collector/netdev_*: Add detailed interface stats
On Linux, we get more detailed interface statistics from netlink than we did from `/proc/net/dev`. This commit adds a new flag (`--collector.netdev.enable-detailed-metrics`) to expose those statistics under new (incompatible) metric names. When enabled, the metric names are also changed on Darwin and BSD platforms to keep everything consistent, but it doesn't provide more detailed statistics on those platforms. The old metrics can be derived from the new ones using the following rules ([dev_seq_printf_stats]): - `receive_errs` = `receive_errors` - `receive_drop` = `receive_dropped` + `receive_missed_errors` - `receive_fifo` = `receive_fifo_errors` - `receive_frame` = `receive_length_errors` + `receive_over_errors` + `receive_crc_errors` + `receive_frame_errors` - `receive_multicast` = `multicast` - `transmit_errs` = `transmit_errors` - `transmit_drop` = `transmit_dropped` - `transmit_fifo` = `transmit_fifo_errors` - `transmit_colls` = `collisions` - `transmit_carrier` = `transmit_aborted_errors` + `transmit_carrier_errors` + `transmit_heartbeat_errors` + `transmit_window_errors` [dev_seq_printf_stats]: Signed-off-by: Benoît Knecht <>pull/2074/head
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ func getNetDevStats(filter *deviceFilter, logger log.Logger) (netDevStats, error
netDev[dev] = map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": uint64(data.ifi_ipackets),
"transmit_packets": uint64(data.ifi_opackets),
"receive_errs": uint64(data.ifi_ierrors),
"transmit_errs": uint64(data.ifi_oerrors),
"receive_bytes": uint64(data.ifi_ibytes),
"transmit_bytes": uint64(data.ifi_obytes),
"receive_errors": uint64(data.ifi_ierrors),
"transmit_errors": uint64(data.ifi_oerrors),
"receive_dropped": uint64(data.ifi_iqdrops),
"transmit_dropped": uint64(data.ifi_oqdrops),
"receive_multicast": uint64(data.ifi_imcasts),
"transmit_multicast": uint64(data.ifi_omcasts),
"receive_drop": uint64(data.ifi_iqdrops),
"transmit_drop": uint64(data.ifi_oqdrops),
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ var (
netdevDeviceExclude = kingpin.Flag("collector.netdev.device-exclude", "Regexp of net devices to exclude (mutually exclusive to device-include).").String()
oldNetdevDeviceExclude = kingpin.Flag("collector.netdev.device-blacklist", "DEPRECATED: Use collector.netdev.device-exclude").Hidden().String()
netdevAddressInfo = kingpin.Flag("collector.netdev.address-info", "Collect address-info for every device").Bool()
netdevDetailedMetrics = kingpin.Flag("collector.netdev.enable-detailed-metrics", "Use (incompatible) metric names that provide more detailed stats on Linux").Bool()
type netDevCollector struct {
@ -114,6 +115,9 @@ func (c *netDevCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) error {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get netstats: %w", err)
for dev, devStats := range netDev {
if !*netdevDetailedMetrics {
for key, value := range devStats {
desc := c.metricDesc(key)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.CounterValue, float64(value), dev)
@ -184,3 +188,54 @@ func getAddrsInfo(interfaces []net.Interface) []addrInfo {
return res
func legacy(metrics map[string]uint64) {
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "receive_errors"); ok {
metrics["receive_errs"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "receive_dropped"); ok {
metrics["receive_drop"] = metric + popz(metrics, "receive_missed_errors")
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "receive_fifo_errors"); ok {
metrics["receive_fifo"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "receive_frame_errors"); ok {
metrics["receive_frame"] = metric + popz(metrics, "receive_length_errors") + popz(metrics, "receive_over_errors") + popz(metrics, "receive_crc_errors")
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "multicast"); ok {
metrics["receive_multicast"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "transmit_errors"); ok {
metrics["transmit_errs"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "transmit_dropped"); ok {
metrics["transmit_drop"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "transmit_fifo_errors"); ok {
metrics["transmit_fifo"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "multicast"); ok {
metrics["receive_multicast"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "collisions"); ok {
metrics["transmit_colls"] = metric
if metric, ok := pop(metrics, "transmit_carrier_errors"); ok {
metrics["transmit_carrier"] = metric + popz(metrics, "transmit_aborted_errors") + popz(metrics, "transmit_heartbeat_errors") + popz(metrics, "transmit_window_errors")
func pop(m map[string]uint64, key string) (uint64, bool) {
value, ok := m[key]
delete(m, key)
return value, ok
func popz(m map[string]uint64, key string) uint64 {
if value, ok := m[key]; ok {
delete(m, key)
return value
return 0
@ -50,12 +50,15 @@ func getNetDevStats(filter *deviceFilter, logger log.Logger) (netDevStats, error
netDev[iface.Name] = map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": ifaceData.Data.Ipackets,
"transmit_packets": ifaceData.Data.Opackets,
"receive_errs": ifaceData.Data.Ierrors,
"transmit_errs": ifaceData.Data.Oerrors,
"receive_bytes": ifaceData.Data.Ibytes,
"transmit_bytes": ifaceData.Data.Obytes,
"receive_errors": ifaceData.Data.Ierrors,
"transmit_errors": ifaceData.Data.Oerrors,
"receive_dropped": ifaceData.Data.Iqdrops,
"receive_multicast": ifaceData.Data.Imcasts,
"transmit_multicast": ifaceData.Data.Omcasts,
"collisions": ifaceData.Data.Collisions,
"noproto": ifaceData.Data.Noproto,
@ -87,6 +90,7 @@ type ifMsghdr2 struct {
Data ifData64
type ifData64 struct {
Type uint8
Typelen uint8
@ -51,24 +51,37 @@ func netlinkStats(links []rtnetlink.LinkMessage, filter *deviceFilter, logger lo
metrics[name] = map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": stats.RXPackets,
"transmit_packets": stats.TXPackets,
"receive_bytes": stats.RXBytes,
"transmit_bytes": stats.TXBytes,
"receive_errs": stats.RXErrors,
"transmit_errs": stats.TXErrors,
"receive_drop": stats.RXDropped + stats.RXMissedErrors,
"transmit_drop": stats.TXDropped,
"receive_multicast": stats.Multicast,
"transmit_colls": stats.Collisions,
"receive_frame": stats.RXLengthErrors + stats.RXOverErrors + stats.RXCRCErrors + stats.RXFrameErrors,
"receive_fifo": stats.RXFIFOErrors,
"transmit_carrier": stats.TXAbortedErrors + stats.TXCarrierErrors + stats.TXHeartbeatErrors + stats.TXWindowErrors,
"transmit_fifo": stats.TXFIFOErrors,
"receive_errors": stats.RXErrors,
"transmit_errors": stats.TXErrors,
"receive_dropped": stats.RXDropped,
"transmit_dropped": stats.TXDropped,
"multicast": stats.Multicast,
"collisions": stats.Collisions,
// detailed rx_errors
"receive_length_errors": stats.RXLengthErrors,
"receive_over_errors": stats.RXOverErrors,
"receive_crc_errors": stats.RXCRCErrors,
"receive_frame_errors": stats.RXFrameErrors,
"receive_fifo_errors": stats.RXFIFOErrors,
"receive_missed_errors": stats.RXMissedErrors,
// detailed tx_errors
"transmit_aborted_errors": stats.TXAbortedErrors,
"transmit_carrier_errors": stats.TXCarrierErrors,
"transmit_fifo_errors": stats.TXFIFOErrors,
"transmit_heartbeat_errors": stats.TXHeartbeatErrors,
"transmit_window_errors": stats.TXWindowErrors,
// for cslip etc
"receive_compressed": stats.RXCompressed,
"transmit_compressed": stats.TXCompressed,
"receive_nohandler": stats.RXNoHandler,
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func TestNetDevStatsIgnore(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("want fixture interface ibr10:30 to exist, but it does not")
if want, got := uint64(72), netStats["💩0"]["receive_multicast"]; want != got {
if want, got := uint64(72), netStats["💩0"]["multicast"]; want != got {
t.Error("want fixture interface 💩0 to exist, but it does not")
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ func TestNetDevStatsAccept(t *testing.T) {
if want, got := 1, len(netStats); want != got {
t.Errorf("want count of devices to be %d, got %d", want, got)
if want, got := uint64(72), netStats["💩0"]["receive_multicast"]; want != got {
if want, got := uint64(72), netStats["💩0"]["multicast"]; want != got {
t.Error("want fixture interface 💩0 to exist, but it does not")
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ func TestNetDevLegacyMetricNames(t *testing.T) {
netStats := netlinkStats(links, &filter, log.NewNopLogger())
for dev, devStats := range netStats {
for _, name := range expected {
if _, ok := devStats[name]; !ok {
t.Errorf("metric %s should be defined on interface %s", name, dev)
@ -265,6 +266,8 @@ func TestNetDevLegacyMetricValues(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("expected stats for interface enp0s0f0")
for name, want := range expected {
got, ok := metrics[name]
if !ok {
@ -276,3 +279,60 @@ func TestNetDevLegacyMetricValues(t *testing.T) {
func TestNetDevMetricValues(t *testing.T) {
filter := newDeviceFilter("", "")
netStats := netlinkStats(links, &filter, log.NewNopLogger())
for _, msg := range links {
device := msg.Attributes.Name
stats := msg.Attributes.Stats64
expected := map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": stats.RXPackets,
"transmit_packets": stats.TXPackets,
"receive_bytes": stats.RXBytes,
"transmit_bytes": stats.TXBytes,
"receive_errors": stats.RXErrors,
"transmit_errors": stats.TXErrors,
"receive_dropped": stats.RXDropped,
"transmit_dropped": stats.TXDropped,
"multicast": stats.Multicast,
"collisions": stats.Collisions,
// detailed rx_errors
"receive_length_errors": stats.RXLengthErrors,
"receive_over_errors": stats.RXOverErrors,
"receive_crc_errors": stats.RXCRCErrors,
"receive_frame_errors": stats.RXFrameErrors,
"receive_fifo_errors": stats.RXFIFOErrors,
"receive_missed_errors": stats.RXMissedErrors,
// detailed tx_errors
"transmit_aborted_errors": stats.TXAbortedErrors,
"transmit_carrier_errors": stats.TXCarrierErrors,
"transmit_fifo_errors": stats.TXFIFOErrors,
"transmit_heartbeat_errors": stats.TXHeartbeatErrors,
"transmit_window_errors": stats.TXWindowErrors,
// for cslip etc
"receive_compressed": stats.RXCompressed,
"transmit_compressed": stats.TXCompressed,
"receive_nohandler": stats.RXNoHandler,
for name, want := range expected {
devStats, ok := netStats[device]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("expected stats for interface %s", device)
got, ok := devStats[name]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("metric %s should be defined on interface %s", name, device)
if want != got {
t.Errorf("want %s %d, got %d", name, want, got)
@ -53,16 +53,20 @@ func getNetDevStats(filter *deviceFilter, logger log.Logger) (netDevStats, error
data := (*C.struct_if_data)(ifa.ifa_data)
netDev[dev] = map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": uint64(data.ifi_ipackets),
"transmit_packets": uint64(data.ifi_opackets),
"receive_errs": uint64(data.ifi_ierrors),
"transmit_errs": uint64(data.ifi_oerrors),
"receive_bytes": uint64(data.ifi_ibytes),
"transmit_bytes": uint64(data.ifi_obytes),
"receive_errors": uint64(data.ifi_ierrors),
"transmit_errors": uint64(data.ifi_oerrors),
"receive_dropped": uint64(data.ifi_iqdrops),
"transmit_dropped": uint64(data.ifi_oqdrops),
"receive_multicast": uint64(data.ifi_imcasts),
"transmit_multicast": uint64(data.ifi_omcasts),
"receive_drop": uint64(data.ifi_iqdrops),
"collisions": uint64(data.ifi_collisions),
"noproto": uint64(data.ifi_noproto),
@ -58,16 +58,20 @@ func getNetDevStats(filter *deviceFilter, logger log.Logger) (netDevStats, error
netDev[dev] = map[string]uint64{
"receive_packets": data.Ipackets,
"transmit_packets": data.Opackets,
"receive_errs": data.Ierrors,
"transmit_errs": data.Oerrors,
"receive_bytes": data.Ibytes,
"transmit_bytes": data.Obytes,
"receive_errors": data.Ierrors,
"transmit_errors": data.Oerrors,
"receive_dropped": data.Iqdrops,
"transmit_dropped": data.Oqdrops,
"receive_multicast": data.Imcasts,
"transmit_multicast": data.Omcasts,
"receive_drop": data.Iqdrops,
"collisions": data.Collisions,
"noproto": data.Noproto,
return netDev, nil
Reference in New Issue