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// This file is part of Notepad++ project
2020-04-04 21:03:18 +00:00
// Copyright (C)2020 Don HO <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
// it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid
// misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a
// "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
// following:
// 1. Integrates source code from Notepad++.
// 2. Integrates/includes/aggregates Notepad++ into a proprietary executable
// installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.
// 3. Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "Notepad_plus_Window.h"
2016-01-23 01:24:37 +00:00
#include "Processus.h"
#include "Win32Exception.h" //Win32 exception
#include "MiniDumper.h" //Write dump files
#include "verifySignedfile.h"
typedef std::vector<generic_string> ParamVector;
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
void allowWmCopydataMessages(Notepad_plus_Window& notepad_plus_plus, const NppParameters& nppParameters, winVer ver)
#ifndef MSGFLT_ADD
// Tell UAC that lower integrity processes are allowed to send WM_COPYDATA messages to this process (or window)
// This allows opening new files to already opened elevated Notepad++ process via explorer context menu.
if (ver >= WV_VISTA || ver == WV_UNKNOWN)
HMODULE hDll = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32.dll"));
if (hDll)
// According to MSDN ChangeWindowMessageFilter may not be supported in future versions of Windows,
// that is why we use ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx if it is available (windows version >= Win7).
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
if (nppParameters.getWinVersion() == WV_VISTA)
MESSAGEFILTERFUNC func = (MESSAGEFILTERFUNC)::GetProcAddress( hDll, "ChangeWindowMessageFilter" );
if (func)
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,VOID* pChangeFilterStruct);
MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX func = (MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)::GetProcAddress( hDll, "ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx" );
if (func)
func(notepad_plus_plus.getHSelf(), WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ALLOW, NULL );
//commandLine should contain path to n++ executable running
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
ParamVector parseCommandLine(const TCHAR* commandLine)
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
ParamVector result;
if ( commandLine[0] != '\0' )
int numArgs;
LPWSTR* tokenizedCmdLine = CommandLineToArgvW( commandLine, &numArgs );
if ( tokenizedCmdLine != nullptr )
result.assign( tokenizedCmdLine, tokenizedCmdLine+numArgs );
LocalFree( tokenizedCmdLine );
return result;
// 1. Converts /p to -quickPrint if it exists as the first parameter
// 2. Concatenates all remaining parameters to form a file path, adding appending .txt extension if necessary
// This seems to mirror Notepad's behaviour
ParamVector convertParamsToNotepadStyle(PWSTR pCmdLine)
ParamVector params;
if ( _tcsnicmp(TEXT("/p"), pCmdLine, 2) == 0 ) // Notepad accepts both /p and /P, so compare case insensitively
pCmdLine += 2; // Length of "/p"
// Advance to the first non-whitespace character
while ( iswspace( *pCmdLine ) )
// Now form a file name from the remaining commandline (if any is left)
if ( *pCmdLine != '\0' )
generic_string str(pCmdLine);
if ( *PathFindExtension(str.c_str()) == '\0' )
str.append(TEXT(".txt")); // If joined path has no extension, Notepad adds a .txt extension
return params;
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
bool isInList(const TCHAR *token2Find, ParamVector& params, bool eraseArg = true)
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
for (auto it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it)
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
if (lstrcmp(token2Find, it->c_str()) == 0)
2018-07-02 15:24:39 +00:00
if (eraseArg) params.erase(it);
return true;
return false;
bool getParamVal(TCHAR c, ParamVector & params, generic_string & value)
value = TEXT("");
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
size_t nbItems = params.size();
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbItems; ++i)
const TCHAR * token =;
if (token[0] == '-' && lstrlen(token) >= 2 && token[1] == c) //dash, and enough chars
value = (token+2);
params.erase(params.begin() + i);
return true;
return false;
bool getParamValFromString(const TCHAR *str, ParamVector & params, generic_string & value)
value = TEXT("");
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
size_t nbItems = params.size();
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbItems; ++i)
const TCHAR * token =;
generic_string tokenStr = token;
size_t pos = tokenStr.find(str);
if (pos != generic_string::npos && pos == 0)
value = (token + lstrlen(str));
params.erase(params.begin() + i);
return true;
return false;
LangType getLangTypeFromParam(ParamVector & params)
generic_string langStr;
if (!getParamVal('l', params, langStr))
return L_EXTERNAL;
return NppParameters::getLangIDFromStr(langStr.c_str());
generic_string getLocalizationPathFromParam(ParamVector & params)
generic_string locStr;
if (!getParamVal('L', params, locStr))
return TEXT("");
return NppParameters::getLocPathFromStr(locStr.c_str());
int getNumberFromParam(char paramName, ParamVector & params, bool & isParamePresent)
generic_string numStr;
if (!getParamVal(paramName, params, numStr))
isParamePresent = false;
return -1;
isParamePresent = true;
return generic_atoi(numStr.c_str());
generic_string getEasterEggNameFromParam(ParamVector & params, unsigned char & type)
generic_string EasterEggName;
if (!getParamValFromString(TEXT("-qn"), params, EasterEggName)) // get internal easter egg
if (!getParamValFromString(TEXT("-qt"), params, EasterEggName)) // get user quote from cmdline argument
if (!getParamValFromString(TEXT("-qf"), params, EasterEggName)) // get user quote from a content of file
return TEXT("");
EasterEggName = relativeFilePathToFullFilePath(EasterEggName.c_str());
type = 2; // quote content in file
type = 1; // commandline quote
type = 0; // easter egg
generic_string percentTwentyStr = TEXT("%20");
generic_string spaceStr = TEXT(" ");
size_t start_pos = 0;
while ((start_pos = EasterEggName.find(percentTwentyStr, start_pos)) != std::string::npos)
EasterEggName.replace(start_pos, percentTwentyStr.length(), spaceStr);
start_pos += spaceStr.length(); // Handles case where 'to' is a substring of 'from'
return EasterEggName;
int getGhostTypingSpeedFromParam(ParamVector & params)
generic_string speedStr;
if (!getParamValFromString(TEXT("-qSpeed"), params, speedStr))
return -1;
int speed = std::stoi(speedStr, 0);
if (speed <= 0 || speed > 3)
return -1;
return speed;
const TCHAR FLAG_MULTI_INSTANCE[] = TEXT("-multiInst");
const TCHAR FLAG_NO_PLUGIN[] = TEXT("-noPlugin");
const TCHAR FLAG_READONLY[] = TEXT("-ro");
const TCHAR FLAG_NOSESSION[] = TEXT("-nosession");
const TCHAR FLAG_NOTABBAR[] = TEXT("-notabbar");
const TCHAR FLAG_SYSTRAY[] = TEXT("-systemtray");
const TCHAR FLAG_LOADINGTIME[] = TEXT("-loadingTime");
const TCHAR FLAG_HELP[] = TEXT("--help");
const TCHAR FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP[] = TEXT("-alwaysOnTop");
const TCHAR FLAG_OPENSESSIONFILE[] = TEXT("-openSession");
const TCHAR FLAG_FUNCLSTEXPORT[] = TEXT("-export=functionList");
const TCHAR FLAG_PRINTANDQUIT[] = TEXT("-quickPrint");
const TCHAR FLAG_NOTEPAD_COMPATIBILITY[] = TEXT("-notepadStyleCmdline");
const TCHAR FLAG_OPEN_FOLDERS_AS_WORKSPACE[] = TEXT("-openFoldersAsWorkspace");
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
void doException(Notepad_plus_Window & notepad_plus_plus)
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
Win32Exception::removeHandler(); //disable exception handler after excpetion, we dont want corrupt data structurs to crash the exception handler
::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, TEXT("Notepad++ will attempt to save any unsaved data. However, dataloss is very likely."), TEXT("Recovery initiating"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
TCHAR tmpDir[1024];
GetTempPath(1024, tmpDir);
generic_string emergencySavedDir = tmpDir;
emergencySavedDir += TEXT("\\N++RECOV");
bool res = notepad_plus_plus.emergency(emergencySavedDir);
if (res)
generic_string displayText = TEXT("Notepad++ was able to successfully recover some unsaved documents, or nothing to be saved could be found.\r\nYou can find the results at :\r\n");
displayText += emergencySavedDir;
::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, displayText.c_str(), TEXT("Recovery success"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, TEXT("Unfortunatly, Notepad++ was not able to save your work. We are sorry for any lost data."), TEXT("Recovery failure"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
PWSTR advanceCmdLine(PWSTR pCmdLine, const generic_string& string)
const size_t len = string.length();
while (true)
PWSTR ignoredString = wcsstr(pCmdLine, string.c_str());
if (ignoredString == nullptr)
// Should never happen - tokenized parameters contain string somewhere, so it HAS to match
// This is there just in case
// Match the substring only if it matched an entire substring
if ((ignoredString == pCmdLine || iswspace(*(ignoredString - 1))) && // Check start
(iswspace(*(ignoredString + len)) || *(ignoredString + len) == '\0' || *(ignoredString + len) == '"'))
ignoredString += len;
// Advance to the first non-whitespace and not quotation mark character
while ( iswspace( *ignoredString ) || *ignoredString == L'"' )
pCmdLine = ignoredString;
pCmdLine = ignoredString+len; // Just skip this match and resume from another
return pCmdLine;
// Looks for -z arguments and strips command line arguments following those, if any
// Also advances pCmdLine to point after the last ignored parameter
// -notepadStyleCmdline is also considered an ignored parameter here, as we don't want it to be part of the assembled file name
PWSTR stripIgnoredParams(ParamVector & params, PWSTR pCmdLine)
for ( auto it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); )
if (lstrcmp(it->c_str(), TEXT("-z")) == 0)
pCmdLine = advanceCmdLine(pCmdLine, *it);
auto nextIt = std::next(it);
if ( nextIt != params.end() )
pCmdLine = advanceCmdLine(pCmdLine, *nextIt);
it = params.erase(it);
else if (lstrcmp(it->c_str(), FLAG_NOTEPAD_COMPATIBILITY) == 0)
pCmdLine = advanceCmdLine(pCmdLine, *it++);
return pCmdLine;
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
} // namespace
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, PWSTR pCmdLine, int)
ParamVector params = parseCommandLine(pCmdLine);
PWSTR pCmdLineWithoutIgnores = stripIgnoredParams(params, pCmdLine);
MiniDumper mdump; //for debugging purposes.
bool TheFirstOne = true;
::CreateMutex(NULL, false, TEXT("nppInstance"));
if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
TheFirstOne = false;
// Convert commandline to notepad-compatible format, if applicable
params = convertParamsToNotepadStyle(pCmdLineWithoutIgnores);
bool isParamePresent;
bool showHelp = isInList(FLAG_HELP, params);
bool isMultiInst = isInList(FLAG_MULTI_INSTANCE, params);
bool doFunctionListExport = isInList(FLAG_FUNCLSTEXPORT, params);
bool doPrintAndQuit = isInList(FLAG_PRINTANDQUIT, params);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
CmdLineParams cmdLineParams;
cmdLineParams._isNoTab = isInList(FLAG_NOTABBAR, params);
cmdLineParams._isNoPlugin = isInList(FLAG_NO_PLUGIN, params);
cmdLineParams._isReadOnly = isInList(FLAG_READONLY, params);
cmdLineParams._isNoSession = isInList(FLAG_NOSESSION, params);
cmdLineParams._isPreLaunch = isInList(FLAG_SYSTRAY, params);
cmdLineParams._alwaysOnTop = isInList(FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, params);
cmdLineParams._showLoadingTime = isInList(FLAG_LOADINGTIME, params);
cmdLineParams._isSessionFile = isInList(FLAG_OPENSESSIONFILE, params);
cmdLineParams._isRecursive = isInList(FLAG_RECURSIVE, params);
cmdLineParams._openFoldersAsWorkspace = isInList(FLAG_OPEN_FOLDERS_AS_WORKSPACE, params);
cmdLineParams._langType = getLangTypeFromParam(params);
cmdLineParams._localizationPath = getLocalizationPathFromParam(params);
cmdLineParams._easterEggName = getEasterEggNameFromParam(params, cmdLineParams._quoteType);
cmdLineParams._ghostTypingSpeed = getGhostTypingSpeedFromParam(params);
// getNumberFromParam should be run at the end, to not consuming the other params
cmdLineParams._line2go = getNumberFromParam('n', params, isParamePresent);
cmdLineParams._column2go = getNumberFromParam('c', params, isParamePresent);
cmdLineParams._pos2go = getNumberFromParam('p', params, isParamePresent);
cmdLineParams._point.x = getNumberFromParam('x', params, cmdLineParams._isPointXValid);
cmdLineParams._point.y = getNumberFromParam('y', params, cmdLineParams._isPointYValid);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
if (showHelp)
::MessageBox(NULL, COMMAND_ARG_HELP, TEXT("Notepad++ Command Argument Help"), MB_OK);
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
NppParameters& nppParameters = NppParameters::getInstance();
if (cmdLineParams._localizationPath != TEXT(""))
// setStartWithLocFileName() should be called before parameters are loaded
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
NppGUI & nppGui = const_cast<NppGUI &>(nppParameters.getNppGUI());
bool doUpdateNpp = nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._doAutoUpdate;
bool doUpdatePluginList = nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._doAutoUpdate;
if (doFunctionListExport || doPrintAndQuit) // export functionlist feature will serialize fuctionlist on the disk, then exit Notepad++. So it's important to not launch into existing instance, and keep it silent.
isMultiInst = true;
doUpdateNpp = doUpdatePluginList = false;
cmdLineParams._isNoSession = true;
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
// override the settings if notepad style is present
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
if (nppParameters.asNotepadStyle())
isMultiInst = true;
cmdLineParams._isNoTab = true;
cmdLineParams._isNoSession = true;
// override the settings if multiInst is choosen by user in the preference dialog
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
const NppGUI & nppGUI = nppParameters.getNppGUI();
if (nppGUI._multiInstSetting == multiInst)
isMultiInst = true;
// Only the first launch remembers the session
if (!TheFirstOne)
cmdLineParams._isNoSession = true;
generic_string quotFileName = TEXT("");
// tell the running instance the FULL path to the new files to load
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
size_t nbFilesToOpen = params.size();
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbFilesToOpen; ++i)
const TCHAR * currentFile =;
if (currentFile[0])
//check if relative or full path. Relative paths dont have a colon for driveletter
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
quotFileName += TEXT("\"");
quotFileName += relativeFilePathToFullFilePath(currentFile);
quotFileName += TEXT("\" ");
//Only after loading all the file paths set the working directory
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
::SetCurrentDirectory(NppParameters::getInstance().getNppPath().c_str()); //force working directory to path of module, preventing lock
if ((!isMultiInst) && (!TheFirstOne))
HWND hNotepad_plus = ::FindWindow(Notepad_plus_Window::getClassName(), NULL);
for (int i = 0 ;!hNotepad_plus && i < 5 ; ++i)
hNotepad_plus = ::FindWindow(Notepad_plus_Window::getClassName(), NULL);
if (hNotepad_plus)
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
// First of all, destroy static object NppParameters
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
int sw = 0;
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
if (::IsZoomed(hNotepad_plus))
else if (::IsIconic(hNotepad_plus))
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
if (sw != 0)
::ShowWindow(hNotepad_plus, sw);
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
if (params.size() > 0) //if there are files to open, use the WM_COPYDATA system
CmdLineParamsDTO dto = CmdLineParamsDTO::FromCmdLineParams(cmdLineParams);
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
paramData.dwData = COPYDATA_PARAMS;
paramData.lpData = &dto;
paramData.cbData = sizeof(dto);
2017-07-27 08:30:53 +00:00
fileNamesData.dwData = COPYDATA_FILENAMES;
fileNamesData.lpData = (void *)quotFileName.c_str();
fileNamesData.cbData = long(quotFileName.length() + 1)*(sizeof(TCHAR));
::SendMessage(hNotepad_plus, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hInstance), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&paramData));
::SendMessage(hNotepad_plus, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hInstance), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&fileNamesData));
return 0;
Notepad_plus_Window notepad_plus_plus;
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
generic_string updaterDir = nppParameters.getNppPath();
updaterDir += TEXT("\\updater\\");
generic_string updaterFullPath = updaterDir + TEXT("gup.exe");
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
generic_string updaterParams = TEXT("-v");
updaterParams += VERSION_VALUE;
bool isUpExist = nppGui._doesExistUpdater = (::PathFileExists(updaterFullPath.c_str()) == TRUE);
if (doUpdateNpp) // check more detail
Date today(0);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
if (today < nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._nextUpdateDate)
doUpdateNpp = false;
if (doUpdatePluginList)
// TODO: detect update frequency
// wingup doesn't work with the obsolet security layer (API) under xp since downloadings are secured with SSL on
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
winVer ver = nppParameters.getWinVersion();
bool isGtXP = ver > WV_XP;
SecurityGard securityGard;
bool isSignatureOK = securityGard.checkModule(updaterFullPath, nm_gup);
if (TheFirstOne && isUpExist && isGtXP && isSignatureOK)
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
if (nppParameters.isx64())
updaterParams += TEXT(" -px64");
if (doUpdateNpp)
Process updater(updaterFullPath.c_str(), updaterParams.c_str(), updaterDir.c_str());;
// Update next update date
if (nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays < 0) // Make sure interval days value is positive
nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays = 0 - nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays;
nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._nextUpdateDate = Date(nppGui._autoUpdateOpt._intervalDays);
// to be removed
doUpdatePluginList = false;
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
if (doUpdatePluginList)
// Update Plugin List
2019-10-13 19:48:27 +00:00
generic_string upPlParams = TEXT("-v");
upPlParams += notepad_plus_plus.getPluginListVerStr();
if (nppParameters.isx64())
upPlParams += TEXT(" -px64");
upPlParams += TEXT(" -upZip");
// overrided "InfoUrl" in gup.xml
2019-10-13 19:48:27 +00:00
upPlParams += TEXT("");
2019-10-13 19:48:27 +00:00
// indicate the pluginList installation location
upPlParams += nppParameters.getPluginConfDir();
Process updater(updaterFullPath.c_str(), upPlParams.c_str(), updaterDir.c_str());;
// TODO: Update next update date
MSG msg;
msg.wParam = 0;
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
notepad_plus_plus.init(hInstance, NULL, quotFileName.c_str(), &cmdLineParams);
2019-08-14 20:13:24 +00:00
allowWmCopydataMessages(notepad_plus_plus, nppParameters, ver);
bool going = true;
while (going)
going = ::GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) != 0;
if (going)
// if the message doesn't belong to the notepad_plus_plus's dialog
if (!notepad_plus_plus.isDlgsMsg(&msg))
if (::TranslateAccelerator(notepad_plus_plus.getHSelf(), notepad_plus_plus.getAccTable(), &msg) == 0)
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
catch (int i)
TCHAR str[50] = TEXT("God Damned Exception : ");
TCHAR code[10];
wsprintf(code, TEXT("%d"), i);
wcscat_s(str, code);
::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, str, TEXT("Int Exception"), MB_OK);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
catch (std::runtime_error & ex)
::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, ex.what(), "Runtime Exception", MB_OK);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
catch (const Win32Exception & ex)
TCHAR message[1024]; //TODO: sane number
wsprintf(message, TEXT("An exception occured. Notepad++ cannot recover and must be shut down.\r\nThe exception details are as follows:\r\n")
TEXT("Code:\t0x%08X\r\nType:\t%S\r\nException address: 0x%p"), ex.code(), ex.what(), ex.where());
::MessageBox(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, message, TEXT("Win32Exception"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
catch (std::exception & ex)
::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, ex.what(), "General Exception", MB_OK);
2015-08-04 11:36:22 +00:00
catch (...) // this shouldnt ever have to happen
::MessageBoxA(Notepad_plus_Window::gNppHWND, "An exception that we did not yet found its name is just caught", "Unknown Exception", MB_OK);
2016-08-11 20:20:30 +00:00
return static_cast<int>(msg.wParam);