232 lines
8.9 KiB
232 lines
8.9 KiB
![]() |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- ==========================================================================\
| To learn how to make your own language parser, please check the following
| link:
| https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/function-list/
\=========================================================================== -->
<!-- ======================================================== [ Java ] -->
| Based on:
| https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/12691/function-list-with-java-problems
id ="java_syntax"
mainExpr ="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
(?m)^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
| final
| native
| p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic)
| s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized)
| transient
| volatile
| @[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier
(?: # consecutive names...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| b(?:oolean|reak|yte)
| c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtends)
| f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)
| long
| n(?:ative|ew)
| p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)
| return
| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)
| th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| while
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator...
(?'GENERIC' # ...match first generic, use as subroutine
(?&DECLARATOR) # use named generic
| \? # or unknown
(?: # optional type extension
(?: # multiple bounds...
\s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated
(?: # match consecutive generics objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
(?: # package and|or nested classes...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?: # optional object extension
(?: # consecutive objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
(?: # optional object implementation
(?: # consecutive objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\{ # whatever, up till start-of-body indicator
openSymbole ="\{"
<nameExpr expr="(?-i:class|enum|@?interface)\s+\K\w+(?:\s*\x3C.*?\x3E)?" />
mainExpr="(?x) # Utilize inline comments (see `RegEx - Pattern Modifiers`)
^[\t\x20]* # leading whitespace
| final
| native
| p(?:rivate|rotected|ublic)
| s(?:tatic|trictfp|ynchronized)
| transient
| volatile
| @[A-Za-z_]\w* # qualified identifier
(?: # consecutive names...
\. # ...are dot separated
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
[A-Za-z_]\w* # (parent) type name
(?: # consecutive sibling type names...
\. # ...are dot separated
\s*\x3C # start-of-template indicator
(?'GENERIC' # match first generic, use as subroutine
(?&DECLARATOR) # use named generic
| \? # or unknown
(?: # optional type extension
(?: # multiple bounds...
\s+\x26 # ...are ampersand separated
(?: # consecutive generics objects...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\s*\x3E # end-of-template indicator
(?: # package and|or nested classes...
\. # ...are dot separated
(?: # optional compound type...
\s*\[ # ...start-of-compound indicator
\s*\] # ...end-of-compound indicator
(?'VALID_ID' # valid identifier, use as subroutine
| b(?:oolean|reak|yte)
| c(?:ase|atch|har|lass|on(?:st|tinue))
| d(?:efault|o(?:uble)?)
| e(?:lse|num|xtends)
| f(?:inal(?:ly)?|loat|or)
| goto
| i(?:f|mp(?:lements|ort)|nstanceof|nt(?:erface)?)
| long
| n(?:ative|ew)
| p(?:ackage|rivate|rotected|ublic)
| return
| s(?:hort|tatic|trictfp|uper|witch|ynchronized)
| th(?:is|rows?)|tr(?:ansient|y)
| vo(?:id|latile)
| while
)\b) # keywords, not to be used as identifier
[A-Za-z_]\w* # valid character combination for identifiers
\s*\( # start-of-parameters indicator
(?'PARAMETER' # match first parameter, use as subroutine
\s+(?&VALID_ID) # parameter name
(?: # consecutive parameters...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
\) # end-of-parameters indicator
(?: # optional exceptions
\s+(?&VALID_ID) # first exception name
(?: # consecutive exception names...
\s*, # ...are comma separated
[^{;]*\{ # start-of-function-body indicator
<funcNameExpr expr="\w+(?=\s*\()" />