ipvs | Exposes IPVS status from `/proc/net/ip_vs` and stats from `/proc/net/ip_vs_stats`. | Linux
ksmd | Exposes kernel and system statistics from `/sys/kernel/mm/ksm`. | Linux
logind | Exposes session counts from [logind](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind/). | Linux
megacli | Exposes RAID statistics from MegaCLI. | Linux
meminfo_numa | Exposes memory statistics from `/proc/meminfo_numa`. | Linux
meminfo\_numa | Exposes memory statistics from `/proc/meminfo_numa`. | Linux
mountstats | Exposes filesystem statistics from `/proc/self/mountstats`. Exposes detailed NFS client statistics. | Linux
nfs | Exposes NFS client statistics from `/proc/net/rpc/nfs`. This is the same information as `nfsstat -c`. | Linux
ntp | Exposes time drift from an NTP server. | _any_
runit | Exposes service status from [runit](http://smarden.org/runit/). | _any_
supervisord | Exposes service status from [supervisord](http://supervisord.org/). | _any_
systemd | Exposes service and system status from [systemd](http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/). | Linux
tcpstat | Exposes TCP connection status information from `/proc/net/tcp` and `/proc/net/tcp6`. (Warning: the current version has potential performance issues in high load situations.) | Linux
### Deprecated
*These collectors will be (re)moved in the future.*
Name | Description | OS
gmond | Exposes statistics from Ganglia. | _any_
megacli | Exposes RAID statistics from MegaCLI. | Linux
ntp | Exposes time drift from an NTP server. | _any_
### Textfile Collector
The textfile collector is similar to the [Pushgateway](https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway),