changed fields for disk write and read data of S.M.A.R.T, Signed-off-by: Bernd Mueller <> (#1235)

Signed-off-by: Bernd Müller <>
Bernd Müller 2019-07-24 17:46:50 +02:00 committed by Ben Kochie
parent 443072dfc3
commit d2be72be4a
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ parse_smartctl_scsi_attributes() {
case "${attr_type}" in
number_of_hours_powered_up_) power_on="$(echo "${attr_value}" | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Current_Drive_Temperature) temp_cel="$(echo ${attr_value} | cut -f1 -d' ' | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Blocks_read_from_cache_and_sent_to_initiator_) lbas_read="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Blocks_sent_to_initiator_) lbas_read="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Blocks_received_from_initiator_) lbas_written="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Accumulated_start-stop_cycles) power_cycle="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
Elements_in_grown_defect_list) grown_defects="$(echo ${attr_value} | awk '{ printf "%e\n", $1 }')" ;;
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ parse_smartctl_scsi_attributes() {
[ ! -z "$power_on" ] && echo "power_on_hours_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"9\"} ${power_on}"
[ ! -z "$temp_cel" ] && echo "temperature_celsius_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"194\"} ${temp_cel}"
[ ! -z "$lbas_read" ] && echo "total_lbas_read_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"242\"} ${lbas_read}"
[ ! -z "$lbas_written" ] && echo "total_lbas_written_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"242\"} ${lbas_written}"
[ ! -z "$power_cycle" ] && echo "power_cycle_count_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"12\"} ${power_cycle}"
[ ! -z "$grown_defects" ] && echo "grown_defects_count_raw_value{${labels},smart_id=\"12\"} ${grown_defects}"