Update vendoring (#1304)
Update to current vendoring. Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>pull/1207/head
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require (
require (
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golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190402142545-baf5eb976a8c h1:3xiKTkef8QqBJ8q+4fVUDMRoxnI0H/MVNFswa+aExbo=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190402142545-baf5eb976a8c/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6 h1:jMFz6MfLP0/4fUyZle81rXUoxOBFi19VUFKVDOQfozc=
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6 h1:jMFz6MfLP0/4fUyZle81rXUoxOBFi19VUFKVDOQfozc=
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw=
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ func (c *Conn) TryRestartUnit(name string, mode string, ch chan<- string) (int,
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.TryRestartUnit", name, mode)
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.TryRestartUnit", name, mode)
// ReloadOrRestart attempts a reload if the unit supports it and use a restart
// ReloadOrRestartUnit attempts a reload if the unit supports it and use a restart
// otherwise.
// otherwise.
func (c *Conn) ReloadOrRestartUnit(name string, mode string, ch chan<- string) (int, error) {
func (c *Conn) ReloadOrRestartUnit(name string, mode string, ch chan<- string) (int, error) {
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.ReloadOrRestartUnit", name, mode)
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.ReloadOrRestartUnit", name, mode)
// ReloadOrTryRestart attempts a reload if the unit supports it and use a "Try"
// ReloadOrTryRestartUnit attempts a reload if the unit supports it and use a "Try"
// flavored restart otherwise.
// flavored restart otherwise.
func (c *Conn) ReloadOrTryRestartUnit(name string, mode string, ch chan<- string) (int, error) {
func (c *Conn) ReloadOrTryRestartUnit(name string, mode string, ch chan<- string) (int, error) {
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.ReloadOrTryRestartUnit", name, mode)
return c.startJob(ch, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.ReloadOrTryRestartUnit", name, mode)
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func (c *Conn) GetUnitProperties(unit string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return c.getProperties(path, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit")
return c.getProperties(path, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit")
// GetUnitProperties takes the (escaped) unit path and returns all of its dbus object properties.
// GetUnitPathProperties takes the (escaped) unit path and returns all of its dbus object properties.
func (c *Conn) GetUnitPathProperties(path dbus.ObjectPath) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
func (c *Conn) GetUnitPathProperties(path dbus.ObjectPath) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return c.getProperties(path, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit")
return c.getProperties(path, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit")
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func (c *Conn) dispatch() {
// Returns two unbuffered channels which will receive all changed units every
// SubscribeUnits returns two unbuffered channels which will receive all changed units every
// interval. Deleted units are sent as nil.
// interval. Deleted units are sent as nil.
func (c *Conn) SubscribeUnits(interval time.Duration) (<-chan map[string]*UnitStatus, <-chan error) {
func (c *Conn) SubscribeUnits(interval time.Duration) (<-chan map[string]*UnitStatus, <-chan error) {
return c.SubscribeUnitsCustom(interval, 0, func(u1, u2 *UnitStatus) bool { return *u1 != *u2 }, nil)
return c.SubscribeUnitsCustom(interval, 0, func(u1, u2 *UnitStatus) bool { return *u1 != *u2 }, nil)
@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ func (p *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (x uint64, err error) {
if b&0x80 == 0 {
if b&0x80 == 0 {
goto done
goto done
// x -= 0x80 << 63 // Always zero.
return 0, errOverflow
return 0, errOverflow
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
package proto
import "errors"
// Deprecated: do not use.
type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 }
// Deprecated: do not use.
func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} }
// Deprecated: do not use.
func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: do not use.
func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error {
return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: do not use.
func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: do not use.
func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error {
return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: do not use.
func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {}
@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ func equalExtMap(base reflect.Type, em1, em2 map[int32]Extension) bool {
return false
return false
m1, m2 := e1.value, e2.value
m1 := extensionAsLegacyType(e1.value)
m2 := extensionAsLegacyType(e2.value)
if m1 == nil && m2 == nil {
if m1 == nil && m2 == nil {
// Both have only encoded form.
// Both have only encoded form.
@ -185,9 +185,25 @@ type Extension struct {
// extension will have only enc set. When such an extension is
// extension will have only enc set. When such an extension is
// accessed using GetExtension (or GetExtensions) desc and value
// accessed using GetExtension (or GetExtensions) desc and value
// will be set.
// will be set.
desc *ExtensionDesc
desc *ExtensionDesc
// value is a concrete value for the extension field. Let the type of
// desc.ExtensionType be the "API type" and the type of Extension.value
// be the "storage type". The API type and storage type are the same except:
// * For scalars (except []byte), the API type uses *T,
// while the storage type uses T.
// * For repeated fields, the API type uses []T, while the storage type
// uses *[]T.
// The reason for the divergence is so that the storage type more naturally
// matches what is expected of when retrieving the values through the
// protobuf reflection APIs.
// The value may only be populated if desc is also populated.
value interface{}
value interface{}
enc []byte
// enc is the raw bytes for the extension field.
enc []byte
// SetRawExtension is for testing only.
// SetRawExtension is for testing only.
@ -334,7 +350,7 @@ func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
// descriptors with the same field number.
// descriptors with the same field number.
return nil, errors.New("proto: descriptor conflict")
return nil, errors.New("proto: descriptor conflict")
return e.value, nil
return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil
if extension.ExtensionType == nil {
if extension.ExtensionType == nil {
@ -349,11 +365,11 @@ func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
// Remember the decoded version and drop the encoded version.
// Remember the decoded version and drop the encoded version.
// That way it is safe to mutate what we return.
// That way it is safe to mutate what we return.
e.value = v
e.value = extensionAsStorageType(v)
e.desc = extension
e.desc = extension
e.enc = nil
e.enc = nil
emap[extension.Field] = e
emap[extension.Field] = e
return e.value, nil
return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil
// defaultExtensionValue returns the default value for extension.
// defaultExtensionValue returns the default value for extension.
@ -488,7 +504,7 @@ func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error
typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType)
if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
return errors.New("proto: bad extension value type")
return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", value, extension.ExtensionType)
// nil extension values need to be caught early, because the
// nil extension values need to be caught early, because the
// encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension
// encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension
@ -500,7 +516,7 @@ func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error
extmap := epb.extensionsWrite()
extmap := epb.extensionsWrite()
extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: value}
extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: extensionAsStorageType(value)}
return nil
return nil
@ -541,3 +557,51 @@ func RegisterExtension(desc *ExtensionDesc) {
func RegisteredExtensions(pb Message) map[int32]*ExtensionDesc {
func RegisteredExtensions(pb Message) map[int32]*ExtensionDesc {
return extensionMaps[reflect.TypeOf(pb).Elem()]
return extensionMaps[reflect.TypeOf(pb).Elem()]
// extensionAsLegacyType converts an value in the storage type as the API type.
// See Extension.value.
func extensionAsLegacyType(v interface{}) interface{} {
switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String:
// Represent primitive types as a pointer to the value.
rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
v = rv2.Interface()
case reflect.Ptr:
// Represent slice types as the value itself.
switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
if rv.IsNil() {
v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface()
} else {
v = rv.Elem().Interface()
return v
// extensionAsStorageType converts an value in the API type as the storage type.
// See Extension.value.
func extensionAsStorageType(v interface{}) interface{} {
switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
// Represent slice types as the value itself.
switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String:
if rv.IsNil() {
v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface()
} else {
v = rv.Elem().Interface()
case reflect.Slice:
// Represent slice types as a pointer to the value.
if rv.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
v = rv2.Interface()
return v
@ -341,26 +341,6 @@ type Message interface {
// Stats records allocation details about the protocol buffer encoders
// and decoders. Useful for tuning the library itself.
type Stats struct {
Emalloc uint64 // mallocs in encode
Dmalloc uint64 // mallocs in decode
Encode uint64 // number of encodes
Decode uint64 // number of decodes
Chit uint64 // number of cache hits
Cmiss uint64 // number of cache misses
Size uint64 // number of sizes
// Set to true to enable stats collection.
const collectStats = false
var stats Stats
// GetStats returns a copy of the global Stats structure.
func GetStats() Stats { return stats }
// A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling
// A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling
// protocol buffers. It may be reused between invocations to
// protocol buffers. It may be reused between invocations to
// reduce memory usage. It is not necessary to use a Buffer;
// reduce memory usage. It is not necessary to use a Buffer;
@ -960,13 +940,19 @@ func isProto3Zero(v reflect.Value) bool {
return false
return false
// ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
const (
// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
// ProtoPackageIsVersion3 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
const ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true
// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
ProtoPackageIsVersion3 = true
// ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
// ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
const ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true
ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true
// ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files
// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package.
ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true
// InternalMessageInfo is a type used internally by generated .pb.go files.
// InternalMessageInfo is a type used internally by generated .pb.go files.
// This type is not intended to be used by non-generated code.
// This type is not intended to be used by non-generated code.
@ -36,13 +36,7 @@ package proto
import (
import (
// errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID.
// errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID.
@ -145,46 +139,9 @@ func skipVarint(buf []byte) []byte {
return buf[i+1:]
return buf[i+1:]
// MarshalMessageSet encodes the extension map represented by m in the message set wire format.
// unmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format.
// It is called by generated Marshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
func MarshalMessageSet(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return marshalMessageSet(exts, false)
// marshaMessageSet implements above function, with the opt to turn on / off deterministic during Marshal.
func marshalMessageSet(exts interface{}, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
switch exts := exts.(type) {
case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
var u marshalInfo
siz := u.sizeMessageSet(exts)
b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
return u.appendMessageSet(b, exts, deterministic)
case map[int32]Extension:
// This is an old-style extension map.
// Wrap it in a new-style XXX_InternalExtensions.
ie := XXX_InternalExtensions{
p: &struct {
mu sync.Mutex
extensionMap map[int32]Extension
extensionMap: exts,
var u marshalInfo
siz := u.sizeMessageSet(&ie)
b := make([]byte, 0, siz)
return u.appendMessageSet(b, &ie, deterministic)
return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map")
// UnmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format.
// It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
// It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
func unmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
var m map[int32]Extension
var m map[int32]Extension
switch exts := exts.(type) {
switch exts := exts.(type) {
case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
@ -222,93 +179,3 @@ func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
return nil
return nil
// MarshalMessageSetJSON encodes the extension map represented by m in JSON format.
// It is called by generated MarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
func MarshalMessageSetJSON(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var m map[int32]Extension
switch exts := exts.(type) {
case *XXX_InternalExtensions:
var mu sync.Locker
m, mu = exts.extensionsRead()
if m != nil {
// Keep the extensions map locked until we're done marshaling to prevent
// races between marshaling and unmarshaling the lazily-{en,de}coded
// values.
defer mu.Unlock()
case map[int32]Extension:
m = exts
return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map")
var b bytes.Buffer
// Process the map in key order for deterministic output.
ids := make([]int32, 0, len(m))
for id := range m {
ids = append(ids, id)
sort.Sort(int32Slice(ids)) // int32Slice defined in text.go
for i, id := range ids {
ext := m[id]
msd, ok := messageSetMap[id]
if !ok {
// Unknown type; we can't render it, so skip it.
if i > 0 && b.Len() > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, `"[%s]":`, msd.name)
x := ext.value
if x == nil {
x = reflect.New(msd.t.Elem()).Interface()
if err := Unmarshal(ext.enc, x.(Message)); err != nil {
return nil, err
d, err := json.Marshal(x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalMessageSetJSON decodes the extension map encoded in buf in JSON format.
// It is called by generated UnmarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option.
func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error {
// Common-case fast path.
if len(buf) == 0 || bytes.Equal(buf, []byte("{}")) {
return nil
// This is fairly tricky, and it's not clear that it is needed.
return errors.New("TODO: UnmarshalMessageSetJSON not yet implemented")
// A global registry of types that can be used in a MessageSet.
var messageSetMap = make(map[int32]messageSetDesc)
type messageSetDesc struct {
t reflect.Type // pointer to struct
name string
// RegisterMessageSetType is called from the generated code.
func RegisterMessageSetType(m Message, fieldNum int32, name string) {
messageSetMap[fieldNum] = messageSetDesc{
t: reflect.TypeOf(m),
name: name,
@ -79,10 +79,13 @@ func toPointer(i *Message) pointer {
// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
// the interface data.
// the interface data.
func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr bool) pointer {
func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) pointer {
v := reflect.ValueOf(*i)
v := reflect.ValueOf(*i)
u := reflect.New(v.Type())
u := reflect.New(v.Type())
if deref {
u = u.Elem()
return pointer{v: u}
return pointer{v: u}
@ -85,16 +85,21 @@ func toPointer(i *Message) pointer {
// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to
// the interface data.
// the interface data.
func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr bool) pointer {
func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) (p pointer) {
// Super-tricky - read or get the address of data word of interface value.
// Super-tricky - read or get the address of data word of interface value.
if isptr {
if isptr {
// The interface is of pointer type, thus it is a direct interface.
// The interface is of pointer type, thus it is a direct interface.
// The data word is the pointer data itself. We take its address.
// The data word is the pointer data itself. We take its address.
return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)}
p = pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)}
} else {
// The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer
// to the data.
p = pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]}
// The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer
if deref {
// to the data.
p.p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)
return pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]}
return p
// valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type.
// valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type.
@ -334,9 +334,6 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t]
sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t]
if ok {
if ok {
if collectStats {
return sprop
return sprop
@ -346,17 +343,20 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
return sprop
return sprop
type (
oneofFuncsIface interface {
XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{})
oneofWrappersIface interface {
XXX_OneofWrappers() []interface{}
// getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held.
// getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held.
func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok {
if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok {
if collectStats {
return prop
return prop
if collectStats {
prop := new(StructProperties)
prop := new(StructProperties)
// in case of recursive protos, fill this in now.
// in case of recursive protos, fill this in now.
@ -391,13 +391,14 @@ func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
// Re-order prop.order.
// Re-order prop.order.
type oneofMessage interface {
var oots []interface{}
XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{})
switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
case oneofFuncsIface:
_, _, _, oots = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
case oneofWrappersIface:
oots = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
if om, ok := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(oneofMessage); ok {
if len(oots) > 0 {
var oots []interface{}
_, _, _, oots = om.XXX_OneofFuncs()
// Interpret oneof metadata.
// Interpret oneof metadata.
prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties)
prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties)
for _, oot := range oots {
for _, oot := range oots {
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ type marshalElemInfo struct {
sizer sizer
sizer sizer
marshaler marshaler
marshaler marshaler
isptr bool // elem is pointer typed, thus interface of this type is a direct interface (extension only)
isptr bool // elem is pointer typed, thus interface of this type is a direct interface (extension only)
deref bool // dereference the pointer before operating on it; implies isptr
var (
var (
@ -320,8 +321,11 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) computeMarshalInfo() {
// get oneof implementers
// get oneof implementers
var oneofImplementers []interface{}
var oneofImplementers []interface{}
if m, ok := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(oneofMessage); ok {
switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
case oneofFuncsIface:
_, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
_, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
case oneofWrappersIface:
oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
n := t.NumField()
n := t.NumField()
@ -407,13 +411,22 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) getExtElemInfo(desc *ExtensionDesc) *marshalElemInfo {
panic("tag is not an integer")
panic("tag is not an integer")
wt := wiretype(tags[0])
wt := wiretype(tags[0])
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
t = t.Elem()
sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(t, tags, false, false)
sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(t, tags, false, false)
var deref bool
if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
t = reflect.PtrTo(t)
deref = true
e = &marshalElemInfo{
e = &marshalElemInfo{
wiretag: uint64(tag)<<3 | wt,
wiretag: uint64(tag)<<3 | wt,
tagsize: SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3),
tagsize: SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3),
sizer: sizer,
sizer: sizer,
marshaler: marshaler,
marshaler: marshaler,
isptr: t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr,
isptr: t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr,
deref: deref,
// update cache
// update cache
@ -448,7 +461,7 @@ func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeMarshalFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField) {
func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) {
func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) {
fi.field = toField(f)
fi.field = toField(f)
fi.wiretag = 1<<31 - 1 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire.
fi.wiretag = math.MaxInt32 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire.
fi.isPointer = true
fi.isPointer = true
fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f)
fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f)
fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo)
fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo)
@ -476,10 +489,6 @@ func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofI
type oneofMessage interface {
XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{})
// wiretype returns the wire encoding of the type.
// wiretype returns the wire encoding of the type.
func wiretype(encoding string) uint64 {
func wiretype(encoding string) uint64 {
switch encoding {
switch encoding {
@ -2310,8 +2319,8 @@ func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) {
for _, k := range m.MapKeys() {
for _, k := range m.MapKeys() {
ki := k.Interface()
ki := k.Interface()
vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false) // pointer to key
kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key
vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr) // pointer to value
vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value
siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize
@ -2329,8 +2338,8 @@ func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) {
for _, k := range keys {
for _, k := range keys {
ki := k.Interface()
ki := k.Interface()
vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface()
kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false) // pointer to key
kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key
vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr) // pointer to value
vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value
b = appendVarint(b, tag)
b = appendVarint(b, tag)
siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valCachedSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valCachedSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1)
b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz))
b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz))
@ -2399,7 +2408,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeExtensions(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int {
// the last time this function was called.
// the last time this function was called.
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
@ -2434,7 +2443,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return b, err
return b, err
@ -2465,7 +2474,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return b, err
return b, err
@ -2510,7 +2519,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeMessageSet(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int {
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
n += ei.sizer(p, 1) // message, tag = 3 (size=1)
n += ei.sizer(p, 1) // message, tag = 3 (size=1)
@ -2553,7 +2562,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return b, err
return b, err
@ -2591,7 +2600,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic)
b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
@ -2621,7 +2630,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeV1Extensions(m map[int32]Extension) int {
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize)
return n
return n
@ -2656,7 +2665,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendV1Extensions(b []byte, m map[int32]Extension, determ
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc)
v := e.value
v := e.value
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr)
p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic)
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
if !nerr.Merge(err) {
return b, err
return b, err
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func (u *unmarshalInfo) unmarshal(m pointer, b []byte) error {
if u.isMessageSet {
if u.isMessageSet {
return UnmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions())
return unmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions())
var reqMask uint64 // bitmask of required fields we've seen.
var reqMask uint64 // bitmask of required fields we've seen.
var errLater error
var errLater error
@ -362,46 +362,48 @@ func (u *unmarshalInfo) computeUnmarshalInfo() {
// Find any types associated with oneof fields.
// Find any types associated with oneof fields.
// TODO: XXX_OneofFuncs returns more info than we need. Get rid of some of it?
var oneofImplementers []interface{}
fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("XXX_OneofFuncs")
switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) {
if fn.IsValid() {
case oneofFuncsIface:
res := fn.Call(nil)[3] // last return value from XXX_OneofFuncs: []interface{}
_, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs()
for i := res.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
case oneofWrappersIface:
v := res.Index(i) // interface{}
oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers()
tptr := reflect.ValueOf(v.Interface()).Type() // *Msg_X
typ := tptr.Elem() // Msg_X
for _, v := range oneofImplementers {
tptr := reflect.TypeOf(v) // *Msg_X
typ := tptr.Elem() // Msg_X
f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field
f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field
baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f)
baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f)
tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",")
tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",")
fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1])
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1])
panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1])
var name string
var name string
for _, tag := range tags {
for _, tag := range tags {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") {
name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=")
name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=")
// Find the oneof field that this struct implements.
// Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares.
for _, of := range oneofFields {
if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) {
// We have found the corresponding interface for this struct.
// That lets us know where this struct should be stored
// when we encounter it during unmarshaling.
unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal)
u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name)
// Find the oneof field that this struct implements.
// Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares.
for _, of := range oneofFields {
if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) {
// We have found the corresponding interface for this struct.
// That lets us know where this struct should be stored
// when we encounter it during unmarshaling.
unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal)
u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name)
// Get extension ranges, if any.
// Get extension ranges, if any.
fn = reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray")
fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray")
if fn.IsValid() {
if fn.IsValid() {
if !u.extensions.IsValid() && !u.oldExtensions.IsValid() {
if !u.extensions.IsValid() && !u.oldExtensions.IsValid() {
panic("a message with extensions, but no extensions field in " + t.Name())
panic("a message with extensions, but no extensions field in " + t.Name())
@ -1948,7 +1950,7 @@ func encodeVarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte {
// If there is an error, it returns 0,0.
// If there is an error, it returns 0,0.
func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) {
func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) {
var x, y uint64
var x, y uint64
if len(b) <= 0 {
if len(b) == 0 {
goto bad
goto bad
x = uint64(b[0])
x = uint64(b[0])
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ The tool is sponsored by the [marvin + konsorten GmbH](http://www.konsorten.de).
We thank all the authors who provided code to this library:
We thank all the authors who provided code to this library:
* Felix Kollmann
* Felix Kollmann
* Nicolas Perraut
## License
## License
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// +build linux darwin
package sequences
import (
func EnableVirtualTerminalProcessing(stream uintptr, enable bool) error {
return fmt.Errorf("windows only package")
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module github.com/mattn/go-xmlrpc
go 1.10
@ -1,52 +1,21 @@
language: go
language: go
go_import_path: github.com/sirupsen/logrus
go_import_path: github.com/sirupsen/logrus
depth: 1
- GOMAXPROCS=4 GORACE=halt_on_error=1
- GO111MODULE=on
- GO111MODULE=off
go: [ 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x ]
os: [ linux, osx, windows ]
- go: 1.10.x
- env: GO111MODULE=on
go: 1.10.x
- go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
- go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
- if [[ "$GO111MODULE" == "on" ]]; then go mod download; fi
- go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
- if [[ "$GO111MODULE" == "off" ]]; then go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert golang.org/x/sys/unix github.com/konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences; fi
- go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
- export GOMAXPROCS=4
- go test -race -v ./...
- export GORACE=halt_on_error=1
- go: 1.11.x
- go test -race -v ./...
env: GO111MODULE=on
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then go test -race -v -tags appengine ./... ; fi
- go mod download
- go test -race -v ./...
- go: 1.11.x
env: GO111MODULE=off
- go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
- go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
- go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
- go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
- go test -race -v ./...
- go: 1.10.x
- go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
- go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
- go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
- go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
- go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
- go: 1.11.x
env: GO111MODULE=on
- go mod download
- go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
- go: 1.11.x
env: GO111MODULE=off
- go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
- go get golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal
- go get golang.org/x/sys/unix
- go get golang.org/x/sys/windows
- go test -race -v -tags appengine ./...
@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
# 1.4.1
This new release introduces:
* Enhance TextFormatter to not print caller information when they are empty (#944)
* Remove dependency on golang.org/x/crypto (#932, #943)
* Fix Entry.WithContext method to return a copy of the initial entry (#941)
# 1.4.0
This new release introduces:
* Add `DeferExitHandler`, similar to `RegisterExitHandler` but prepending the handler to the list of handlers (semantically like `defer`) (#848).
* Add `CallerPrettyfier` to `JSONFormatter` and `TextFormatter (#909, #911)
* Add `Entry.WithContext()` and `Entry.Context`, to set a context on entries to be used e.g. in hooks (#919).
* Fix wrong method calls `Logger.Print` and `Logger.Warningln` (#893).
* Update `Entry.Logf` to not do string formatting unless the log level is enabled (#903)
* Fix infinite recursion on unknown `Level.String()` (#907)
* Fix race condition in `getCaller` (#916).
# 1.3.0
This new release introduces:
* Log, Logf, Logln functions for Logger and Entry that take a Level
* Building prometheus node_exporter on AIX (#840)
* Race condition in TextFormatter (#468)
* Travis CI import path (#868)
* Remove coloured output on Windows (#862)
* Pointer to func as field in JSONFormatter (#870)
* Properly marshal Levels (#873)
# 1.2.0
# 1.2.0
This new release introduces:
This new release introduces:
* A new method `SetReportCaller` in the `Logger` to enable the file, line and calling function from which the trace has been issued
* A new method `SetReportCaller` in the `Logger` to enable the file, line and calling function from which the trace has been issued
@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ Third party logging formatters:
* [`logstash`](https://github.com/bshuster-repo/logrus-logstash-hook). Logs fields as [Logstash](http://logstash.net) Events.
* [`logstash`](https://github.com/bshuster-repo/logrus-logstash-hook). Logs fields as [Logstash](http://logstash.net) Events.
* [`prefixed`](https://github.com/x-cray/logrus-prefixed-formatter). Displays log entry source along with alternative layout.
* [`prefixed`](https://github.com/x-cray/logrus-prefixed-formatter). Displays log entry source along with alternative layout.
* [`zalgo`](https://github.com/aybabtme/logzalgo). Invoking the P͉̫o̳̼̊w̖͈̰͎e̬͔̭͂r͚̼̹̲ ̫͓͉̳͈ō̠͕͖̚f̝͍̠ ͕̲̞͖͑Z̖̫̤̫ͪa͉̬͈̗l͖͎g̳̥o̰̥̅!̣͔̲̻͊̄ ̙̘̦̹̦.
* [`zalgo`](https://github.com/aybabtme/logzalgo). Invoking the P͉̫o̳̼̊w̖͈̰͎e̬͔̭͂r͚̼̹̲ ̫͓͉̳͈ō̠͕͖̚f̝͍̠ ͕̲̞͖͑Z̖̫̤̫ͪa͉̬͈̗l͖͎g̳̥o̰̥̅!̣͔̲̻͊̄ ̙̘̦̹̦.
* [`nested-logrus-formatter`](https://github.com/antonfisher/nested-logrus-formatter). Converts logrus fields to a nested structure.
You can define your formatter by implementing the `Formatter` interface,
You can define your formatter by implementing the `Formatter` interface,
requiring a `Format` method. `Format` takes an `*Entry`. `entry.Data` is a
requiring a `Format` method. `Format` takes an `*Entry`. `entry.Data` is a
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ func Exit(code int) {
// RegisterExitHandler adds a Logrus Exit handler, call logrus.Exit to invoke
// RegisterExitHandler appends a Logrus Exit handler to the list of handlers,
// all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when any Fatal log entry is
// call logrus.Exit to invoke all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when
// made.
// any Fatal log entry is made.
// This method is useful when a caller wishes to use logrus to log a fatal
// This method is useful when a caller wishes to use logrus to log a fatal
// message but also needs to gracefully shutdown. An example usecase could be
// message but also needs to gracefully shutdown. An example usecase could be
@ -62,3 +62,15 @@ func Exit(code int) {
func RegisterExitHandler(handler func()) {
func RegisterExitHandler(handler func()) {
handlers = append(handlers, handler)
handlers = append(handlers, handler)
// DeferExitHandler prepends a Logrus Exit handler to the list of handlers,
// call logrus.Exit to invoke all handlers. The handlers will also be invoked when
// any Fatal log entry is made.
// This method is useful when a caller wishes to use logrus to log a fatal
// message but also needs to gracefully shutdown. An example usecase could be
// closing database connections, or sending a alert that the application is
// closing.
func DeferExitHandler(handler func()) {
handlers = append([]func(){handler}, handlers...)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package logrus
import (
import (
@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ type Entry struct {
// When formatter is called in entry.log(), a Buffer may be set to entry
// When formatter is called in entry.log(), a Buffer may be set to entry
Buffer *bytes.Buffer
Buffer *bytes.Buffer
// Contains the context set by the user. Useful for hook processing etc.
Context context.Context
// err may contain a field formatting error
// err may contain a field formatting error
err string
err string
@ -97,6 +101,11 @@ func (entry *Entry) WithError(err error) *Entry {
return entry.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
return entry.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
// Add a context to the Entry.
func (entry *Entry) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: entry.Time, err: entry.err, Context: ctx}
// Add a single field to the Entry.
// Add a single field to the Entry.
func (entry *Entry) WithField(key string, value interface{}) *Entry {
func (entry *Entry) WithField(key string, value interface{}) *Entry {
return entry.WithFields(Fields{key: value})
return entry.WithFields(Fields{key: value})
@ -130,12 +139,12 @@ func (entry *Entry) WithFields(fields Fields) *Entry {
data[k] = v
data[k] = v
return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: data, Time: entry.Time, err: fieldErr}
return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: data, Time: entry.Time, err: fieldErr, Context: entry.Context}
// Overrides the time of the Entry.
// Overrides the time of the Entry.
func (entry *Entry) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
func (entry *Entry) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: t, err: entry.err}
return &Entry{Logger: entry.Logger, Data: entry.Data, Time: t, err: entry.err, Context: entry.Context}
// getPackageName reduces a fully qualified function name to the package name
// getPackageName reduces a fully qualified function name to the package name
@ -156,20 +165,23 @@ func getPackageName(f string) string {
// getCaller retrieves the name of the first non-logrus calling function
// getCaller retrieves the name of the first non-logrus calling function
func getCaller() *runtime.Frame {
func getCaller() *runtime.Frame {
// cache this package's fully-qualified name
callerInitOnce.Do(func() {
pcs := make([]uintptr, 2)
_ = runtime.Callers(0, pcs)
logrusPackage = getPackageName(runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[1]).Name())
// now that we have the cache, we can skip a minimum count of known-logrus functions
// XXX this is dubious, the number of frames may vary
minimumCallerDepth = knownLogrusFrames
// Restrict the lookback frames to avoid runaway lookups
// Restrict the lookback frames to avoid runaway lookups
pcs := make([]uintptr, maximumCallerDepth)
pcs := make([]uintptr, maximumCallerDepth)
depth := runtime.Callers(minimumCallerDepth, pcs)
depth := runtime.Callers(minimumCallerDepth, pcs)
frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pcs[:depth])
frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pcs[:depth])
// cache this package's fully-qualified name
callerInitOnce.Do(func() {
logrusPackage = getPackageName(runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[0]).Name())
// now that we have the cache, we can skip a minimum count of known-logrus functions
// XXX this is dubious, the number of frames may vary store an entry in a logger interface
minimumCallerDepth = knownLogrusFrames
for f, again := frames.Next(); again; f, again = frames.Next() {
for f, again := frames.Next(); again; f, again = frames.Next() {
pkg := getPackageName(f.Function)
pkg := getPackageName(f.Function)
@ -298,7 +310,9 @@ func (entry *Entry) Panic(args ...interface{}) {
// Entry Printf family functions
// Entry Printf family functions
func (entry *Entry) Logf(level Level, format string, args ...interface{}) {
func (entry *Entry) Logf(level Level, format string, args ...interface{}) {
entry.Log(level, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
if entry.Logger.IsLevelEnabled(level) {
entry.Log(level, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (entry *Entry) Tracef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
func (entry *Entry) Tracef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package logrus
package logrus
import (
import (
@ -55,6 +56,11 @@ func WithError(err error) *Entry {
return std.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
return std.WithField(ErrorKey, err)
// WithContext creates an entry from the standard logger and adds a context to it.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
return std.WithContext(ctx)
// WithField creates an entry from the standard logger and adds a field to
// WithField creates an entry from the standard logger and adds a field to
// it. If you want multiple fields, use `WithFields`.
// it. If you want multiple fields, use `WithFields`.
@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ require (
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1 // indirect
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1 // indirect
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33
@ -9,7 +9,5 @@ github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1 h1:2vfRuCMp5sSVIDSqO8oNnWJq7mPa6KVP3iPIwFBuy8A=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.1/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793 h1:u+LnwYTOOW7Ukr/fppxEb1Nwz0AtPflrblfvUudpo+I=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20180904163835-0709b304e793/go.mod h1:6SG95UA2DQfeDnfUPMdvaQW0Q7yPrPDi9nlGo2tz2b4=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33 h1:I6FyU15t786LL7oL/hn43zqTuEGr4PN7F4XJ1p4E3Y8=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33 h1:I6FyU15t786LL7oL/hn43zqTuEGr4PN7F4XJ1p4E3Y8=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180905080454-ebe1bf3edb33/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
type fieldKey string
type fieldKey string
@ -42,6 +43,12 @@ type JSONFormatter struct {
// }
// }
FieldMap FieldMap
FieldMap FieldMap
// CallerPrettyfier can be set by the user to modify the content
// of the function and file keys in the json data when ReportCaller is
// activated. If any of the returned value is the empty string the
// corresponding key will be removed from json fields.
CallerPrettyfier func(*runtime.Frame) (function string, file string)
// PrettyPrint will indent all json logs
// PrettyPrint will indent all json logs
PrettyPrint bool
PrettyPrint bool
@ -82,8 +89,17 @@ func (f *JSONFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyMsg)] = entry.Message
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyMsg)] = entry.Message
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLevel)] = entry.Level.String()
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLevel)] = entry.Level.String()
if entry.HasCaller() {
if entry.HasCaller() {
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc)] = entry.Caller.Function
funcVal := entry.Caller.Function
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile)] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
fileVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
if funcVal != "" {
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc)] = funcVal
if fileVal != "" {
data[f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile)] = fileVal
var b *bytes.Buffer
var b *bytes.Buffer
@ -98,7 +114,7 @@ func (f *JSONFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
encoder.SetIndent("", " ")
encoder.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := encoder.Encode(data); err != nil {
if err := encoder.Encode(data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to marshal fields to JSON, %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal fields to JSON, %v", err)
return b.Bytes(), nil
return b.Bytes(), nil
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package logrus
package logrus
import (
import (
@ -124,6 +125,13 @@ func (logger *Logger) WithError(err error) *Entry {
return entry.WithError(err)
return entry.WithError(err)
// Add a context to the log entry.
func (logger *Logger) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Entry {
entry := logger.newEntry()
defer logger.releaseEntry(entry)
return entry.WithContext(ctx)
// Overrides the time of the log entry.
// Overrides the time of the log entry.
func (logger *Logger) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
func (logger *Logger) WithTime(t time.Time) *Entry {
entry := logger.newEntry()
entry := logger.newEntry()
@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ func (logger *Logger) Info(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Print(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Print(args ...interface{}) {
entry := logger.newEntry()
entry := logger.newEntry()
@ -256,7 +264,7 @@ func (logger *Logger) Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Warningln(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Warningln(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
func (logger *Logger) Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func (level Level) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("panic"), nil
return []byte("panic"), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a valid lorus level %q", level)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a valid logrus level %d", level)
// A constant exposing all logging levels
// A constant exposing all logging levels
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// +build !appengine,!js,!windows,aix
package logrus
import "io"
func checkIfTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
return false
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd
package logrus
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TIOCGETA
func isTerminal(fd int) bool {
_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
return err == nil
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
// +build !appengine,!js,!windows,!aix
// +build !appengine,!js,!windows
package logrus
package logrus
import (
import (
func checkIfTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
func checkIfTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
switch v := w.(type) {
switch v := w.(type) {
case *os.File:
case *os.File:
return terminal.IsTerminal(int(v.Fd()))
return isTerminal(int(v.Fd()))
return false
return false
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// +build linux aix
package logrus
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS
func isTerminal(fd int) bool {
_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
return err == nil
@ -12,18 +12,13 @@ import (
const (
const (
nocolor = 0
red = 31
red = 31
yellow = 33
green = 32
blue = 36
yellow = 33
gray = 37
blue = 36
gray = 37
var (
var baseTimestamp time.Time
baseTimestamp time.Time
emptyFieldMap FieldMap
func init() {
func init() {
baseTimestamp = time.Now()
baseTimestamp = time.Now()
@ -77,6 +72,12 @@ type TextFormatter struct {
// FieldKeyMsg: "@message"}}
// FieldKeyMsg: "@message"}}
FieldMap FieldMap
FieldMap FieldMap
// CallerPrettyfier can be set by the user to modify the content
// of the function and file keys in the data when ReportCaller is
// activated. If any of the returned value is the empty string the
// corresponding key will be removed from fields.
CallerPrettyfier func(*runtime.Frame) (function string, file string)
terminalInitOnce sync.Once
terminalInitOnce sync.Once
@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
keys = append(keys, k)
keys = append(keys, k)
var funcVal, fileVal string
fixedKeys := make([]string, 0, 4+len(data))
fixedKeys := make([]string, 0, 4+len(data))
if !f.DisableTimestamp {
if !f.DisableTimestamp {
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyTime))
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyTime))
@ -130,8 +133,19 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError))
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError))
if entry.HasCaller() {
if entry.HasCaller() {
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys,
if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc), f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile))
funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
} else {
funcVal = entry.Caller.Function
fileVal = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
if funcVal != "" {
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc))
if fileVal != "" {
fixedKeys = append(fixedKeys, f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile))
if !f.DisableSorting {
if !f.DisableSorting {
@ -166,6 +180,7 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
if f.isColored() {
if f.isColored() {
f.printColored(b, entry, keys, data, timestampFormat)
f.printColored(b, entry, keys, data, timestampFormat)
} else {
} else {
for _, key := range fixedKeys {
for _, key := range fixedKeys {
var value interface{}
var value interface{}
switch {
switch {
@ -178,9 +193,9 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) ([]byte, error) {
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError):
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyLogrusError):
value = entry.err
value = entry.err
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc) && entry.HasCaller():
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFunc) && entry.HasCaller():
value = entry.Caller.Function
value = funcVal
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile) && entry.HasCaller():
case key == f.FieldMap.resolve(FieldKeyFile) && entry.HasCaller():
value = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
value = fileVal
value = data[key]
value = data[key]
@ -215,10 +230,21 @@ func (f *TextFormatter) printColored(b *bytes.Buffer, entry *Entry, keys []strin
entry.Message = strings.TrimSuffix(entry.Message, "\n")
entry.Message = strings.TrimSuffix(entry.Message, "\n")
caller := ""
caller := ""
if entry.HasCaller() {
if entry.HasCaller() {
caller = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d %s()",
funcVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s()", entry.Caller.Function)
entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line, entry.Caller.Function)
fileVal := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", entry.Caller.File, entry.Caller.Line)
if f.CallerPrettyfier != nil {
funcVal, fileVal = f.CallerPrettyfier(entry.Caller)
if fileVal == "" {
caller = funcVal
} else if funcVal == "" {
caller = fileVal
} else {
caller = fileVal + " " + funcVal
if f.DisableTimestamp {
if f.DisableTimestamp {
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes.
# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at https://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS.
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at https://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS.
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
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modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
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Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
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@ -1,955 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package terminal
import (
// EscapeCodes contains escape sequences that can be written to the terminal in
// order to achieve different styles of text.
type EscapeCodes struct {
// Foreground colors
Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White []byte
// Reset all attributes
Reset []byte
var vt100EscapeCodes = EscapeCodes{
Black: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '0', 'm'},
Red: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '1', 'm'},
Green: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '2', 'm'},
Yellow: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '3', 'm'},
Blue: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '4', 'm'},
Magenta: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '5', 'm'},
Cyan: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '6', 'm'},
White: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '7', 'm'},
Reset: []byte{keyEscape, '[', '0', 'm'},
// Terminal contains the state for running a VT100 terminal that is capable of
// reading lines of input.
type Terminal struct {
// AutoCompleteCallback, if non-null, is called for each keypress with
// the full input line and the current position of the cursor (in
// bytes, as an index into |line|). If it returns ok=false, the key
// press is processed normally. Otherwise it returns a replacement line
// and the new cursor position.
AutoCompleteCallback func(line string, pos int, key rune) (newLine string, newPos int, ok bool)
// Escape contains a pointer to the escape codes for this terminal.
// It's always a valid pointer, although the escape codes themselves
// may be empty if the terminal doesn't support them.
Escape *EscapeCodes
// lock protects the terminal and the state in this object from
// concurrent processing of a key press and a Write() call.
lock sync.Mutex
c io.ReadWriter
prompt []rune
// line is the current line being entered.
line []rune
// pos is the logical position of the cursor in line
pos int
// echo is true if local echo is enabled
echo bool
// pasteActive is true iff there is a bracketed paste operation in
// progress.
pasteActive bool
// cursorX contains the current X value of the cursor where the left
// edge is 0. cursorY contains the row number where the first row of
// the current line is 0.
cursorX, cursorY int
// maxLine is the greatest value of cursorY so far.
maxLine int
termWidth, termHeight int
// outBuf contains the terminal data to be sent.
outBuf []byte
// remainder contains the remainder of any partial key sequences after
// a read. It aliases into inBuf.
remainder []byte
inBuf [256]byte
// history contains previously entered commands so that they can be
// accessed with the up and down keys.
history stRingBuffer
// historyIndex stores the currently accessed history entry, where zero
// means the immediately previous entry.
historyIndex int
// When navigating up and down the history it's possible to return to
// the incomplete, initial line. That value is stored in
// historyPending.
historyPending string
// NewTerminal runs a VT100 terminal on the given ReadWriter. If the ReadWriter is
// a local terminal, that terminal must first have been put into raw mode.
// prompt is a string that is written at the start of each input line (i.e.
// "> ").
func NewTerminal(c io.ReadWriter, prompt string) *Terminal {
return &Terminal{
Escape: &vt100EscapeCodes,
c: c,
prompt: []rune(prompt),
termWidth: 80,
termHeight: 24,
echo: true,
historyIndex: -1,
const (
keyCtrlD = 4
keyCtrlU = 21
keyEnter = '\r'
keyEscape = 27
keyBackspace = 127
keyUnknown = 0xd800 /* UTF-16 surrogate area */ + iota
var (
crlf = []byte{'\r', '\n'}
pasteStart = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '2', '0', '0', '~'}
pasteEnd = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '2', '0', '1', '~'}
// bytesToKey tries to parse a key sequence from b. If successful, it returns
// the key and the remainder of the input. Otherwise it returns utf8.RuneError.
func bytesToKey(b []byte, pasteActive bool) (rune, []byte) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return utf8.RuneError, nil
if !pasteActive {
switch b[0] {
case 1: // ^A
return keyHome, b[1:]
case 5: // ^E
return keyEnd, b[1:]
case 8: // ^H
return keyBackspace, b[1:]
case 11: // ^K
return keyDeleteLine, b[1:]
case 12: // ^L
return keyClearScreen, b[1:]
case 23: // ^W
return keyDeleteWord, b[1:]
case 14: // ^N
return keyDown, b[1:]
case 16: // ^P
return keyUp, b[1:]
if b[0] != keyEscape {
if !utf8.FullRune(b) {
return utf8.RuneError, b
r, l := utf8.DecodeRune(b)
return r, b[l:]
if !pasteActive && len(b) >= 3 && b[0] == keyEscape && b[1] == '[' {
switch b[2] {
case 'A':
return keyUp, b[3:]
case 'B':
return keyDown, b[3:]
case 'C':
return keyRight, b[3:]
case 'D':
return keyLeft, b[3:]
case 'H':
return keyHome, b[3:]
case 'F':
return keyEnd, b[3:]
if !pasteActive && len(b) >= 6 && b[0] == keyEscape && b[1] == '[' && b[2] == '1' && b[3] == ';' && b[4] == '3' {
switch b[5] {
case 'C':
return keyAltRight, b[6:]
case 'D':
return keyAltLeft, b[6:]
if !pasteActive && len(b) >= 6 && bytes.Equal(b[:6], pasteStart) {
return keyPasteStart, b[6:]
if pasteActive && len(b) >= 6 && bytes.Equal(b[:6], pasteEnd) {
return keyPasteEnd, b[6:]
// If we get here then we have a key that we don't recognise, or a
// partial sequence. It's not clear how one should find the end of a
// sequence without knowing them all, but it seems that [a-zA-Z~] only
// appears at the end of a sequence.
for i, c := range b[0:] {
if c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c == '~' {
return keyUnknown, b[i+1:]
return utf8.RuneError, b
// queue appends data to the end of t.outBuf
func (t *Terminal) queue(data []rune) {
t.outBuf = append(t.outBuf, []byte(string(data))...)
var eraseUnderCursor = []rune{' ', keyEscape, '[', 'D'}
var space = []rune{' '}
func isPrintable(key rune) bool {
isInSurrogateArea := key >= 0xd800 && key <= 0xdbff
return key >= 32 && !isInSurrogateArea
// moveCursorToPos appends data to t.outBuf which will move the cursor to the
// given, logical position in the text.
func (t *Terminal) moveCursorToPos(pos int) {
if !t.echo {
x := visualLength(t.prompt) + pos
y := x / t.termWidth
x = x % t.termWidth
up := 0
if y < t.cursorY {
up = t.cursorY - y
down := 0
if y > t.cursorY {
down = y - t.cursorY
left := 0
if x < t.cursorX {
left = t.cursorX - x
right := 0
if x > t.cursorX {
right = x - t.cursorX
t.cursorX = x
t.cursorY = y
t.move(up, down, left, right)
func (t *Terminal) move(up, down, left, right int) {
movement := make([]rune, 3*(up+down+left+right))
m := movement
for i := 0; i < up; i++ {
m[0] = keyEscape
m[1] = '['
m[2] = 'A'
m = m[3:]
for i := 0; i < down; i++ {
m[0] = keyEscape
m[1] = '['
m[2] = 'B'
m = m[3:]
for i := 0; i < left; i++ {
m[0] = keyEscape
m[1] = '['
m[2] = 'D'
m = m[3:]
for i := 0; i < right; i++ {
m[0] = keyEscape
m[1] = '['
m[2] = 'C'
m = m[3:]
func (t *Terminal) clearLineToRight() {
op := []rune{keyEscape, '[', 'K'}
const maxLineLength = 4096
func (t *Terminal) setLine(newLine []rune, newPos int) {
if t.echo {
for i := len(newLine); i < len(t.line); i++ {
t.line = newLine
t.pos = newPos
func (t *Terminal) advanceCursor(places int) {
t.cursorX += places
t.cursorY += t.cursorX / t.termWidth
if t.cursorY > t.maxLine {
t.maxLine = t.cursorY
t.cursorX = t.cursorX % t.termWidth
if places > 0 && t.cursorX == 0 {
// Normally terminals will advance the current position
// when writing a character. But that doesn't happen
// for the last character in a line. However, when
// writing a character (except a new line) that causes
// a line wrap, the position will be advanced two
// places.
// So, if we are stopping at the end of a line, we
// need to write a newline so that our cursor can be
// advanced to the next line.
t.outBuf = append(t.outBuf, '\r', '\n')
func (t *Terminal) eraseNPreviousChars(n int) {
if n == 0 {
if t.pos < n {
n = t.pos
t.pos -= n
copy(t.line[t.pos:], t.line[n+t.pos:])
t.line = t.line[:len(t.line)-n]
if t.echo {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// countToLeftWord returns then number of characters from the cursor to the
// start of the previous word.
func (t *Terminal) countToLeftWord() int {
if t.pos == 0 {
return 0
pos := t.pos - 1
for pos > 0 {
if t.line[pos] != ' ' {
for pos > 0 {
if t.line[pos] == ' ' {
return t.pos - pos
// countToRightWord returns then number of characters from the cursor to the
// start of the next word.
func (t *Terminal) countToRightWord() int {
pos := t.pos
for pos < len(t.line) {
if t.line[pos] == ' ' {
for pos < len(t.line) {
if t.line[pos] != ' ' {
return pos - t.pos
// visualLength returns the number of visible glyphs in s.
func visualLength(runes []rune) int {
inEscapeSeq := false
length := 0
for _, r := range runes {
switch {
case inEscapeSeq:
if (r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') || (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') {
inEscapeSeq = false
case r == '\x1b':
inEscapeSeq = true
return length
// handleKey processes the given key and, optionally, returns a line of text
// that the user has entered.
func (t *Terminal) handleKey(key rune) (line string, ok bool) {
if t.pasteActive && key != keyEnter {
switch key {
case keyBackspace:
if t.pos == 0 {
case keyAltLeft:
// move left by a word.
t.pos -= t.countToLeftWord()
case keyAltRight:
// move right by a word.
t.pos += t.countToRightWord()
case keyLeft:
if t.pos == 0 {
case keyRight:
if t.pos == len(t.line) {
case keyHome:
if t.pos == 0 {
t.pos = 0
case keyEnd:
if t.pos == len(t.line) {
t.pos = len(t.line)
case keyUp:
entry, ok := t.history.NthPreviousEntry(t.historyIndex + 1)
if !ok {
return "", false
if t.historyIndex == -1 {
t.historyPending = string(t.line)
runes := []rune(entry)
t.setLine(runes, len(runes))
case keyDown:
switch t.historyIndex {
case -1:
case 0:
runes := []rune(t.historyPending)
t.setLine(runes, len(runes))
entry, ok := t.history.NthPreviousEntry(t.historyIndex - 1)
if ok {
runes := []rune(entry)
t.setLine(runes, len(runes))
case keyEnter:
line = string(t.line)
ok = true
t.line = t.line[:0]
t.pos = 0
t.cursorX = 0
t.cursorY = 0
t.maxLine = 0
case keyDeleteWord:
// Delete zero or more spaces and then one or more characters.
case keyDeleteLine:
// Delete everything from the current cursor position to the
// end of line.
for i := t.pos; i < len(t.line); i++ {
t.line = t.line[:t.pos]
case keyCtrlD:
// Erase the character under the current position.
// The EOF case when the line is empty is handled in
// readLine().
if t.pos < len(t.line) {
case keyCtrlU:
case keyClearScreen:
// Erases the screen and moves the cursor to the home position.
t.cursorX, t.cursorY = 0, 0
t.setLine(t.line, t.pos)
if t.AutoCompleteCallback != nil {
prefix := string(t.line[:t.pos])
suffix := string(t.line[t.pos:])
newLine, newPos, completeOk := t.AutoCompleteCallback(prefix+suffix, len(prefix), key)
if completeOk {
t.setLine([]rune(newLine), utf8.RuneCount([]byte(newLine)[:newPos]))
if !isPrintable(key) {
if len(t.line) == maxLineLength {
// addKeyToLine inserts the given key at the current position in the current
// line.
func (t *Terminal) addKeyToLine(key rune) {
if len(t.line) == cap(t.line) {
newLine := make([]rune, len(t.line), 2*(1+len(t.line)))
copy(newLine, t.line)
t.line = newLine
t.line = t.line[:len(t.line)+1]
copy(t.line[t.pos+1:], t.line[t.pos:])
t.line[t.pos] = key
if t.echo {
func (t *Terminal) writeLine(line []rune) {
for len(line) != 0 {
remainingOnLine := t.termWidth - t.cursorX
todo := len(line)
if todo > remainingOnLine {
todo = remainingOnLine
line = line[todo:]
// writeWithCRLF writes buf to w but replaces all occurrences of \n with \r\n.
func writeWithCRLF(w io.Writer, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
for len(buf) > 0 {
i := bytes.IndexByte(buf, '\n')
todo := len(buf)
if i >= 0 {
todo = i
var nn int
nn, err = w.Write(buf[:todo])
n += nn
if err != nil {
return n, err
buf = buf[todo:]
if i >= 0 {
if _, err = w.Write(crlf); err != nil {
return n, err
buf = buf[1:]
return n, nil
func (t *Terminal) Write(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer t.lock.Unlock()
if t.cursorX == 0 && t.cursorY == 0 {
// This is the easy case: there's nothing on the screen that we
// have to move out of the way.
return writeWithCRLF(t.c, buf)
// We have a prompt and possibly user input on the screen. We
// have to clear it first.
t.move(0 /* up */, 0 /* down */, t.cursorX /* left */, 0 /* right */)
t.cursorX = 0
for t.cursorY > 0 {
t.move(1 /* up */, 0, 0, 0)
if _, err = t.c.Write(t.outBuf); err != nil {
t.outBuf = t.outBuf[:0]
if n, err = writeWithCRLF(t.c, buf); err != nil {
if t.echo {
if _, err = t.c.Write(t.outBuf); err != nil {
t.outBuf = t.outBuf[:0]
// ReadPassword temporarily changes the prompt and reads a password, without
// echo, from the terminal.
func (t *Terminal) ReadPassword(prompt string) (line string, err error) {
defer t.lock.Unlock()
oldPrompt := t.prompt
t.prompt = []rune(prompt)
t.echo = false
line, err = t.readLine()
t.prompt = oldPrompt
t.echo = true
// ReadLine returns a line of input from the terminal.
func (t *Terminal) ReadLine() (line string, err error) {
defer t.lock.Unlock()
return t.readLine()
func (t *Terminal) readLine() (line string, err error) {
// t.lock must be held at this point
if t.cursorX == 0 && t.cursorY == 0 {
t.outBuf = t.outBuf[:0]
lineIsPasted := t.pasteActive
for {
rest := t.remainder
lineOk := false
for !lineOk {
var key rune
key, rest = bytesToKey(rest, t.pasteActive)
if key == utf8.RuneError {
if !t.pasteActive {
if key == keyCtrlD {
if len(t.line) == 0 {
return "", io.EOF
if key == keyPasteStart {
t.pasteActive = true
if len(t.line) == 0 {
lineIsPasted = true
} else if key == keyPasteEnd {
t.pasteActive = false
if !t.pasteActive {
lineIsPasted = false
line, lineOk = t.handleKey(key)
if len(rest) > 0 {
n := copy(t.inBuf[:], rest)
t.remainder = t.inBuf[:n]
} else {
t.remainder = nil
t.outBuf = t.outBuf[:0]
if lineOk {
if t.echo {
t.historyIndex = -1
if lineIsPasted {
err = ErrPasteIndicator
// t.remainder is a slice at the beginning of t.inBuf
// containing a partial key sequence
readBuf := t.inBuf[len(t.remainder):]
var n int
n, err = t.c.Read(readBuf)
if err != nil {
t.remainder = t.inBuf[:n+len(t.remainder)]
// SetPrompt sets the prompt to be used when reading subsequent lines.
func (t *Terminal) SetPrompt(prompt string) {
defer t.lock.Unlock()
t.prompt = []rune(prompt)
func (t *Terminal) clearAndRepaintLinePlusNPrevious(numPrevLines int) {
// Move cursor to column zero at the start of the line.
t.move(t.cursorY, 0, t.cursorX, 0)
t.cursorX, t.cursorY = 0, 0
for t.cursorY < numPrevLines {
// Move down a line
t.move(0, 1, 0, 0)
// Move back to beginning.
t.move(t.cursorY, 0, 0, 0)
t.cursorX, t.cursorY = 0, 0
func (t *Terminal) SetSize(width, height int) error {
defer t.lock.Unlock()
if width == 0 {
width = 1
oldWidth := t.termWidth
t.termWidth, t.termHeight = width, height
switch {
case width == oldWidth:
// If the width didn't change then nothing else needs to be
// done.
return nil
case len(t.line) == 0 && t.cursorX == 0 && t.cursorY == 0:
// If there is nothing on current line and no prompt printed,
// just do nothing
return nil
case width < oldWidth:
// Some terminals (e.g. xterm) will truncate lines that were
// too long when shinking. Others, (e.g. gnome-terminal) will
// attempt to wrap them. For the former, repainting t.maxLine
// works great, but that behaviour goes badly wrong in the case
// of the latter because they have doubled every full line.
// We assume that we are working on a terminal that wraps lines
// and adjust the cursor position based on every previous line
// wrapping and turning into two. This causes the prompt on
// xterms to move upwards, which isn't great, but it avoids a
// huge mess with gnome-terminal.
if t.cursorX >= t.termWidth {
t.cursorX = t.termWidth - 1
t.cursorY *= 2
t.clearAndRepaintLinePlusNPrevious(t.maxLine * 2)
case width > oldWidth:
// If the terminal expands then our position calculations will
// be wrong in the future because we think the cursor is
// |t.pos| chars into the string, but there will be a gap at
// the end of any wrapped line.
// But the position will actually be correct until we move, so
// we can move back to the beginning and repaint everything.
_, err := t.c.Write(t.outBuf)
t.outBuf = t.outBuf[:0]
return err
type pasteIndicatorError struct{}
func (pasteIndicatorError) Error() string {
return "terminal: ErrPasteIndicator not correctly handled"
// ErrPasteIndicator may be returned from ReadLine as the error, in addition
// to valid line data. It indicates that bracketed paste mode is enabled and
// that the returned line consists only of pasted data. Programs may wish to
// interpret pasted data more literally than typed data.
var ErrPasteIndicator = pasteIndicatorError{}
// SetBracketedPasteMode requests that the terminal bracket paste operations
// with markers. Not all terminals support this but, if it is supported, then
// enabling this mode will stop any autocomplete callback from running due to
// pastes. Additionally, any lines that are completely pasted will be returned
// from ReadLine with the error set to ErrPasteIndicator.
func (t *Terminal) SetBracketedPasteMode(on bool) {
if on {
io.WriteString(t.c, "\x1b[?2004h")
} else {
io.WriteString(t.c, "\x1b[?2004l")
// stRingBuffer is a ring buffer of strings.
type stRingBuffer struct {
// entries contains max elements.
entries []string
max int
// head contains the index of the element most recently added to the ring.
head int
// size contains the number of elements in the ring.
size int
func (s *stRingBuffer) Add(a string) {
if s.entries == nil {
const defaultNumEntries = 100
s.entries = make([]string, defaultNumEntries)
s.max = defaultNumEntries
s.head = (s.head + 1) % s.max
s.entries[s.head] = a
if s.size < s.max {
// NthPreviousEntry returns the value passed to the nth previous call to Add.
// If n is zero then the immediately prior value is returned, if one, then the
// next most recent, and so on. If such an element doesn't exist then ok is
// false.
func (s *stRingBuffer) NthPreviousEntry(n int) (value string, ok bool) {
if n >= s.size {
return "", false
index := s.head - n
if index < 0 {
index += s.max
return s.entries[index], true
// readPasswordLine reads from reader until it finds \n or io.EOF.
// The slice returned does not include the \n.
// readPasswordLine also ignores any \r it finds.
func readPasswordLine(reader io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
var buf [1]byte
var ret []byte
for {
n, err := reader.Read(buf[:])
if n > 0 {
switch buf[0] {
case '\n':
return ret, nil
case '\r':
// remove \r from passwords on Windows
ret = append(ret, buf[0])
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF && len(ret) > 0 {
return ret, nil
return ret, err
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux,!appengine netbsd openbsd
// Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as
// commonly found on UNIX systems.
// Putting a terminal into raw mode is the most common requirement:
// oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(0)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// defer terminal.Restore(0, oldState)
package terminal // import "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal"
import (
// State contains the state of a terminal.
type State struct {
termios unix.Termios
// IsTerminal returns whether the given file descriptor is a terminal.
func IsTerminal(fd int) bool {
_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
return err == nil
// MakeRaw put the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into raw
// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be
// restored.
func MakeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) {
termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oldState := State{termios: *termios}
// This attempts to replicate the behaviour documented for cfmakeraw in
// the termios(3) manpage.
termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON
termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST
termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN
termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB
termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8
termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1
termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0
if err := unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, ioctlWriteTermios, termios); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &oldState, nil
// GetState returns the current state of a terminal which may be useful to
// restore the terminal after a signal.
func GetState(fd int) (*State, error) {
termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &State{termios: *termios}, nil
// Restore restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor to a
// previous state.
func Restore(fd int, state *State) error {
return unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, ioctlWriteTermios, &state.termios)
// GetSize returns the dimensions of the given terminal.
func GetSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) {
ws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(fd, unix.TIOCGWINSZ)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, err
return int(ws.Col), int(ws.Row), nil
// passwordReader is an io.Reader that reads from a specific file descriptor.
type passwordReader int
func (r passwordReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
return unix.Read(int(r), buf)
// ReadPassword reads a line of input from a terminal without local echo. This
// is commonly used for inputting passwords and other sensitive data. The slice
// returned does not include the \n.
func ReadPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) {
termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, ioctlReadTermios)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newState := *termios
newState.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO
newState.Lflag |= unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG
newState.Iflag |= unix.ICRNL
if err := unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, ioctlWriteTermios, &newState); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, ioctlWriteTermios, termios)
return readPasswordLine(passwordReader(fd))
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aix
package terminal
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS
const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd
package terminal
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TIOCGETA
const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TIOCSETA
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package terminal
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const ioctlReadTermios = unix.TCGETS
const ioctlWriteTermios = unix.TCSETS
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as
// commonly found on UNIX systems.
// Putting a terminal into raw mode is the most common requirement:
// oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(0)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// defer terminal.Restore(0, oldState)
package terminal
import (
type State struct{}
// IsTerminal returns whether the given file descriptor is a terminal.
func IsTerminal(fd int) bool {
return false
// MakeRaw put the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into raw
// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be
// restored.
func MakeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("terminal: MakeRaw not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
// GetState returns the current state of a terminal which may be useful to
// restore the terminal after a signal.
func GetState(fd int) (*State, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("terminal: GetState not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
// Restore restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor to a
// previous state.
func Restore(fd int, state *State) error {
return fmt.Errorf("terminal: Restore not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
// GetSize returns the dimensions of the given terminal.
func GetSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("terminal: GetSize not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
// ReadPassword reads a line of input from a terminal without local echo. This
// is commonly used for inputting passwords and other sensitive data. The slice
// returned does not include the \n.
func ReadPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("terminal: ReadPassword not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build solaris
package terminal // import "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal"
import (
// State contains the state of a terminal.
type State struct {
termios unix.Termios
// IsTerminal returns whether the given file descriptor is a terminal.
func IsTerminal(fd int) bool {
_, err := unix.IoctlGetTermio(fd, unix.TCGETA)
return err == nil
// ReadPassword reads a line of input from a terminal without local echo. This
// is commonly used for inputting passwords and other sensitive data. The slice
// returned does not include the \n.
func ReadPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) {
// see also: http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libast/common/uwin/getpass.c
val, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oldState := *val
newState := oldState
newState.Lflag &^= syscall.ECHO
newState.Lflag |= syscall.ICANON | syscall.ISIG
newState.Iflag |= syscall.ICRNL
err = unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &newState)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState)
var buf [16]byte
var ret []byte
for {
n, err := syscall.Read(fd, buf[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n == 0 {
if len(ret) == 0 {
return nil, io.EOF
if buf[n-1] == '\n' {
ret = append(ret, buf[:n]...)
if n < len(buf) {
return ret, nil
// MakeRaw puts the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into raw
// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be
// restored.
// see http://cr.illumos.org/~webrev/andy_js/1060/
func MakeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) {
termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oldState := State{termios: *termios}
termios.Iflag &^= unix.IGNBRK | unix.BRKINT | unix.PARMRK | unix.ISTRIP | unix.INLCR | unix.IGNCR | unix.ICRNL | unix.IXON
termios.Oflag &^= unix.OPOST
termios.Lflag &^= unix.ECHO | unix.ECHONL | unix.ICANON | unix.ISIG | unix.IEXTEN
termios.Cflag &^= unix.CSIZE | unix.PARENB
termios.Cflag |= unix.CS8
termios.Cc[unix.VMIN] = 1
termios.Cc[unix.VTIME] = 0
if err := unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, termios); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &oldState, nil
// Restore restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor to a
// previous state.
func Restore(fd int, oldState *State) error {
return unix.IoctlSetTermios(fd, unix.TCSETS, &oldState.termios)
// GetState returns the current state of a terminal which may be useful to
// restore the terminal after a signal.
func GetState(fd int) (*State, error) {
termios, err := unix.IoctlGetTermios(fd, unix.TCGETS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &State{termios: *termios}, nil
// GetSize returns the dimensions of the given terminal.
func GetSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) {
ws, err := unix.IoctlGetWinsize(fd, unix.TIOCGWINSZ)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int(ws.Col), int(ws.Row), nil
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build windows
// Package terminal provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as
// commonly found on UNIX systems.
// Putting a terminal into raw mode is the most common requirement:
// oldState, err := terminal.MakeRaw(0)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// defer terminal.Restore(0, oldState)
package terminal
import (
type State struct {
mode uint32
// IsTerminal returns whether the given file descriptor is a terminal.
func IsTerminal(fd int) bool {
var st uint32
err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &st)
return err == nil
// MakeRaw put the terminal connected to the given file descriptor into raw
// mode and returns the previous state of the terminal so that it can be
// restored.
func MakeRaw(fd int) (*State, error) {
var st uint32
if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &st); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), raw); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &State{st}, nil
// GetState returns the current state of a terminal which may be useful to
// restore the terminal after a signal.
func GetState(fd int) (*State, error) {
var st uint32
if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &st); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &State{st}, nil
// Restore restores the terminal connected to the given file descriptor to a
// previous state.
func Restore(fd int, state *State) error {
return windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), state.mode)
// GetSize returns the dimensions of the given terminal.
func GetSize(fd int) (width, height int, err error) {
var info windows.ConsoleScreenBufferInfo
if err := windows.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(windows.Handle(fd), &info); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int(info.Size.X), int(info.Size.Y), nil
// ReadPassword reads a line of input from a terminal without local echo. This
// is commonly used for inputting passwords and other sensitive data. The slice
// returned does not include the \n.
func ReadPassword(fd int) ([]byte, error) {
var st uint32
if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), &st); err != nil {
return nil, err
old := st
st &^= (windows.ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)
if err := windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), st); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer windows.SetConsoleMode(windows.Handle(fd), old)
var h windows.Handle
p, _ := windows.GetCurrentProcess()
if err := windows.DuplicateHandle(p, windows.Handle(fd), p, &h, 0, false, windows.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); err != nil {
return nil, err
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(h), "stdin")
defer f.Close()
return readPasswordLine(f)
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
package socket
package socket
import (
import (
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build linux
// +build linux
package socket
package socket
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris windows
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris windows
package socket
package socket
@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build !linux
// +build !linux
package socket
package socket
import "errors"
func (c *Conn) recvMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
func (c *Conn) recvMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func (c *Conn) sendMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
func (c *Conn) sendMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build !darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!linux,!netbsd,!openbsd,!solaris,!windows
// +build !darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!linux,!netbsd,!openbsd,!solaris,!windows
package socket
package socket
import "errors"
func (c *Conn) recvMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
func (c *Conn) recvMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
return errNotImplemented
func (c *Conn) sendMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
func (c *Conn) sendMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
return errNotImplemented
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.9
package socket
import "errors"
func (c *Conn) recvMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
func (c *Conn) sendMsg(m *Message, flags int) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
func (c *Conn) recvMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
func (c *Conn) sendMsgs(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.9
package socket
import (
// A Conn represents a raw connection.
type Conn struct {
c net.Conn
// NewConn returns a new raw connection.
func NewConn(c net.Conn) (*Conn, error) {
return &Conn{c: c}, nil
func (o *Option) get(c *Conn, b []byte) (int, error) {
s, err := socketOf(c.c)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n, err := getsockopt(s, o.Level, o.Name, b)
return n, os.NewSyscallError("getsockopt", err)
func (o *Option) set(c *Conn, b []byte) error {
s, err := socketOf(c.c)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.NewSyscallError("setsockopt", setsockopt(s, o.Level, o.Name, b))
func socketOf(c net.Conn) (uintptr, error) {
switch c.(type) {
case *net.TCPConn, *net.UDPConn, *net.IPConn:
v := reflect.ValueOf(c)
switch e := v.Elem(); e.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
fd := e.FieldByName("conn").FieldByName("fd")
switch e := fd.Elem(); e.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
sysfd := e.FieldByName("sysfd")
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return uintptr(sysfd.Uint()), nil
return uintptr(sysfd.Int()), nil
return 0, errors.New("invalid type")
@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ package socket // import "golang.org/x/net/internal/socket"
import (
import (
var errNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented on " + runtime.GOOS + "/" + runtime.GOARCH)
// An Option represents a sticky socket option.
// An Option represents a sticky socket option.
type Option struct {
type Option struct {
Level int // level
Level int // level
@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ func init() {
func roundup(l int) int {
func roundup(l int) int {
return (l + kernelAlign - 1) & ^(kernelAlign - 1)
return (l + kernelAlign - 1) &^ (kernelAlign - 1)
@ -6,12 +6,10 @@
package socket
package socket
import "errors"
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
func probeProtocolStack() int {
func probeProtocolStack() int {
if runtime.GOOS == "openbsd" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
if (runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" || runtime.GOOS == "openbsd") && runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
return 8
return 8
var p uintptr
var p uintptr
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris windows
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris windows
package socket
package socket
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
package socket
package socket
import (
import (
@ -63,9 +62,9 @@ func sendmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
package socket
package socket
import (
import (
@ -36,29 +35,29 @@ func marshalInetAddr(ip net.IP, port int, zone string) []byte {
func parseInetAddr(b []byte, network string) (net.Addr, error) {
func parseInetAddr(b []byte, network string) (net.Addr, error) {
return nil, errors.New("not implemented")
return nil, errNotImplemented
func getsockopt(s uintptr, level, name int, b []byte) (int, error) {
func getsockopt(s uintptr, level, name int, b []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func setsockopt(s uintptr, level, name int, b []byte) error {
func setsockopt(s uintptr, level, name int, b []byte) error {
return errors.New("not implemented")
return errNotImplemented
func recvmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
package socket
package socket
import (
import (
@ -54,17 +53,17 @@ func setsockopt(s uintptr, level, name int, b []byte) error {
func recvmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmsg(s uintptr, h *msghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func recvmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
func sendmmsg(s uintptr, hs []mmsghdr, flags int) (int, error) {
return 0, errors.New("not implemented")
return 0, errNotImplemented
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
package ipv4
package ipv4
import (
import (
@ -91,6 +89,9 @@ func (c *payloadHandler) ReadBatch(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
n = 0
n = 0
err = &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
err = &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if compatFreeBSD32 && ms[0].NN > 0 {
return n, err
return n, err
@ -154,6 +155,9 @@ func (c *packetHandler) ReadBatch(ms []Message, flags int) (int, error) {
n = 0
n = 0
err = &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
err = &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if compatFreeBSD32 && ms[0].NN > 0 {
return n, err
return n, err
@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ package ipv4
import "golang.org/x/net/internal/socket"
import "golang.org/x/net/internal/socket"
func setControlMessage(c *socket.Conn, opt *rawOpt, cf ControlFlags, on bool) error {
func setControlMessage(c *socket.Conn, opt *rawOpt, cf ControlFlags, on bool) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -4,13 +4,9 @@
package ipv4
package ipv4
import (
import "golang.org/x/net/internal/socket"
func setControlMessage(c *socket.Conn, opt *rawOpt, cf ControlFlags, on bool) error {
func setControlMessage(c *socket.Conn, opt *rawOpt, cf ControlFlags, on bool) error {
// TODO(mikio): implement this
// TODO(mikio): implement this
return syscall.EWINDOWS
return errNotImplemented
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) MulticastTTL() (int, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastTTL]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastTTL]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return 0, errOpNoSupport
return 0, errNotImplemented
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) SetMulticastTTL(ttl int) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastTTL]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastTTL]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, ttl)
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, ttl)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) MulticastInterface() (*net.Interface, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastInterface]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastInterface]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
return so.getMulticastInterface(c.Conn)
return so.getMulticastInterface(c.Conn)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) SetMulticastInterface(ifi *net.Interface) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastInterface]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastInterface]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.setMulticastInterface(c.Conn, ifi)
return so.setMulticastInterface(c.Conn, ifi)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) MulticastLoopback() (bool, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastLoopback]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastLoopback]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return false, errOpNoSupport
return false, errNotImplemented
on, err := so.GetInt(c.Conn)
on, err := so.GetInt(c.Conn)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) SetMulticastLoopback(on bool) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastLoopback]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoMulticastLoopback]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, boolint(on))
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, boolint(on))
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) JoinGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group net.Addr) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoJoinGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoJoinGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) LeaveGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group net.Addr) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoLeaveGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoLeaveGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) JoinSourceSpecificGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group, source net
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoJoinSourceGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoJoinSourceGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) LeaveSourceSpecificGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group, source ne
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoLeaveSourceGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoLeaveSourceGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) ExcludeSourceSpecificGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group, source
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoBlockSourceGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoBlockSourceGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) IncludeSourceSpecificGroup(ifi *net.Interface, group, source
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoUnblockSourceGroup]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoUnblockSourceGroup]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
grp := netAddrToIP4(group)
if grp == nil {
if grp == nil {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) ICMPFilter() (*ICMPFilter, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoICMPFilter]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoICMPFilter]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
return so.getICMPFilter(c.Conn)
return so.getICMPFilter(c.Conn)
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) SetICMPFilter(f *ICMPFilter) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoICMPFilter]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoICMPFilter]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.setICMPFilter(c.Conn, f)
return so.setICMPFilter(c.Conn, f)
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ func (c *dgramOpt) SetBPF(filter []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoAttachFilter]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoAttachFilter]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.setBPF(c.Conn, filter)
return so.setBPF(c.Conn, filter)
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
// LeaveSourceSpecificGroup for the operation known as "include" mode,
// LeaveSourceSpecificGroup for the operation known as "include" mode,
// ssmgroup := net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(232, 7, 8, 9)}
// ssmgroup := net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(232, 7, 8, 9)}
// ssmsource := net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 0, 1)})
// ssmsource := net.UDPAddr{IP: net.IPv4(192, 168, 0, 1)}
// if err := p.JoinSourceSpecificGroup(en0, &ssmgroup, &ssmsource); err != nil {
// if err := p.JoinSourceSpecificGroup(en0, &ssmgroup, &ssmsource); err != nil {
// // error handling
// // error handling
// }
// }
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func NewRawConn(c net.PacketConn) (*RawConn, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoHeaderPrepend]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoHeaderPrepend]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
if err := so.SetInt(r.dgramOpt.Conn, boolint(true)); err != nil {
if err := so.SetInt(r.dgramOpt.Conn, boolint(true)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ func (c *genericOpt) TOS() (int, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTOS]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTOS]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return 0, errOpNoSupport
return 0, errNotImplemented
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ func (c *genericOpt) SetTOS(tos int) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTOS]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTOS]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, tos)
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, tos)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func (c *genericOpt) TTL() (int, error) {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTTL]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTTL]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return 0, errOpNoSupport
return 0, errNotImplemented
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
return so.GetInt(c.Conn)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func (c *genericOpt) SetTTL(ttl int) error {
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTTL]
so, ok := sockOpts[ssoTTL]
if !ok {
if !ok {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, ttl)
return so.SetInt(c.Conn, ttl)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (h *Header) String() string {
// This may differ from the wire format, depending on the system.
// This may differ from the wire format, depending on the system.
func (h *Header) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
func (h *Header) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
if h == nil {
if h == nil {
return nil, errInvalidConn
return nil, errNilHeader
if h.Len < HeaderLen {
if h.Len < HeaderLen {
return nil, errHeaderTooShort
return nil, errHeaderTooShort
@ -107,12 +107,15 @@ func (h *Header) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
// local system.
// local system.
// This may differ from the wire format, depending on the system.
// This may differ from the wire format, depending on the system.
func (h *Header) Parse(b []byte) error {
func (h *Header) Parse(b []byte) error {
if h == nil || len(b) < HeaderLen {
if h == nil || b == nil {
return errNilHeader
if len(b) < HeaderLen {
return errHeaderTooShort
return errHeaderTooShort
hdrlen := int(b[0]&0x0f) << 2
hdrlen := int(b[0]&0x0f) << 2
if hdrlen > len(b) {
if len(b) < hdrlen {
return errBufferTooShort
return errExtHeaderTooShort
h.Version = int(b[0] >> 4)
h.Version = int(b[0] >> 4)
h.Len = hdrlen
h.Len = hdrlen
@ -7,23 +7,38 @@ package ipv4
import (
import (
var (
var (
errInvalidConn = errors.New("invalid connection")
errInvalidConn = errors.New("invalid connection")
errMissingAddress = errors.New("missing address")
errMissingAddress = errors.New("missing address")
errMissingHeader = errors.New("missing header")
errMissingHeader = errors.New("missing header")
errNilHeader = errors.New("nil header")
errHeaderTooShort = errors.New("header too short")
errHeaderTooShort = errors.New("header too short")
errBufferTooShort = errors.New("buffer too short")
errExtHeaderTooShort = errors.New("extension header too short")
errInvalidConnType = errors.New("invalid conn type")
errInvalidConnType = errors.New("invalid conn type")
errOpNoSupport = errors.New("operation not supported")
errNoSuchInterface = errors.New("no such interface")
errNoSuchInterface = errors.New("no such interface")
errNoSuchMulticastInterface = errors.New("no such multicast interface")
errNoSuchMulticastInterface = errors.New("no such multicast interface")
errNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented on " + runtime.GOOS + "/" + runtime.GOARCH)
// See http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/freebsd-versions.html.
// See http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/porters-handbook/freebsd-versions.html.
freebsdVersion uint32
freebsdVersion uint32
compatFreeBSD32 bool // 386 emulation on amd64
// See golang.org/issue/30899.
func adjustFreeBSD32(m *socket.Message) {
if freebsdVersion >= 1103000 {
l := (m.NN + 4 - 1) &^ (4 - 1)
if m.NN < l && l <= len(m.OOB) {
m.NN = l
func boolint(b bool) int {
func boolint(b bool) int {
if b {
if b {
return 1
return 1
@ -29,7 +29,35 @@ func (c *packetHandler) ReadFrom(b []byte) (h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMess
if !c.ok() {
if !c.ok() {
return nil, nil, nil, errInvalidConn
return nil, nil, nil, errInvalidConn
return c.readFrom(b)
m := socket.Message{
Buffers: [][]byte{b},
OOB: NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags),
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
var hs []byte
if hs, p, err = slicePacket(b[:m.N]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if h, err = ParseHeader(hs); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if m.NN > 0 {
if compatFreeBSD32 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err := cm.Parse(m.OOB[:m.NN]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if src, ok := m.Addr.(*net.IPAddr); ok && cm != nil {
cm.Src = src.IP
func slicePacket(b []byte) (h, p []byte, err error) {
func slicePacket(b []byte) (h, p []byte, err error) {
@ -64,5 +92,26 @@ func (c *packetHandler) WriteTo(h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMessage) error {
if !c.ok() {
if !c.ok() {
return errInvalidConn
return errInvalidConn
return c.writeTo(h, p, cm)
m := socket.Message{
OOB: cm.Marshal(),
wh, err := h.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
m.Buffers = [][]byte{wh, p}
dst := new(net.IPAddr)
if cm != nil {
if ip := cm.Dst.To4(); ip != nil {
dst.IP = ip
if dst.IP == nil {
dst.IP = h.Dst
m.Addr = dst
if err := c.SendMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Addr: opAddr(dst), Err: err}
return nil
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.9
package ipv4
import "net"
func (c *packetHandler) readFrom(b []byte) (h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMessage, err error) {
oob := NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags)
n, nn, _, src, err := c.ReadMsgIP(b, oob)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
var hs []byte
if hs, p, err = slicePacket(b[:n]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if h, err = ParseHeader(hs); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if nn > 0 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err := cm.Parse(oob[:nn]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
if src != nil && cm != nil {
cm.Src = src.IP
func (c *packetHandler) writeTo(h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMessage) error {
oob := cm.Marshal()
wh, err := h.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
dst := new(net.IPAddr)
if cm != nil {
if ip := cm.Dst.To4(); ip != nil {
dst.IP = ip
if dst.IP == nil {
dst.IP = h.Dst
wh = append(wh, p...)
_, _, err = c.WriteMsgIP(wh, oob, dst)
return err
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
package ipv4
import (
func (c *packetHandler) readFrom(b []byte) (h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMessage, err error) {
m := socket.Message{
Buffers: [][]byte{b},
OOB: NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags),
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
var hs []byte
if hs, p, err = slicePacket(b[:m.N]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if h, err = ParseHeader(hs); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if m.NN > 0 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err := cm.Parse(m.OOB[:m.NN]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if src, ok := m.Addr.(*net.IPAddr); ok && cm != nil {
cm.Src = src.IP
func (c *packetHandler) writeTo(h *Header, p []byte, cm *ControlMessage) error {
m := socket.Message{
OOB: cm.Marshal(),
wh, err := h.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return err
m.Buffers = [][]byte{wh, p}
dst := new(net.IPAddr)
if cm != nil {
if ip := cm.Dst.To4(); ip != nil {
dst.IP = ip
if dst.IP == nil {
dst.IP = h.Dst
m.Addr = dst
if err := c.SendMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.IPConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.IPConn.LocalAddr(), Addr: opAddr(dst), Err: err}
return nil
@ -6,7 +6,11 @@
package ipv4
package ipv4
import "net"
import (
// ReadFrom reads a payload of the received IPv4 datagram, from the
// ReadFrom reads a payload of the received IPv4 datagram, from the
// endpoint c, copying the payload into b. It returns the number of
// endpoint c, copying the payload into b. It returns the number of
@ -16,7 +20,45 @@ func (c *payloadHandler) ReadFrom(b []byte) (n int, cm *ControlMessage, src net.
if !c.ok() {
if !c.ok() {
return 0, nil, nil, errInvalidConn
return 0, nil, nil, errInvalidConn
return c.readFrom(b)
m := socket.Message{
OOB: NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags),
switch c.PacketConn.(type) {
case *net.UDPConn:
m.Buffers = [][]byte{b}
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
case *net.IPConn:
h := make([]byte, HeaderLen)
m.Buffers = [][]byte{h, b}
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
hdrlen := int(h[0]&0x0f) << 2
if hdrlen > len(h) {
d := hdrlen - len(h)
copy(b, b[d:])
m.N -= d
} else {
m.N -= hdrlen
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: errInvalidConnType}
if m.NN > 0 {
if compatFreeBSD32 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err := cm.Parse(m.OOB[:m.NN]); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
cm.Src = netAddrToIP4(m.Addr)
return m.N, cm, m.Addr, nil
// WriteTo writes a payload of the IPv4 datagram, to the destination
// WriteTo writes a payload of the IPv4 datagram, to the destination
@ -29,5 +71,14 @@ func (c *payloadHandler) WriteTo(b []byte, cm *ControlMessage, dst net.Addr) (n
if !c.ok() {
if !c.ok() {
return 0, errInvalidConn
return 0, errInvalidConn
return c.writeTo(b, cm, dst)
m := socket.Message{
Buffers: [][]byte{b},
OOB: cm.Marshal(),
Addr: dst,
err = c.SendMsg(&m, 0)
if err != nil {
err = &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Addr: opAddr(dst), Err: err}
return m.N, err
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.9
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
package ipv4
import "net"
func (c *payloadHandler) readFrom(b []byte) (n int, cm *ControlMessage, src net.Addr, err error) {
oob := NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags)
var nn int
switch c := c.PacketConn.(type) {
case *net.UDPConn:
if n, nn, _, src, err = c.ReadMsgUDP(b, oob); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
case *net.IPConn:
nb := make([]byte, maxHeaderLen+len(b))
if n, nn, _, src, err = c.ReadMsgIP(nb, oob); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
hdrlen := int(nb[0]&0x0f) << 2
copy(b, nb[hdrlen:])
n -= hdrlen
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.LocalAddr(), Err: errInvalidConnType}
if nn > 0 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err = cm.Parse(oob[:nn]); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
if cm != nil {
cm.Src = netAddrToIP4(src)
func (c *payloadHandler) writeTo(b []byte, cm *ControlMessage, dst net.Addr) (n int, err error) {
oob := cm.Marshal()
if dst == nil {
return 0, &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: errMissingAddress}
switch c := c.PacketConn.(type) {
case *net.UDPConn:
n, _, err = c.WriteMsgUDP(b, oob, dst.(*net.UDPAddr))
case *net.IPConn:
n, _, err = c.WriteMsgIP(b, oob, dst.(*net.IPAddr))
return 0, &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.LocalAddr(), Addr: opAddr(dst), Err: errInvalidConnType}
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.9
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
package ipv4
import (
func (c *payloadHandler) readFrom(b []byte) (int, *ControlMessage, net.Addr, error) {
m := socket.Message{
OOB: NewControlMessage(c.rawOpt.cflags),
switch c.PacketConn.(type) {
case *net.UDPConn:
m.Buffers = [][]byte{b}
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
case *net.IPConn:
h := make([]byte, HeaderLen)
m.Buffers = [][]byte{h, b}
if err := c.RecvMsg(&m, 0); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
hdrlen := int(h[0]&0x0f) << 2
if hdrlen > len(h) {
d := hdrlen - len(h)
copy(b, b[d:])
m.N -= d
} else {
m.N -= hdrlen
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: errInvalidConnType}
var cm *ControlMessage
if m.NN > 0 {
cm = new(ControlMessage)
if err := cm.Parse(m.OOB[:m.NN]); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, &net.OpError{Op: "read", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Err: err}
cm.Src = netAddrToIP4(m.Addr)
return m.N, cm, m.Addr, nil
func (c *payloadHandler) writeTo(b []byte, cm *ControlMessage, dst net.Addr) (int, error) {
m := socket.Message{
Buffers: [][]byte{b},
OOB: cm.Marshal(),
Addr: dst,
err := c.SendMsg(&m, 0)
if err != nil {
err = &net.OpError{Op: "write", Net: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr().Network(), Source: c.PacketConn.LocalAddr(), Addr: opAddr(dst), Err: err}
return m.N, err
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func (so *sockOpt) getICMPFilter(c *socket.Conn) (*ICMPFilter, error) {
return nil, err
return nil, err
if n != sizeofICMPFilter {
if n != sizeofICMPFilter {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
return (*ICMPFilter)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), nil
return (*ICMPFilter)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), nil
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func (so *sockOpt) setGroup(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) erro
case ssoTypeGroupReq:
case ssoTypeGroupReq:
return so.setGroupReq(c, ifi, grp)
return so.setGroupReq(c, ifi, grp)
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -14,29 +14,29 @@ import (
func (so *sockOpt) getMulticastInterface(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
func (so *sockOpt) getMulticastInterface(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setMulticastInterface(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setMulticastInterface(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) getICMPFilter(c *socket.Conn) (*ICMPFilter, error) {
func (so *sockOpt) getICMPFilter(c *socket.Conn) (*ICMPFilter, error) {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setICMPFilter(c *socket.Conn, f *ICMPFilter) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setICMPFilter(c *socket.Conn, f *ICMPFilter) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setGroup(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setGroup(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setSourceGroup(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp, src net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setSourceGroup(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp, src net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setBPF(c *socket.Conn, f []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setBPF(c *socket.Conn, f []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ import (
func (so *sockOpt) setIPMreq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setIPMreq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) getMulticastIf(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
func (so *sockOpt) getMulticastIf(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setMulticastIf(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setMulticastIf(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import (
func (so *sockOpt) getIPMreqn(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
func (so *sockOpt) getIPMreqn(c *socket.Conn) (*net.Interface, error) {
return nil, errOpNoSupport
return nil, errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setIPMreqn(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setIPMreqn(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ import (
func (so *sockOpt) setAttachFilter(c *socket.Conn, f []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setAttachFilter(c *socket.Conn, f []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func init() {
archs, _ := syscall.Sysctl("kern.supported_archs")
archs, _ := syscall.Sysctl("kern.supported_archs")
for _, s := range strings.Fields(archs) {
for _, s := range strings.Fields(archs) {
if s == "amd64" {
if s == "amd64" {
freebsd32o64 = true
compatFreeBSD32 = true
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import (
var freebsd32o64 bool
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
var gr groupReq
var gr groupReq
if ifi != nil {
if ifi != nil {
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ func (so *sockOpt) setGroupReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) e
var b []byte
var b []byte
if freebsd32o64 {
if compatFreeBSD32 {
var d [sizeofGroupReq + 4]byte
var d [sizeofGroupReq + 4]byte
s := (*[sizeofGroupReq]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&gr))
s := (*[sizeofGroupReq]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&gr))
copy(d[:4], s[:4])
copy(d[:4], s[:4])
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ func (so *sockOpt) setGroupSourceReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp, sr
gsr.setSourceGroup(grp, src)
gsr.setSourceGroup(grp, src)
var b []byte
var b []byte
if freebsd32o64 {
if compatFreeBSD32 {
var d [sizeofGroupSourceReq + 4]byte
var d [sizeofGroupSourceReq + 4]byte
s := (*[sizeofGroupSourceReq]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&gsr))
s := (*[sizeofGroupSourceReq]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&gsr))
copy(d[:4], s[:4])
copy(d[:4], s[:4])
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import (
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupSourceReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp, src net.IP) error {
func (so *sockOpt) setGroupSourceReq(c *socket.Conn, ifi *net.Interface, grp, src net.IP) error {
return errOpNoSupport
return errNotImplemented
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ To build the files for your current OS and architecture, make sure GOOS and
GOARCH are set correctly and run `mkall.sh`. This will generate the files for
GOARCH are set correctly and run `mkall.sh`. This will generate the files for
your specific system. Running `mkall.sh -n` shows the commands that will be run.
your specific system. Running `mkall.sh -n` shows the commands that will be run.
Requirements: bash, perl, go
Requirements: bash, go
### New Build System (currently for `GOOS == "linux"`)
### New Build System (currently for `GOOS == "linux"`)
@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ system and have your GOOS and GOARCH set accordingly. Running `mkall.sh` will
then generate all of the files for all of the GOOS/GOARCH pairs in the new build
then generate all of the files for all of the GOOS/GOARCH pairs in the new build
system. Running `mkall.sh -n` shows the commands that will be run.
system. Running `mkall.sh -n` shows the commands that will be run.
Requirements: bash, perl, go, docker
Requirements: bash, go, docker
## Component files
## Component files
This section describes the various files used in the code generation process.
This section describes the various files used in the code generation process.
It also contains instructions on how to modify these files to add a new
It also contains instructions on how to modify these files to add a new
architecture/OS or to add additional syscalls, types, or constants. Note that
architecture/OS or to add additional syscalls, types, or constants. Note that
if you are using the new build system, the scripts cannot be called normally.
if you are using the new build system, the scripts/programs cannot be called normally.
They must be called from within the docker container.
They must be called from within the docker container.
### asm files
### asm files
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ each GOOS/GOARCH pair.
### mksysnum
### mksysnum
Mksysnum is a script located at `${GOOS}/mksysnum.pl` (or `mksysnum_${GOOS}.pl`
Mksysnum is a Go program located at `${GOOS}/mksysnum.go` (or `mksysnum_${GOOS}.go`
for the old system). This script takes in a list of header files containing the
for the old system). This program takes in a list of header files containing the
syscall number declarations and parses them to produce the corresponding list of
syscall number declarations and parses them to produce the corresponding list of
Go numeric constants. See `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` for the generated
Go numeric constants. See `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` for the generated
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ new installation of the target OS (or updating the source checkouts for the
new build system). However, depending on the OS, you make need to update the
new build system). However, depending on the OS, you make need to update the
parsing in mksysnum.
parsing in mksysnum.
### mksyscall.pl
### mksyscall.go
The `syscall.go`, `syscall_${GOOS}.go`, `syscall_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` are
The `syscall.go`, `syscall_${GOOS}.go`, `syscall_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` are
hand-written Go files which implement system calls (for unix, the specific OS,
hand-written Go files which implement system calls (for unix, the specific OS,
or the specific OS/Architecture pair respectively) that need special handling
or the specific OS/Architecture pair respectively) that need special handling
and list `//sys` comments giving prototypes for ones that can be generated.
and list `//sys` comments giving prototypes for ones that can be generated.
The mksyscall.pl script takes the `//sys` and `//sysnb` comments and converts
The mksyscall.go program takes the `//sys` and `//sysnb` comments and converts
them into syscalls. This requires the name of the prototype in the comment to
them into syscalls. This requires the name of the prototype in the comment to
match a syscall number in the `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` file. The function
match a syscall number in the `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go` file. The function
prototype can be exported (capitalized) or not.
prototype can be exported (capitalized) or not.
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ signal numbers, and constants. Generated by `mkerrors.sh` (see above).
### `zsyscall_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go`
### `zsyscall_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go`
A file containing all the generated syscalls for a specific GOOS and GOARCH.
A file containing all the generated syscalls for a specific GOOS and GOARCH.
Generated by `mksyscall.pl` (see above).
Generated by `mksyscall.go` (see above).
### `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go`
### `zsysnum_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.go`
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ openbsd_arm)
mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char"
mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char"
mksyscall="go run mksyscall_solaris.go"
mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64"
mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64"
mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs"
mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs"
@ -207,8 +207,6 @@ esac
if [ -n "$mksysctl" ]; then echo "$mksysctl |gofmt >$zsysctl"; fi
if [ -n "$mksysctl" ]; then echo "$mksysctl |gofmt >$zsysctl"; fi
if [ -n "$mksysnum" ]; then echo "$mksysnum |gofmt >zsysnum_$GOOSARCH.go"; fi
if [ -n "$mksysnum" ]; then echo "$mksysnum |gofmt >zsysnum_$GOOSARCH.go"; fi
if [ -n "$mktypes" ]; then
if [ -n "$mktypes" ]; then echo "$mktypes types_$GOOS.go | go run mkpost.go > ztypes_$GOOSARCH.go"; fi
echo "$mktypes types_$GOOS.go | go run mkpost.go > ztypes_$GOOSARCH.go";
if [ -n "$mkasm" ]; then echo "$mkasm $GOARCH"; fi
if [ -n "$mkasm" ]; then echo "$mkasm $GOARCH"; fi
) | $run
) | $run
@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ struct ltchars {
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_addr.h>
#include <linux/if_addr.h>
#include <linux/falloc.h>
#include <linux/falloc.h>
#include <linux/fanotify.h>
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/kexec.h>
#include <linux/kexec.h>
@ -501,6 +502,7 @@ ccflags="$@"
$2 !~ "WMESGLEN" &&
$2 !~ "WMESGLEN" &&
$2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ ||
$2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ ||
$2 ~/^PPPIOC/ ||
$2 ~/^PPPIOC/ ||
$2 ~ /^FAN_|FANOTIFY_/ ||
$2 ~ /^BLK[A-Z]*(GET$|SET$|BUF$|PART$|SIZE)/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", $2, $2)}
$2 ~ /^BLK[A-Z]*(GET$|SET$|BUF$|PART$|SIZE)/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", $2, $2)}
$2 ~ /^__WCOREFLAG$/ {next}
$2 ~ /^__WCOREFLAG$/ {next}
$2 ~ /^__W[A-Z0-9]+$/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", substr($2,3), $2)}
$2 ~ /^__W[A-Z0-9]+$/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", substr($2,3), $2)}
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ func main() {
} else {
} else {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name))
} else if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" {
} else if (p.Type == "int64" || p.Type == "uint64") && endianness != "" {
if len(args)%2 == 1 && *arm {
if len(args)%2 == 1 && *arm {
// arm abi specifies 64-bit argument uses
// arm abi specifies 64-bit argument uses
// (even, odd) pair
// (even, odd) pair
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build ignore
This program reads a file containing function prototypes
(like syscall_solaris.go) and generates system call bodies.
The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys"
and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but:
* The parameter lists must give a name for each argument.
This includes return parameters.
* The parameter lists must give a type for each argument:
the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed.
* If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err.
* If go func name needs to be different than its libc name,
* or the function is not in libc, name could be specified
* at the end, after "=" sign, like
//sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val uintptr, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) = libsocket.getsockopt
package main
import (
var (
b32 = flag.Bool("b32", false, "32bit big-endian")
l32 = flag.Bool("l32", false, "32bit little-endian")
tags = flag.String("tags", "", "build tags")
// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments
func cmdLine() string {
return "go run mksyscall_solaris.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")
// buildTags returns build tags
func buildTags() string {
return *tags
// Param is function parameter
type Param struct {
Name string
Type string
// usage prints the program usage
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run mksyscall_solaris.go [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n")
// parseParamList parses parameter list and returns a slice of parameters
func parseParamList(list string) []string {
list = strings.TrimSpace(list)
if list == "" {
return []string{}
return regexp.MustCompile(`\s*,\s*`).Split(list, -1)
// parseParam splits a parameter into name and type
func parseParam(p string) Param {
ps := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S*) (\S*)$`).FindStringSubmatch(p)
if ps == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "malformed parameter: %s\n", p)
return Param{ps[1], ps[2]}
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage
if len(flag.Args()) <= 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n")
endianness := ""
if *b32 {
endianness = "big-endian"
} else if *l32 {
endianness = "little-endian"
pack := ""
text := ""
dynimports := ""
linknames := ""
var vars []string
for _, path := range flag.Args() {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error())
s := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for s.Scan() {
t := s.Text()
t = strings.TrimSpace(t)
t = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(t, ` `)
if p := regexp.MustCompile(`^package (\S+)$`).FindStringSubmatch(t); p != nil && pack == "" {
pack = p[1]
nonblock := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sysnb `).FindStringSubmatch(t)
if regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys `).FindStringSubmatch(t) == nil && nonblock == nil {
// Line must be of the form
// func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, err error)
// Split into name, in params, out params.
f := regexp.MustCompile(`^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*(?:(\w*)\.)?(\w*))?$`).FindStringSubmatch(t)
if f == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s:%s\nmalformed //sys declaration\n", path, t)
funct, inps, outps, modname, sysname := f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6]
// Split argument lists on comma.
in := parseParamList(inps)
out := parseParamList(outps)
inps = strings.Join(in, ", ")
outps = strings.Join(out, ", ")
// Try in vain to keep people from editing this file.
// The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file
// without reading the header.
// So file name.
if modname == "" {
modname = "libc"
// System call name.
if sysname == "" {
sysname = funct
// System call pointer variable name.
sysvarname := fmt.Sprintf("proc%s", sysname)
strconvfunc := "BytePtrFromString"
strconvtype := "*byte"
sysname = strings.ToLower(sysname) // All libc functions are lowercase.
// Runtime import of function to allow cross-platform builds.
dynimports += fmt.Sprintf("//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_%s %s \"%s.so\"\n", sysname, sysname, modname)
// Link symbol to proc address variable.
linknames += fmt.Sprintf("//go:linkname %s libc_%s\n", sysvarname, sysname)
// Library proc address variable.
vars = append(vars, sysvarname)
// Go function header.
outlist := strings.Join(out, ", ")
if outlist != "" {
outlist = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", outlist)
if text != "" {
text += "\n"
text += fmt.Sprintf("func %s(%s)%s {\n", funct, strings.Join(in, ", "), outlist)
// Check if err return available
errvar := ""
for _, param := range out {
p := parseParam(param)
if p.Type == "error" {
errvar = p.Name
// Prepare arguments to Syscall.
var args []string
n := 0
for _, param := range in {
p := parseParam(param)
if regexp.MustCompile(`^\*`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type) != nil {
args = append(args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer("+p.Name+"))")
} else if p.Type == "string" && errvar != "" {
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype)
text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, %s = %s(%s)\n", n, errvar, strconvfunc, p.Name)
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n", errvar)
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n))
} else if p.Type == "string" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, path+":"+funct+" uses string arguments, but has no error return\n")
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d %s\n", n, strconvtype)
text += fmt.Sprintf("\t_p%d, _ = %s(%s)\n", n, strconvfunc, p.Name)
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n))
} else if s := regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\](.*)`).FindStringSubmatch(p.Type); s != nil {
// Convert slice into pointer, length.
// Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0:
// pass nil in that case.
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d *%s\n", n, s[1])
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif len(%s) > 0 {\n\t\t_p%d = &%s[0]\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, p.Name)
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p%d))", n), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(len(%s))", p.Name))
} else if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" {
if endianness == "big-endian" {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name))
} else {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name), fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s>>32)", p.Name))
} else if p.Type == "bool" {
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tvar _p%d uint32\n", n)
text += fmt.Sprintf("\tif %s {\n\t\t_p%d = 1\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p%d = 0\n\t}\n", p.Name, n, n)
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(_p%d)", n))
} else {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", p.Name))
nargs := len(args)
// Determine which form to use; pad args with zeros.
asm := "sysvicall6"
if nonblock != nil {
asm = "rawSysvicall6"
if len(args) <= 6 {
for len(args) < 6 {
args = append(args, "0")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: too many arguments to system call\n", path)
// Actual call.
arglist := strings.Join(args, ", ")
call := fmt.Sprintf("%s(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&%s)), %d, %s)", asm, sysvarname, nargs, arglist)
// Assign return values.
body := ""
ret := []string{"_", "_", "_"}
doErrno := false
for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ {
p := parseParam(out[i])
reg := ""
if p.Name == "err" {
reg = "e1"
ret[2] = reg
doErrno = true
} else {
reg = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i)
ret[i] = reg
if p.Type == "bool" {
reg = fmt.Sprintf("%d != 0", reg)
if p.Type == "int64" && endianness != "" {
// 64-bit number in r1:r0 or r0:r1.
if i+2 > len(out) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: not enough registers for int64 return\n", path)
if endianness == "big-endian" {
reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i, i+1)
} else {
reg = fmt.Sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", i+1, i)
ret[i] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i)
ret[i+1] = fmt.Sprintf("r%d", i+1)
if reg != "e1" {
body += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s = %s(%s)\n", p.Name, p.Type, reg)
if ret[0] == "_" && ret[1] == "_" && ret[2] == "_" {
text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", call)
} else {
text += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s, %s, %s := %s\n", ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], call)
text += body
if doErrno {
text += "\tif e1 != 0 {\n"
text += "\t\terr = e1\n"
text += "\t}\n"
text += "\treturn\n"
text += "}\n"
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error())
imp := ""
if pack != "unix" {
imp = "import \"golang.org/x/sys/unix\"\n"
vardecls := "\t" + strings.Join(vars, ",\n\t")
vardecls += " syscallFunc"
fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), pack, imp, dynimports, linknames, vardecls, text)
const srcTemplate = `// %s
// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
// +build %s
package %s
import (
var (
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This program reads a file containing function prototypes
# (like syscall_solaris.go) and generates system call bodies.
# The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys"
# and read like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but:
# * The parameter lists must give a name for each argument.
# This includes return parameters.
# * The parameter lists must give a type for each argument:
# the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed.
# * If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err.
# * If go func name needs to be different than its libc name,
# * or the function is not in libc, name could be specified
# * at the end, after "=" sign, like
# //sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val uintptr, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) = libsocket.getsockopt
use strict;
my $cmdline = "mksyscall_solaris.pl " . join(' ', @ARGV);
my $errors = 0;
my $_32bit = "";
my $tags = ""; # build tags
binmode STDOUT;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-b32") {
$_32bit = "big-endian";
} elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-l32") {
$_32bit = "little-endian";
if($ARGV[0] eq "-tags") {
$tags = $ARGV[0];
if($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
print STDERR "usage: mksyscall_solaris.pl [-b32 | -l32] [-tags x,y] [file ...]\n";
exit 1;
sub parseparamlist($) {
my ($list) = @_;
$list =~ s/^\s*//;
$list =~ s/\s*$//;
if($list eq "") {
return ();
return split(/\s*,\s*/, $list);
sub parseparam($) {
my ($p) = @_;
if($p !~ /^(\S*) (\S*)$/) {
print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: malformed parameter: $p\n";
$errors = 1;
return ("xx", "int");
return ($1, $2);
my $package = "";
my $text = "";
my $dynimports = "";
my $linknames = "";
my @vars = ();
while(<>) {
s/\s+/ /g;
$package = $1 if !$package && /^package (\S+)$/;
my $nonblock = /^\/\/sysnb /;
next if !/^\/\/sys / && !$nonblock;
# Line must be of the form
# func Open(path string, mode int, perm int) (fd int, err error)
# Split into name, in params, out params.
if(!/^\/\/sys(nb)? (\w+)\(([^()]*)\)\s*(?:\(([^()]+)\))?\s*(?:=\s*(?:(\w*)\.)?(\w*))?$/) {
print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: malformed //sys declaration\n";
$errors = 1;
my ($nb, $func, $in, $out, $modname, $sysname) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
# Split argument lists on comma.
my @in = parseparamlist($in);
my @out = parseparamlist($out);
# Try in vain to keep people from editing this file.
# The theory is that they jump into the middle of the file
# without reading the header.
# So file name.
if($modname eq "") {
$modname = "libc";
# System call name.
if($sysname eq "") {
$sysname = "$func";
# System call pointer variable name.
my $sysvarname = "proc$sysname";
my $strconvfunc = "BytePtrFromString";
my $strconvtype = "*byte";
$sysname =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; # All libc functions are lowercase.
# Runtime import of function to allow cross-platform builds.
$dynimports .= "//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_${sysname} ${sysname} \"$modname.so\"\n";
# Link symbol to proc address variable.
$linknames .= "//go:linkname ${sysvarname} libc_${sysname}\n";
# Library proc address variable.
push @vars, $sysvarname;
# Go function header.
$out = join(', ', @out);
if($out ne "") {
$out = " ($out)";
if($text ne "") {
$text .= "\n"
$text .= sprintf "func %s(%s)%s {\n", $func, join(', ', @in), $out;
# Check if err return available
my $errvar = "";
foreach my $p (@out) {
my ($name, $type) = parseparam($p);
if($type eq "error") {
$errvar = $name;
# Prepare arguments to Syscall.
my @args = ();
my $n = 0;
foreach my $p (@in) {
my ($name, $type) = parseparam($p);
if($type =~ /^\*/) {
push @args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer($name))";
} elsif($type eq "string" && $errvar ne "") {
$text .= "\tvar _p$n $strconvtype\n";
$text .= "\t_p$n, $errvar = $strconvfunc($name)\n";
$text .= "\tif $errvar != nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n";
push @args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p$n))";
} elsif($type eq "string") {
print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: $func uses string arguments, but has no error return\n";
$text .= "\tvar _p$n $strconvtype\n";
$text .= "\t_p$n, _ = $strconvfunc($name)\n";
push @args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p$n))";
} elsif($type =~ /^\[\](.*)/) {
# Convert slice into pointer, length.
# Have to be careful not to take address of &a[0] if len == 0:
# pass nil in that case.
$text .= "\tvar _p$n *$1\n";
$text .= "\tif len($name) > 0 {\n\t\t_p$n = \&$name\[0]\n\t}\n";
push @args, "uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p$n))", "uintptr(len($name))";
} elsif($type eq "int64" && $_32bit ne "") {
if($_32bit eq "big-endian") {
push @args, "uintptr($name >> 32)", "uintptr($name)";
} else {
push @args, "uintptr($name)", "uintptr($name >> 32)";
} elsif($type eq "bool") {
$text .= "\tvar _p$n uint32\n";
$text .= "\tif $name {\n\t\t_p$n = 1\n\t} else {\n\t\t_p$n = 0\n\t}\n";
push @args, "uintptr(_p$n)";
} else {
push @args, "uintptr($name)";
my $nargs = @args;
# Determine which form to use; pad args with zeros.
my $asm = "sysvicall6";
if ($nonblock) {
$asm = "rawSysvicall6";
if(@args <= 6) {
while(@args < 6) {
push @args, "0";
} else {
print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: too many arguments to system call\n";
# Actual call.
my $args = join(', ', @args);
my $call = "$asm(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&$sysvarname)), $nargs, $args)";
# Assign return values.
my $body = "";
my $failexpr = "";
my @ret = ("_", "_", "_");
my @pout= ();
my $do_errno = 0;
for(my $i=0; $i<@out; $i++) {
my $p = $out[$i];
my ($name, $type) = parseparam($p);
my $reg = "";
if($name eq "err") {
$reg = "e1";
$ret[2] = $reg;
$do_errno = 1;
} else {
$reg = sprintf("r%d", $i);
$ret[$i] = $reg;
if($type eq "bool") {
$reg = "$reg != 0";
if($type eq "int64" && $_32bit ne "") {
# 64-bit number in r1:r0 or r0:r1.
if($i+2 > @out) {
print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: not enough registers for int64 return\n";
if($_32bit eq "big-endian") {
$reg = sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", $i, $i+1);
} else {
$reg = sprintf("int64(r%d)<<32 | int64(r%d)", $i+1, $i);
$ret[$i] = sprintf("r%d", $i);
$ret[$i+1] = sprintf("r%d", $i+1);
if($reg ne "e1") {
$body .= "\t$name = $type($reg)\n";
if ($ret[0] eq "_" && $ret[1] eq "_" && $ret[2] eq "_") {
$text .= "\t$call\n";
} else {
$text .= "\t$ret[0], $ret[1], $ret[2] := $call\n";
$text .= $body;
if ($do_errno) {
$text .= "\tif e1 != 0 {\n";
$text .= "\t\terr = e1\n";
$text .= "\t}\n";
$text .= "\treturn\n";
$text .= "}\n";
if($errors) {
exit 1;
print <<EOF;
// $cmdline
// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.
// +build $tags
package $package
import (
print "import \"golang.org/x/sys/unix\"\n" if $package ne "unix";
my $vardecls = "\t" . join(",\n\t", @vars);
$vardecls .= " syscallFunc";
var (
print $_;
exit 0;
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ func cmsgAlignOf(salen int) int {
if SizeofPtr == 8 {
if SizeofPtr == 8 {
salign = 4
salign = 4
case "openbsd":
case "netbsd", "openbsd":
// OpenBSD armv7 requires 64-bit alignment.
// NetBSD and OpenBSD armv7 require 64-bit alignment.
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" {
salign = 8
salign = 8
@ -545,3 +545,5 @@ func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) {
//sys gettimeofday(tv *Timeval, tzp *Timezone) (err error)
//sys gettimeofday(tv *Timeval, tzp *Timezone) (err error)
//sysnb Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error)
//sysnb Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error)
//sys Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) (err error)
//sys Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) (err error)
//sys Getsystemcfg(label int) (n uint64)
@ -144,6 +144,23 @@ func getAttrList(path string, attrList attrList, attrBuf []byte, options uint) (
//sys getattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error)
//sys getattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error)
func SysctlClockinfo(name string) (*Clockinfo, error) {
mib, err := sysctlmib(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n := uintptr(SizeofClockinfo)
var ci Clockinfo
if err := sysctl(mib, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ci)), &n, nil, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
if n != SizeofClockinfo {
return nil, EIO
return &ci, nil
//sysnb pipe() (r int, w int, err error)
//sysnb pipe() (r int, w int, err error)
func Pipe(p []int) (err error) {
func Pipe(p []int) (err error) {
@ -39,6 +39,20 @@ func Creat(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) {
return Open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, mode)
return Open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, mode)
//sys FanotifyInit(flags uint, event_f_flags uint) (fd int, err error)
//sys fanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname *byte) (err error)
func FanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname string) (err error) {
if pathname == "" {
return fanotifyMark(fd, flags, mask, dirFd, nil)
p, err := BytePtrFromString(pathname)
if err != nil {
return err
return fanotifyMark(fd, flags, mask, dirFd, p)
//sys fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error)
//sys fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error)
func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) {
func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) {
@ -990,10 +1004,50 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) {
return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil
return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil
func GetsockoptTpacketStats(fd, level, opt int) (*TpacketStats, error) {
var value TpacketStats
vallen := _Socklen(SizeofTpacketStats)
err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen)
return &value, err
func GetsockoptTpacketStatsV3(fd, level, opt int) (*TpacketStatsV3, error) {
var value TpacketStatsV3
vallen := _Socklen(SizeofTpacketStatsV3)
err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen)
return &value, err
func SetsockoptIPMreqn(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreqn) (err error) {
func SetsockoptIPMreqn(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreqn) (err error) {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), unsafe.Sizeof(*mreq))
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), unsafe.Sizeof(*mreq))
func SetsockoptPacketMreq(fd, level, opt int, mreq *PacketMreq) error {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), unsafe.Sizeof(*mreq))
// SetsockoptSockFprog attaches a classic BPF or an extended BPF program to a
// socket to filter incoming packets. See 'man 7 socket' for usage information.
func SetsockoptSockFprog(fd, level, opt int, fprog *SockFprog) error {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(fprog), unsafe.Sizeof(*fprog))
func SetsockoptCanRawFilter(fd, level, opt int, filter []CanFilter) error {
var p unsafe.Pointer
if len(filter) > 0 {
p = unsafe.Pointer(&filter[0])
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, p, uintptr(len(filter)*SizeofCanFilter))
func SetsockoptTpacketReq(fd, level, opt int, tp *TpacketReq) error {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tp), unsafe.Sizeof(*tp))
func SetsockoptTpacketReq3(fd, level, opt int, tp *TpacketReq3) error {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tp), unsafe.Sizeof(*tp))
// Keyctl Commands (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/keyctl.2.html)
// Keyctl Commands (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/keyctl.2.html)
// KeyctlInt calls keyctl commands in which each argument is an int.
// KeyctlInt calls keyctl commands in which each argument is an int.
@ -19,12 +19,18 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval {
return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)}
return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)}
//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error)
func Pipe(p []int) (err error) {
func Pipe(p []int) (err error) {
if len(p) != 2 {
if len(p) != 2 {
return EINVAL
return EINVAL
var pp [2]_C_int
var pp [2]_C_int
// Try pipe2 first for Android O, then try pipe for kernel 2.6.23.
err = pipe2(&pp, 0)
err = pipe2(&pp, 0)
if err == ENOSYS {
err = pipe(&pp)
p[0] = int(pp[0])
p[0] = int(pp[0])
p[1] = int(pp[1])
p[1] = int(pp[1])
@ -208,3 +208,16 @@ func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) {
return ppoll(&fds[0], len(fds), ts, nil)
return ppoll(&fds[0], len(fds), ts, nil)
//sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error)
func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error {
cmdlineLen := len(cmdline)
if cmdlineLen > 0 {
// Account for the additional NULL byte added by
// BytePtrFromString in kexecFileLoad. The kexec_file_load
// syscall expects a NULL-terminated string.
return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags)
@ -211,3 +211,16 @@ func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) {
func Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) {
func Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) {
return Renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, 0)
return Renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, 0)
//sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error)
func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error {
cmdlineLen := len(cmdline)
if cmdlineLen > 0 {
// Account for the additional NULL byte added by
// BytePtrFromString in kexecFileLoad. The kexec_file_load
// syscall expects a NULL-terminated string.
return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags)
@ -43,6 +43,23 @@ func nametomib(name string) (mib []_C_int, err error) {
return nil, EINVAL
return nil, EINVAL
func SysctlClockinfo(name string) (*Clockinfo, error) {
mib, err := sysctlmib(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n := uintptr(SizeofClockinfo)
var ci Clockinfo
if err := sysctl(mib, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ci)), &n, nil, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
if n != SizeofClockinfo {
return nil, EIO
return &ci, nil
func SysctlUvmexp(name string) (*Uvmexp, error) {
func SysctlUvmexp(name string) (*Uvmexp, error) {
mib, err := sysctlmib(name)
mib, err := sysctlmib(name)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ var (
errENOENT error = syscall.ENOENT
errENOENT error = syscall.ENOENT
var (
signalNameMapOnce sync.Once
signalNameMap map[string]syscall.Signal
// errnoErr returns common boxed Errno values, to prevent
// errnoErr returns common boxed Errno values, to prevent
// allocations at runtime.
// allocations at runtime.
func errnoErr(e syscall.Errno) error {
func errnoErr(e syscall.Errno) error {
@ -66,6 +71,19 @@ func SignalName(s syscall.Signal) string {
return ""
return ""
// SignalNum returns the syscall.Signal for signal named s,
// or 0 if a signal with such name is not found.
// The signal name should start with "SIG".
func SignalNum(s string) syscall.Signal {
signalNameMapOnce.Do(func() {
signalNameMap = make(map[string]syscall.Signal)
for _, signal := range signalList {
signalNameMap[signal.name] = signal.num
return signalNameMap[s]
// clen returns the index of the first NULL byte in n or len(n) if n contains no NULL byte.
// clen returns the index of the first NULL byte in n or len(n) if n contains no NULL byte.
func clen(n []byte) int {
func clen(n []byte) int {
i := bytes.IndexByte(n, 0)
i := bytes.IndexByte(n, 0)
@ -276,6 +294,13 @@ func GetsockoptTimeval(fd, level, opt int) (*Timeval, error) {
return &tv, err
return &tv, err
func GetsockoptUint64(fd, level, opt int) (value uint64, err error) {
var n uint64
vallen := _Socklen(8)
err = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&n), &vallen)
return n, err
func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) {
func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) {
var rsa RawSockaddrAny
var rsa RawSockaddrAny
var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny
var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny
@ -333,6 +358,10 @@ func SetsockoptTimeval(fd, level, opt int, tv *Timeval) (err error) {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tv), unsafe.Sizeof(*tv))
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tv), unsafe.Sizeof(*tv))
func SetsockoptUint64(fd, level, opt int, value uint64) (err error) {
return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), 8)
func Socket(domain, typ, proto int) (fd int, err error) {
func Socket(domain, typ, proto int) (fd int, err error) {
if domain == AF_INET6 && SocketDisableIPv6 {
if domain == AF_INET6 && SocketDisableIPv6 {
@ -377,3 +406,22 @@ func SetNonblock(fd int, nonblocking bool) (err error) {
func Exec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) error {
func Exec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) error {
return syscall.Exec(argv0, argv, envv)
return syscall.Exec(argv0, argv, envv)
// Lutimes sets the access and modification times tv on path. If path refers to
// a symlink, it is not dereferenced and the timestamps are set on the symlink.
// If tv is nil, the access and modification times are set to the current time.
// Otherwise tv must contain exactly 2 elements, with access time as the first
// element and modification time as the second element.
func Lutimes(path string, tv []Timeval) error {
if tv == nil {
return UtimesNanoAt(AT_FDCWD, path, nil, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
if len(tv) != 2 {
return EINVAL
ts := []Timespec{
return UtimesNanoAt(AT_FDCWD, path, ts, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)
@ -275,3 +275,9 @@ const (
// uname
// uname
type Utsname C.struct_utsname
type Utsname C.struct_utsname
// Clockinfo
const SizeofClockinfo = C.sizeof_struct_clockinfo
type Clockinfo C.struct_clockinfo
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