
221 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

echo off
rem this file is part of installer for Notepad++
rem Copyright (C)2006 Don HO <>
rem This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
rem modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
rem as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
rem version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
rem This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
rem GNU General Public License for more details.
rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
rem along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
rem Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
echo on
rmdir /S /Q .\build
mkdir .\build
rem Notepad++ minimalist package
rmdir /S /Q .\minimalist
mkdir .\minimalist
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\change.log .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\config.model.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\langs.model.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\stylers.model.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\contextMenu.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\shortcuts.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\doLocalConf.xml .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\"notepad++.exe" .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\SciLexer.dll .\minimalist\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem Notepad++ Unicode package
rmdir /S /Q .\zipped.package.release
mkdir .\zipped.package.release
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\updater
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\localization
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\themes
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\user.manual
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\doc
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\updater
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\themes
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\user.manual
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\APIs
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\Config
mkdir .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\doc
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\change.log .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\config.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\langs.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\stylers.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\contextMenu.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\shortcuts.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\doLocalConf.xml .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\"notepad++.exe" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release\unicode\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\SpellChecker.dll" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppFTP.dll" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppExport.dll" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\NppConverter.dll" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem plugins manager and its updater
copy /Y "..\bin\plugins\PluginManager.dll" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin\updater\gpup.exe" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\updater\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem document
xcopy /Y /S ..\bin\user.manual\*.* .\zipped.package.release\unicode\user.manual\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem localizations
copy /Y ".\nativeLang\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\localization\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\unicode\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem Notepad++ ANSI package
del /F /S /Q .\zipped.package.release\ansi\*.*
copy /Y ..\bin\SciLexer.dll .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\license.txt .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\readme.txt .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\change.log .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\config.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\langs.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\stylers.model.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\contextMenu.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\src\shortcuts.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin\doLocalConf.xml .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y ..\bin-ansi\"notepad++.exe" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem Plugins
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\NppTextFXA.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\NppExec.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\SpellChecker.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\NppExportA.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\LightExplorer.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\ComparePlugin.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\plugins\PluginManager.dll" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
copy /Y "..\bin-ansi\updater\gpup.exe" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\updater\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem document
xcopy /Y /S ..\bin\user.manual\*.* .\zipped.package.release\ansi\user.manual\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem files API
copy /Y ".\APIs\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\plugins\APIs\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
rem theme
copy /Y ".\themes\*.xml" .\zipped.package.release\ansi\themes\
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.minimalist.7z .\minimalist\*
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -r .\build\ .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -r .\build\npp.bin.7z .\zipped.package.release\*
If ErrorLevel 1 PAUSE
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe" nppSetup.nsi
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
cd .\build\
for %%a in (npp.*.Installer.exe) do (
rem echo a = %%a
set nppInstallerVar=%%a
set zipvar=!!
set 7zvar=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.7z!
set 7zvarMin=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=bin.minimalist.7z!
rem set md5var=!nppInstallerVar:Installer.exe=release.md5!
ren !zipvar!
ren npp.bin.7z !7zvar!
ren npp.bin.minimalist.7z !7zvarMin!
rem ..\externalTools\md5.exe -o!md5var! !nppInstallerVar! !zipvar! !7zvar!
cd ..