
380 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//this file is part of notepad++
//Copyright (C)2003 Don HO <>
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "FindReplaceDlg_rc.h"
#include "ScintillaEditView.h"
#include "DockingDlgInterface.h"
#define DIR_DOWN true
#define DIR_UP false
//#define FIND_REPLACE_STR_MAX 256
struct FoundInfo {
FoundInfo(int start, int end, const TCHAR *fullPath)
: _start(start), _end(end), _fullPath(fullPath) {};
int _start;
int _end;
generic_string _fullPath;
struct TargetRange {
int targetStart;
int targetEnd;
enum SearchIncrementalType { NotIncremental, FirstIncremental, NextIncremental };
enum SearchType { FindNormal, FindExtended, FindRegex };
enum ProcessOperation { ProcessFindAll, ProcessReplaceAll, ProcessCountAll, ProcessMarkAll, ProcessMarkAll_2, ProcessMarkAll_IncSearch, ProcessMarkAllExt };
struct FindOption {
bool _isWholeWord;
bool _isMatchCase;
bool _isWrapAround;
bool _whichDirection;
SearchIncrementalType _incrementalType;
SearchType _searchType;
FindOption() :_isWholeWord(true), _isMatchCase(true), _searchType(FindNormal),\
_isWrapAround(true), _whichDirection(DIR_DOWN), _incrementalType(NotIncremental){};
//This class contains generic search functions as static functions for easy access
class Searching {
static int convertExtendedToString(const TCHAR * query, TCHAR * result, int length);
static TargetRange t;
static int buildSearchFlags(FindOption * option) {
return (option->_isWholeWord ? SCFIND_WHOLEWORD : 0) |
(option->_isMatchCase ? SCFIND_MATCHCASE : 0) |
(option->_searchType == FindRegex ? SCFIND_REGEXP|SCFIND_POSIX : 0);
static void displaySectionCentered(int posStart, int posEnd, ScintillaEditView * pEditView, bool isDownwards = true);
static bool readBase(const TCHAR * str, int * value, int base, int size);
//Finder: Dockable window that contains search results
class Finder : public DockingDlgInterface {
friend class FindReplaceDlg;
Finder() : DockingDlgInterface(IDD_FINDRESULT), _pMainFoundInfos(&_foundInfos1), _pMainMarkings(&_markings1) {
_MarkingsStruct._length = 0;
_MarkingsStruct._markings = NULL;
~Finder() {
void init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hPere, ScintillaEditView **ppEditView) {
DockingDlgInterface::init(hInst, hPere);
_ppEditView = ppEditView;
void addSearchLine(const TCHAR *searchName);
void addFileNameTitle(const TCHAR * fileName);
void addFileHitCount(int count);
void addSearchHitCount(int count);
void add(FoundInfo fi, SearchResultMarking mi, const TCHAR* foundline, int lineNb);
void setFinderStyle();
void removeAll();
void beginNewFilesSearch();
void finishFilesSearch(int count);
void gotoNextFoundResult(int direction);
void GotoFoundLine();
void DeleteResult();
protected :
virtual BOOL CALLBACK run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
bool notify(SCNotification *notification);
enum { searchHeaderLevel = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE + 1, fileHeaderLevel, resultLevel };
ScintillaEditView **_ppEditView;
std::vector<FoundInfo> _foundInfos1;
std::vector<FoundInfo> _foundInfos2;
std::vector<FoundInfo>* _pMainFoundInfos;
std::vector<SearchResultMarking> _markings1;
std::vector<SearchResultMarking> _markings2;
std::vector<SearchResultMarking>* _pMainMarkings;
SearchResultMarkings _MarkingsStruct;
ScintillaEditView _scintView;
unsigned int nFoundFiles;
int _lastFileHeaderPos;
int _lastSearchHeaderPos;
void setFinderReadOnly(bool isReadOnly) {
_scintView.execute(SCI_SETREADONLY, isReadOnly);
static FoundInfo EmptyFoundInfo;
static SearchResultMarking EmptySearchResultMarking;
enum FindStatus { FSFound, FSNotFound, FSTopReached, FSEndReached};
class FindReplaceDlg : public StaticDialog
friend class FindIncrementDlg;
public :
FindReplaceDlg() : StaticDialog(), _pFinder(NULL), _isRTL(false), _isRecursive(true),_isInHiddenDir(false),\
_fileNameLenMax(1024) {
_uniFileName = new char[(_fileNameLenMax + 3) * 2];
_winVer = (NppParameters::getInstance())->getWinVersion();
void init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hPere, ScintillaEditView **ppEditView) {
Window::init(hInst, hPere);
if (!ppEditView)
throw int(9900);
_ppEditView = ppEditView;
virtual void create(int dialogID, bool isRTL = false);
void initOptionsFromDlg();
void doDialog(DIALOG_TYPE whichType, bool isRTL = false);
bool processFindNext(const TCHAR *txt2find, FindOption *options = NULL, FindStatus *oFindStatus = NULL);
bool processReplace(const TCHAR *txt2find, const TCHAR *txt2replace, FindOption *options = NULL);
int markAll(const TCHAR *txt2find, int styleID);
//int markAll2(const TCHAR *str2find);
int markAllInc(const TCHAR *str2find, FindOption *opt);
int processAll(ProcessOperation op, const TCHAR *txt2find, const TCHAR *txt2replace, bool isEntire = false, const TCHAR *fileName = NULL, FindOption *opt = NULL, int colourStyleID = -1);
int processRange(ProcessOperation op, const TCHAR *txt2find, const TCHAR *txt2replace, int startRange, int endRange, const TCHAR *fileName = NULL, FindOption *opt = NULL, int colourStyleID = -1);
void replaceAllInOpenedDocs();
void findAllIn(InWhat op);
void setSearchText(TCHAR * txt2find);
void gotoNextFoundResult(int direction = 0) {if (_pFinder) _pFinder->gotoNextFoundResult(direction);};
void putFindResult(int result) {
_findAllResult = result;
const TCHAR * getDir2Search() const {return _directory.c_str();};
void getPatterns(vector<generic_string> & patternVect);
void launchFindInFilesDlg() {
void setFindInFilesDirFilter(const TCHAR *dir, const TCHAR *filters);
generic_string getText2search() const {
return getTextFromCombo(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDFINDWHAT));
const generic_string & getFilters() const {return _filters;};
const generic_string & getDirectory() const {return _directory;};
const FindOption & getCurrentOptions() const {return _options;};
bool isRecursive() const { return _isRecursive; };
bool isInHiddenDir() const { return _isInHiddenDir; };
void saveFindHistory();
void changeTabName(DIALOG_TYPE index, const TCHAR *name2change) {
tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
tie.pszText = (TCHAR *)name2change;
TabCtrl_SetItem(_tab.getHSelf(), index, &tie);
void beginNewFilesSearch()
void finishFilesSearch(int count)
void focusOnFinder() {
// Show finder and set focus
if (_pFinder)
::SendMessage(_hParent, NPPM_DMMSHOW, 0, (LPARAM)_pFinder->getHSelf());
HWND getHFindResults() {
if (_pFinder)
return _pFinder->_scintView.getHSelf();
return NULL;
void updateFinderScintilla() {
if (_pFinder && _pFinder->isCreated() && _pFinder->isVisible())
protected :
virtual BOOL CALLBACK run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void addText2Combo(const TCHAR * txt2add, HWND comboID, bool isUTF8 = false);
generic_string getTextFromCombo(HWND hCombo, bool isUnicode = false) const;
static LONG originalFinderProc;
// Window procedure for the finder
static LRESULT FAR PASCAL finderProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void combo2ExtendedMode(int comboID);
private :
DIALOG_TYPE _currentStatus;
FindOption _options;
bool _doPurge;
bool _doMarkLine;
bool _doStyleFoundToken;
bool _isInSelection;
RECT _findClosePos, _replaceClosePos, _findInFilesClosePos;
ScintillaEditView **_ppEditView;
Finder *_pFinder;
bool _isRTL;
int _findAllResult;
TCHAR _findAllResultStr[1024];
generic_string _filters;
generic_string _directory;
bool _isRecursive;
bool _isInHiddenDir;
int _fileNameLenMax;
char *_uniFileName;
TabBar _tab;
winVer _winVer;
void enableReplaceFunc(bool isEnable);
void enableFindInFilesControls(bool isEnable = true);
void enableFindInFilesFunc();
void setDefaultButton(int nID) {
SendMessage(_hSelf, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)nID, 0L);
void gotoCorrectTab() {
int currentIndex = _tab.getCurrentTabIndex();
if (currentIndex != _currentStatus)
bool isCheckedOrNot(int checkControlID) const {
return (BST_CHECKED == ::SendMessage(::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, checkControlID), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0));
void updateCombos();
void updateCombo(int comboID) {
bool isUnicode = (*_ppEditView)->getCurrentBuffer()->getUnicodeMode() != uni8Bit;
HWND hCombo = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, comboID);
addText2Combo(getTextFromCombo(hCombo, isUnicode).c_str(), hCombo, isUnicode);
void fillFindHistory();
void fillComboHistory(int id, int count, generic_string **pStrings);
void saveComboHistory(int id, int maxcount, int& oldcount, generic_string **pStrings);
//FindIncrementDlg: incremental search dialog, docked in rebar
class FindIncrementDlg : public StaticDialog
public :
FindIncrementDlg() : _pFRDlg(NULL), _pRebar(NULL), _FindStatus(FSFound) {};
void init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hPere, FindReplaceDlg *pFRDlg, bool isRTL = false);
virtual void destroy();
virtual void display(bool toShow = true) const;
#ifdef UNICODE
void setSearchText(const TCHAR * txt2find, bool) {
::SendDlgItemMessage(_hSelf, IDC_INCFINDTEXT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)txt2find);
void setSearchText(const TCHAR * txt2find, bool isUTF8 = false) {
if (!isUTF8)
::SendDlgItemMessage(_hSelf, IDC_INCFINDTEXT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)txt2find);
const int wideBufferSize = 256;
WCHAR wchars[wideBufferSize];
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, txt2find, -1, wchars, wideBufferSize);
winVer winVersion = NppParameters::getInstance()->getWinVersion();
if (winVersion <= WV_ME) {
//Cannot simply take txt2find since its UTF8
char ansiBuffer[wideBufferSize]; //Assuming no more than 2 bytes for each wchar (SBCS or DBCS, no UTF8 and sorts)
::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wchars, -1, ansiBuffer, wideBufferSize, NULL, NULL);
::SendDlgItemMessageA(_hSelf, IDC_INCFINDTEXT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)ansiBuffer);
} else {
::SendDlgItemMessageW(_hSelf, IDC_INCFINDTEXT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)wchars);
void setFindStatus(FindStatus iStatus);
FindStatus getFindStatus() {
return _FindStatus;
void addToRebar(ReBar * rebar);
private :
bool _isRTL;
FindReplaceDlg *_pFRDlg;
FindStatus _FindStatus;
ReBar * _pRebar;
virtual BOOL CALLBACK run_dlgProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void markSelectedTextInc(bool enable, FindOption *opt = NULL);