2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
# Copyright 2018 The Prometheus Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A common Makefile that includes rules to be reused in different prometheus projects.
# !!! Open PRs only against the prometheus/prometheus/Makefile.common repository!
# Example usage :
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
# Create the main Makefile in the root project directory.
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
# include Makefile.common
# customTarget:
# @echo ">> Running customTarget"
# Ensure GOBIN is not set during build so that promu is installed to the correct path
u n export GOBIN
GO ?= go
GOFMT ?= $( GO) fmt
FIRST_GOPATH := $( firstword $( subst :, ,$( shell $( GO) env GOPATH) ) )
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
2019-01-04 15:58:53 +00:00
GOHOSTOS ?= $( shell $( GO) env GOHOSTOS)
GOHOSTARCH ?= $( shell $( GO) env GOHOSTARCH)
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
GO_VERSION ?= $( shell $( GO) version)
GO_VERSION_NUMBER ?= $( word 3, $( GO_VERSION) )
PRE_GO_111 ?= $( shell echo $( GO_VERSION_NUMBER) | grep -E 'go1\.(10|[0-9])\.' )
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
PROMU := $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin/promu
pkgs = ./...
2018-12-13 15:07:22 +00:00
i f e q ( a r m , $( GOHOSTARCH ) )
GOHOSTARM ?= $( shell GOARM = $( GO) env GOARM)
e l s e
e n d i f
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
GOTEST := $( GO) test
i f n e q ( $( CIRCLE_JOB ) , )
i f n e q ( $( shell which gotestsum ) , )
GOTEST_DIR := test-results
GOTEST := gotestsum --junitfile $( GOTEST_DIR) /unit-tests.xml --
e n d i f
e n d i f
2022-12-12 17:48:37 +00:00
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
PROMU_URL := https://github.com/prometheus/promu/releases/download/v$( PROMU_VERSION) /promu-$( PROMU_VERSION) .$( GO_BUILD_PLATFORM) .tar.gz
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
2022-09-24 07:16:43 +00:00
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
2019-05-07 04:38:46 +00:00
2022-09-24 07:16:43 +00:00
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
# golangci-lint only supports linux, darwin and windows platforms on i386/amd64.
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
# windows isn't included here because of the path separator being different.
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
i f e q ( $( GOHOSTOS ) , $( filter $ ( GOHOSTOS ) ,linux darwin ) )
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
ifeq ( $( GOHOSTARCH) ,$( filter $( GOHOSTARCH) ,amd64 i386) )
2021-09-12 14:28:38 +00:00
# If we're in CI and there is an Actions file, that means the linter
# is being run in Actions, so we don't need to run it here.
2022-09-24 07:16:43 +00:00
ifneq ( ,$( SKIP_GOLANGCI_LINT) )
else ifeq ( ,$( CIRCLE_JOB) )
2021-09-12 14:28:38 +00:00
GOLANGCI_LINT := $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin/golangci-lint
else ifeq ( ,$( wildcard .github/workflows/golangci-lint.yml) )
GOLANGCI_LINT := $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin/golangci-lint
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
e n d i f
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
PREFIX ?= $( shell pwd )
BIN_DIR ?= $( shell pwd )
DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG ?= $( subst /,-,$( shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) )
2019-06-24 11:01:45 +00:00
DOCKERFILE_PATH ?= ./Dockerfile
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS = $( addprefix common-docker-,$( DOCKER_ARCHS) )
PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS = $( addprefix common-docker-publish-,$( DOCKER_ARCHS) )
TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS = $( addprefix common-docker-tag-latest-,$( DOCKER_ARCHS) )
2019-01-04 15:58:53 +00:00
i f e q ( $( GOHOSTARCH ) , a m d 6 4 )
ifeq ( $( GOHOSTOS) ,$( filter $( GOHOSTOS) ,linux freebsd darwin windows) )
# Only supported on amd64
test-flags := -race
e n d i f
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
# This rule is used to forward a target like "build" to "common-build". This
# allows a new "build" target to be defined in a Makefile which includes this
# one and override "common-build" without override warnings.
% : common -% ;
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
.PHONY : common -all
2021-07-09 00:01:37 +00:00
common-all : precheck style check_license lint yamllint unused build test
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -style
common-style :
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> checking code style"
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
@fmtRes= $$ ( $( GOFMT) -d $$ ( find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name '*.go' -print) ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ {fmtRes} " ] ; then \
echo "gofmt checking failed!" ; echo " $$ {fmtRes} " ; echo; \
echo " Please ensure you are using $$ ( $( GO) version) for formatting code. " ; \
exit 1; \
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -check_license
common-check_license :
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> checking license header"
@licRes= $$ ( for file in $$ ( find . -type f -iname '*.go' ! -path './vendor/*' ) ; do \
awk 'NR<=3' $$ file | grep -Eq "(Copyright|generated|GENERATED)" || echo $$ file; \
done ) ; \
if [ -n " $$ {licRes} " ] ; then \
echo "license header checking failed:" ; echo " $$ {licRes} " ; \
exit 1; \
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
.PHONY : common -deps
common-deps :
@echo ">> getting dependencies"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) mod download
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
.PHONY : update -go -deps
update-go-deps :
@echo ">> updating Go dependencies"
@for m in $$ ( $( GO) list -mod= readonly -m -f '{{ if and (not .Indirect) (not .Main)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' all) ; do \
2021-10-23 08:29:48 +00:00
$( GO) get -d $$ m; \
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) mod tidy
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -test -short
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
common-test-short : $( GOTEST_DIR )
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> running short tests"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GOTEST) -short $( GOOPTS) $( pkgs)
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -test
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
common-test : $( GOTEST_DIR )
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> running all tests"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GOTEST) $( test-flags) $( GOOPTS) $( pkgs)
Release 1.0.0
* The netdev collector CLI argument `--collector.netdev.ignored-devices` was renamed to `--collector.netdev.device-blacklist` in order to conform with the systemd collector. #1279
* The label named `state` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total` metrics was changed to `name` to better describe the metric. #1393
* Refactoring of the mdadm collector changes several metrics
- `node_md_disks_active` is removed
- `node_md_disks` now has a `state` label for "fail", "spare", "active" disks.
- `node_md_is_active` is replaced by `node_md_state` with a state set of "active", "inactive", "recovering", "resync".
* Additional label `mountaddr` added to NFS device metrics to distinguish mounts from the same URL, but different IP addresses. #1417
* Metrics node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hrts and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hrts of the cpufreq collector were renamed to node_cpu_scaling_frequency_min_hertz and node_cpu_scaling_frequency_max_hertz. #1510
* Collectors that are enabled, but are unable to find data to collect, now return 0 for `node_scrape_collector_success`.
* [CHANGE] Add `--collector.netdev.device-whitelist`. #1279
* [CHANGE] Ignore iso9600 filesystem on Linux #1355
* [CHANGE] Refactor mdadm collector #1403
* [CHANGE] Add `mountaddr` label to NFS metrics. #1417
* [CHANGE] Don't count empty collectors as success. #1613
* [FEATURE] New flag to disable default collectors #1276
* [FEATURE] Add experimental TLS support #1277, #1687, #1695
* [FEATURE] Add collector for Power Supply Class #1280
* [FEATURE] Add new schedstat collector #1389
* [FEATURE] Add FreeBSD zfs support #1394
* [FEATURE] Add uname support for Darwin and OpenBSD #1433
* [FEATURE] Add new metric node_cpu_info #1489
* [FEATURE] Add new thermal_zone collector #1425
* [FEATURE] Add new cooling_device metrics to thermal zone collector #1445
* [FEATURE] Add swap usage on darwin #1508
* [FEATURE] Add Btrfs collector #1512
* [FEATURE] Add RAPL collector #1523
* [FEATURE] Add new softnet collector #1576
* [FEATURE] Add new udp_queues collector #1503
* [FEATURE] Add basic authentication #1673
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log pid when there is a problem reading the process stats #1341
* [ENHANCEMENT] Collect InfiniBand port state and physical state #1357
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include additional XFS runtime statistics. #1423
* [ENHANCEMENT] Report non-fatal collection errors in the exporter metric. #1439
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose IPVS firewall mark as a label #1455
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add check for systemd version before attempting to query certain metrics. #1413
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a flag to adjust mount timeout #1486
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add new counters for flush requests in Linux 5.5 #1548
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics and tests for UDP receive and send buffer errors #1534
* [ENHANCEMENT] The sockstat collector now exposes IPv6 statistics in addition to the existing IPv4 support. #1552
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add infiniband info metric #1563
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add unix socket support for supervisord collector #1592
* [ENHANCEMENT] Implement loadavg on all BSDs without cgo #1584
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add model_name and stepping to node_cpu_info metric #1617
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `--collector.perf.cpus` to allow setting the CPU list for perf stats. #1561
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics for IO errors and retires on Darwin. #1636
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add perf tracepoint collection flag #1664
* [ENHANCEMENT] ZFS: read contents of objset file #1632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Linux CPU: Cache CPU metrics to make them monotonically increasing #1711
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/net files with a single read syscall #1380
* [BUGFIX] Renamed label `state` to `name` on `node_systemd_service_restart_total`. #1393
* [BUGFIX] Fix netdev nil reference on Darwin #1414
* [BUGFIX] Strip path.rootfs from mountpoint labels #1421
* [BUGFIX] Fix seconds reported by schedstat #1426
* [BUGFIX] Fix empty string in path.rootfs #1464
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in cpufreq metric names #1510
* [BUGFIX] Read /proc/stat in one syscall #1538
* [BUGFIX] Fix OpenBSD cache memory information #1542
* [BUGFIX] Refactor textfile collector to avoid looping defer #1549
* [BUGFIX] Fix network speed math #1580
* [BUGFIX] collector/systemd: use regexp to extract systemd version #1647
* [BUGFIX] Fix initialization in perf collector when using multiple CPUs #1665
* [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally empty lines in meminfo_linux #1671
Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
2020-05-25 12:03:04 +00:00
@mkdir -p $@
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -format
common-format :
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> formatting code"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) fmt $( pkgs)
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -vet
common-vet :
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> vetting code"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) vet $( GOOPTS) $( pkgs)
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
.PHONY : common -lint
common-lint : $( GOLANGCI_LINT )
i f d e f G O L A N G C I _ L I N T
@echo ">> running golangci-lint"
2019-01-04 15:58:53 +00:00
# 'go list' needs to be executed before staticcheck to prepopulate the modules cache.
# Otherwise staticcheck might fail randomly for some reason not yet explained.
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) list -e -compiled -test= true -export= false -deps= true -find= false -tags= -- ./... > /dev/null
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
e n d i f
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2021-07-09 00:01:37 +00:00
.PHONY : common -yamllint
common-yamllint :
@echo ">> running yamllint on all YAML files in the repository"
i f e q ( , $( shell which yamllint ) )
@echo "yamllint not installed so skipping"
e l s e
yamllint .
e n d i f
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
# For backward-compatibility.
.PHONY : common -staticcheck
common-staticcheck : lint
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -unused
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
common-unused :
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
@echo ">> running check for unused/missing packages in go.mod"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( GO) mod tidy
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
@git diff --exit-code -- go.sum go.mod
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -build
common-build : promu
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> building binaries"
2022-06-13 22:19:23 +00:00
$( PROMU) build --prefix $( PREFIX) $( PROMU_BINARIES)
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : common -tarball
common-tarball : promu
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
@echo ">> building release tarball"
$( PROMU) tarball --prefix $( PREFIX) $( BIN_DIR)
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
.PHONY : common -docker $( BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS )
common-docker : $( BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS )
$(BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS) : common -docker -%:
docker build -t " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) " \
2019-06-24 11:01:45 +00:00
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
--build-arg ARCH = " $* " \
--build-arg OS = "linux" \
2019-06-24 11:01:45 +00:00
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
.PHONY : common -docker -publish $( PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS )
common-docker-publish : $( PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS )
$(PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS) : common -docker -publish -%:
docker push " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) "
2021-01-25 00:04:34 +00:00
DOCKER_MAJOR_VERSION_TAG = $( firstword $( subst ., ,$( shell cat VERSION) ) )
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
.PHONY : common -docker -tag -latest $( TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS )
common-docker-tag-latest : $( TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS )
$(TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS) : common -docker -tag -latest -%:
docker tag " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) " " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* :latest "
2021-01-25 00:04:34 +00:00
docker tag " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) " " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux- $* :v $( DOCKER_MAJOR_VERSION_TAG) "
2019-04-15 15:36:25 +00:00
.PHONY : common -docker -manifest
common-docker-manifest :
DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL = enabled docker manifest create -a " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) " $( foreach ARCH,$( DOCKER_ARCHS) ,$( DOCKER_REPO) /$( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -linux-$( ARCH) :$( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) )
DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL = enabled docker manifest push " $( DOCKER_REPO) / $( DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) : $( DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) "
2018-07-23 07:38:39 +00:00
.PHONY : promu
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
promu : $( PROMU )
$(PROMU) :
$( eval PROMU_TMP := $( shell mktemp -d) )
curl -s -L $( PROMU_URL) | tar -xvzf - -C $( PROMU_TMP)
mkdir -p $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin
cp $( PROMU_TMP) /promu-$( PROMU_VERSION) .$( GO_BUILD_PLATFORM) /promu $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin/promu
rm -r $( PROMU_TMP)
.PHONY : proto
proto :
@echo ">> generating code from proto files"
2018-05-24 21:31:48 +00:00
2019-04-25 08:53:48 +00:00
i f d e f G O L A N G C I _ L I N T
2019-01-04 15:58:53 +00:00
mkdir -p $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin
2019-06-23 06:37:40 +00:00
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/$( GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION) /install.sh \
| sed -e '/install -d/d' \
| sh -s -- -b $( FIRST_GOPATH) /bin $( GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION)
2019-03-25 11:47:57 +00:00
e n d i f
2018-11-30 13:01:20 +00:00
.PHONY : precheck
precheck ::
d e f i n e PRECHECK_COMMAND_template =
precheck :: $( 1) _precheck
PRECHECK_COMMAND_$(1) ?= $( 1) $$ ( strip $$ ( PRECHECK_OPTIONS_$( 1) ) )
.PHONY : $( 1) _precheck
$(1)_precheck :
@if ! $$ ( PRECHECK_COMMAND_$( 1) ) 1>/dev/null 2>& 1; then \
echo " Execution of ' $$ (PRECHECK_COMMAND_ $( 1) )' command failed. Is $( 1) installed? " ; \
exit 1; \
e n d e f