
366 lines
8.1 KiB

package xmlrpc
import (
type Array []interface{}
type Struct map[string]interface{}
var xmlSpecial = map[byte]string{
'<': "&lt;",
'>': "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
'\'': "&apos;",
'&': "&amp;",
func xmlEscape(s string) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if s, ok := xmlSpecial[c]; ok {
} else {
return b.String()
type valueNode struct {
Type string `xml:"attr"`
Body string `xml:"chardata"`
func next(p *xml.Decoder) (xml.Name, interface{}, error) {
se, e := nextStart(p)
if e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
var nv interface{}
switch se.Name.Local {
case "string":
var s string
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
return xml.Name{}, s, nil
case "boolean":
var s string
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
var b bool
switch s {
case "true", "1":
b = true
case "false", "0":
b = false
e = errors.New("invalid boolean value")
return xml.Name{}, b, e
case "int", "i1", "i2", "i4", "i8":
var s string
var i int
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
i, e = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(s))
return xml.Name{}, i, e
case "double":
var s string
var f float64
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
f, e = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(s), 64)
return xml.Name{}, f, e
case "dateTime.iso8601":
var s string
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
t, e := time.Parse("20060102T15:04:05", s)
if e != nil {
t, e = time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00", s)
if e != nil {
t, e = time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", s)
return xml.Name{}, t, e
case "base64":
var s string
if e = p.DecodeElement(&s, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
if b, e := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
} else {
return xml.Name{}, b, nil
case "member":
return next(p)
case "value":
return next(p)
case "name":
return next(p)
case "struct":
st := Struct{}
se, e = nextStart(p)
for e == nil && se.Name.Local == "member" {
// name
se, e = nextStart(p)
if se.Name.Local != "name" {
return xml.Name{}, nil, errors.New("invalid response")
if e != nil {
var name string
if e = p.DecodeElement(&name, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
se, e = nextStart(p)
if e != nil {
// value
_, value, e := next(p)
if se.Name.Local != "value" {
return xml.Name{}, nil, errors.New("invalid response")
if e != nil {
st[name] = value
se, e = nextStart(p)
if e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, st, nil
case "array":
var ar Array
nextStart(p) // data
for {
nextStart(p) // top of value
_, value, e := next(p)
if e != nil {
ar = append(ar, value)
return xml.Name{}, ar, nil
case "nil":
return xml.Name{}, nil, nil
if e = p.DecodeElement(nv, &se); e != nil {
return xml.Name{}, nil, e
return se.Name, nv, e
func nextStart(p *xml.Decoder) (xml.StartElement, error) {
for {
t, e := p.Token()
if e != nil {
return xml.StartElement{}, e
switch t := t.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
return t, nil
func toXml(v interface{}, typ bool) (s string) {
if v == nil {
return "<nil/>"
r := reflect.ValueOf(v)
t := r.Type()
k := t.Kind()
if b, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
return "<base64>" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b) + "</base64>"
switch k {
case reflect.Invalid:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Bool:
return fmt.Sprintf("<boolean>%v</boolean>", v)
case reflect.Int,
reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if typ {
return fmt.Sprintf("<int>%v</int>", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
case reflect.Uintptr:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
if typ {
return fmt.Sprintf("<double>%v</double>", v)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Array:
s = "<array><data>"
for n := 0; n < r.Len(); n++ {
s += "<value>"
s += toXml(r.Index(n).Interface(), typ)
s += "</value>"
s += "</data></array>"
return s
case reflect.Chan:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Func:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Interface:
return toXml(r.Elem(), typ)
case reflect.Map:
s = "<struct>"
for _, key := range r.MapKeys() {
s += "<member>"
s += "<name>" + xmlEscape(key.Interface().(string)) + "</name>"
s += "<value>" + toXml(r.MapIndex(key).Interface(), typ) + "</value>"
s += "</member>"
s += "</struct>"
return s
case reflect.Ptr:
panic("unsupported type")
case reflect.Slice:
s = "<array><data>"
for n := 0; n < r.Len(); n++ {
s += "<value>"
s += toXml(r.Index(n).Interface(), typ)
s += "</value>"
s += "</data></array>"
return s
case reflect.String:
if typ {
return fmt.Sprintf("<string>%v</string>", xmlEscape(v.(string)))
return xmlEscape(v.(string))
case reflect.Struct:
s = "<struct>"
for n := 0; n < r.NumField(); n++ {
s += "<member>"
s += "<name>" + t.Field(n).Name + "</name>"
s += "<value>" + toXml(r.FieldByIndex([]int{n}).Interface(), true) + "</value>"
s += "</member>"
s += "</struct>"
return s
case reflect.UnsafePointer:
return toXml(r.Elem(), typ)
// Client is client of XMLRPC
type Client struct {
HttpClient *http.Client
url string
// NewClient create new Client
func NewClient(url string) *Client {
return &Client{
HttpClient: &http.Client{Transport: http.DefaultTransport, Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
url: url,
func makeRequest(name string, args ...interface{}) *bytes.Buffer {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
buf.WriteString(`<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall>`)
buf.WriteString("<methodName>" + xmlEscape(name) + "</methodName>")
for _, arg := range args {
buf.WriteString(toXml(arg, true))
return buf
func call(client *http.Client, url, name string, args ...interface{}) (v interface{}, e error) {
r, e := httpClient.Post(url, "text/xml", makeRequest(name, args...))
if e != nil {
return nil, e
// Since we do not always read the entire body, discard the rest, which
// allows the http transport to reuse the connection.
defer io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r.Body)
defer r.Body.Close()
if r.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
return nil, errors.New(http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest))
p := xml.NewDecoder(r.Body)
se, e := nextStart(p) // methodResponse
if se.Name.Local != "methodResponse" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid response: missing methodResponse")
se, e = nextStart(p) // params
if se.Name.Local != "params" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid response: missing params")
se, e = nextStart(p) // param
if se.Name.Local != "param" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid response: missing param")
se, e = nextStart(p) // value
if se.Name.Local != "value" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid response: missing value")
_, v, e = next(p)
return v, e
// Call call remote procedures function name with args
func (c *Client) Call(name string, args ...interface{}) (v interface{}, e error) {
return call(c.HttpClient, c.url, name, args...)
// Global httpClient allows us to pool/reuse connections and not wastefully
// re-create transports for each request.
var httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: http.DefaultTransport, Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
// Call call remote procedures function name with args
func Call(url, name string, args ...interface{}) (v interface{}, e error) {
return call(httpClient, url, name, args...)