) {
// Maximum length of a case conversion is 6 bytes, 3 characters
wchar_t wFolded[20];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const size_t charsConverted = UTF16FromUTF8(std::string_view(foldedUTF8),
wFolded, std::size(wFolded));
for (size_t j=0; j<charsConverted; j++)
utf16Folded[lenFlat++] = wFolded[j];
} else {
utf16Folded[lenFlat++] = utf16Mixed[mixIndex];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const std::wstring_view wsvFolded(&utf16Folded[0], lenFlat);
const size_t lenOut = MultiByteLenFromWideChar(cp, wsvFolded);
if (lenOut < sizeFolded) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
MultiByteFromWideChar(cp, wsvFolded, folded, lenOut);
return lenOut;
} else {
return 0;
std::unique_ptr<CaseFolder> ScintillaWin::CaseFolderForEncoding() {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const UINT cpDest = CodePageOfDocument();
if (cpDest == CpUtf8) {
return std::make_unique<CaseFolderUnicode>();
} else {
if (pdoc->dbcsCodePage == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<CaseFolderTable> pcf = std::make_unique<CaseFolderTable>();
// Only for single byte encodings
for (int i=0x80; i<0x100; i++) {
char sCharacter[2] = "A";
sCharacter[0] = static_cast<char>(i);
wchar_t wCharacter[20];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const unsigned int lengthUTF16 = WideCharFromMultiByte(cpDest, sCharacter,
wCharacter, std::size(wCharacter));
if (lengthUTF16 == 1) {
const char *caseFolded = CaseConvert(wCharacter[0], CaseConversion::fold);
if (caseFolded) {
wchar_t wLower[20];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const size_t charsConverted = UTF16FromUTF8(std::string_view(caseFolded),
wLower, std::size(wLower));
if (charsConverted == 1) {
char sCharacterLowered[20];
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const unsigned int lengthConverted = MultiByteFromWideChar(cpDest,
std::wstring_view(wLower, charsConverted),
sCharacterLowered, std::size(sCharacterLowered));
if ((lengthConverted == 1) && (sCharacter[0] != sCharacterLowered[0])) {
pcf->SetTranslation(sCharacter[0], sCharacterLowered[0]);
return pcf;
} else {
return std::make_unique<CaseFolderDBCS>(cpDest);
std::string ScintillaWin::CaseMapString(const std::string &s, CaseMapping caseMapping) {
if ((s.size() == 0) || (caseMapping == CaseMapping::same))
return s;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const UINT cpDoc = CodePageOfDocument();
if (cpDoc == CpUtf8) {
return CaseConvertString(s, (caseMapping == CaseMapping::upper) ? CaseConversion::upper : CaseConversion::lower);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Change text to UTF-16
const std::wstring wsText = StringDecode(s, cpDoc);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
((caseMapping == CaseMapping::upper) ? LCMAP_UPPERCASE : LCMAP_LOWERCASE);
// Change case
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const std::wstring wsConverted = StringMapCase(wsText, mapFlags);
// Change back to document encoding
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::string sConverted = StringEncode(wsConverted, cpDoc);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return sConverted;
void ScintillaWin::Copy() {
if (!sel.Empty()) {
SelectionText selectedText;
bool ScintillaWin::CanPaste() {
if (!Editor::CanPaste())
return false;
return ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT) != FALSE;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
class GlobalMemory {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
HGLOBAL hand {};
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void *ptr {};
GlobalMemory() noexcept {
explicit GlobalMemory(HGLOBAL hand_) noexcept : hand(hand_) {
if (hand) {
ptr = ::GlobalLock(hand);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// Deleted so GlobalMemory objects can not be copied.
GlobalMemory(const GlobalMemory &) = delete;
GlobalMemory(GlobalMemory &&) = delete;
GlobalMemory &operator=(const GlobalMemory &) = delete;
GlobalMemory &operator=(GlobalMemory &&) = delete;
~GlobalMemory() {
void Allocate(size_t bytes) noexcept {
hand = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, bytes);
if (hand) {
ptr = ::GlobalLock(hand);
HGLOBAL Unlock() noexcept {
HGLOBAL handCopy = hand;
ptr = nullptr;
hand = {};
return handCopy;
void SetClip(UINT uFormat) noexcept {
::SetClipboardData(uFormat, Unlock());
operator bool() const noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return ptr != nullptr;
SIZE_T Size() const noexcept {
return ::GlobalSize(hand);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// OpenClipboard may fail if another application has opened the clipboard.
// Try up to 8 times, with an initial delay of 1 ms and an exponential back off
// for a maximum total delay of 127 ms (1+2+4+8+16+32+64).
bool OpenClipboardRetry(HWND hwnd) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
for (int attempt=0; attempt<8; attempt++) {
if (attempt > 0) {
::Sleep(1 << (attempt-1));
if (::OpenClipboard(hwnd)) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsValidFormatEtc(const FORMATETC *pFE) noexcept {
return pFE->ptd == nullptr &&
(pFE->dwAspect & DVASPECT_CONTENT) != 0 &&
pFE->lindex == -1 &&
(pFE->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) != 0;
bool SupportedFormat(const FORMATETC *pFE) noexcept {
return pFE->cfFormat == CF_UNICODETEXT &&
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::Paste() {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (!::OpenClipboardRetry(MainHWND())) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
UndoGroup ug(pdoc);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const bool isLine = SelectionEmpty() &&
(::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(cfLineSelect) || ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(cfVSLineTag));
ClearSelection(multiPasteMode == MultiPaste::Each);
bool isRectangular = (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(cfColumnSelect) != 0);
if (!isRectangular) {
// Evaluate "Borland IDE Block Type" explicitly
GlobalMemory memBorlandSelection(::GetClipboardData(cfBorlandIDEBlockType));
if (memBorlandSelection) {
isRectangular = (memBorlandSelection.Size() == 1) && (static_cast<BYTE *>(memBorlandSelection.ptr)[0] == 0x02);
const PasteShape pasteShape = isRectangular ? PasteShape::rectangular : (isLine ? PasteShape::line : PasteShape::stream);
// Use CF_UNICODETEXT if available
GlobalMemory memUSelection(::GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT));
if (const wchar_t *uptr = static_cast<const wchar_t *>(memUSelection.ptr)) {
const std::string putf = EncodeWString(uptr);
InsertPasteShape(putf.c_str(), putf.length(), pasteShape);
void ScintillaWin::CreateCallTipWindow(PRectangle) {
if (!ct.wCallTip.Created()) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
HWND wnd = ::CreateWindow(callClassName, TEXT("ACallTip"),
WS_POPUP, 100, 100, 150, 20,
MainHWND(), 0,
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ct.wCallTip = wnd;
ct.wDraw = wnd;
void ScintillaWin::AddToPopUp(const char *label, int cmd, bool enabled) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
HMENU hmenuPopup = static_cast<HMENU>(popup.GetID());
if (!label[0])
::AppendMenuA(hmenuPopup, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, "");
else if (enabled)
::AppendMenuA(hmenuPopup, MF_STRING, cmd, label);
::AppendMenuA(hmenuPopup, MF_STRING | MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, cmd, label);
void ScintillaWin::ClaimSelection() {
// Windows does not have a primary selection
/// Implement IUnknown
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP FormatEnumerator::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("EFE QI");
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
*ppv = nullptr;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IEnumFORMATETC) {
*ppv = this;
} else {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return S_OK;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)FormatEnumerator::AddRef() {
return ++ref;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)FormatEnumerator::Release() {
const ULONG refs = --ref;
if (refs == 0) {
delete this;
return refs;
/// Implement IEnumFORMATETC
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP FormatEnumerator::Next(ULONG celt, FORMATETC *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (!rgelt) return E_POINTER;
ULONG putPos = 0;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
while ((pos < formats.size()) && (putPos < celt)) {
rgelt->cfFormat = formats[pos];
rgelt->ptd = nullptr;
rgelt->dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
rgelt->lindex = -1;
rgelt->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
if (pceltFetched)
*pceltFetched = putPos;
return putPos ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP FormatEnumerator::Skip(ULONG celt) {
pos += celt;
return S_OK;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP FormatEnumerator::Reset() {
pos = 0;
return S_OK;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP FormatEnumerator::Clone(IEnumFORMATETC **ppenum) {
FormatEnumerator *pfe;
try {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
pfe = new FormatEnumerator(pos, &formats[0], formats.size());
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return pfe->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumFORMATETC, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppenum));
FormatEnumerator::FormatEnumerator(ULONG pos_, const CLIPFORMAT formats_[], size_t formatsLen_) {
ref = 0; // First QI adds first reference...
pos = pos_;
formats.insert(formats.begin(), formats_, formats_+formatsLen_);
/// Implement IUnknown
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropSource::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) {
return sci->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DropSource::AddRef() {
return sci->AddRef();
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DropSource::Release() {
return sci->Release();
/// Implement IDropSource
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropSource::QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEsc, DWORD grfKeyState) {
if (fEsc)
if (!(grfKeyState & MK_LBUTTON))
return S_OK;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropSource::GiveFeedback(DWORD) {
/// Implement IUnkown
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DataObject::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DO QI %p\n", this);
return sci->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DataObject::AddRef() {
return sci->AddRef();
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DataObject::Release() {
return sci->Release();
/// Implement IDataObject
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return sci->GetData(pFEIn, pSTM);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB GetDataHere\n");
return E_NOTIMPL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
if (sci->DragIsRectangularOK(pFE->cfFormat) && IsValidFormatEtc(pFE)) {
return S_OK;
if (SupportedFormat(pFE)) {
return S_OK;
} else {
return S_FALSE;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc(FORMATETC *, FORMATETC *pFEOut) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB GetCanon\n");
pFEOut->cfFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT;
pFEOut->ptd = nullptr;
pFEOut->lindex = -1;
pFEOut->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
return S_OK;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB SetData\n");
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DataObject::EnumFormatEtc(DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppEnum) {
try {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB EnumFormatEtc %d\n", dwDirection);
if (dwDirection != DATADIR_GET) {
*ppEnum = nullptr;
return E_FAIL;
const CLIPFORMAT formats[] = {CF_UNICODETEXT};
FormatEnumerator *pfe = new FormatEnumerator(0, formats, std::size(formats));
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return pfe->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumFORMATETC, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppEnum));
} catch (std::bad_alloc &) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::BadAlloc;
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB DAdvise\n");
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DataObject::DUnadvise(DWORD) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB DUnadvise\n");
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DataObject::EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA **) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB EnumDAdvise\n");
return E_FAIL;
/// Implement IUnknown
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DT QI %p\n", this);
return sci->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DropTarget::AddRef() {
return sci->AddRef();
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG)DropTarget::Release() {
return sci->Release();
/// Implement IDropTarget by forwarding to Scintilla
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget::DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
try {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return sci->DragEnter(pIDataSource, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget::DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
try {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return sci->DragOver(grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget::DragLeave() {
try {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return sci->DragLeave();
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
STDMETHODIMP DropTarget::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
try {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
return sci->Drop(pIDataSource, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
} catch (...) {
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
sci->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
* DBCS: support Input Method Editor (IME).
* Called when IME Window opened.
void ScintillaWin::ImeStartComposition() {
if ( {
// Move IME Window to current caret position
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
const Point pos = PointMainCaret();
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
CompForm.dwStyle = CFS_POINT;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
CompForm.ptCurrentPos = POINTFromPoint(pos);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
::ImmSetCompositionWindow(imc.hIMC, &CompForm);
// Set font of IME window to same as surrounded text.
if (stylesValid) {
// Since the style creation code has been made platform independent,
// The logfont for the IME is recreated here.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int styleHere = pdoc->StyleIndexAt(sel.MainCaret());
LOGFONTW lf = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, L""};
int sizeZoomed = vs.styles[styleHere].size + vs.zoomLevel * FontSizeMultiplier;
if (sizeZoomed <= 2 * FontSizeMultiplier) // Hangs if sizeZoomed <= 1
sizeZoomed = 2 * FontSizeMultiplier;
// The negative is to allow for leading
lf.lfHeight = -::MulDiv(sizeZoomed, dpi, 72*FontSizeMultiplier);
lf.lfWeight = static_cast<LONG>(vs.styles[styleHere].weight);
lf.lfItalic = vs.styles[styleHere].italic ? 1 : 0;
lf.lfFaceName[0] = L'\0';
if (vs.styles[styleHere].fontName) {
const char* fontName = vs.styles[styleHere].fontName;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
UTF16FromUTF8(std::string_view(fontName), lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
::ImmSetCompositionFontW(imc.hIMC, &lf);
// Caret is displayed in IME window. So, caret in Scintilla is useless.
/** Called when IME Window closed. */
void ScintillaWin::ImeEndComposition() {
// clear IME composition state.
view.imeCaretBlockOverride = false;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
LRESULT ScintillaWin::ImeOnReconvert(LPARAM lParam) {
// Reconversion on windows limits within one line without eol.
// Look around: baseStart <-- (|mainStart| -- mainEnd) --> baseEnd.
const Sci::Position mainStart = sel.RangeMain().Start().Position();
const Sci::Position mainEnd = sel.RangeMain().End().Position();
const Sci::Line curLine = pdoc->SciLineFromPosition(mainStart);
if (curLine != pdoc->LineFromPosition(mainEnd))
return 0;
const Sci::Position baseStart = pdoc->LineStart(curLine);
const Sci::Position baseEnd = pdoc->LineEnd(curLine);
if ((baseStart == baseEnd) || (mainEnd > baseEnd))
return 0;
const int codePage = CodePageOfDocument();
const std::wstring rcFeed = StringDecode(RangeText(baseStart, baseEnd), codePage);
const int rcFeedLen = static_cast<int>(rcFeed.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t);
const int rcSize = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING) + rcFeedLen + sizeof(wchar_t);
RECONVERTSTRING *rc = static_cast<RECONVERTSTRING *>(PtrFromSPtr(lParam));
if (!rc)
return rcSize; // Immediately be back with rcSize of memory block.
wchar_t *rcFeedStart = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(rc + 1);
memcpy(rcFeedStart, &rcFeed[0], rcFeedLen);
std::string rcCompString = RangeText(mainStart, mainEnd);
std::wstring rcCompWstring = StringDecode(rcCompString, codePage);
std::string rcCompStart = RangeText(baseStart, mainStart);
std::wstring rcCompWstart = StringDecode(rcCompStart, codePage);
// Map selection to dwCompStr.
// No selection assumes current caret as rcCompString without length.
rc->dwVersion = 0; // It should be absolutely 0.
rc->dwStrLen = static_cast<DWORD>(rcFeed.length());
rc->dwStrOffset = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING);
rc->dwCompStrLen = static_cast<DWORD>(rcCompWstring.length());
rc->dwCompStrOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(rcCompWstart.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t);
rc->dwTargetStrLen = rc->dwCompStrLen;
rc->dwTargetStrOffset =rc->dwCompStrOffset;
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (!imc.hIMC)
return 0;
if (!::ImmSetCompositionStringW(imc.hIMC, SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING, rc, rcSize, nullptr, 0))
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return 0;
// No selection asks IME to fill target fields with its own value.
const int tgWlen = rc->dwTargetStrLen;
const int tgWstart = rc->dwTargetStrOffset / sizeof(wchar_t);
std::string tgCompStart = StringEncode(rcFeed.substr(0, tgWstart), codePage);
std::string tgComp = StringEncode(rcFeed.substr(tgWstart, tgWlen), codePage);
// No selection needs to adjust reconvert start position for IME set.
const int adjust = static_cast<int>(tgCompStart.length() - rcCompStart.length());
const int docCompLen = static_cast<int>(tgComp.length());
// Make place for next composition string to sit in.
for (size_t r=0; r<sel.Count(); r++) {
const Sci::Position rBase = sel.Range(r).Start().Position();
const Sci::Position docCompStart = rBase + adjust;
if (inOverstrike) { // the docCompLen of bytes will be overstriked.
} else {
// Ensure docCompStart+docCompLen be not beyond lineEnd.
// since docCompLen by byte might break eol.
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.1 & Lexilla 5.3.0 Scintilla 5.4.1 Released 27 December 2023. 1. Add IDocumentEditable interface to allow efficient interaction with document objects which may not be visible in a Scintilla instance. This feature is provisonal and may change before being declared stable. For better type-safety, the ScintillaCall C++ API uses IDocumentEditable* where void* was used before which may require changes to client code that uses document pointer APIs DocPointer, SetDocPointer, CreateDocument, AddRefDocument, and ReleaseDocument. 2. Ctrl-click on a selection deselects it in multiple selection mode. 3. Add SCI_SELECTIONFROMPOINT for modifying multiple selections. 4. Add SCI_SETMOVEEXTENDSSELECTION and SCI_CHANGESELECTIONMODE to simplify selection mode manipulation. 5. Improve performance of global replace by reducing cache invalidation overhead. [Feature #1502]( 6. Fix regular expression search for "\<" matching beginning of search when not beginning of word and for "\>" not matching line end. [Bug #2157]( 7. Fix regular expression search failure when search for "\<" followed by search for "\>". [Bug #2413]( 8. Fix regular expression assertion (^, $, \b. \B) failures when using SCFIND_CXX11REGEX. [Bug #2405]( 9. Fix regular expression bug in reverse direction where shortened match returned. [Bug #2405]( 10. Avoid character fragments in regular expression search results. [Bug #2405]( 11. With a document that does not have the SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_TEXT_LARGE option set, allocating more than 2G (calling SCI_ALLOCATE or similar) will now fail with SC_STATUS_FAILURE. 12. Protect SCI_REPLACETARGET, SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL, and SCI_REPLACETARGETRE from application changing target in notification handlers. [Bug #2289]( Lexilla 5.3.0 Released 27 December 2023. 1. Fix calling AddStaticLexerModule by defining as C++ instead of C which matches header. [Bug #2421]( 2. Bash: Fix shift operator << incorrectly recognized as here-doc. [Issue #215]( 3. Bash: Fix termination of '${' with first unquoted '}' instead of nesting. [Issue #216]( 4. HTML: JavaScript double-quoted strings may escape line end with '\'. [Issue #214]( 5. Lua: recognize --- doc comments. Defined by [LDoc]( Does not recognize --[[-- doc comments which seem less common. Close #14375
2023-11-19 17:46:55 +00:00
const Sci::Position lineEnd = pdoc->LineEndPosition(rBase);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const Sci::Position overflow = (docCompStart + docCompLen) - lineEnd;
if (overflow > 0) {
pdoc->DeleteChars(docCompStart, docCompLen - overflow);
} else {
pdoc->DeleteChars(docCompStart, docCompLen);
// Immediately Target Input or candidate box choice with GCS_COMPSTR.
return rcSize;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
LRESULT ScintillaWin::ImeOnDocumentFeed(LPARAM lParam) const {
// This is called while typing preedit string in.
// So there is no selection.
// Limit feed within one line without EOL.
// Look around: lineStart |<-- |compStart| - caret - compEnd| -->| lineEnd.
const Sci::Position curPos = CurrentPosition();
const Sci::Line curLine = pdoc->SciLineFromPosition(curPos);
const Sci::Position lineStart = pdoc->LineStart(curLine);
const Sci::Position lineEnd = pdoc->LineEnd(curLine);
const std::wstring rcFeed = StringDecode(RangeText(lineStart, lineEnd), CodePageOfDocument());
const int rcFeedLen = static_cast<int>(rcFeed.length()) * sizeof(wchar_t);
const int rcSize = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING) + rcFeedLen + sizeof(wchar_t);
RECONVERTSTRING *rc = static_cast<RECONVERTSTRING *>(PtrFromSPtr(lParam));
if (!rc)
return rcSize;
wchar_t *rcFeedStart = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(rc + 1);
memcpy(rcFeedStart, &rcFeed[0], rcFeedLen);
IMContext imc(MainHWND());
if (!imc.hIMC)
return 0;
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
DWORD compStrLen = 0;
Sci::Position compStart = curPos;
if (pdoc->TentativeActive()) {
// rcFeed contains current composition string
compStrLen = imc.GetCompositionStringLength(GCS_COMPSTR);
const int imeCaretPos = imc.GetImeCaretPos();
compStart = pdoc->GetRelativePositionUTF16(curPos, -imeCaretPos);
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
const Sci::Position compStrOffset = pdoc->CountUTF16(lineStart, compStart);
// Fill in reconvert structure.
// Let IME to decide what the target is.
rc->dwVersion = 0; //constant
rc->dwStrLen = static_cast<DWORD>(rcFeed.length());
rc->dwStrOffset = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING); //constant
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
rc->dwCompStrLen = compStrLen;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
rc->dwCompStrOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(compStrOffset) * sizeof(wchar_t);
rc->dwTargetStrLen = rc->dwCompStrLen;
rc->dwTargetStrOffset = rc->dwCompStrOffset;
return rcSize; // MS API says reconv structure to be returned.
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
void ScintillaWin::GetMouseParameters() noexcept {
// This retrieves the number of lines per scroll as configured in the Mouse Properties sheet in Control Panel
::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &linesPerScroll, 0);
if (!::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLCHARS, 0, &charsPerScroll, 0)) {
// no horizontal scrolling configuration on Windows XP
charsPerScroll = (linesPerScroll == WHEEL_PAGESCROLL) ? 3 : linesPerScroll;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSEVANISH, 0, &typingWithoutCursor, 0);
Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2 Sintilla Release 5.5.0 ( Released 23 April 2024. Add elements for inactive additional selections SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_ADDITIONAL_BACK. When not set these default to SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_TEXT and SC_ELEMENT_SELECTION_INACTIVE_BACK. Bug #2417. On Cocoa, avoid use of NSUserDefaults which will soon require justification when used in applications on the App Store. Fix Win32 IME crash in windowed mode. Bug #2433. Scale reverse arrow cursor for margins to match other cursors when user changes pointer size. Bug #2321. Lexilla Release 5.3.2 ( Released 23 April 2024. COBOL: Stop string literal continuing over line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Stop doc comment assigning different styles to \r and \n at line end. Issue #229. COBOL: Recognize keywords that start with 'V'. Issue #230. COBOL: Recognize comments after tag or that start with '/'. Issue #231. HTML: Implement substyles for tags, attributes, and identifiers SCE_H_TAG, SCE_H_ATTRIBUTE, SCE_HJ_WORD, SCE_HJA_WORD, SCE_HB_WORD, SCE_HP_WORD, SCE_HPHP_WORD. HTML: Implement context-sensitive attributes. "tag.attribute" matches "attribute" only inside "tag". HTML: Match standard handling of comments. Issue #232. Lua: Implement substyles for identifiers SCE_LUA_IDENTIFIER. Ruby: Allow non-ASCII here-doc delimiters. Issue #234. Ruby: Allow modifier if, unless, while and until after heredoc delimiter. Issue #236. Rust: Recognize raw identifiers. Issue #239, Pull request #240. Close #15042
2024-04-24 16:45:59 +00:00
HKEY hKey;
LSTATUS status = ::RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Control Panel\\Cursors", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD baseSize = 0;
DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD);
status = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"CursorBaseSize", nullptr, &type, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&baseSize), &size);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_DWORD) {
cursorBaseSize = baseSize;
void ScintillaWin::CopyToGlobal(GlobalMemory &gmUnicode, const SelectionText &selectedText) {
const std::string_view svSelected(selectedText.Data(), selectedText.LengthWithTerminator());
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
const size_t uchars = UTF16Length(svSelected);
gmUnicode.Allocate(2 * uchars);
if (gmUnicode) {
static_cast<wchar_t *>(gmUnicode.ptr), uchars);
} else {
// Not Unicode mode
// Convert to Unicode using the current Scintilla code page
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const UINT cpSrc = CodePageFromCharSet(
selectedText.characterSet, selectedText.codePage);
const size_t uLen = WideCharLenFromMultiByte(cpSrc, svSelected);
gmUnicode.Allocate(2 * uLen);
if (gmUnicode) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
WideCharFromMultiByte(cpSrc, svSelected,
static_cast<wchar_t *>(gmUnicode.ptr), uLen);
void ScintillaWin::CopyToClipboard(const SelectionText &selectedText) {
if (!::OpenClipboardRetry(MainHWND())) {
GlobalMemory uniText;
CopyToGlobal(uniText, selectedText);
if (uniText) {
if (selectedText.rectangular) {
::SetClipboardData(cfColumnSelect, 0);
GlobalMemory borlandSelection;
if (borlandSelection) {
static_cast<BYTE *>(borlandSelection.ptr)[0] = 0x02;
if (selectedText.lineCopy) {
::SetClipboardData(cfLineSelect, 0);
::SetClipboardData(cfVSLineTag, 0);
void ScintillaWin::ScrollMessage(WPARAM wParam) {
//DWORD dwStart = timeGetTime();
//Platform::DebugPrintf("Scroll %x %d\n", wParam, lParam);
SCROLLINFO sci = {};
sci.cbSize = sizeof(sci);
sci.fMask = SIF_ALL;
GetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &sci);
//Platform::DebugPrintf("ScrollInfo %d mask=%x min=%d max=%d page=%d pos=%d track=%d\n", b,sci.fMask,
//sci.nMin, sci.nMax, sci.nPage, sci.nPos, sci.nTrackPos);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
Sci::Line topLineNew = topLine;
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
topLineNew -= 1;
topLineNew += 1;
topLineNew -= LinesToScroll(); break;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: topLineNew += LinesToScroll(); break;
case SB_TOP: topLineNew = 0; break;
case SB_BOTTOM: topLineNew = MaxScrollPos(); break;
case SB_THUMBPOSITION: topLineNew = sci.nTrackPos; break;
case SB_THUMBTRACK: topLineNew = sci.nTrackPos; break;
void ScintillaWin::HorizontalScrollMessage(WPARAM wParam) {
int xPos = xOffset;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const PRectangle rcText = GetTextRectangle();
const int pageWidth = static_cast<int>(rcText.Width() * 2 / 3);
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
xPos -= 20;
case SB_LINEDOWN: // May move past the logical end
xPos += 20;
xPos -= pageWidth;
xPos += pageWidth;
case SB_TOP:
xPos = 0;
xPos = scrollWidth;
// Do NOT use wParam, its 16 bit and not enough for very long lines. Its still possible to overflow the 32 bit but you have to try harder =]
si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
si.fMask = SIF_TRACKPOS;
if (GetScrollInfo(SB_HORZ, &si)) {
xPos = si.nTrackPos;
* Redraw all of text area.
* This paint will not be abandoned.
void ScintillaWin::FullPaint() {
if ((technology == Technology::Default) || (technology == Technology::DirectWriteDC)) {
HDC hdc = ::GetDC(MainHWND());
::ReleaseDC(MainHWND(), hdc);
} else {
* Redraw all of text area on the specified DC.
* This paint will not be abandoned.
void ScintillaWin::FullPaintDC(HDC hdc) {
paintState = PaintState::painting;
rcPaint = GetClientRectangle();
paintingAllText = true;
paintState = PaintState::notPainting;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
namespace {
bool CompareDevCap(HDC hdc, HDC hOtherDC, int nIndex) noexcept {
return ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, nIndex) == ::GetDeviceCaps(hOtherDC, nIndex);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
bool ScintillaWin::IsCompatibleDC(HDC hOtherDC) noexcept {
HDC hdc = ::GetDC(MainHWND());
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const bool isCompatible =
CompareDevCap(hdc, hOtherDC, TECHNOLOGY) &&
CompareDevCap(hdc, hOtherDC, LOGPIXELSY) &&
CompareDevCap(hdc, hOtherDC, LOGPIXELSX) &&
CompareDevCap(hdc, hOtherDC, BITSPIXEL) &&
CompareDevCap(hdc, hOtherDC, PLANES);
::ReleaseDC(MainHWND(), hdc);
return isCompatible;
DWORD ScintillaWin::EffectFromState(DWORD grfKeyState) const noexcept {
// These are the Wordpad semantics.
DWORD dwEffect;
if (inDragDrop == DragDrop::dragging) // Internal defaults to move
if (grfKeyState & MK_ALT)
if (grfKeyState & MK_CONTROL)
return dwEffect;
/// Implement IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP ScintillaWin::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PVOID *ppv) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
*ppv = nullptr;
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) {
*ppv = &dt;
} else if (riid == IID_IDropSource) {
*ppv = &ds;
} else if (riid == IID_IDropTarget) {
*ppv = &dt;
} else if (riid == IID_IDataObject) {
*ppv = &dob;
if (!*ppv)
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ScintillaWin::AddRef() {
return 1;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) ScintillaWin::Release() {
return 1;
/// Implement IDropTarget
STDMETHODIMP ScintillaWin::DragEnter(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (!pIDataSource )
return E_POINTER;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const HRESULT hrHasUText = pIDataSource->QueryGetData(&fmtu);
hasOKText = (hrHasUText == S_OK);
if (hasOKText) {
*pdwEffect = EffectFromState(grfKeyState);
} else {
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP ScintillaWin::DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
try {
if (!hasOKText || pdoc->IsReadOnly()) {
return S_OK;
*pdwEffect = EffectFromState(grfKeyState);
// Update the cursor.
POINT rpt = {pt.x, pt.y};
::ScreenToClient(MainHWND(), &rpt);
SetDragPosition(SPositionFromLocation(PointFromPOINT(rpt), false, false, UserVirtualSpace()));
return S_OK;
} catch (...) {
errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
STDMETHODIMP ScintillaWin::DragLeave() {
try {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return S_OK;
} catch (...) {
errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
STDMETHODIMP ScintillaWin::Drop(LPDATAOBJECT pIDataSource, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL pt, PDWORD pdwEffect) {
try {
*pdwEffect = EffectFromState(grfKeyState);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (!pIDataSource)
return E_POINTER;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::string putf;
STGMEDIUM medium{};
const HRESULT hr = pIDataSource->GetData(&fmtu, &medium);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
return hr;
if (medium.hGlobal) {
GlobalMemory memUDrop(medium.hGlobal);
if (const wchar_t *uptr = static_cast<const wchar_t *>(memUDrop.ptr)) {
putf = EncodeWString(uptr);
if (putf.empty()) {
return S_OK;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
FORMATETC fmtr = {cfColumnSelect, nullptr, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL};
const bool isRectangular = S_OK == pIDataSource->QueryGetData(&fmtr);
POINT rpt = {pt.x, pt.y};
::ScreenToClient(MainHWND(), &rpt);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const SelectionPosition movePos = SPositionFromLocation(PointFromPOINT(rpt), false, false, UserVirtualSpace());
DropAt(movePos, putf.c_str(), putf.size(), *pdwEffect == DROPEFFECT_MOVE, isRectangular);
// Free data
return S_OK;
} catch (...) {
errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return E_FAIL;
/// Implement important part of IDataObject
if (!SupportedFormat(pFEIn)) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB GetData No %d %x %x fmt=%x\n", lenDrag, pFEIn, pSTM, pFEIn->cfFormat);
//Platform::DebugPrintf("DOB GetData OK %d %x %x\n", lenDrag, pFEIn, pSTM);
GlobalMemory uniText;
CopyToGlobal(uniText, drag);
pSTM->hGlobal = uniText ? uniText.Unlock() : 0;
pSTM->pUnkForRelease = nullptr;
return S_OK;
void ScintillaWin::Prepare() noexcept {
// Register the CallTip class
WNDCLASSEX wndclassc{};
wndclassc.cbSize = sizeof(wndclassc); = CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclassc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(ScintillaWin *);
wndclassc.hInstance = hInstance;
wndclassc.lpfnWndProc = ScintillaWin::CTWndProc;
wndclassc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wndclassc.lpszClassName = callClassName;
callClassAtom = ::RegisterClassEx(&wndclassc);
bool ScintillaWin::Register(HINSTANCE hInstance_) noexcept {
hInstance = hInstance_;
// Register the Scintilla class
// Register Scintilla as a wide character window
WNDCLASSEXW wndclass {};
wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); = CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = ScintillaWin::SWndProc;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(ScintillaWin *);
wndclass.hInstance = hInstance;
wndclass.lpszClassName = L"Scintilla";
scintillaClassAtom = ::RegisterClassExW(&wndclass);
const bool result = 0 != scintillaClassAtom;
return result;
bool ScintillaWin::Unregister() noexcept {
bool result = true;
if (0 != scintillaClassAtom) {
if (::UnregisterClass(MAKEINTATOM(scintillaClassAtom), hInstance) == 0) {
result = false;
scintillaClassAtom = 0;
if (0 != callClassAtom) {
if (::UnregisterClass(MAKEINTATOM(callClassAtom), hInstance) == 0) {
result = false;
callClassAtom = 0;
return result;
bool ScintillaWin::HasCaretSizeChanged() const noexcept {
if (
( (0 != vs.caret.width) && (sysCaretWidth != vs.caret.width) )
|| ((0 != vs.lineHeight) && (sysCaretHeight != vs.lineHeight))
) {
return true;
return false;
BOOL ScintillaWin::CreateSystemCaret() {
sysCaretWidth = vs.caret.width;
if (0 == sysCaretWidth) {
sysCaretWidth = 1;
sysCaretHeight = vs.lineHeight;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const int bitmapSize = (((sysCaretWidth + 15) & ~15) >> 3) *
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::vector<BYTE> bits(bitmapSize);
sysCaretBitmap = ::CreateBitmap(sysCaretWidth, sysCaretHeight, 1,
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
1, &bits[0]);
const BOOL retval = ::CreateCaret(
MainHWND(), sysCaretBitmap,
sysCaretWidth, sysCaretHeight);
if (technology == Technology::Default) {
// System caret interferes with Direct2D drawing so only show it for GDI.
return retval;
BOOL ScintillaWin::DestroySystemCaret() noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const BOOL retval = ::DestroyCaret();
if (sysCaretBitmap) {
sysCaretBitmap = {};
return retval;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
LRESULT PASCAL ScintillaWin::CTWndProc(
HWND hWnd, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
// Find C++ object associated with window.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ScintillaWin *sciThis = static_cast<ScintillaWin *>(PointerFromWindow(hWnd));
try {
// ctp will be zero if WM_CREATE not seen yet
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (sciThis == nullptr) {
if (iMessage == WM_CREATE) {
// Associate CallTip object with window
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
CREATESTRUCT *pCreate = static_cast<CREATESTRUCT *>(PtrFromSPtr(lParam));
SetWindowPointer(hWnd, pCreate->lpCreateParams);
return 0;
} else {
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} else {
if (iMessage == WM_NCDESTROY) {
SetWindowPointer(hWnd, nullptr);
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} else if (iMessage == WM_PAINT) {
::BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surfaceWindow(Surface::Allocate(sciThis->technology));
#if defined(USE_D2D)
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget *pCTRenderTarget = nullptr;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc);
if (sciThis->technology == Technology::Default) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
surfaceWindow->Init(ps.hdc, hWnd);
} else {
#if defined(USE_D2D)
Update: Scintilla 5.3.6 and Lexilla 5.2.6 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486. On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382. On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333. On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300. On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret. On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK. and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 ( Released 26 July 2023. Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176. Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177. Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181. Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183. Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186. Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189. Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages. HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185. HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191. HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191. Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179. Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER. Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING). SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_TOO_MANY, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_CHARACTER_ESCAPE_ERROR, SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_EOL_OPEN, and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_VERBATIM_SPECIAL were removed (replaced with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_UNUSED[1-5]). Pull request #178. Fix #13901, fix #13911, fix #13943, close #13940
2023-07-27 17:57:12 +00:00
const int scaleFactor = sciThis->GetFirstIntegralMultipleDeviceScaleFactor();
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
// Create a Direct2D render target.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
dhrtp.hwnd = hWnd;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
dhrtp.pixelSize = ::GetSizeUFromRect(rc, scaleFactor);
dhrtp.presentOptions = (sciThis->technology == Technology::DirectWriteRetain) ?
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
drtp.pixelFormat.format = DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
drtp.pixelFormat.alphaMode = D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_UNKNOWN;
Update to Scintilla 5.3.2 and Lexilla 5.2.1 update to with: Released 6 December 2022. Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history. Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals. Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455. Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459. Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363. Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344. On Qt, implement SCI_SETRECTANGULARSELECTIONMODIFIER for all platforms. On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE. and with Released 6 December 2022. Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461. Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang. Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115. F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111. F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112. Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117. PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118. Close #12624
2022-12-10 12:35:16 +00:00
drtp.dpiX = 96.f * scaleFactor;
drtp.dpiY = 96.f * scaleFactor;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (!SUCCEEDED(pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(drtp, dhrtp, &pCTRenderTarget))) {
::EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
return 0;
// If above SUCCEEDED, then pCTRenderTarget not nullptr
if (pCTRenderTarget) {
surfaceWindow->Init(pCTRenderTarget, hWnd);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#if defined(USE_D2D)
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (pCTRenderTarget)
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
#if defined(USE_D2D)
::EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
return 0;
} else if ((iMessage == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) || (iMessage == WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK)) {
Updated to Scintilla 5.4.2 & Lexilla 5.3.1 Release 5.4.2 Released 5 March 2024. Significantly reduce memory used for undo actions, often to a half or quarter of previous versions. Feature #1458. Add APIs for saving and restoring undo history. For GTK, when laying out text, detect runs with both left-to-right and right-to-left ranges and divide into an ASCII prefix and more complex suffix. Lay out the ASCII prefix in the standard manner but, for the suffix, measure the whole width and spread that over the suffix bytes. This produces more usable results where the caret moves over the ASCII prefix correctly and over the suffix reasonably but not accurately. For ScintillaEdit on Qt, fix reference from ScintillaDocument to Document to match change in 5.4.1 using IDocumentEditable for SCI_GETDOCPOINTER and SCI_SETDOCPOINTER. For Direct2D on Win32, use the multi-threaded option to avoid crashes when Scintilla instances created on different threads. There may be more problems with this scenario so it should be avoided. Bug #2420. For Win32, ensure keyboard-initiated context menu appears in multi-screen situations. Release 5.3.1 Released 5 March 2024. Assembler: After comments, treat \r\n line ends the same as \n. This makes testing easier. Bash: Fix folding when line changed to/from comment and previous line is comment. Issue #224. Batch: Fix handling ':' next to keywords. Issue #222. JavaScript: in cpp lexer, add lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings=2 mode to treat ` back-quoted strings as template literals which allow embedded ${expressions}. Issue #94. Python: fix lexing of rb'' and rf'' strings. Issue #223, Pull request #227. Ruby: fix lexing of methods on numeric literals like '3.times' so the '.' and method name do not appear in numeric style. Issue #225.
2024-03-06 21:05:54 +00:00
POINT pt = POINTFromLParam(lParam);
::ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt);
return 0;
} else if (iMessage == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
// This does not fire due to the hit test code
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
return 0;
} else if (iMessage == WM_SETCURSOR) {
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return 0;
} else if (iMessage == WM_NCHITTEST) {
} else {
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} catch (...) {
sciThis->errorStatus = Status::Failure;
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
sptr_t ScintillaWin::DirectFunction(
sptr_t ptr, UINT iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
ScintillaWin *sci = reinterpret_cast<ScintillaWin *>(ptr);
PLATFORM_ASSERT(::GetCurrentThreadId() == ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(sci->MainHWND(), nullptr));
return sci->WndProc(static_cast<Message>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
sptr_t ScintillaWin::DirectStatusFunction(
sptr_t ptr, UINT iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam, int *pStatus) {
ScintillaWin *sci = reinterpret_cast<ScintillaWin *>(ptr);
PLATFORM_ASSERT(::GetCurrentThreadId() == ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(sci->MainHWND(), nullptr));
const sptr_t returnValue = sci->WndProc(static_cast<Message>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
*pStatus = static_cast<int>(sci->errorStatus);
return returnValue;
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
sptr_t DirectFunction(
ScintillaWin *sci, UINT iMessage, uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
return sci->WndProc(static_cast<Message>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
LRESULT PASCAL ScintillaWin::SWndProc(
HWND hWnd, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
//Platform::DebugPrintf("S W:%x M:%x WP:%x L:%x\n", hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
// Find C++ object associated with window.
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
ScintillaWin *sci = static_cast<ScintillaWin *>(PointerFromWindow(hWnd));
// sci will be zero if WM_CREATE not seen yet
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
if (sci == nullptr) {
try {
if (iMessage == WM_CREATE) {
static std::once_flag once;
std::call_once(once, Prepare);
// Create C++ object associated with window
sci = new ScintillaWin(hWnd);
SetWindowPointer(hWnd, sci);
return sci->WndProc(static_cast<Message>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
} catch (...) {
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} else {
if (iMessage == WM_NCDESTROY) {
try {
delete sci;
} catch (...) {
SetWindowPointer(hWnd, nullptr);
return ::DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMessage, wParam, lParam);
} else {
return sci->WndProc(static_cast<Message>(iMessage), wParam, lParam);
// This function is externally visible so it can be called from container when building statically.
// Must be called once only.
extern "C" int Scintilla_RegisterClasses(void *hInstance) {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const bool result = ScintillaWin::Register(static_cast<HINSTANCE>(hInstance));
return result;
namespace Scintilla::Internal {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
int ResourcesRelease(bool fromDllMain) noexcept {
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
const bool result = ScintillaWin::Unregister();
return result;
int RegisterClasses(void *hInstance) noexcept {
const bool result = ScintillaWin::Register(static_cast<HINSTANCE>(hInstance));
return result;
2019-05-04 18:14:48 +00:00
// This function is externally visible so it can be called from container when building statically.
extern "C" int Scintilla_ReleaseResources() {
return Scintilla::Internal::ResourcesRelease(false);