
161 lines
6.4 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - implemented 2019 by Neil Hodgson
# Released to the public domain.
# Regenerate the Lexilla source files that list all the lexers.
# Should be run whenever a new lexer is added or removed.
# Requires Python 3.6 or later
# Files are regenerated in place with templates stored in comments.
# The format of generation comments is documented in
import os, pathlib, sys, uuid
thisPath = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve()
sys.path.append(str(thisPath.parent.parent.parent / "scintilla" / "scripts"))
from FileGenerator import Regenerate, UpdateLineInFile, \
ReplaceREInFile, UpdateLineInPlistFile, ReadFileAsList, UpdateFileFromLines, \
import LexillaData
import LexFacer
sys.path.append(str(thisPath.parent.parent / "src"))
import DepGen
# RegenerateXcodeProject and assiciated functions is copied from scintilla/scripts/
# Last 24 digits of UUID, used for item IDs in Xcode
def uid24():
return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "").upper()[-24:]
def ciLexerKey(a):
return a.split()[2].lower()
11F35FDB12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */; };
11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = LexA68k.cxx; path = ../../lexers/LexA68k.cxx; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
11F35FDA12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx */,
11F35FDB12AEFAF100F0236D /* LexA68k.cxx in Sources */,
def RegenerateXcodeProject(path, lexers, lexerReferences):
# Build 4 blocks for insertion:
# Each markers contains a unique section start, an optional wait string, and a section end
markersPBXBuildFile = ["Begin PBXBuildFile section", "", "End PBXBuildFile section"]
sectionPBXBuildFile = []
markersPBXFileReference = ["Begin PBXFileReference section", "", "End PBXFileReference section"]
sectionPBXFileReference = []
markersLexers = ["/* Lexers */ =", "children", ");"]
sectionLexers = []
markersPBXSourcesBuildPhase = ["Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section", "files", ");"]
sectionPBXSourcesBuildPhase = []
for lexer in lexers:
if lexer not in lexerReferences:
uid1 = uid24()
uid2 = uid24()
print("Lexer", lexer, "is not in Xcode project. Use IDs", uid1, uid2)
lexerReferences[lexer] = [uid1, uid2]
linePBXBuildFile = "\t\t{} /* {}.cxx in Sources */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {} /* {}.cxx */; }};".format(uid1, lexer, uid2, lexer)
linePBXFileReference = "\t\t{} /* {}.cxx */ = {{isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = {}.cxx; path = ../../lexers/{}.cxx; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }};".format(uid2, lexer, lexer, lexer)
lineLexers = "\t\t\t\t{} /* {}.cxx */,".format(uid2, lexer)
linePBXSourcesBuildPhase = "\t\t\t\t{} /* {}.cxx in Sources */,".format(uid1, lexer)
lines = ReadFileAsList(path)
sli = FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXBuildFile)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXBuildFile
sli = FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXFileReference)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXFileReference
sli = FindSectionInList(lines, markersLexers)
# This section is shown in the project outline so sort it to make it easier to navigate.
allLexers = sorted(lines[sli.start:sli.stop] + sectionLexers, key=ciLexerKey)
lines[sli] = allLexers
sli = FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXSourcesBuildPhase)
lines[sli.stop:sli.stop] = sectionPBXSourcesBuildPhase
UpdateFileFromLines(path, lines, "\n")
def RegenerateAll(rootDirectory):
root = pathlib.Path(rootDirectory)
lexillaBase = root.resolve()
lex = LexillaData.LexillaData(lexillaBase)
lexillaDir = lexillaBase
srcDir = lexillaDir / "src"
docDir = lexillaDir / "doc"
Regenerate(srcDir / "Lexilla.cxx", "//", lex.lexerModules)
Regenerate(srcDir / "lexilla.mak", "#", lex.lexFiles)
# Discover version information
version = (lexillaDir / "version.txt").read_text().strip()
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
versionDotted = version[0:-2] + '.' + version[-2] + '.' + version[-1]
versionCommad = versionDotted.replace(".", ", ") + ', 0'
rcPath = srcDir / "LexillaVersion.rc"
UpdateLineInFile(rcPath, "#define VERSION_LEXILLA",
"#define VERSION_LEXILLA \"" + versionDotted + "\"")
UpdateLineInFile(rcPath, "#define VERSION_WORDS",
"#define VERSION_WORDS " + versionCommad)
UpdateLineInFile(docDir / "LexillaDownload.html", " Release",
" Release " + versionDotted)
ReplaceREInFile(docDir / "LexillaDownload.html",
Update: Scintilla 5.3.5 Lexilla 5.2.5 update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310. On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923. On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box. On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text. On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME. and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 ( Released 31 May 2023. Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray. Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033. Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153. Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154. Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154. Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154. Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137. Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148. F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156. VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151. Close #13729
2023-05-31 23:11:12 +00:00
r"/\g<1>" + version,
pathMain = lexillaDir / "doc" / "Lexilla.html"
' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3">Release version',
' <font color="#FFCC99" size="3">Release version ' + \
versionDotted + '<br />')
' Site last modified',
' Site last modified ' + lex.mdyModified + '</font>')
' <meta name="Date.Modified"',
' <meta name="Date.Modified" content="' + lex.dateModified + '" />')
UpdateLineInFile(lexillaDir / "doc" / "LexillaHistory.html",
' Released ',
' Released ' + lex.dmyModified + '.')
lexillaXcode = lexillaDir / "src" / "Lexilla"
lexillaXcodeProject = lexillaXcode / "Lexilla.xcodeproj" / "project.pbxproj"
lexerReferences = LexillaData.FindLexersInXcode(lexillaXcodeProject)
UpdateLineInPlistFile(lexillaXcode / "Info.plist",
"CFBundleShortVersionString", versionDotted)
ReplaceREInFile(lexillaXcodeProject, "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = [0-9.]+;",
f'CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = {versionDotted};',
RegenerateXcodeProject(lexillaXcodeProject, lex.lexFiles, lexerReferences)
LexFacer.RegenerateAll(root, False)
currentDirectory = pathlib.Path.cwd()
if __name__=="__main__":