notepad-plus-plus/PowerEditor/misc/ Bar.html

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type"><title>Tab Bar</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css"></head>
<h1><font face="Times New Roman, serif">Tab
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Each
view has (by default) its own tab bar. The tab bar allows you to
select between different documents, and arrange them. For the tab bar
configuration options, see <a href="Preferences.html#Global">Preferences</a>.</font>
tab bar shows for each file its name and a little icon indicating the
status of that file. A blue disk (<img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" alt="" src="Images/saved.png">) means the file is not modified
(or it is a new document). If the disk is red (<img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" alt="" src="Images/unsaved.png">) it means that the
file has been modified and these changes have not yet been saved. A
grey disk (<img style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" alt="" src="Images/readonly.png">) means the file is marked as read-only and cannot be
modified (see <a href="Read-Only.html">Read-Only</a>).</font>
more tabs are visible than can be shown on the display, then:
<ul><li>If you did not enable multine tab bar from <a href="Preferences.html#Global">Preferences</a>, two small
arrows appear on the right, allowing you to scroll through the tabs
to find the correct one.
<li>If you did, then several rows of tabs will be visible.</ul></font>
active tab can show an orange line (enabled by default). If two views
are enabled (see <a href="Multi%20View.html">Multi View</a>), the tab with the darker shade of orange
is the active one.</font>
can control the colors the tab bar uses using the <a href="Styler%20Configurator.html#Active_tab_focused">Styler Configurator</a>.<p>You can reach the tab bar context menu by <span class="shortcut">rightclicking</span>
on a tab. This context menu allows quick access to certain commands for
managing your files, getting and setting file properties and moving
the tab to other views.</font></body></html>