Shortcut Mapper controls the keyboard shortcuts assigned to
commands from the menus and the Scintilla control. Pressing such a
shortcut will trigger the command. Menu shortcuts have a one-to-one
mapping, meaning that a menu item can have only one shortcut, and no
duplicate shortcuts are allowed (you can enter them, but only one
will work, so be careful with conflicts). Scintilla shortcuts have a
one-to-many mapping, meaning a single Scintilla command can be
triggered by multiple shortcut combinations. However, the same
shortcut for multiple commands is not allowed, just as with the menu.<p><imgstyle="width: 593px; height: 584px;"alt=""src="Images/Screenshots/shortcut_mapper.png"><p>
are listed in a two column list. The left column shows the name of
the command, the right column the associated shortcut, if any.</font>
viewing shortcuts, <spanclass="shortcut">doubleclicking</span> on it or <spanclass="shortcut">rightclicking</span> and
selecting <spanclass="menu_item">Modify</span> allows you to change it. You will get an dialog with
the name (modifiable for macros and run commands) and the assigned
shortcut. Use the checkboxes to control what modifier keys to use (note that Scintilla does not support the <spanclass="shortcut">Windows key</span>, as it hardly makes sense on a Unix/Mac machine) and
the dropdownlist to choose the key to press. Selecting 'none' from
the list will disable the shortcut key (a warning will appear).
Pressing <spanclass="button">OK</span> applies any changes, <spanclass="button">Cancel</span> or closing the dialog aborts.